What are some plant types?

What are some plant types

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Page 1: What are some plant types

What are some plant


Page 2: What are some plant types


To divide into groups things that are alike.

Page 3: What are some plant types

Trees and grassesBuckeye tree

- Broad leaves, fanlike leaves.- Green in spring, change color and fall during the fall.- Trees like buckeye are called deciduous trees.

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Pine tree

- Narrow, needlelike leaves.- Green all year- Trees with needles are called evergreens.

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Palm tree

- Fond, Look like many leaves joined together.

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Turf Bamboo


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Plant structure





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Plants can be classified according to their:

STEMS(Some plants have)

Soft stems Woody stems- Green and flexible (bend without breaking)

- Covered in bark and will not bend easily.

- Covered with thin skin. - Can be very thick.

- Do not grow very tall. - Can grow very tall.

- Leaves and flowers grow out of soft stems.

- Have scars where twigs and fruits have fallen off.

Ex. Lilly, tulips, daisies and dandelions. Ex. Rhododendron, trees and rose bush.

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Soft stemsWoody stems

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Soft stem examples

Lilly Tulip Daisies

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Woody stem examples

Rose bushRhododendron Trees

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Plants can be classified according to:

Growth of branches

Branches growing from a straight trunk

Large branches growing from

main trunk

Branches growing out of

each otherEx. Pine tree Ex. Oak Tree Ex. Barberry

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Plants can be classified as:

Vascular plants

Non-Vascular plants

Page 15: What are some plant types

Roots: takes water and nutrients

from the soil.

Leaves: takes

sunlight, air, water and nutrients

and makes the plants

food (photosynthesi


Stem: takes water and nutrients from the roots and sends it to the leaves.


Vascular plants(Have tubes)

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Non- Vascular plants

(without vessels)

Non vascular plants grow close to the ground to absorb water

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When non-vascular plants are dry they look like:

Dry sponge

Non-vascular plants are absorb water like:
