Week 16 Gottesman and Shields

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  • 1. Complete the worksheet

2. www.jamiesflipped.co.uk @jamiesflipped 3. Learning Objectives By the end of this lesson you: Must be able to evaluate (AO2) the Gottesman and Shields study. Must be able to describe (AO1) and evaluate (AO2) twin studies as a method in psychology. 4. StrengthWeakness 5. Conversion Task (from Venn) Evaluate the Gottesman and Shields study [8] 20 minutes 6. Must be able to evaluate (AO2) the Gottesman and Shields study. Must be able to describe (AO1) and evaluate (AO2) twin studies as a method in psychology. 7. www.jamiesflipped.co.uk @jamiesflipped 8. Complete the worksheet 9. Learning Objectives By the end of this lesson you: Must be able to evaluate (AO2) the Gottesman and Shields study. Should be able to apply the a biological study to a 12 mark question. 10. Describing a STUDY A Aim what was the aim of the study? What theory is the study trying to support?P Procedure What? How? Where? When? Who?R Results what did they find (numbers!) C Conclusions what does this mean? How do the results support the aim? 11. Evaluating a STUDY What is the issue? Describe the issue. Why is it an issue in psychology? Why is this an issue in this study MUST useMethodology, Sample, Controls, Design, Type of Data Collected, Generalisability, Ecological Validity, Reliability, Validity.examples from the study!So what? Therefore / However / FurthermoreAt least four issues 2 12. General Tips: STUDY Questions Ensure you have APRC in the description. Ensure you have at least 4 issues in the evaluation. Use paragraph breaks to show the different parts (description / each evaluation point). Always give a So What? comment at the end of each evaluation point. Dont use generic points LINK to study. 13. 12 Mark Study Question Describe and evaluate the Gottesman and Shields* study. OR Describe and evaluate the Money study. [12 marks] 30 minutes *this is not a named study so cannot be asked explicitly. 14. Must be able to evaluate (AO2) the Gottesman and Shields study. Should be able to apply the a biological study to a 12 mark question. 15. www.jamiesflipped.co.uk @jamiesflipped