to spend every day together with our classmates. Those were like our formative years, years that honed our skills, strengthened our souls, and enhanced our personalities in preparation for the outside world beyond the walls of the Mendiola campus. Tel. No. (632) 735-5986 FB page: www.facebook.com/CHSAlumniFoundation FB group: www.facebook.com/groups/chsaf APRIL 2016 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 l How Golden are Reunions? 2 l From your Alumnae Board 4 l Know your Alumnae Board 5 l News HS-66 Launches Veritas Project, Tales of Imagination 6 l Alumnae Join Pilgrimage and Spiritual Retreat 8 l My Journey as a Doula 9 l Teresa Torado Hoffman at the NASA Armstrong Research Center in California 10| Remembering Thelma … 11 l The JeriCHS and the Mission 13| Gallery 16| An Invitation to a Beautiful Afternoon of Music 17| The CHSM Corp. – Holy Spirit Alumni Management Corp. Partnershiip FAQs 19| Advertisements 20 l E-mail Connection 22 l Into Eternal Life, Prayer Corner, Congratulations to… together” after 50 years has been quite appropriately defined as GOLDEN! When we left school, especially high school, we were full of hope and anticipation of what is to come ... apprehensive of our fates and destinies. We left behind the security of having our “barkada” around every day, studying together, partying together, and getting in trouble together. Those days were FUN days. 50 years have changed all of us inevitably and expectedly ... our looks, our philosophies in life, our attitudes, and most of all our state in life. A good majority of us have gotten married, had children, and now have grandchildren for whom they do “APO”stolate work. Yes, a lot have happened to our lives. Some have had more successes than others, in business, in their careers, and in their family lives. But the great and wonderful thing about reunions is that there is something concrete and identifiable as the BOND we all once shared and, I truly believe, that is what makes reunions GOLDEN. Golden is pegged for 50, but I would like to think that every reunion is GOLDEN, regardless of the year count. Why? Reminiscing our years together brings back precious memories that can never be erased. Being in school forced us How are Reunions? REALLY … How often, over the years, do we see people, besides family, who were a major part of our lives? Very rarely do friends stay in touch after graduation from high school or university. At the time of parting, we had mixed emotions. We knew our life will proceed without the people we spent nearly all our days with in school. Though excited about what is about to unfold in our lives, we were saddened that the bond we had nurtured carefully with dear friends will suffer and inevitably be broken somehow. Then came the reunions. Some people hate reunions. Lines have found their way to our previously unblemished faces, and aches and pains are undeniably present with constant moans and groans synchronized with movement. Some are scared that friendship once shared has turned to indifference and camaraderie has dwindled to plain “hi’s” and “hello’s”. Although the minority might think reunions are a waste of time, it has been proven and tested through time (at least, for me) that reunions have deeper spiritual essence and fulfillment. How does separation of 50 years affect people? I do believe that “coming Continued to page 7

We the alumnae april 2016

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Page 1: We the alumnae april 2016

to spend every day together withour classmates. Those were like ourformative years, years that honedour skills, strengthened our souls,and enhanced our personalities inpreparation for the outside worldbeyond the walls of the Mendiolacampus.

Tel. No. (632) 735-5986

FB page: www.facebook.com/CHSAlumniFoundation

FB group: www.facebook.com/groups/chsaf

APRIL 2016


1 l How Golden are Reunions?

2 l From your Alumnae Board

4 l Know your Alumnae Board

5 l News HS-66 Launches Veritas

Project, Tales of Imagination

6 l Alumnae Join Pilgrimage and

Spiritual Retreat

8 l My Journey as a Doula

9 l Teresa Torado Hoffman at the

NASA Armstrong Research

Center in California

10| Remembering Thelma …

11 l The JeriCHS and the Mission

13| Gallery

16| An Invitation to a Beautiful

Afternoon of Music

17| The CHSM Corp. – Holy Spirit

Alumni Management Corp.

Partnershiip FAQs

19| Advertisements

20 l E-mail Connection

22 l Into Eternal Life, Prayer Corner,

Congratulations to…

together” after 50 years has been quiteappropriately defined as GOLDEN! Whenwe left school, especially high school, wewere full of hope and anticipation of whatis to come ... apprehensive of our fates anddestinies. We left behind the security ofhaving our “barkada” around every day,studying together, partying together, andgetting in trouble together. Those dayswere FUN days. 50 years have changed allof us inevitably and expectedly ... ourlooks, our philosophies in life, ourattitudes, and most of all our state in life. Agood majority of us have gotten married,had children, and now have grandchildrenfor whom they do “APO”stolate work. Yes,a lot have happened to our lives. Somehave had more successes than others, inbusiness, in their careers, and in theirfamily lives. But the great and wonderfulthing about reunions is that there issomething concrete and identifiable as theBOND we all once shared and, I trulybelieve, that is what makes reunionsGOLDEN. Golden is pegged for 50, but Iwould like to think that every reunion isGOLDEN, regardless of the year count.

Why? Reminiscing our years togetherbrings back precious memories that cannever be erased. Being in school forced us

How are Reunions?

REALLY … How often, over the years, do

we see people, besides family, who were amajor part of our lives? Very rarely dofriends stay in touch after graduation fromhigh school or university. At the time ofparting, we had mixed emotions. We knewour life will proceed without the people wespent nearly all our days with in school.Though excited about what is about tounfold in our lives, we were saddened thatthe bond we had nurtured carefully withdear friends will suffer and inevitably bebroken somehow.

Then came the reunions. Some peoplehate reunions. Lines have found their wayto our previously unblemished faces, andaches and pains are undeniably presentwith constant moans and groanssynchronized with movement. Some arescared that friendship once shared hasturned to indifference and camaraderie hasdwindled to plain “hi’s” and “hello’s”.Although the minority might think reunionsare a waste of time, it has been proven andtested through time (at least, for me) thatreunions have deeper spiritual essence andfulfillment.

How does separation of 50 years affectpeople? I do believe that “coming

Continued to page 7

Page 2: We the alumnae april 2016






Daisy Villasis-MontesaHS-68/BSChem-73


Teresa G. SolimanBSC-72


Rosemarie Miranda-LimHS-74


Ma. Luz E. GabrielHS-66


Ma. Edwina S. MeilyHS-79/BSBio-83


Clara Jean Fadul-ArceHS-74


Ma. Corazon Mendoza-AkolBSPhys-69


Remedios S. DizonHS-63

Mildred Duero-RomeroBSC-81

Natalia P. FranciscoHS-62

Amparo Aliño-VargasHS-70/BSChem-75

Gladys Huang-SoHS-67

Imelda Lopez-SantosHS-69

Ma. Almira Tolosa-DuremdesHS-71/AB-75

Cora Ylagan-EvangelistaAB-63


Maria Theresa Abeleda-LlaveHS-73


Sr. Eden Panganiban, S.Sp.S.AB/BSE-71

Warmest Greetings from your CHSAF board!

We are very happy and pleased to be at yourservice as your board whose functions, amongmany other functions, are to promote thespirit of understanding, unity, mutual concern,and support among alumnae and to assist theschool in achieving its goal of providing qualityeducation and meeting its institutionalobjectives. When I first joined the CHSAFboard in 2013 we were busy with theCentennial celebration. I thought that theboard members were there just to planhomecoming activities and projects andevents and to raise funds. At that time andwhen I became a part-time AssociateProfessor in CHSM, I heard teachers andstudents saying that the college is closing in2015 and that the campus is open for sale tointerested and able buyers like ourneighboring schools in Mendiola. Everyonewas disappointed and saddened, confused bythe uncertainty of this news which neverstopped reverberating.

After our regular board meeting on April 12,2014 an emergency meeting was held todiscuss the actual status of CHSM. During thattime, the board was informed that the HolySpirit sisters because of their aging anddiminishing population can no longer manageand administer CHSM. Because there is adwindling number of lay people enteringvocation, the sisters need to consolidate theirefforts and resources where they are mostneeded, and administering and managingCHSM is not a priority.

With the solid support of board members, acore group was formed to look more closelyinto the plans and sincere intention of CHSAFto take over the ownership andadministration of the school as our way ofcontinuing the school’s legacy and creativelyresponding to the call of the Spirit in thesetimes. A Letter of Intent was submitted to theS.Sp.S. by the core group and later a proposal.

Message from the PresidentDaisy Villasis-Montesa

HS-68/ BSChem-73

The core group worked days and nights,and shed sweat and tears to come upwith a proposal to manage CHSM. Afterabout 2 years of hard work andsleepless nights and unending meetings,the proposal was accepted and acontract was drawn between the S.Sp.S.congregation and the CHSAF core groupfor the establishment of the AlumniManagement Corporation (AMC).

The AMC will look into factors,circumstances, and challenges pertainingto the future of CHSM and work hard toplan for CHSM to make it a competitiveinstitution that will imbue students withChristian values and extendopportunities for a good Catholiceducation to marginal students.

Now we are looking at CHSM under themanagement of AMC. The CHSAF boardwill work hand in hand with AMC andgive AMC its full support as we lookforward to the next century of our CHSMhistory. Let us go beyond our usualparticipation in homecomings, bingosocials, and other activities and look formore opportunities to help AMC as itworks for the future of CHSM.

I am glad that I am called to participateduring this important time in the historyof our alma mater. Please join all of us inthis opportunity to give back to ourbeloved alma mater what we hadreceived from her. Let us give our time,treasure, and talent. May our giving andsharing capacity be enhanced by theinspiration and courage that the HolySpirit continuously showers us with.

Spirit ablaze!

Page 3: We the alumnae april 2016


I am known among family and

friends as someone who starts,nurtures, and grows successfulbusinesses based on gut feel. Afterobtaining my BS Architecture degreefrom UP Diliman in 1974, Iestablished various businesses thatare still profitable to date. I venturedinto the IT business. Before my

Imelda Lopez-Santos (HS-69)

retirement, I built Rosemont Gardens, a wedding venueoverlooking Taal Lake. For all these blessings, I pay my duesto the Lord God by serving as church organist and choirmember. I was the pro bono Project Architect of a crypt andchapel renovation project which earned millions for ourparish. My ultimate dream is to see my six granddaughters intheir beige and white uniforms at the College of the HolySpirit, South of Manila – the future CHS-SOMA.

Ma. Luz E. Gabriel (HS-72/BSC-76)

My nickname is Dolly, and I am

proud to be a CHSian. I come from afamily of CHSians, from the long lineof Gabriels who were students orteachers/professors in theelementary, high school, and collegelevels.

At present, I am with PhilippineAirlines as Manager of Aircraft LeaseAdministration/ Corporate Finance.

I handle aircraft acquisition and am part of the aircraft deliveryteam. I also handle aircraft lease related matters.

In spite of my busy work schedule, I am active in CHSAFactivities and most always find myself present in homecomingevents.

Now as a board member and an officer of CHSAF, I hope to domy best and work with CHSAF and all towards achieving themission and objectives of my dear alma mater.

Know your CHSAF Alumnae Board

While I represent multinational companies as a member oftheir board of directors and as Corporate Secretary, doingcorporate housekeeping for them, I consider myself still awork in progress. I await the unfolding of what God has instore for me, hoping to touch as many lives as possible. I amresilient and do not easily give up. In between work andfamily, I set aside time to attend weekly spiritual formationin my parish and likewise allot a weekly communal prayer forpetitions and prayer requests.

I finished Economics at CHSM. I

credit my values, attributes, and myidentity as a lawyer to my CHSeducation. I integrate prayer ineverything I do and seek balance inmy life. I lift up to God my dailychallenges as I was taught to do asthen member of Student CatholicAction and Vocation Circle during myCHS days.

Mildred Duero-Romero (BSC-81)


In late elementary, I had

experiences that would constantlybe my companion in my journeythrough life. My struggles then hada built-in ability to turn on the bulbof wisdom when I needed it. Myparents were on the verge ofseparating, the country was gettinginto martial rule, and I was justabout to embrace the advent of

Ma. Edwina S. Meily (HS-79/BSBio-83)

adolescence. It was my first day to enter the GuidanceCenter. In an instant, it became my second home. Ourteacher in religion, Sr Mary Stephen,S.Sp.S., who broughtme to the most dreaded place in campus, was the epitomeof kindness, compassion, and care. I heard it in hervoice. She lulled me into peace and calm. The Sisters’dedication to the Mission is the mark of CHSM. I felt it.Though it was not the perfect school, the Mission stayedwith me and accompanied me throughout my life’sjourney.


Page 4: We the alumnae april 2016

Know your CHSAF Alumnae Board

I have sat in the board of variousassociations and affiliations and decided to sit this year on theCHSAF board to contribute in whatever way I can to the well-being of the school that molded me to what I am today.

I belong to the closely knit and travel-

happy batch of high school class ’62and worked in the hotel and travelindustry since graduating from college.Although semi-retired, I still go to ourfamily run travel agency business,Mango Tours and Travel, Inc., locatedin Makati.

Natalia P. Francisco (HS-62)

How did one prepare for the

complexities of the outsideworld – hippies, LSD, free love –the environment in SanFrancisco in the late ‘60s? Withdeep faith, hard work, disciplineand, above all, integrity learnedfrom home and school.

Remedios S. Dizon (HS-63)

Coming from a Visayan motherwho exemplified drive and hard work, and a Pampangofather blessed with serenity and faith in God’s plan, Icovered the middle ground – calm and out of thelimelight, but with intensity to burn for the right cause.

Most important accomplishment? That is still a work inprogress!


Induction of the new CHSAF Board for 2016-2017. From L-R: Maria Theresa Abeleda-Llave, Imelda Lopez-Santos,Ma. Luz E. Gabriel, Ma. Edwina S. Meily, Daisy Villasis-Montesa, Natalia P. Francisco, Mildred Duero-Romero, Ma.Corazon Mendoza-Akol, Gladys Huang-So, Teresa G. Soliman, Corazon Ylagan, Evangelista and Remedios S. Dizon


Page 5: We the alumnae april 2016

Tales Beyond Imagination, the 2016Fine Arts Interior Design GraduationExhibit Opening on February 28, 2016.

The S.Sp.S. nuns led by Provincial Leader Sr.Carmelita Victoria, S.Sp.S. came in full supportof the project. CHSM President Dr. JesusaMarco and Exhibit Adviser Ms. Rosalie Chengled the school delegation that attended theaffair.

The Fine Arts Interior Design 2016 graduatingclass renovated the 4 pre-school areas of theHospicio de San Jose, a Catholic welfareinstitution that takes care of Manila’s “poorand unwanted children”, the physically andmentally handicapped, and aging people.

The VERITAS Project, the Legacy Gift ofCHS HS Class’66, was launched onHomecoming Day in February 2016.VERITAS, which stands for ValuesEducation Renewal…Inspiring Truth,Awakening Spirituality, is a unified five-year program of values formation forteachers of Holy Spirit Schoolsanchored on Trinitarian Spirituality.

The class was inspired by the GIFT OFVALUES as their way of sharing theblessings of their CHS education withfuture generations of Holy Spiritalumnae.

By reaching out to teachers asinstruments of the gift, the VERITASProject seeks to multiply the benefits ofvalues-education a hundred fold. Thevalues that the teachers will impart totheir students will last beyond the lifeof the Holy Spirit schools as institutions.


A VERITAS Fund has been set up byClass ‘66 to support the project. TheFund will support the fees of expertsin values-based curriculum designand assessment, the development ofinstructional materials, and teacher’straining in the use and application ofthese tools. Class ’66 continues toraise funds to enable the project tofully realize its objectives over a five-year period. An impact assessment ofthe Project will be done in 2021 tovalidate the results. We hope that therest of the alumnae can join us inmaking this project truly a gift thatcontinues to give.

For detailed information on theVERITAS Project, and how you can beinvolved, email Carol de los Santos-Guina (HS Class ‘66) [email protected].

Specifically, the Project will promotethe renewal of values education asthe centerpiece of facultydevelopment in Holy Spirit Schools. Itwill focus on the development ofteachers as (i) an individual; (ii) aprofessional; and (iii) as a Christian.

HS Class ’66 is partnering with sixHoly Spirit Schools in the design andimplementation of the Program,namely – College of the Holy Spirit,Manila; School of the Holy Spirit, BFQuezon City; Holy Spirit School,Cubao, Quezon City; College of theHoly Spirit, Tarlac; Holy SpiritAcademy, Irosin; and Holy SpiritAcademy, Malolos, Bulacan. Followingthe bottoms-up approach, twoworkshops have been held so far withthe Principals and FormationCoordinators of these schools toformulate jointly the approach anddesign of the VERITAS Project.

HS Class ’66 Launches VERITAS PROJECT as its LEGACY GIFT


By Irene Yatco (HS-66)



Page 6: We the alumnae april 2016

Sacdalan (HS-63/ABC- HS-63/ABC-68), Med de Jesus(BSC-67), Yola Manding-Albano (HS-68), Deanna Go Bio(AB-58/BSC-59).

The group visited the following churches in Laguna - St.Anthony de Padua in Pila, Our Lady of Guadalupe inLumban, St John the Baptist in Liliw; and, in Batangas,the St. Padre Pio Shrine. This was followed by a full dayof spiritual renewal with Fr. Dennis Paez, SDB, at the St.Scholastica’s Center for Spirituality in Tagaytay. On theway back to Manila, the group passed by the PinkSisters Convent and the Good Shepherd BahayPastulan.

Since no trip with ladies is complete without somebonding and shopping, these were squeezed on the busrides, at lunch at Arabiata and shopping in Liliw, andmore shopping in Tagaytay before heading back to thecity. Everyone went home spiritually refreshed.

Alumnae Join Pilgrimage and Spiritual Retreat

n February 9-11, 2016, 27 ladies joined the JeriCHS-organized Pilgrimage and Spiritual Retreat through theprovinces of Laguna and Batangas.

The alumnae who joined the trip were: Teah Go Bio-Ang (AB-BSC-70), Chickie Alvir (HS-58/BS Chem-63), Boo Santos-Bonifacio (HS-57), Nani Santos (HS-57/BSC-61), Lulu Maceda-de los Santos (HS-65), Rosalou Soriano-Lamson (HS-65),Marilyn Dijamco (HS-68), Guia Tanchoco-Goduco (HS-55/BSC-59), Benjo Macaso (BSChem-63), Patsy Alvir de Leon (HS-55/BSC-59), Leonora Mopas (AB-66), Thelma Exconde-Gana(HS-57), Ditas Lerma (HS-56), Kalyn Manzano (HS-79), Viqui delRosario (HS-77), Loyda Rimando-Deang (HS-61/BSC-65), BernieLazaro (HS-63/BS-Chem-68) and Mommy Lazaro, and Gina T.Lee. JeriCHS who also took the trip were: Tita Martinez-Sicat(HS-55/CSS-56), Tita Dizon (HS-63), Cynthia Lorenzo-Picazo(HS-61/BSC-65), Corit Fernandez-Noble (HS-65/BSC-69) andhusband / JeriCHS president Oscar Noble, Rebecca 'Baby"



“Renew the spirit … refresh the soul… nourish the body!”

By: Viqui Torres-del Rosario (HS-77)


Page 7: We the alumnae april 2016

…Continued from page 1


Coming together at our old school,walking the grounds where we usedto play, seeing the classrooms wherewe perspired during recitations andexams, and meeting our formerteachers again most certainly bringback fond memories and anunexplainable heartwarming feelingof “being home” again.

We have had other reunions in thepast, Ruby, 40th; Sapphire, 45th; butthis time around, it is our Golden,50th. Kudos to our CHS Class ’66organizing committee, which did anexcellent job of rounding up ourclass for a record attendance ofGolden Jubilarians. The Core groupdid everything in their power to findall of us, and was able to round upthe most number of “balikbayans”(46) to attend a Golden Jubilee. Thisnumber was matched by the locals,also 46. Not only did the locals findthe attendees, they took care ofthem from arrival to departure.Anticipating the difficulty of findingaccommodations and rides to andfrom the events, the hospitalitycommittee worked extra hard tomanage the “sunduan” in spite ofthe well-known Manila traffic. Thebalikbayans felt like “Donyas”getting full service for thecelebrations. A big, big Thank You tothe organizers.

After a two-week long celebration ofour Golden Jubilee, my life has beentouched in a very special way. I am


sure I can speak for the rest of our classwhen I say that each and every minutespent preparing for this occasion, by theorganizers or the attendees, beyond theshadow of a doubt, has been worth itsweight in GOLD. The sleepless nightsspent by the organizers and the worryand stress of traveling for the balikbayanswere not in vain. Everything was simplyPERFECT. The parties, the dinners – thehomecoming – were simply awesome.Every event was executed without a hitch.

The most important thing we shouldremember is that our school hassuccessfully taught all of us how to loveand respect each other, more so, how toinspire and encourage one another, andhow to be there for each other, no matterwhat. For that, we say “Thank You,College of the Holy Spirit.” The days wespent together were purely moments ofFUN, Merriment, Laughter, and Caring,which were reminiscent of our high

school days. Even if 50 years have donetricks to our memory, from the firstgreeting to the storytelling, we were allbrought back to the joys of our school dayswhen we were totally carefree.

From many groups and barkadas we hadback in the '60s, the reunion brought us allback into one solid group of Golden Agers,most enjoying retirement and‘grandma’ship, some still very active asdoctors and career women, some havingchosen to keep their last names (like me)and, I venture to say, ALL enjoying andloving their families, no matter where inthe world they have made their homes. Thehappiness and the excitement we allenjoyed during our Golden Jubilee couldhardly be contained, and the memories,precious and lasting as they are, willdefinitely have a special place in our hearts.Besides, we all have our wonderfulsouvenir book, which we could always referto, to find anyone in our class.

Till our next reunion – CHS Class '66– You are all super-WONDERFUL.Thank God for all of you! Stayhappy, and thank you for theGolden Friendship!

By: Irene Yatco (HS-66)Publisher and Editor-in-chiefPhilippine JournalVancouver, British Columbia, Canada


Page 8: We the alumnae april 2016

My Journey as a Birth Doula


am a full-fledged product of theS.Sp.S. schools. I completed grade

school and high school in these schools,and graduated from CHSM in ABPsychology and BSC Marketing in 1989.

After graduation, I worked for amultinational company with Purchasingand later on with Human Resources.When I got married and was expectingour first baby, my husband convincedme to attend a Lamaze class to help usprepare for our child’s birth. This wasalso a requirement for my husband tobe with me in labor and witness thebirth of our child, which is what hewanted. I agreed to take the class tofind out how it can help me lessen myfears. To make a long story short, I hada very powerful and beautiful birthingexperience. Giving birth transformedme and allowed me to discover myinnate capacity to birth my child. Thecontinuous support and love that myhusband gave me during mypregnancy, labor, and delivery helpedme to feel safe and to go for the goal.Because of this positive experience, wedecided to do this for all our fivechildren. An empowered birth flowedto our being empowered parents. After23 years of married life, we wouldalways attribute the labors and birthswe had together as one of thefoundations of our life as a couple andas parents.

Because of this transformativeexperience, I decided to pay it forward

I and to tell my story to my friends.

After a long period of discernmentwherein I prayed for a job closestto my heart, I studied and gotcertified as a Birth Doula. A doula isa professionally trained personwho draws on her knowledge andexperience of childbirth. Sheprovides physical, emotional, andinformational support to expectantmothers in pregnancy, labor, birth,and immediate postpartum.

After my studies, my husband and Istarted giving childbirthpreparation classes to prepareexpectant couples not only for thebirth of their children, but for theirbirth as parents. I opened myselfto where God will lead me in mydesire to help women and theirpartners experience joy andfulfillment in giving birth. For morethan three years now, as a doula, Ihave experienced supporting andaccompanying women in bothunmedicated and medicated births.Studies have shown that womenare less likely to end up inmedicated births when they have adoula in labor and birth. But aboveall, having a doula helps womenand their partners have a beautiful,empowered, and dignified birthingexperience no matter what theoutcome is. As advocates forpositive and empowered birthing,

Manny and I believe that a child’s womb andbirth experience creates a permanent imprinton who the child will be in the future. If wewant a society of positive people, we shouldstart during pregnancy and birth. It is our desireas a couple to contribute in our own little wayto change the prevailing culture of traumaticbirths into a culture of positive and empoweredbirths so that our vision of “transforming theworld one birth at a time” can come true.

Doula support in labor BBW Class 33, February 20,2016

Lauren and Ted’s birthing experience

Marla with dual support


By: Betty Lugay-San Luis (AB/BSC-89)

Page 9: We the alumnae april 2016

Teresa Torrado Hoffman at NASA Armstrong

Research Center in California (AFRC)

By: Ma. Teresa Torrado-Hoffman(BS Phys-67)

hen I was at CHS in the mid1960s completing a B.S. Physics

degree, I had no idea I would end upworking for NASA ArmstrongResearch Center in California (AFRC).Looking back, I see the incredibletwists and turns leading to the roadwhere I am now.

Since my father who inspired me topursue a career in science was acollege instructor, I thought I wouldfollow in his footsteps. Upongraduation from CHS, I did someteaching while pursuing an M.S.degree. A Fulbright Hays scholarshipbrought me to the PhysicsDepartment of Penn State University(PSU), where I pursued a doctorate inPhysics while serving as a graduateteaching assistant. My marriage toWes Hoffman, another graduatestudent, and the eventual birth of myfirst baby led to a decision to put mystudies on hold. After my husbandcompleted his Ph.D., we moved toSouthern California where his job waslocated, and I ended up teaching at alocal community college.

In the early ‘80s, when my husbandparticipated in a foreign researchexchange program, my family movedto France and lived there for abouttwo years. Upon our return to ourhome in California, and with all ourchildren in school, I was ready topursue my dream of doing physicsresearch. Following a series of part-time jobs, I eventually found myself atNASA AFRC located at Edwards,California. Armstrong is NASA'spremier installation for atmosphericflight research and operations andplays a vital role in carrying out theAgency's missions of spaceexploration, space operations,scientific discovery, and aeronauticalresearch and development, with


emphasis on the last. I was stronglyrecommended by a former employeeof NASA.

Instead of Physics research, my NASAjob was in Information Technology(IT), a different field from Physics. Iwas hired on the basis of myexcellent education and multi-facetedexperiences which proved that I was aquick learner. At CHS, I was trained tobe a focused and disciplined problemsolver. I took some formal training,but most of my expertise was gainedon the job.

In my 15 years at NASA AFRC, I haveworn many IT hats such asapplication developer, softwaredeveloper, computer engineer, andproject lead. The mission of myorganization is to increase theproductivity of scientists, engineers,and mission support personnel byresponsively and efficiently deliveringreliable, innovative, and secure ITservices. It has been said that withoutIT, the research wouldn’t run. I findfulfillment in being a small part of theresearch heart and soul of NASAAFRC. As a bonus, I had witnessedseveral shuttle landings and hadshaken hands with astronauts. Nowthat the shuttle program has beenshut down, there are new areas offlight research to pursue.


Tess checks out instrumentationof the modified Boeing 747 usedas Space Shuttle Carrier Aircraft(SCA)while parked at NASAArmstrong. The SCAs were usedto ferry space shuttle orbitersfrom landing sites back to thelaunch complex at the KennedySpace Center.

At very front are granddaughters, Eloise and Eva, nextrow, left to right are Teresa, husband Wes Sr.,daughters Jen and Kristy, Son-in-law, Diego holdingyoungest granddaughter Eden, Son Wes II and son'sfiancée, Shelley.

Besides my job at NASA, I am blessed with aloving husband, three children, and threegranddaughters. I enjoy get-togethers withfamily and friends. When the opportunity arises,I love to travel to places far and near with myhusband and family. I am grateful to God foreverything that contributed to who I am andwhere I am. That includes my CHS education!

Tess touches the "belly" of the Discovery Shuttle asit is being prepared for its return trip to Florida.Space Shuttle Discovery landed in the MojaveDesert on September 11, 2009 at the NASA DrydenFlight Research Center on Edwards Air Force Basenear Mojave, California. The STS-128 was preventedfrom landing at the preferred site at the KennedySpace Center by deteriorating weather on the eastcoast of Florida.


Page 10: We the alumnae april 2016

I got a beautiful and upbeat email

message from Thelma Medida (AB/BSC-71) ten months ago ... I did not hearfrom her again, and I was remiss in noteven asking how she was doing all thesemonths. Now, Thelma is beyond, and allwe have of her are the memories of thetimes she was one of us in the New Yorkarea.

How we met and reconnected

It must have been the late ‘80s or theearly ‘90s. I was living then at WaterStreet off Wall St in downtownManhattan. It was lunch time, and Iwas running errands. As I reached thecorner of Water and Pine streets, Ibumped into Thelma, and both of uswere gladdened by that instantrecognition of each other!

After the usual updating, on her, morethan on myself as I was doing all theasking, I asked her what brought her tothat area.

She said she had just come from church,Our Lady Of Victory, two blocks behindwhere we stood, especially to pray for agood immigration lawyer to help herbrother Manny sort out a fewimmigration questions for himself andhis family.

When I finally had the chance to tell hermore about myself, the firstupdate I gave her was that I wasmarried to an American immigrationattorney....

We immediately felt the Holy Spiritupon us then! And to make that storyshort and complete, Thelma's brother isnow a US citizen.

Thelma and I were actively engagedwith each other even while we wereat Mendiola. She was one yearbehind me in the ABCommerceprogram, and there were plenty ofopportunities to work together ascommerce students. So it was verymuch into the groove to be in touchnow that we had found each otheranew in New York.

Thelma had a younger sister whoselife turned into one big challengewith Multiple Sclerosis. Thelmacontinued to ask for prayers for thissister, who is now there at Heaven'sgate to welcome her. The last time Ihad time with Thelma's family was atthe demise of her Father who lived afull life into his 90s.

Thelma supported alumnae groupactivities including the Simbang Gabisa Konsulado which our alumnaeassociation continues to be activelypart of.

Quietly, she helped contact othercommerce graduates when we putup this Commerce Workshop yahoogroup, even helping with an articleabout her batch which SallyMunsayac Bulatao penned as wecompleted the series, “Where AreThey Now”.

I was also happy to note how sheused our Commerce Workshop forumto express her views and share theseviews with us in the yahoo group.

When she emailed me asking forprayers upon diagnosis of breastcancer, her emails edified me withthe strong faith upon which she

Remembering Thelma…

stood, trusting in the Lord andconfident she was going to riseabove this Big C that visited her.

I bid you farewell, Thelma. Thankyou for putting your sisters ChonaMedida-Chin and Maritess Medida-Williams in the loop. Mostespecially, thank you for yourtestimony of life in faith, with faith,and through faith. It is the year ofmercy. The Lord has asked you tojoin Him to actively intercede for allwho need to see His Mercydemonstrated in our earthlylife. We trust that, as a commercegraduate, especially one who wasstrongly edified by Sister Clarette,you will more than exceedexpectations as you help us journeythrough life, covered by DivineMercy.

Thelma Medida (AB/BSC-71)

“… thank you for your

testimony of life in faith,

with faith, and through faith.”


By: Ilo Echevarria-Wallenstein (HS-65/BSC-69)


Page 11: We the alumnae april 2016

At the 1st seminar on ‘Roles and Responsibilities…’

At the third seminar on ‘Good Manners….’ Which doubled as our Christmas party complete with food, games and prizes.

The JeriCHS and

By Deanna Go Bio AB/BSC’59


Caught in the fever of the CHSM Centennialcelebrations, the NorthEast Chapter of CHS NorthAmerica Foundation, Inc. organized a pilgrimage to theHoly Land with Fr. Jerry Orbos, SVD. In March 2013, agroup of 11 alumnae – Leonora A. Basilio and husband.Corit F. Noble and husband, Yola M. Albano andhusband, Rebecca Sacdalan, Sokit de Castro-Landsberg,Med de Jesus, Tita Dizon, Cynthia L. Picazo, Teresa M.Sicat, Christina M. del Rosario, and Deanna Go Bio tookoff for the “land where Jesus walked.”

And indeed we walked – for 10 days on sacred grounds.Together we experienced the joy of Bethlehem, thewonder of Cana, and the peace at the River Jordan. Wewere with the crowd listening to Jesus preach hissermon on the mount. We shared tears of sorrow atGethsemani and the Via Dolorosa and tears of joy at therisen Christ at the Church of the Ascension. Ten days ofwalking and praying, crying and laughing together tiedus in a love bond that has sustained us to this day andmove us as one to pursue “a mission.”

Thus was born the the JeriCHS – named as a tribute toour pilgrim chaplain, Fr. Jeri and to us, products of CHS.These 11 alumnae (and 3 husbands) form the nucleus ofthe JeriCHS.

Spiritual exercises and travel filled the calendar from2013 to 2015. Funds raised from these projects weredonated to CHSNAF for CHSM’s projects. Meanwhile,the group resolved to define our “mission.”

By December 2014, we found our “mission” – the CHSMscholars – by conducting a series of Talakayan orJeriCHS-Talk as their extracurricular training.

In June 2015, Nilda Tempongco, a non-alumna pilgrim,expounding on the Roles and Responsibilities in aScholarship Program – those of the scholar, the parentsand the school. The resultant feedback was extremelypositive and filled with requests for more talks.

The next JeriCHS Talk focused on Social Graces andProper Comportment. The scholars, now in impendingadulthood, teeter from a lack of exposure andexperience. Cynthia Picazo volunteered to talk on

At the 2nd seminar on ‘Social Graces…’ Photo includes scholars and parents

Many of the JeriCHS are based or are partially-based in the US. Sowe’ve come up with location-based nicknames like “taga-bayan,balik-bayan, wala-sa-bayan, or taga-bayan-ng-Mindanao,” etc.Those who happen to be in town take part in planning andexecution of projects. Serious discussions are always interspersedwith fun, camaraderie, and shopping.



Continued to page 12

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personality development – fundamentals of propergrooming, appropriate dress, attitude and behavior –factors in developing personal style and confidence.

Because of the clamor for more talks, Good Manners andTable Etiquette followed in December 2015, conducted bya professional consultant. The presentation and advicefrom Ernie Albano that lessons like this will impact thestudents’ confidence in the working world, were followedby Q&A, a demonstration, and role-playing among thestudents and their parents.

The 4th session in February was again conducted by ouradopted alumna Nilda Tempongco. This session centeredon the students building self-esteem – in a “hawak kamay”manner with their parents. Oskie Noble emphasized thatthe students’ interests, including the careers they want topursue, must be considered and not just what the parentswant. The dreams of their children are just as important astheirs. Med gifted them with rosaries while Deannareinforced assertiveness.

By adopting the scholars and giving them mini lectures onpractical topics, the JeriCHS hope to open up theopportunity to engage with them and their parents andgain an insight into their family values, as well as assesstheir readiness to enter the workforce.

Because the success of any mission relies not only on theattention and dedication given but also on the financialsupport poured into the effort, we have not ceased to findways to raise money for these Talakayans.

The ‘Nasa-Bayan’ JeriCHS pose to savor the success ofthe past 4 Talakayans. More are planned for next schoolyear. Alumnae with talent and time to share arewelcome to plan with us.

Nida on building self-esteem

Med gives advice to scholars

Oskie has theParents’ attention

…Continued from page 11

The JeriCHS and their Mission

Oskie Noble


I would like to renew my active membership in the CHS AlumnaeFoundation. Enclosed is my payment (cash/check) as follows:

_______ Php500.00/US$12.00 (One-year membership) _______ Php1,000.00/US$24.00 (Two-year membership)

Name: _______________________________________Address: _______________________________________Tel. No. _______________________________________E-Mail Address: __________________________________

Note: Pls. make your checks payable to: CHS ALUMNAE FOUNDATION,INC. and mail c/o The Alumnae Office, 163 E. Mendiola, Manila.

Please be reminded that Lifetime or Perpetual Membership has beencancelled since the mid-2000s. Our membership dues help sustain theCHSAF office operations and projects. Thank you.



Page 13: We the alumnae april 2016

AB/BSC-68 classmates got together with balikbayan guestsat the new condo unit of Percy and Cecile Mijares last Feb28. Standing (l-r) are: Litz Woo-de Guzman, Chit Kanapi-Cabrejas, Cecile V. Manalac, and Zeny S. Zamora (AB/SS-67); seated, are: Yola Arce-Pilar, Cecile La Torre-Mijares,Larpi Vinluan-Felix, and Agnes Santiago-Gutierrez.

Some members of the CHS High School 56 took time to have a picture taken. Seatedat extreme left is Gino Eloriaga special guest, Nenita Lee Tan, Erlinda EstrellaApolinar, Amelia Castillo Bulmer, Teresa Guerrero Nuñez, Elenida Reyes Gonzales,Lutgarda Zamora Lerma, Zenaida Zita Reichert. Standing are Julieta Ventura Esguera,Cristina Novenario Eloriaga, Belinda Olivarez Cunanan, Mary Jane Crisanto Ortega,Dolly Dee Crisostomo, Zenaida Manucat Garcia, Raquel Mariano Panganiban, MarilouNieva Rodriguez, Consuelo Apostol Regino, Cecilia Javelosa Odulio, Daria GonzalesGonzaga, Norma Cabatingan Ganzon and Indra Sehwani Mirchandani.


Jubilarians all!


Page 14: We the alumnae april 2016

Platinum (HS-51)

Diamond (HS-56)

Emerald (HS-61)




2016 Jubilarians

Page 15: We the alumnae april 2016

Ruby (HS-76)

Coral (HS-81)

Golden (HS-66)


2016 Jubilarians


Page 16: We the alumnae april 2016

An Invitation to a Beautiful Afternoon of Music

Dear HGC/CHS Alumna,

You are cordially invited to attend the Raul Sunico Concert to be heldon Sunday, April 17, 2016 at 5:00 p.m. at the CHSM auditorium.

The College of the Holy Spirit Alumnae Foundation (CHSAF) jointly presents withthe San Lorenzo Ruiz (SLR) Global Ministry for OFWs and Filipino Migrants abenefit concert, "Melodies and Memories," featuring the well-renowned andmulti-awarded pianist, Raul Sunico, with guest performers, New York- basedFilipino tenor, Rogelio Peñaverde, Jr, and the renowned choral group,Ambassadors of Light.

The concert will be held on Sunday, April 17, 2016, 5:00 pm at the College of theHoly Spirit, Manila Paraclete Auditorium. Tickets are available from your classrepresentatives and/or from the CHSAF office (call Tel. No. 735-5986; or sendan email to [email protected]). We encourage you to support thisconcert for the benefit of the CHSAF scholars and the SLR major projects.

Ticket prices are P5,000; P3000; P1500, and P500. Sponsorship packages arealso available at the following levels: Presentor: P150,000; Major: P50,000;Minor: P20,000; Donor: P10,000.

Tickets can be picked up in the CHSAF office or:

If you are living or working along or near EDSA in QC and Mandaluyong ticketscan be delivered upon arrangement with Tita Dizon (HS-63); call/text herat #09178280700.

You can email your name/s for reservation of tickets which can be claimed onthe concert date at the registration table. Reserved tickets must be paidon/before April 14, 2016.

You can pay in cash or check at the CHSAF office or deposit your payment tothe CHS Alumnae Foundation, Inc. account at any BPI branch. Bank details:Account Name: CHS Alumnae Foundation, Inc. / Current Account No. 22610003 37.

Deposit slip/s must be scanned and emailed [email protected] on/before April 14,2016. Checks should bepaid to CHS Alumnae Foundation, Inc. No erasures and mistakes on thechecks, please.

We are appealing to your generosity. Please support this project. You can helpby buying and selling tickets, and getting sponsors.

We know you will love coming home to CHS Mendiola for a nostalgic afternoon,enjoying the concert in our auditorium with classmates and friends just as youdid in the past during your school days. We are looking forward to welcomingyou home.

Yours truly,

Daisy Villasis-Montesa (HS-68/BSChem-73)President, CHSAF Board 2016-2017



Page 17: We the alumnae april 2016

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

The CHSM Corporation – Holy Spirit

Alumni Management Corporation Partnership

Background: In March 2014, the CHS Alumnae Foundation (CHSAF) Board was informed bythe Provincial Leadership Team (PLT) of the S.Sp.S. congregation that the Sisters had decidedto disengage from College of the Holy Spirit Manila (CHSM). This meant that the school couldbe closed and sold. The CHSAF Board unanimously agreed to exert all efforts to save theschool.

Q: Why did the S.Sp.S. congregation decide to close and sell CHSM at that time?A: Lay people entering vocation has dwindled to the point that there are no more Sisters who can run theschool. The S.Sp.S. community has also chosen to realign its own vision and mission.

Q: In what way did the S.Sp.S. congregation and the alumnae become partners?A: The CHSAF Board passed a resolution authorizing 10 alumnae to form the Alumnae Core Group (ACG).These alumnae were Yolanda Manding–Albano (HS’68), Atty. Antonietta Articona-Brion (BS Chem’67),Angeles Madrid (HS’72, BSC’76), Grace Songcuya-Mascenon (HS’73, BSFN’77), Guillermina Ong (HS’68,BSC’72), Carmen Dayrit-Padilla (HS’60), Cynthia Lorenzo–Picazo (HS’61, BSC’65), Lorraine Young-Sylianteng(HS’73), Deanna Go Bio (AB’58, BSC’59), and Maria Theresa Abeleda-Llave (HS’73). The ACG’s purpose wasto prepare an operational plan and a business plan for submission to the PLT and to negotiate with the PLT.

Q: When was the partnership formed?A: In September 2015, the PLT upon the approval of the Congregational Leadership Team (CLT) in Romeagreed to collaborate with the alumnae through a management contract. Terms and conditions of thecontract were negotiated and finalized in December 2015 and submitted to the CLT. In January 2016, theCLT approved the terms and conditions of the contract which will take effect in May 2016 and cover aperiod of 5 years.

Q: Who will own the school?A: CHSM will still be owned by CHSM Corporation, a non-stock, non-profit corporation fully owned by the

S.Sp.S. Sisters. CHSM Corporation is headed by its Board of Trustees (BOT), the members of which aremostly the Sisters. The land on which CHSM sits will remain the property of the congregation.

Q: What is the structure by which the alumnae will take over management of CHSM?A: In a special CHSAF Board meeting held on September 26, 2015, the CHSAF Board passed a resolutionauthorizing the ACG to form the Holy Spirit Alumni Management Corporation (HSAMC), a corporation thatwill enter into a management contract with CHSM Corporation. It is the intention of the Sisters that at theend of the 5 year management contract, the alumnae would have a non-stock non-profit corporation towhich the school can be completely turned over.



Continued to page 18

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

The CHS Corp – HSAMC partnership

Q: What is the relationship of the CHSAF with the HSAMC? Does CHSAF have control over the HSAMC?A: There is no relationship between CHSAF and HSAMC.CHSAF's role was simply to facilitate the continuation of the CHSM education mission. HSAMC is anindependent corporation. CHSAF will not be involved in any way in the school’s management.

Q: What is the nature of HSAMC?A: HSAMC is a vehicle for the alumnae to manage CHSM at this time and is not expected to make a profit.

The alumnae corporation will receive only a management fee which is taxable. The management fee will beused to cover the expenses of operating the corporation office.

Q: Who will run the school?A: The CHSM President will run the day-today operations of the school.

Q: What about profits from the school operation?A: All profits from the school operation will go to the coffers of CHSM to be used for facilities upgrade,

faculty development, etc. These profits will not go to the HSAMC.

Q: What about donations to CHSM?A: All donations to the school must be addressed to the CHSM President and deposited directly to theCHSM account which the Sisters will continue to maintain. HSAMC is not authorized to accept donations.Donations for scholarships may be coursed to the CHSAF.

Q: What will happen to the Sisters?A: While the sisters will not be directly involved in the school management, some of them have beenassigned by the PLT to continue to serve in CHSM.

Q: Will future alumnae activities and events still be allowed in the school?A: All future alumnae activities and events will still be allowed and encouraged in the school.

Q: How can alumni/alumnae help in the revival of the school?A: • Market CHSM

• Invite “qualified personnel” to apply at CHSM• Sponsor a scholar• Volunteer to mentor and teach at our Center for Continuing Education which will be

officially launched in June 2016.

Q: How important are the next 5 years?A: The next 5 years are crucial to the sustainability of the school. In light of the K-12 implementation, therewill be challenges facing CHSM so the help of all alumnae is paramount.

Q: Will the members of Holy Spirit Alumni Management Corporation (HSAMC) receive compensation?A: The members of HSAMC will not receive compensation unless they are hired to serve in the managementteam of the CHSM President.

… Continued from page 17



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Page 20: We the alumnae april 2016

Our E-mail Connection


(Ed.’s Note — This section contains

messages/information received through our

e-mail address: [email protected] )

Following are feedback from ourannouncement that Sister Esther Maria,former dean of the Fine Arts department atCHS Mendiola, has passed away lastJanuary 2016.)

**********Remembering Sister Esther Maria, S.Sp.S.

From: Athena Magcase-Lopez (BFA-72),New Jersey, USA, Jan. 04/16:

My heart is sore. Sister Esther Maria hasalways been in my thoughts and prayersafter her cancer diagnosis.

She was a good friend, a classmate, and amentor. During my absence at theopening reception of the CHS High SpiritArt Exhibit at the CCP in Feb 2013, sheposed in front of my Magic Jeepney artdisplay to show me that she was there inappreciation of what I have become as anartist. May she rest in peace.

**********From: Rita Borja-Bundalian (BFA-86),Quezon City, Jan. 4/16:

Kindly allow me to share my recollectionsabout Sr. Esther as my special way ofgiving tribute to her. …

Sr. Esther was our Dean in the Fine ArtsDepartment … She was an engineer, achemist, an architect, an artist, aphotographer. She was also a musician andshe loved singing, too. What a gem!Multiple intelligence indeed!

I will always remember her, for shesupported and pushed me to realize myutmost potentials; to go out of my comfortzone and explore greater heights. Shetapped my writing skills by giving meinterview assignments to cover RayAlbano, Director of the Cultural Center ofthe Philippines, and Dr. Rod Paras-Perez,the country's foremost art historian,printmaker, and art critic. That was mybaptism of fire as a features writer for theFine Arts magazine. I must say, I bloomedduring college. The once shy and soft-

spoken girl from Malabon discovered herlove and vocation for teaching. After mycollege graduation, at 20 years old, Ibecame part of the CHS Fine Arts faculty;I taught Art History and Textile/FashionDesign for three years. Thanks to Sr.Esther for believing in me.

Sr. Esther was very candid and frank; funto be with; but she could be strict andmeticulous with her craft, too. I willalways remember the time when we hadto do a night shot while stationed in themiddle of the foot bridge of Quiapo; wehad to walk the muddy streets of R.Hidalgo St. with our heavy tripods andSLR cameras at 10:00 p.m. just to getthat perfect shot of the Quiapo nighttraffic.

Sr. Esther encouraged me to take up mymasteral studies at the State University.Really, she was passionate aboutlearning, about education. She evenoffered to give me a scholarship at theUniversity of Michigan to studyComputer Graphics which was a newcourse then.

I will always cherish the times when Ivisited her at the Holy Spirit Convent inAmbuklao Road, in Baguio. Oh, she wasvery happy to see my then little boy intow. She would pick him up in her lovingarms and she'd give him "angel cookies"baked by the S.Sp.S. nuns. She was alsoinstrumental in my meeting the man ofmy life, my husband now. Imagine herbright smile whenever she would see meand my husband.

Sr. Esther was not only our dean andteacher, she was a very dear friend, aloving mother to most people. Myfamily's best friend. Farewell Sr. Esther.You know in your heart how much I loveyou. Thank you for the many years yougave yourself to service, for dedicatingyour life to inspire. Rest now my dear Sr.Esther. Fly now to where there is nomore pain. Sleep my beloved Sr. Esther,in the loving arms of our Father inHeaven.”


From: Christine U. Alba (BFA-93),Cainta, Rizal, Jan. 04/16:

My condolences. My prayers for herand her family. We, Fine Arts students,really missed her very much when sheleft Holy Spirit, Mendiola. I am nowhere in Canada. When I went for avacation in Manila last 2013, I hadlunch with Ms. Oca and Ms. Bondocand I did ask… “How's Sister Estherdoing?” If I had more time I could havevisited her. I love my teachers and ourDean of College, Sister Esther. I alwaysvisit Holy Spirit and say hello to myteachers whenever I am in Manila. … Iam proud of our Fine Arts Departmentbecause Sister Esther was proud andsupportive not only of the faculty butalso of the students. We love you SisterEsther.

**********From: Myrna Mariano-Almendral (HS-67/BFA-71), San Bruno, California, Jan.

I am deeply saddened by Sr. EstherMaria’s passing. I graduated from CHS,BFA-71. She was my classmate, mentor,and a great friend. She was like aguardian angel who watched overme. As a classmate, she gave me moralsupport to face some challenges Iexperienced during my college days. Ialso remember the long talks we had,the encouragement she gave me,reminding me that God is always therefor me and to believe in myself and mytalent. We laughed, we talked aboutserious matters, we bantered, and shegave me very valuable advice, whichhelped me develop certain values as aperson in matters of choosing myfriends, trusting, and staying focused.She taught me to always focus on whatmatters.

After college, my family moved toChicago. I never visited CHS aftercollege; so, I really lost touch withher. Around 1986, it was the mostpleasant surprise when I got a call fromher. A funny thing happened. Whenshe introduced herself on the phone,

Continued to page 21

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Our E-mail Connection

read about events that my fellowCHSians organize. My only regret is that Iam still a "fresh grad" in a way, and Idon't earn that much yet. I cannotattend Bingo Socials and Homecomingsbecause I cannot afford them yet. But, Iam looking forward to being an activealumna in the future. I will forever be apart of the College of the Holy Spirit, andShe will forever hold a special place inmy heart.

God bless us all! CHSM Ablaze!

**********From: Merle A. Arizala (BSHE-64),Angat, Bulacan, Feb. 11/16:

Yes, this is really our fitting moment tosing the Magnificat and to pay tribute tothe school for having formed responsiblegraduates.

May the school continue its mission ofeducating responsible Christians attunedto the Holy Spirit and to the signs of thetimes.

My best wishes to the newmanagement.

Be part of our E-Mail Connection… send

your comments, news, messages from/to

classmates and teachers to

[email protected]

…Continued from page 20


I thought someone was playing aprank on me. I ended the call. Then, shecalled back again and started giving meinformation about her that, at that point,convinced me it was truly her. We got agood chuckle out of that incident.

I went to pick her up from where she wasstaying to spend time with her, and I tookher around Chicago. We spent the wholeday together. It was the most wonderfultime, that special time spent together bygood friends. What touched me the mostwas when she said that she wanted toknow how my experience in collegeaffected my life. Her concern was

touching and very sincere. I told her thatit was character building, that I learned tobe strong in adversity, that it helped meto form good friendships and to apply mytalent well. It was touching, because afterall the years that had passed, she stillfound it in her heart to care so much as totalk to me, to make sure I was okay. I willnever forget how deeply she cared.

Sr. Esther Maria was deeply caring,sincere, genuine, talented, funny, anopen-minded conversationalist, a fountainof wisdom who gave the best advice, a

guardian angel, an intelligent and greatfriend and mentor; she was witty andencouraged you to do the best that youcould do and to be the best person thatyou could be.

I feel that we are all fortunate that shewas a part of our lives. … She enriched mylife and for that I am very grateful to her. Iwill keep her in a very special place in myheart and in my thoughts and prayers.

**********Feedback from other Broadcasts:

From: Jillian Marie C. Brodit (BSMT-14), Quezon City, Metro Manila, January 19/16

Dear CHSAF Broadcast Family,

Greetings in the Triune God! And a HappyNew Year as well!

Thank you so much for sending issues ofWE, the Alumnae to my email. I havereceived the online publication/magazineconsistently since I graduated in 2014. Iam sorry I only got to reply now. I wasbusy with reviewing for the board examafter I graduated, followed by med school.But I would like to send my heartfeltthanks for letting me know how our AlmaMater is doing. I am happy when I get to

WE the Alumnae

Editorial Board

Ma. Victoria B. Anastacio


Victoria Torres-del Rosario


Riziel Fajutag-Icaro


Virginia P. Macaso


Sr. Victricia Pascasio, S.Sp.S.


Email address: [email protected]


It will be greatly appreciated if payments of your pledges are updated. For inquiries, please call Ms. Cora Parco at Tel. no. 735-5986

Do you have ---

A product

to market?


services to


A restaurant

or other


to promote?

Place an Ad in the We


Send personalized greetings to fellow alumnae..

Greet them on special occasions – birthday, jubilee year

celebration – and send special announcements.

Ad Rates: P1,000–Half page ; P500–quarter page

Page 22: We the alumnae april 2016


Congratulations to...

Lenore Raquel-Santos-Lim (HS-63), on her exhibit –“Layered Life: An Art Exhibition of the Printsof Lenore RS Lim” that was held at the Altro Mondo.Arte Contemporanea, Greenbelt 5, Ayala Center fromFebruary 11-28, 2016;

The graduates of 2016, our new alumni.

Through our "Alumnae Prayer Community," let all of us, alumnae-sisters, pause for a minute and storm heaven with our prayers for:

special graces to accomplish the special intentions ofLuzviminda Marasigan-Agregado (BSChem-74);

Rosalinda Sangle-San Vicente (BSMath-66) for speedyrecovery from mastectomy;

the complete recovery of Elizabeth Lorenzana-Diaz(HS-55), who suffered from an aneurysm last monthand is currently undergoing therapy;

the full recovery of Chen Cua, son of Eliza Miranda-Cua(HS-77);

The full recovery of Napoleon Manalo, husband ofHeidi Nicasio-Manalo (HS-77);

the grace to help Helen Angeles-Altonaga (HS-55)through the ordeal of stage 4 cancer;

Elizaida Ribargoso-Kawarai (HS-58/AB-62), who wasrecently diagnosed with cancer.

Send us your prayer requests and let our "Alumnae PrayerCommunity" gather through this section in His name foryou. Call Rei at Tel. No. 735-5986 or e-mail us [email protected].

Prayer Corner

2015Oct. 23 - Peter Michael Huang, brother of Milagros Huang-

Kahn (HS-73);2016Jan. 02 - David Kritzweiser, husband of Ana Maria Lugay-

Kritzweiser;Jan. 03 - Elvira del Fuente-Matti (HS-58);Jan. 12 - Edgardo A. Santiago, father of Christine Santiago

(HS-77) and Cecille Santiago (d), HS-82;Jan. 24 - Antonio Limson, father of Marissa Limson (d),

HS-74/BSMT-80), Melinda Limson (BFA-82), MaricarLimson (BSN-83), and Maryrose Limson (GS-?);

Jan. 27 - Felicitas Angeles-Mercado (HS-75), sister ofPurificacion A. Conley (HS-68), Annabelle A. Diez (HS-69), and Lucila A. Fernando (HS-70);

Jan. 27 – Carlos M. Loyzaga, father of Carmen (HS-81);Jan. 28 - Evelyn R. Daria (BFA-94), sister of Bernadette

(BSMT-92) and Nadja (BSA-01);Feb. - Celia Hernandez-Fernandez (HS-50/AB-55), sister of

Herminia H. Gatchalian (HS-47/CSC-48);Feb. 07 - Libertad D. Nasol, mother of Ma. Consolacion N.

Capino (HS-70/BSChem-75), Ma. Lourdes N. Johnson(HS-73), Ma. Elizabeth (HS-75), and Ma. Teresa (HS-78);

Feb. 9 - Carlos Barcelon, husband of Regina Unas-Barcelon(HS-77);

Feb. 20 - Nila Agnis-Benedicto, mother of Ma. LourdesBenedicto-Bonifacio (HS-75/BSC-79) and Ma. RosarioBenedicto-Sellado (HS-77);

Feb. 20 - Rosa Peñalosa -Lugay, mother Ma. Paz L. Sales(HS-73), Ana Maria L. Kritzweiser (HS-74), and Ma.Teresa L. Abuan (HS-73/BSFN-78);

Feb. 24 - Augusto A. Manahan at the age of 97; husband ofElena Santos-Manahan (HS-47/CSC-48);

Feb. 27 - Teodoro Alorro, father of Geraldine Alorro-Ramirez (BFA-88);

Mar. 12 - Amelia Mariano-Amoranto (HS-65);Mar. 14 - Adela Castañeda-Wassmer (HS-47), after a year-

long battle with pancreatic cancer; sister of CarmenCosta-Atienza (HS-55);

Mar. 26 - Pilar Valera-Jimenez (HS-55/BSHE-61);

Into Eternal Life

Let us all pray for our departed family and friends …Into your hands, O Lord we humbly entrust ourbeloved dead, In this life you embraced them withyour tender love; bid them enter eternal rest andbliss. The old order has passed away; welcome theminto paradise, where there is fullness of peace and joywith your Son and the Holy Spirit for ever an ever.Amen.