tle Grove Primary School ALGOORLIE CAMP 2016 Day 2: Prospecting and Coolgardie

Wattle Grove Primary School - Kalgoorlie Camp 2016 - Day 2

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Wattle Grove Primary SchoolKALGOORLIE CAMP 2016Day 2: Prospecting and Coolgardie

Morning pre breakfast activities.

Bush Breakfast Morning.

Making Jaffles with Jaffle Irons.

Panning for Gold near Lake Douglas.

Going back with Quartz rock to crush.

Dillon with his gold stuck to Miners Right.

Gold speck taped on to prevent loss

Vic, our guide to Coolgardie.

Visiting Maurie’s Museum.

Warden Finnerty,s House.

Built by the Bunning Brothers.

Coolgardie Cemetery.

Jack Carins, last of the old prospectors.

Grave of Ernest Giles, WA explorer.

Modesto Varischetti Rescue.

Sweet and Sour Chicken for Dinner.

Dishes and then Quiz Night before bed.