Vision- driven leadership

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Source: Principles and Practices of Management and Organization Authors: Samuel Mejia Salvador Estrelito Cabingan Bagunas Ellinor Fua-Geronimo Presentation made by: Renalyn A. Dario

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Warren Bennis Burt Nanus

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• All the leaders has a compelling vision, a realistic dream about their work.• “All ninety people

interviewed had an agenda, an unparalleled concern with outcome…• Leaders are the most

results-oriented individuals in the world, and results gets attention.

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• “Their visions or intensions are compelling and pull people toward them. • Intensity coupled

with commitment is magnetic. Vision grabs.”

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• Vision- from the word literally meaning “see.”• What better word to describe the

capacity to be forward-looking and foresighted?

Vision suggest a future orientation.

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• A vision is an image- a picture of what could be.

• Implies a choice of values.

• It has the quality of uniqueness.

• It hints what makes something special.

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• An organization’s vision gives a crystal-clear depiction of what an organization wants to become.

• It shows a glimpse of the future as we would like to be and as we think it should be.

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• Jonathan Swift wrote in Gulliver’s Travels, “Vision is the art of seeing things invisible.”

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• A statement of vision is also unique.• It takes into account a

specific milieu, a particular group of people with their talents and gifts, and with a special sense of direction.

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• A visual image or a succinct statement may display a vision.• Leaders have been described as “painters of the vision and architects of

the journey.”• Leaders dream of the desired future.• Their dream is to change the world- their organization, their nation or their


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Positive Belief


Life will be


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• Lives of people are sometimes gripped by sense of helplessness and cynicism (doubt).

• There are those who feel their lives cannot count for anything against the odds of powerful economic, social, and political forces.

• People need a sense of vision and the future that will help them discover that they can make difference right where they are, that challenges them to reach out to the world around them and make this world a better place to live.

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• Author of the book Servant Leadership: A Journey into the Nature of Legitimate Power and Greatness.

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• A mark of leaders… is that they are better than most at the pointing direction. As long as one is leading, one always has a goal. It may be a goal arrived at by group consensus, or the leader, acting on inspiration, may simply have said, “Let’s go this way.”

• Clearly stating and restating the goal the leader gives certainty and purpose to others who may have difficulty in achieving it for themselves.

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• Develop and sustain by your vision.

• Without one, you cannot reach your full leadership potential.

• Harry Emerson Fosdick once said, “No life ever grows great until it is focused, dedicated and disciplined.”

• In the same manner that no organization, institution or school ever grows until it is focused, dedicated and disciplined.

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• Wrote so much about “peak performance” and “peak performers.”

• “It is the vision that counts”

• Peak performers• Organize actions around intended

results• They affirm and communicate clear

vision and mission.• They have plan of action with specific

goals and achievement followed by specific time-bound targets for evaluating progress results.

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•“where there is no vision the people perish.” (Prov. 29:18)

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1. Operates as your dynamic force energized by voltage and vitality;

2. Provides lift, stretch, clarity and focus;

3. Guides you to see beyond the immediate;

4. Makes you future-oriented, concentrating on results rather than on activity;

5. Shows you where you are going and why you are going there;

6. Helps you spot opportunities that others have not seen;

7. Gives you the driving power to see you through tough times; and

8. Makes the unreachable reachable and makes toward a worthwhile future.

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