VIRTUAL FIELD TRIP Volcanoes by Cynthia Germaine

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  1. 1. VIRTUAL FIELD TRIP Volcanoes by Cynthia Germaine
  2. 2. VOCABULARY magma lava volcanologist volcano
  3. 3. WHAT DO YOU ALREADY KNOW ? 1. How are volcanoes formed? 2. How can they create islands? 3. What kind of destruction can they cause? 4. How do volcanoes affect our environment? 5. Where in the earth can you find active volcanoes? 6. Are there volcanoes on other planets?
  4. 4. PARTS OF THE EARTH. What are the parts of the earth?
  6. 6. MAGMA Through the mantle and up through the crust
  7. 7. HOT! Rock melts into super hot liquid called MAGMA, which becomes LAVA when it reaches the surface. PRESSURE pushes, magma, and steam through the openings in the earths crust. How are volcanoes formed?
  8. 8. Feb. 1988 hurl rocks 2 miles inland New land can collapse The address (URL) of the current site is: variable http://wwwhvo.wr.usgs.gov/hazards/
  9. 9. http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x17hklz_undersea-volcano-creates-new-island-near-japan_shortfilms How can they create islands?
  10. 10. Lava burns on Local Hawaii Road
  11. 11. http://vulcan.wr.usgs.gov/Imgs/Jpg/MSH/Images/MSH80_st_helens_spirit_lake_before_may_18_1980_med.jpg
  12. 12. What kind of destruction can volcanoes cause?
  13. 13. ENVIRONMENT How does a volcano affect the environment? Mt. St. Helens Rising from the Ashes-Science Nation
  14. 14. WHERE? Maps: http://goo.gl/nkvxD4 Where on earth can you find active volcanoes? Volcanos page: http://www.geo.mtu.edu/volcanoes/Volca noes/Index.html
  15. 15. volcanic features on Io Loki Prometheus Are there volcanoes on other planets?
  16. 16. References http://www.field-trips.org/sci/volcano/index.htm http://www.geo.mtu.edu/volcanoes/Volcanoes/Index.ht