Providing Scaffolds and Supports with LiveBinders By: Matt Bergman Milton Hershey School

Using LiveBinders To Help ALL Students Learn (June 2014)

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  • 1. Providing Scaffolds and Supports with LiveBinders By: Matt Bergman Milton Hershey School

2. About Me [email protected] 3. Give you recipes to use LiveBinders in a strategic way to help ALL students learn What are we going to learn today? 4. Remember when you were in school? 5. Another professional development binder! Ugh!!! 6. Web-based way to organize and share resources in an easy-to-use electronic binder What are LiveBinders? 7. Easy way to share all of the resources for an assignment in one place Why LiveBinders? 8. Thousands of Binders to Browse and Use! 9. Common Core? 10. Flipped Classroom? 11. UDL? 12. Common LiveBinder Mistakes 13. NOT meant to be a replacement for a class website Websites can be overwhelming and are often filled with more than we need 14. Often used as a replacement for Social Bookmarking 15. Reduce academic barriers before they occur? Provide resources and supports to help increase the chances of student success? Help ALL students learn regardless of ability? What if instead, we used LiveBinders to 16. GOAL: Developing Expert Learners 17. What if you created a binder with the ingredients students needed to be successful? 18. Getting There 19. Predict Overcome Plan Always begin my recipes with thinking about potential barriers students may face 20. Goals Methods Materials Assessments Traditional Curriculum are often designed with one type of learner in mind 21. Flexible Approach to Meet Needs of Students! 22. Barriers I have at the Milton Hershey School Reading ability Vocabulary Motivation Past failures Vision difficulties Poverty mindset Background Family Attitude 23. PREDICT: What high-probability barriers exist in this lesson? In this casebarriers towards reading assignments 24. OVERCOME: What high-probability barriers do I have control over in my classroom? CONTROL Vocabulary Motivation NO CONTROL Past failures Poverty 25. Recipe # 1: Enhancing Reading Assignments PLAN: What resources can I embed in my LiveBinder to help my students? 26. Ingredient # 1 Options for Reading Required Text 27. Ingredient # 2 Provide Vocabulary Supports The achievement gap is largely a vocabulary gap. Robert Marzano 28. The Matthew Effect Keith Stanovich 29. What could I do to help close the gap? 30. Quizlet to pre-teach KEY terms! 31. Visuwords 32. Blanchan Shahi 33. Ingredient # 3 Interaction Read Write Think Venn Diagram Maker 34. Summarize Learning Padlet (formerly Wallwisher) 35. Reading Comprehension Study Tool Interaction Vocabulary Support Options for Reading 36. Lets see what it looks like! http://www.livebinders.com/edit/index/581083 37. LiveBinder Tip # 1: Make Use of Subtabs 38. LiveBinder Tip # 2: Make Your Tabs Easier to Use and See 39. Recipe # 2 Scaffolding Learning Throughout a Chapter 40. PREDICT: High- probability barriers students may face? OVERCOME: What barriers do you have control over? PLAN: What could you place in a LiveBinder to support their learning? Think about a unit, chapter, or lesson that you teach 41. Ingredient # 1: Word Walls, Word Clouds, and Flashcards 42. Flashcards 43. Why I Like Quizlet 44. Ingredient # 2 Flexible Materials 45. Ingredient # 3 Screencasts to Re-Teach 46. Another Screencast Option Revisiting grammar lessons in the LA or Foreign Language Classroom Diagramming Scientific Processes Solving Math Problems 47. Ingredient #4 Study Materials 48. MoveNote as a Tool to Review? 49. Lets See What it Looks Like! http://www.livebinders.com/play/play?id=1186522 50. LiveBinder Tip # 3: Sharing Your Binder 51. LiveBinder Tip # 4: Present Your Binder for Simple View 52. Recipe # 3 Scaffolding Assignments 53. What if you used LiveBinders as a form of scaffolding? 54. What is the purpose of scaffolding? Checkpoint 5.3 Build fluencies with graduated levels of support for practice and performance 55. Maslows Hierarchy Assignment 56. What happens to work sheets when you give them to students? 57. Ingredient # 1 Easy-to-Find and Impossible to Lose Directions 58. Ingredient # 2 Communicating Announcements and Goals The human brain is incredibly goal-oriented and objective-driven 59. For those students who need an extra reminder to get started! Hello class! Your project is due Monday morning! Make sure that you print out 2 copies. 60. Ingredient # 3 Helping Our Students Find Resources www.google.com/cse 61. Symbaloo 62. Draggo 63. Ingredient # 4 Provide Supports for the Non-Experts! 64. When you give an assignment 65. FAQs with Screencast-o-Matic 66. Lets See What it Looks Like! http://www.livebinders.com/edit/index/581009 67. LiveBinder Tip # 5: 100 MB is NOT ENOUGH SPACE? 68. LiveBinder Tip # 6: Organize Your Binder by Placing it on a Shelf 69. Recipe # 4 Student Portfolios 70. Ingredient # 1: Add Pictures Flickr or PhotoPeach 71. Ingredient # 2: Document, Document, Document 72. Ingredient # 3: Let Your Pictures Speak a Thousand Words 73. Ingredients 4: Add Video 74. Ingredient # 5: 75. Recipe # 5 Creating a Living and Breathing Textbook 76. 2010 77. LiveBinder Tip # 7: Password Protect Your Binder 78. Lets See What it Looks Like! 79. Other Ideas for LiveBinders? 80. Think Simple Think about Learner Difference and tools to help address differences Think of potential barriers to accessing information and how to address them Use tools in strategic ways What is the Key? 81. Thank You! For questions: [email protected] For more Web 2.0 ideas! @mattbergman14 (Twitter) http://bergman-udl.blogspot.com/ (Blog) learn-lead-grow.weebly.com/ (Website)