Trabalho realizado por: Diogo Fernandes , nº 10 URBAN TRIBES

urban tribes

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Trabalho realizado por:Diogo Fernandes , nº 10Maria Oliveira , nº 21


ÍndiceNerd Nerds clothesNerds lifestylePunksPunks clothesPunks subculture


Nerd is a descriptive term who indicats that a person is overly intellectual, obsessive, or socially impaired. They may spend time on unpopular, obscure, or non-mainstream activities, which are generally technical or relating to topics of fiction or fantasy.

Many nerds are described as being shy, and unattractive and may have difficulty of participating in sports.

Nerds Clothes

Nerds usually wear black glasses, clothing with a crosshatch pattern or lozenges, they also use shirt, trousers to the ankles, suspenders, classic shoes.

Nerds Lifestyle

The lifestyle of nerds is based on the study and looking for new knowledge, because they have no friends because of his shyness.


The punk movement has been one of the greatest movement around the world. Who has achieved in its three decades of life.

The punk is a musical genre born in the 70's. London and New York were two places where it is born and where it becomes visible to the world.

Punks clothes

Many punks use clothing as a way of making a statement.

Black leather jackets decorated with studs and ribs.

shirts and jackets with offensive and sometimes pornographic images.

Broken jeans, boots, broken bands T-shirts, earings, tattoos and difrent haircuts.

Punk subculture

The subculture is characterized by anti-establishment views and the promotion of individual freedom.

The punk subculture is centered on a loud, aggressive genre of rock music called punk rock. It is usually played by small bands consisting of a vocalist, one or two electric guitarists, an electric bassist, and a drummer.

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