Unit 9 Cardiology

Unit 9

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  1. 1. Unit 9 Cardiology
  2. 2. Listening 1 track 25 page 82 Before you listen read the script on page 134 and answer the following questions: a) Who is the speaker? b) What happened to him? c) Whats a GTN spray? d) What symptoms did the patient have? e) How long did the ambulance take to arrive? f) Whats the prognosis? (see the dictionary for the meaning of prognosis) Listen to a conversation between the patients wife and Dr. Lawson
  3. 3. Vocabulary Hypokalaemia Thrombolysis Arrhythmia Contraindications Diuretic Secure Venous Access Reperfuse Titrate to effect Tolerate Line
  4. 4. Hypokalaemia Very low levels of Potassium.
  5. 5. Thrombolysis Thrombolysis, also known as thrombolytic therapy, is a treatment to dissolve dangerous clots in blood vessels, improve blood flow, and prevent damage to tissues and organs.
  6. 6. Arrhythmia When the heartbeat is not in a normal rhythm.
  7. 7. Contraindications Contraindication is the opposite of indication. Just as an indication is a reason for using a medicine or performing a procedure, a contraindication is a reason for NOT using a medicine or NOT performing a procedure. Aspirin has an indication and a Contraindication. It can be used if the patient has mild-moderate pain. But if a patient also has symptoms like gastric ulcer, dudenal ulcer etc., then Aspirin shouldnt be used. Then it is a contraindication.
  8. 8. Diuretic Diuretics are called water pills. They remove salt and water from the body.
  9. 9. Secure Venous Access When a patient is brought in the hospital, usually nurses find his or her vein to give an injection or an IV or removing blood for tests. This is called secure venous access.
  10. 10. Reperfuse The restoration of blood flow to an organ or to tissue. After a heart attack, an immediate goal is to quickly open blocked arteries and reperfuse the heart muscles. Early reperfusion minimizes the extent of heart muscle damage and preserves the pumping function of the heart.
  11. 11. Titrate to effect incremental increase in drug dosage to a level that provides the optimal effect. For example: A patient is given a minimal dose of 500 mg. Then its increased to 1gram and finally 2 grams to provide the effect.
  12. 12. Line To move to the next stage if something doesnt work. Example - If the antibiotic doesnt work, our line will be surgery.
  13. 13. Tolerate To have no side-effects to a medicine. Ahmed should be given 500 mg of Tramadol. He can tolerate that. But it shouldnt be titrated because beyond that dose there might be contraindications.
  14. 14. Vocabulary Exercise 1 Match technical words with their meanings 1) Thrombolysis 2) Arrhythmia 3) Contraindication 4) Tolerate 5) Diuretics 6) Secure Venous Access 7) titrate to effect 8) Reperfuse 9) Line 10) Hypokalaemia