Unit 3 Communicating on the Phone

Unit 03 : Communication on the Phone

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Unit 3 Communicating on the Phone

Page 2: Unit 03 : Communication on the Phone

Useful Phrases for Telephone Conversation(ส ำนวนทมประโยชนในบทสนทนำทำงโทรศพท)

Calling Someone (การโทรหา)

• Good afternoon, can I speak to . . .?

• Hi, this is . . . from . . .

• Is . . . free at the moment?

• May I leave a message?

• Can you ask . . . to call me?

Answering Calls (การตอบรบสาย)

• Good morning, this is . . .. How can I help


• I’m sorry, . . . is busy at the moment.

• May I take a message?

• May I ask who is calling?

• May I have your phone number, please?

Page 3: Unit 03 : Communication on the Phone

Listen to people talking on the phone.

Match their locations to their names.

คนเหลำนคอใคร เคำอยทไหน

Names Places

• Mark • Dave

• Jane • May

• temple • restaurant

• office • department


Page 4: Unit 03 : Communication on the Phone

Listen to the telephone dialogue

Receptionist: Good afternoon, Blade Computers. How

may I help you?

Caller: Hello, this is John Smith from Stanton

Industries. Can I talk to Dave Jones?

Receptionist: Let me check for you. I’m putting you on


Caller: OK, I’ll hold.

Receptionist: Thank you for holding, Mr. Smith. Dave is

in a meeting. Can I take a message?

Caller: Yes, please. Can you ask Dave to call me?

Receptionist: Can I take your number?

Caller: Yes. It is 021-578-5555.

Receptionist: Can I check that? 021-578-5555.

Caller: That’s right.

Receptionist: Thank you. May I tell him why you are


Caller: Yes. I am calling about his order.

Receptionist: Thank you. I’ll leave a message for him.

Caller: Thank you for your help. Goodbye.

Receptionist: Thank you, Mr. Smith. Goodbye.

Tick tasks the speakersdo in the phone call.ท ำเครองหมำยทกจกรรมทผพดท ำในกำรคยโทรศพท__ taking a phone number__ Leaving a message__ calling a friend__ being on hold__ taking a message__ giving your phone number__ asking someone to call you

taking a phone number

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A Phone Message (ขอควำมทำงโทรศพท)

Understand what is on a phone message(มขอมลอะไรอยในกำรฝำกขอควำมทำงโทรศพท) 1. What company does Matt work for?

a. Janny Instruments b. Blade

Computers c. Not mentioned

2. What information is missing?

a. Time of call b. Caller’s

phone number c. Caller’s company

3. What does Matt say about the parts?

a. They are all OK. b. They are new.

c. Nothing

4. What does Ken want Matt to do?

a. Call him if there are any problems

b. Send the parts to London

c. Call him back

5. What are ready?

a. The new parts b. Janny Instruments

c. The test results

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Taking Phone Messages (กำรรบฝำกขอควำมทำงโทรศพท)

Listen to the dialogue and fill out the phone message (ฟงบทสนทนำ แลวเตมขอมลกำรฝำกขอควำมทำงโทรศพท)

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Polite Requests and Responses (กำรขอรองและตอบอยำงสภำพ)

Caller: Hello. May I speak to Mr. Smith, please?

Receptionist: Certainly. Can I ask who is calling?

Caller: Yes. My name is Tom Selleck.

Receptionist: Thank you, Mr. Selleck. Can you

wait a moment, please? I’ll see if

Mr. Smith is available.

Caller: Certainly.

Receptionist: I’m sorry. Mr. Selleck is in a meeting

now. May I have your number, please?

He can call you back after the meeting.

Caller: I’m sorry. I will be busy later. Can I call

back tomorrow morning?

Receptionist: Certainly. Thanks for your call.

Caller: Thank you.

Read the telephone dialogue andpractice with a partner by changingthe words in red with your own information

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Making Excuses (กำรแกตำงในกำรสอสำรทำงโทรศพท)

Listen to and read the following dialogues, and then match the people to the places.

Dave Jane Robert Eric จากบทสนทนาทางโทรศพท จบคบคคลเหลานกบสถานท

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Arrangements and Changes to Arrangements(กำรจดนดหมำยและกำรเปลยนแปลงกำรนดหมำย)

Read the words below and mark any that you do not understand. Then listen to

And repeat the words. (ฝกอาน ฟง และพดค าศพท ท าเครองหมายหากไมเขาใจความหมาย)

1. cancel 2. delay 3. postpone 4. schedule

5. arrange 6. set up 7. rearrange 8. reschedule

9. put off 10. move back 11. conference call 12. appointment

Complete the sentences below using the words in the box. (ท าใหประโยคสมบรณ ใชค าศพททใหมา)

cancel agenda appointment conference call delay schedule

1. Dave, I’m sorry. I have to ____________________ our meeting this week.

2. OK, we can ____________________ our meeting till 3:30 p.m.

3. I have an ____________________ with my doctor at 10 a.m. tomorrow.

4. Do you have the ____________________ for the meeting?

5. Sorry, my ____________________ is full. Can we meet tomorrow instead?

6. I have a ____________________ with our San Francisco office later today.

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Business Call or Personal Call (โทรศพทเพอธรกจ หรอธระสวนตว)

Man: Hi, Becky. How are you?

Woman: Hi, Trevor. Pretty good. Are we still (1) ________ later today?

Man: That’s why I am calling. I’m afraid I will have to (2) ________


Woman: Cancel it? Why?

Man: I’m really (3) ________ , but I have to work late. I have a

conference call with our head office in (4) ________.

Woman: Well, maybe we could just put it off until you finish work.

Man: OK, could we delay dinner until (5) ________ ?

Woman: Sure. Should I call the (6) ________ ? I reserved a table at

The Golden Palace.

Man: OK. Try to move the reservation back a few hours.

Woman: Great. I’m so happy we only have to delay dinner, not cancel


Man: Me too. I’ll see you there at 9.

Answer the questions

1. Is this a business or personal call?


2. Why is Trevor calling Becky?


3. Where is the head office?


4. What time will they meet?


5. What is The Golden Palace?


Listen to dialogue and fill in the blanks

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1. Who does Dave work for?

a. Power International b. Geltech c. Cynthia

2. Why is Cynthia calling Dave?

a. To tell him about her CEO

b. To postpone their meeting

c. To ask him to dinner

3. Is Cynthia available on Monday?

a. Yes b. No c. Doesn’t say

4. What time will Dave and Cynthia meet?

a. On Tuesday b. On Wednesday c. At 2 p.m.

5. Who is the CEO?

a. Cynthia’s boss b. Cynthia’s friend c. Dave’s boss

M: Good afternoon, Power International.

Dave speaking.

W: Hi, Dave. This is Cynthia from Geltech.

M: Hi, Cynthia. How can I help you?

W: I’m calling about our meeting. I’m sorry.

We will have to postpone it. Our CEO is

coming to town tomorrow.

M: OK. Can we reschedule it now?

W: If that is convenient for you.

M: Of course. Let me see. Are you available

next Tuesday?

W: No, my schedule is full until Wednesday.

Are you free then?

M: Let me check. Yes, I can meet you at 2


W: That’s perfect. I will send you the new

agenda. I think our CEO has some new

ideas we should discuss.

M: Great! Good luck with your boss!

W: Thanks, Dave. Speak to you soon.

Rearranging a Meeting (กำรท ำนดกำรประชมใหม)

Listen to the extract and answerthe following questions.

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Stock PhrasesLet’s Practice