Towards Interoperable Metadata Provenance # +& *()( & !& " #!$ $ #!$ ' " #!$

Towards Interoperable Metadata Provenance

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The Second International Workshop on the Role of Semanzic Web in Provenance Management November 7, 2010 Shanghai, China

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Page 1: Towards Interoperable Metadata Provenance

Towards Interoperable Metadata Provenance

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"The mission of the DCMI is to provide simple standards to facilitate the nding, sharing and management of information."

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* http://www4.wiwiss.fu-berlin.de/lodcloud/state/#terms


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title: Animal Farmcreator: George Orwell year: 1993isbn: 978-1857151503

subject: animals

Indexer: "My confidence in the assignment is 0.91."

subject: communism

Librarian: "I assign this subject."

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7 ex:docbase/doc1 dc:subject ex:thes/sub308 #7 ex:source ex:sources/pfeffer9 #7 ex:rank 1.0

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Set Subject Predicate Object1 ex:docbase/doc1 dc:subject ex:thes/sub202 #1 ex:source ex:sources/autoindex13 # 1 ex:rank 0.554 ex:docbase/doc1 dc:subject ex:thes/sub305 #4 ex:source ex:sources/autoindex16 #4 ex:rank 0.87 ex:docbase/doc1 dc:subject ex:thes/sub308 #7 ex:source ex:sources/pfeffer9 #7 ex:rank 1.010 ex:docbase/doc1 dc:subject ex:thes/sub4011 #10 ex:source ex:sources/pfeffer12 #10 ex:rank 1.013 ex:sources/autoindex1 ex:type ex:types/auto14 ex:sources/pfeffer ex:type ex:types/manual

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ex:docbase/doc1 dc:subject ex:thes/sub30

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SELECT DISTINCT ?document ?value WHERE { GRAPH ?graph { ?document dc:subject ?value . } . ?graph ex:source <ex:sources/pfeffer> . }

document value ex:docbase/doc1 ex:thes/sub30 ex:docbase/doc1 ex:thes/sub40

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SELECT DISTINCT ?document ?value WHERE { GRAPH ?graph { ?document dc:subject ?value . } . ?graph ex:source ?source . ?source ex:type ?type . ?graph ex:rank ?rank . FILTER ( ?type = <ex:types/manual> || ?rank > 0.7 ) }

document value ex:docbase/doc1 ex:thes/sub30 ex:docbase/doc1 ex:thes/sub40

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