Top GRE vocabulary

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Extant (adj.) – in existence.

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Ephemeral (adj). – short-lived

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Esoteric (adj) – known to a select few

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Capricious (adj.) – unpredictable, whimsical

Because Mr. Bean was so capricious his friends felt they could not rely on him.

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Corroborate (v.) – to confirm, make stronger

No witnesses were able to corroborate Superman’s alibi that he had been at the toilet at the time of the murder

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Loquacious (adj.) – talkative

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Erudite (adj.) – scholarly

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Pragmatic (adj.) – practical

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Ambivalent (adj.) – having contradictory feelings

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Soporific (adj.) – inducing sleep

My English teacher Mrs. Fox had a soporific voice

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Prolific (adj.) – producing or creating abundantly

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Auspicious (adj.) – favorable

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Sanguine (adj.) – cheerful; optimistic

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Enervate (v.) – to weaken; drain the energy from

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Magnanimous (adj.) – big-hearted; generous

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Belligerent (adj.) – Inclined to fighting

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Fastidious (adj.) – nitpicky

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Reticent (adj.) – tight lipped, not prone to saying much, reluctant

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Inculpate (v.) – to charge with wrong-doing; accuse

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