1 Dear Mother, I have had a very busy week here with knight training. It is really hard work but fun too! We have been doing lots of sports and games, climbing, swimming, javelin and archery. I nearly hit the bulls eye yesterday! I wish you could have seen it. I really like the wrestling and sword fighting, but we have to use wooden swords so dont worry about me. I have been learning the couch technique this week which is learning how to hold the lance correctly, you have to tuck it under your arm to keep it steady. I'm getting really good at it. I have to sit on a wooden horse and some of the other pages pull it while I aim the lance at a target. Sometimes its my turn to pull the horse which is really hard work! We had a treat this week and we were allowed to watch real jousting, it was really exciting. The knights were so brave and strong. I am trying really hard with my riding so I will be a great knight too, I enjoy the riding and caring for the ponies. I dont even mind working in the stables, I'm getting much stronger now. I miss you lots but one day I will make you really proud and be the best knight ever! Lots of love from, Lucas.

To my venerable mother

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Page 1: To my venerable mother


Dear Mother, I have had a very busy week here with knight training. It is really hard work but fun too! We have been doing lots of sports and games, climbing, swimming, javelin and archery. I nearly hit the bulls eye yesterday! I wish you could have seen it. I really like the wrestling and sword fighting, but we have to use wooden swords so dont worry about me. I have been learning the couch technique this week which is learning how to hold the lance correctly, you have to tuck it under your arm to keep it steady. I'm getting really good at it. I have to sit on a wooden horse and some of the other pages pull it while I aim the lance at a target. Sometimes its my turn to pull the horse which is really hard work!

We had a treat this week and we were allowed to watch real jousting, it was really exciting. The knights were so brave and strong. I am trying really hard with my riding so I will be a great knight too, I enjoy the riding and caring for the ponies. I dont even mind working in the stables, I'm getting much stronger now.

I miss you lots but one day I will make you really proud and be the best knight ever!

Lots of love from, Lucas.

Page 2: To my venerable mother


Dear Mother I just thought that I would write and let you know how things are. I am now training to be a Knight. It is such hard work, but it is worth it. I have been training for about three weeks now. I can’t wait until I am a proper Knight, guarding the king and queen from all sorts of things! I wasn’t looking forward to it at first but now I can think of nothing else. Training will be over in a few years time and then I hope you can come and see me. There is just one thing I don’t like, I have to walk without anything on my feet. Now it is winter I have a thin woollen cloak, but, it is a little dirty! Father is well, he likes his job as a blacksmith. I don’t think he earns much money, but, he still enjoys his job. I hope you are well and give all my love to Gertrude, Roberta, Freya and Rose.

Lots of Love your Jimmy

Dear mother,I hope you and father are well, this week I have been on the wooden horse on wheels with my two friends, Sam and William, pulling me towards a target. I had to carry a Lace which is hard because it was heavy and I fell off the horse a couple of times, but after a while I hit the target.I then learned how to couch where you hold the Lace under the arm to steady it while moving on the horse; it took me sometime to get it right.Last week we started riding small ponies which was something I found i was good at and enjoyed very much.Also last week I had to serve at the high table at the banquet and next week I am going to my first tournament, I will be looking after the knights clothes. I am looking forward to it, to seeing all the knights fighting and jousting.After my days training I meet up with Sam and William to play chess and backgammon untill it is time to go to bed. From your loving son, Owen.

Page 3: To my venerable mother


Page 4: To my venerable mother


Dear MumI have missed you very much since I left home 4 years ago, it is hard work being a page, here is some of the things I have two do; Serve at a table,Care for the Lord's clothes and assist them in dressing,Expected to acts as servants to the ladies of the court or castle.I am provided with a uniform of the colours and livery of the Lord.I can’t wait to be a knight on horseback with a joust in one hand a shield in the other,In the meantime I training with a wooden horse on wheels pulled by two of my friends as I try to hit a target and I’m learning to fight with a wooden sword and shield . It can be fun at times but it is hard work being a page.Love, Earl.

Dear mum

We have been doing a lot lately. We have been learning to fight on horses and when I’m 15 I will get my first proper sword and shield. I have my own horse now called hunter he is the fastest out of the lot. Please write back as soon as possible!

Love from harryp.s tell me how everything is going.

Page 5: To my venerable mother


Page 6: To my venerable mother


Dear Mother,

I hope you have been well and not missing me too much.I have been busy serving the Lord and Lady of the court and training to be a knight.I have been learning to ride a horse and using a wooden battle axe to train with. I practised using a lance on a wooden horse and my friends had to pull me a long which was fun and good physical exercise.I am enjoying swimming and archery and practise my sword play against another page but when I look after my horse in the stable I have to clear out the muck which is stinky.This week I watched a jousting tournament between the knights and I loved it.I have been helping at the Lord’s table and this morning I had to help him dress.I am missing home and I don’t like being a page very much as it is hard work, but I have enjoyed playing chess.I must stop writing now as the Lady of the court wants me to be her servant again.

I will write to you again soon.

Love from your son William Craigen