Time Management Survey Jonava Jeronimas Ralys gymnasium May 11-25, 2015 Time management is a set of actions and decisions aimed at optimal allocation and efficient use of the available time for achieving its objectives and tasks. Our life consists of seven vital areas such as health, family, financial, intellectual, social, professional and spiritual. Over the past 20 years working time increased by 25 percent. And leisure fell by 33 percent. It is important to balance all vital areas. Modern, extremely fast pace of life forces us to complain about the lack of time. Jeronimas Ralys gymnasium students- the age of 15-18- were asked to fill in time management table for two weeks. There were 4 main time management areas included: mental activities, physical activities, leisure time and sleep. 214 respondents answered the survey. Survey Results: Mental Activities 3 12 26 53 68 52 How many hours do I spend for mental activities daily? 4 h 5 h 6 h 7 h 8 h 9 h

Time management survey

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Time Management Survey

Jonava Jeronimas Ralys gymnasium

May 11-25, 2015

Time management is a set of actions and decisions aimed at optimal allocation and efficient use of the available time for achieving its objectives and tasks. Our life consists of seven vital areas such as health, family, financial, intellectual, social, professional and spiritual. Over the past 20 years working time increased by 25 percent. And leisure fell by 33 percent. It is important to balance all vital areas. Modern, extremely fast pace of life forces us to complain about the lack of time.

Jeronimas Ralys gymnasium students- the age of 15-18- were asked to fill in time management table for two weeks. There were 4 main time management areas included: mental activities, physical activities, leisure time and sleep. 214 respondents answered the survey.

Survey Results: Mental Activities

3 12





How many hours do I spend for mental activities daily?

4 h 5 h 6 h 7 h 8 h 9 h

According to the survey results, respondents spend about 8 hours in average per day for mental activities. Looking back at health reccomendations, this amount is really high and may reinforce serious health problems in the future.

Reccomendation. Students should pay more attention to time for rest and leisure. Activities that help to restore psychological and physical strength are highly recommended: meditation, art and music therapy, nature activities.

Survey Results: Physical Activities




How many hours do I spend for physical activities daily?

1 h 2 h 3 h and more

According to the data above, students spend tool little time for any physical activities. This leads to serious health problems such as backache, headache and ignorance for being active.

Reccomendation. To take part in various sports activities and competitions, school community exercising day and jogging.

Survey Results: Leisure Time Activities














How many hours do I spend for leisure time activities daily?

4 h and less 5 h 6 h and more

Due to students‘ active business with their studies and, they have too little time for leisure activities.

Reccomendation. To form a positive attitude towards time quality and smart management by encouraging them to take care of their psychological and physical health, to be more active in informal learning.

Survey Results: Sleep














How many hours do I spend sleeping?

6 h and less 7 h 8 h 9 h and more

According to the survey results, students tend to sleep the right ammount of hours. Average is 7 hours per night.

Reccomendation. To sleep as long as it is suggested for certain age groups.

Jeronimas Ralys gymansium students live very active mental life but spend too little time for physical activities, leisure time and rest.

Consequently, many various activities will be organized at school and outside it.

1. Educational workshop „Rational Time Management for Students“2. Relaxation in nature workshop3. Water influnce on human body workshop4. Day of Olympics5. Campaign „ A Day without Car“6. Community jogging marathon7. Art therapy workshop

1. Educational workshop „Rational Time Management for Students“

2. Relaxation in nature workshop

3. Water influnce on human body workshop

4. Day of Olympics