Time Line of Music Magazine's

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Page 1: Time Line of Music Magazine's

Zoe Brant


Page 2: Time Line of Music Magazine's

Billboard music created the first music magazine with the first issue being printed in 1894. however it wasn’t until the

late 30’s (1936) when music magazines became popular. The Magazine is targeted towards music professionals but

it is also accessible by the public. It was named Billboard in ’61 and first became available in the USA.

The billboard charts involved from the issues of the magazine later on in the century and became radio airplay. The Billboard charts played and provided different music



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Britain's oldest music magazine which was released in July 1926. It was originally created for the genre of Jazz, but eventually moved on to accompany the Rock and Indie

genres.During the 50’s it was rivaled with another magazine called New Musical express which was targeted more towards the

younger generation and towards unoccupied rock. Both magazine had articles about upcoming music and new

artists.In 1999 Melody maker went though a make over and came

out with a glossy format. In 2000 Melody maker was merged with new Musical Express which were both owned

by IPC media.


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New Musical Express was created in 1952 and was also set up in the UK alongside Melody Maker.

However while Melody maker was associated with Jazz, NME was associated with the Rock genre. NME was also

targeted towards youth. During the rampage of the Mods V Rockers, those who’s collective identity was a rocker may

have read this magazine.In society today it is one of the most popular running

magazines in the UK. This showing that the rock genre is still very large and active today.


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The Rolling stones magazine was first published in 1967 and in the USA.

The target audience for this magazine was youth due to their more knowledge of technology than the older

generations.The magazine created and documented music as an

important part of youth culture. Articles included topics about youth subcultures and social change, and even about

political issues within the music industry at the time. It primarily focused on culture music.


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Smash hits was created in 1978 and first launched in the UK.

It’s target audience was primarily young people and teenagers. This magazine is important in the development

of music as the magazine covered different genres of music. It also showed and wrote about music in a different way

from previous magazine's (I.e Like Pop).The last Issue of Smash hits was published in February



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Kerrang was introduced in 1981 in the UK and was often compared to Smash hits.

The magazine itself focused more on heavy metal and rock music and was more focused on music culture.

There is no target audience for Kerrang and it sells to a wide ranage of different audiences. With different

generations the sale of of the magazine has either dropped or rose.


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Published in the UK during 1986.Q magazine did not have a target audience as it did not primarily focus on one specific genre like Kerrang did.

It also looked at music from a different perspective.


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Became available in the 80's.It was filled mostly with adverts and contained sources of

buying and selling music.It first started out as a A5 publication. However in 2003 it

became a A4 magazine in colour.


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Mojo was first published in 1993 within the UK.This magazine looked more at classic rock which catered to

a wider target audience. This meant that the magazine itself had to contain a large

variety of different types of rock music.


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First published in 1995 in the UK and was published by BBC magazines.

This magazine was aimed towards the younger generation as it discussed Music such as pop.

Top of the pops had more posters and content which aimed towards the younger generation. Today it does not primarily

focus on music anymore.