Bridges over times and cultures Project activity This World is Our Future House

This world is our future house

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Bridges over times and cultures

Project activity

This World is Our Future House

Environmental and entrepreneurial activity

The pupils from the 7th grade

Activity based on the 3 R:




Drawings, posters and cartoons

• First, the pupils created drawings, posters and even short captions to encourage their colleagues to reduce the consumption of water, electricity, to prevent people from cutting down trees, etc.

• they posted these drawings and posters in the classrooms

• they used a special machine to compact plastic bottles and use the result for decorations

Campaign for the protection of the environment

Pupils used the TEPET to compact plastic bottles which they later used for decorations

Used batteries collection

• Collecting used batteries was the next step in the environmental activity. The 7th grade collected batteries for two weeks and then took them to a collecting point in the city

Thank you!‘This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the

views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may

be made of the information contained therein.’