English Grammar: Quiz Gramática Inglesa: Questionario Demonstrative Adjectives and Pronouns: this, that, these, those

This that-those-these

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English Grammar: QuizGramática Inglesa: Questionario

Demonstrative Adjectives and Pronouns: this, that, these, those

this that

these those

Question (1/17)

Which one should I choose, _____ shirt or that one?

this that

these those

Which one should I choose, this shirt or that one?

Answer (1/17)


¿Cuál elijo/debería elegir? ¿Esta camisa, o esa/aquella?

this that

these those

Question (2/17)

David, take _____ books and put them on the desk over there.

this that

these those

David, take these books and put them on the desk over there.

Answer (2/17)


David, toma estos libros y ponlos sobre el escritorio de allí.

this that

these those

Question (3/17)

Take a look at _____ building across the street.

this that

these those

Take a look at that building across the street.

Answer (3/17)


Mira ese edificio que está al otro lado de la calle.

this that

these those

Question (4/17)

Look at _____ woman over there! She's completely naked!

this that

these those

Look at that woman over there! She's completely naked!

Answer (4/17)


¡Mira esa mujer allí! ¡Está completamente desnuda!

this that

these those

Question (5/17)

My keys are right here. _____ are my keys!

this that

these those

My keys are right here. These are my keys!

Answer (5/17)


Mis llaves están justo aquí ¡Estas son mis llaves!

this that

these those

Question (6/17)

My grandmother never wore pants when she was a teenager. In _____ days it wasn't acceptable.

this that

these those

My grandmother never wore pants when she was a teenager. In those days it wasn't acceptable.

Answer (6/17)


Mi abuela nunca usó pantalones cuando era adolescente. En aquellos días no era aceptable.

this that

these those

Question (7/17)

_____ is the first time I have ever seen a lion in my life.

this that

these those

This is the first time I have ever seen a lion in my life.

Answer (7/17)


Esta es la primera vez que he visto un león en mi vida.

this that

these those

Question (8/17)

Could you bring me _____ chairs over there?

this that

these those

Could you bring me those chairs over there?

Answer (8/17)


¿Podrías traerme esas sillas de allí?

this that

these those

Question (9/17)

Can you see _____ two boys swimming in the river?

this that

these those

Can you see those two boys swimming in the river?

Answer (9/17)


¿Puedes ver esos dos niños que están nadando en el río?

this that

these those

Question (10/17)

Look at _____ tattoo on my arm.

this that

these those

Look at this tattoo on my arm.

Answer (10/17)


Mira este tatuaje que tengo en mi brazo

this that

these those

Question (11/17)

_____ was a difficult test we had yesterday.

this that

these those

That was a difficult test we had yesterday.

Answer (11/17)


Esa fue una difícil prueba, la que tuvimos ayer

this that

these those

Question (12/17)

_____ was the first time I ever saw a shooting star.

this that

these those

That was the first time I ever saw a shooting star.

Answer (12/17)


Esa fue la primera vez que vi una estrella fugaz

this that

these those

Question (13/17)

These flowers here are much more beautiful than _____ flowers we saw before

this that

these those

These flowers here are much more beautiful than those flowers we saw before

Answer (13/17)


Estas flores son mucho más hermosas que esas flores que vimos antes.

this that

these those

Question (14/17)

What's the difference between this computer here, and _____ computer over there?

this that

these those

What's the difference between this computer here, and that computer over there?

Answer (14/17)


¿Cuál es la diferencia entre esta computadora aquí, y esa computadora de allá.

this that

these those

Question (15/17)

I can't finish _____ ice cream. Would you like some?

this that

these those

I can't finish this ice cream. Would you like some?

Answer (15/17)


No puedo terminar este helado. ¿Quieres un poco?

this that

these those

Question (16/16)

Where did you put ______ documents I gave you this morning?

this that

these those

Where did you put those documents I gave you this morning?

Answer (16/16)


¿Dónde pusiste esos documentos que te di esta mañana?

this that

these those

Question (17/16)

What was _____ you just threw away?

this that

these those

What was that you just threw away?

Answer (17/16)


¿Qué era eso que acabas de tirar a la basura?

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