The Rule Of Thirds

The Rule Of Thirds

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The Rule Of Thirds

To use the Rule of thirds the image is divided by 2 horizontal and 2 vertical lines. In order to use the rule of thirds correctly the main features of the image have to be placed on the lines or the intersections. The intersections are where the horizontal and vertical cross over. Here is a grid showing how the rule of thirds work. Placing the main components on the intersections can make the image look more interesting and appealing to the audience. It can also provide balance to the photo and show any extra parts such as a shadow.

IntersectionsWhat is the Rule of thirds?

In both of these magazines the model is placed in the central columns this was done so that the information can be seen clearly in the other 2 columns. Placing the models in the centre affects the eye of the audience. Both of these models hands sit on a Intersection line. Both of there shoulders sit on the top horizontal.

Rule Of Thirds; Front Cover

The main focus point on this front cover is the middle square with the main facial features in the square also the her hair line follows the 2 vertical lines. The writing is placed nicely in the side boxes.

The middle part of his face follows down the right vertical line. The features such as teeth and forehead are place on this line and meet at the intersection line.

Rule Of Thirds; Contents PageThe man in this contents page is placed on the left hand side. The middle of his body follows down the left hand side vertical line. Most of the witting on this page is in the right hand side bottom two boxes. The tittle on this page sits on one of the lines too.

Most of the contents information on this page is displayed on the right hand side separating from the images, this connotes that this magazine is serious about there information and that the viewer has to look at everything on the page. On this contents

page one of the intersections sits just above the eye line. Connoting that the face is important and that it is a key feature to this magazine.

The arrangement on this contents page to basic and normal for how a contents page should be layout. The models eyes meet on a intersection which helps.

Rule Of Thirds; Double Page Spread

This main image sits on the left hand side. His face sits on the top horizontal line this interests the viewer making them look at the image. The masthead takes up most of the top two boxes, connoting that the masthead is important to the magazine.

Ed Sheeran and the London back drop takes up two thirds of the page connoting that it is important for the viewer to look at. Ed Sheeran on the middle vertical line. The information is placed on the right hand side with a different background colour connoting that the information is important