The purge

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Page 2: The purge

Camera Shots The trailer opens with a long shot showing the horizon/sunset connoting the end of harmony and the start of

hell as the Purge begins. Then after the cut goes to what seems to be the main family being happy and enjoying each others company.

Moves to an establishing shot of the neighbourhood. The neighbourhood looks very wealthy and you wouldn’t think anyone would commit crimes there. The trailer progresses until it gets to an over the shoulder shot which shows somebody preparing a weapon of some sort for the purge. This denotes people fear for their lives in the purge even from their own neighbours. Then shortly afterwards there is a high angle shot of the family preparing their weapons for the purge. After more cuts there is a long shot of the houses defences which connotes the families wealth and their ability to prepare for the purge/the fear that the purge conveys onto normal people.

After the doorbell rings there is a close up of the criminals face, however he is wearing the mask this may be because although you do not get prosecuted in the purge he may not want to create an enemy for the next purge.

There is a panning shot inside the house which shows writing on the wall written in blood which says ‘Do not look for me’. This warning is very forceful and threatening connoting if they look for him he will fight back. In addition to this it could be an intertextual reference as in some movies when a killer is demanding something they right it in blood to scare the person they have sent the demand to.

There is then a no level eye line match showing the girl under her bed as the antagonists shoe comes into the frame.

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Editing There is a time lapse of the sky colour changing this denotes a different time

period and as well as this a change in attitude as the purge is about to start. The transition to text is slow which gives the audience time to read the text and

take in the messages that it shows. This is a good way to convey to the audience what happens in the purge and what it means for people. In addition to this the fade transition between shots varies, this is to help build suspense.

The cuts happen on score and as the action picks up so to does the cuts. Again this is another method to help build suspense and is a typical convention of horrors in that there are a lot of fast paced cuts.

After the antagonist rings the doorbell and tells them the message there are four different fast cuts of the antagonists surrounding the house. This is to show that the family is in danger and have no way of escaping.

The trailer also tends to use a black screen whilst the characters are talking. Again this is a convention of horrors and it helps to build suspense and increase the unknown so we do not know what to expect. This evokes a response from the audience which is what the film makers have intended to do to get us to question what will happen next.

At the end of the trailer there is a focus pull from the woman carrying a gun to an antagonist stalking her in the background, this connotes the danger that the family is currently facing and they don not know the impending violence they are about to face.

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Mise-En-Scene Setting- A wealthy suburb where the main protagonists own a big house with top of the range

security. This connotes that because they are so successful and have it so easy they could be a target for people less fortunate of business rivals who want their wealth and success.

Props- The use of guns is conventional to horrors as it is usually much like a knife, the go to weapon of choice for murderers. It also denotes that violence is a main theme or ideology of this such as the case of revenge or petty killing for the sake of it.

Costume- The antagonists wear masks ,which connotes a mysterious sense of the unknown maybe because they do not want the responsibility being associated with the killing of certain people. In addition to this the band of antagonists differ in smart clothing the main antagonist wears a suit whereas the others are in pyjamas etc. this connotes he is in charge of the antagonists. The family generally wears smart clothing such as shirts which denotes that they are very wealthy and well educated.

Performance- The main antagonist seems very polite and has a smile after he says he will kill them all which gives him a sadistic edge to be feared which works in his favour to make him even more intimidating than someone who would shouts at the family. The father seems to stay calm throughout the trailer which gives the impression that he has done this many times before and now sees it as a necessary evil. When he says ‘think of all the good the purge does’ seems to indicate this idea. This is in contrast to his son who seems mortified by the idea as would his expressions indicate.

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Mise-En-Scene Continued

Lighting- The lighting at the start of the trailer is high key which connotes a light happy environment. In addition ambient lighting is used to give the audience a sense of realism.

Whilst they are in the house the lighting is generally low key this is to embed a sense of fear and uncertainty into the audience to increase the fear factor.

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Sound The piano playing at the start before the purge starts connotes happiness and

peacefulness as no one is being killed etc. However once the piano stops the noises get more distressing progressively

indicating more anarchy. There are scrambled signal noises after the purge starts to broadcast on the TV, police sirens, beeping etc. These all lead to suggest almost a flashback of the chaos of the purge in the past. Whilst the beeping may represent a countdown until the purge begins, such as a bomb ready to explode which proposes the idea all the anger the citizens of the USA have kept bottled up are about to explode.

The door bell connotes a sense of impending danger as the murderers turn up at the door to seemingly kill them.

The heavy breathing of the focus pull puts emphasis on the danger the mother is in as the antagonist appears behind her

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Theories Todorov- Todorov’s theory is only established in the purge trailer. The equilibrium is when the women are laughing and the

family are having a meal together. Then the disruption would be when the young child lets the African American man in their home. The recognition of disruption is when the antagonists turn up on the families doorstep and demand the stranger is handed over. The attempt to repair is when they attempt to defend themselves form the antagonists attacks, however the new equilibrium is not established because that would give the story away and they want to attract you to go to the cinema and see the movie.

Propp- Propp’s character theory is also touched on. The hero would be the main family and the villain would be the group of antagonists who rang the doorbell. In addition it could be argued that the family are also the princess as they need rescuing from the villains, as well as this the stranger of black ethnicity could also be seen as he is being hunted by the villains. The stranger could also be seen as the helper as he helps to fend of the villains.

Uses &Gratification Theory- Personal identification would be that people would understand you would do anything to protect your loved ones. Inform would be how at the start of the trailer it tells you about the crime rate and what the purge is and does. Entertainment would be the action, fighting and jump scares etc. as they evoke a response from us. Social response would be talking to someone about what happened in the movie. For example asking each other why the little boy would open the door to a stranger or even the question which is like an enigma which is why are they after the stranger.

Socio-Economic Groups- People who would watch this movie would be in group C1-E. This is because in group A for example they are on high income so are less likely to watch this big blockbuster movie and instead opt for educational of Art House cinema films. Where as someone who is in C1 for example a junior manager are more likely to watch these as they are younger so will want to get scared with their friends.

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Theories Continued

ITV Sales Demographics- The groups most likely to watch this movie are AD,AA and A3. This is because of the age rating as younger people would not be able to watch it.In addition the adults are more likely to want to watch it to get scared with their friends and partners as it is co0mmon for these groups to like being scared.

Hypodermic Needle Theory- Doesn’t really apply to this trailer because it is not really trying to force a message on the audience, however if they wanted to ‘inject’ the audience with a message it would be do-able as commonly more passive audiences watch the big movies rather than the cerebral movies.

2 Step Flow- This theory can be applied to the trailer as the ‘Opinion Leaders’ could be the rich family who are passing on a message to the audience watching who are usually willing to except this ideology. This message could be the idea that you shouldn't be nice to strangers and you should only look after yourselves because if you try to help it could bring repercussions.

Target Audience According To Life styles- This could be groupies and trendies as they want to be accepted by their peer groups. They might see this movie as a chance to seem cool and brave in front of their peer group in an attempt to gain admiration and acceptance form the group and see this movie as a great way to do that.

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Stereotypes- Stereotype on show in this trailer is the power of whit people over ethnics. This is because the black man clearly has nothing whereas the white family are very wealthy and can look after themselves. You could also say that this trailer is stereotypical of other horrors as there are many fast cuts which is a convention of horror trailers.

Gender- There is equality generally on show in the trailer as the women appear to be able to look after themselves just as much as the men. This is demonstrated in some shots where the woman are shown in combat with men and are e not represented as damsels in distress

Ideology- The ideology seems to be that white people tend to look out for themselves but not others and they opposites black people vs white people and Rich vs poor are willing to end someone's life to save their own . This brings up two examples of binary