SHAGUFTA KHAN PRESENTED BY The prophet’s life at Madina;

The Prophet's Life at Madina

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The prophet’s life at Madina;


The prophet’s life at Madina.


Surah al-Anfal Ayat No: 74.

Surah Al- Baqarah Ayat No: 180.


On 1st Rabi-ul-Awwal Prophet came out of the

cave of Thore, and on the 8th of this month he

arrived at the town of Quba.

The Prophet came straight from Quba to Madina,

(at that time called Yathrib).

First sermon in Madina.

Everybody wanted to be the host of prophet


WELCOME SONG:‘The moon rose on

From the mountain of WADA

Thanks have become due on us

Till the caller calls us to Allah

O you who have been sent by Allah

Who have brought to us the religion

which is obligatory to be followed

we belong to the Banu Najjar

It is good news that Mohammed is our


Singing by : Daughter of the family of Banu Najjar:


The companions decided the great honour of hosts grant to be Prophet.

The camel took the passage to Huzrat Abu-AyubAnsari (real name Khalid).

After the Arival of the Prophet name of Yathribwas changed in Madina.

It soon developed in to a city of welfare.

The prophet began the construction of Masjid-e-Nabavi.


In the 2nd year of Hijra,

the revelation came for the call of Azan and

change of Qibla to kaabak, in Makkah.

Fasting in the month of Ramadan was made


313 Muslims defeated over 1000 invaders

from Makkah at Badr. Abu jahal was killed in

this battle.


In the 3rd year:Zakat was made

the battle of Uhad was fought.

In the 4th year, the drinking of Alcohol was forbidden

In the 5th year,order of Hijab for the ladies was received

In the 7th year,the battle of Khyber happened.


In the 8th year of Hijra,Makkah was conquered and several famous people accepted Islam.

In the 9th year of HijraThe hajj was made obligatory.

In the 10th year of Hijrathe Prophet (SalallahoAlaiHeWasallam) went to makkah for his last Hajj with more than 124,000 of his companions and faithful of Islam. He gave basic principles of Islam in his last sermon.


Migrants were undoubtedly well to do person at Mecca.

They have their properties, Houses and Business .

They have left their every thing behind the love of


Their total number was 45.

All the Migrants and residents gathered in house of Anas

s/o Malik.

The great Prophet established a relation of brotherhood

among them.


He said muhajir and Ansari you are brother to each other.

Brother hood example:

Hazrat Abu Bakr and Hazrat Kharaja s/o Zaid, Hazrat Umar and Hazrat Utban s/o Malik, Huzrat Uthman and Hazrat Anas s/o Thabit, Hazrat Abu Ubaidah s/o jarrah etc

This was unique event in the human history.

Ansari have their homes, orchards and land.


Ansari gave fifty percent from their property to

Mahagir brothers.

The relation of brotherhood was so sound .

If any Ansari compasion died, his Mohajir brother

also inherited his wealth, while his inheritors

were deprived.

This was in accordance with Allah’s Order.

Surah al-Anfal Ayat No: 74.

Those who believed and left their homes

and strove with their wealth and their lives

for the cause of Allah, and those who gave

them shelter and helped them are friends to

one another.’

Surah Al- Baqarah Ayat No: 180

‘it is prescribed for you, when one of you

approaches death, if he leaves, wealth, that he

bequeaths to parents and near relatives.’

Thank you