The Hangover Part 2 Marketing Rebecca Chapman

The Hangover Part 2 Marketing

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The Hangover Part 2 Marketing

Rebecca Chapman

Page 2: The Hangover Part 2 Marketing

Step 1- The Sequel

The main marketing had already happened with the first movie of the sequel which was released June 5th 2009, with a massive world wide gross of $467,416,722 being a massive success.

This film was a giant success to the entire world and got everybody hooked and laughing. They knew a second addition to this would be a great success and indeed it was.

Page 3: The Hangover Part 2 Marketing

Step 2- Create Posters

The first poster was all about making sure the audience realized we were going back to very familiar ground to what happened in the first movie. In the first main poster it just shows the three main characters and a monkey recovering after a night of hard living. With the writing at the top saying “The Wolf Pack is back” and at the bottom changing the scene with "Bangkok has them now.”

A set of character posters was then created and released that featured a different quote from each character in each one, so the audience wants to know more about what happens to each.

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Step 3- Release Trailers

The first trailer was a teaser trailer which doesn’t give the audience a whole lot of information, it went on for 1.15 minutes just to give the fans a short clip of what was coming up to get them excited and wanting to see more.

The full-length trailer was then released on the 1st April on YouTube to give a fuller story of what will be happening in the movie. This showed some of the settings and the effects of what happened the next morning, to make the audience want to watch to see what actually happens and see if it’s a match to the prequel.

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Step 4- Set Up Official Website

The official website was then released after the full trailer of the film. When you opened the website the trailer came on first which you could skip if already viewed, and then a whole menu of things to do ranging from videos, cast information, soundtrack and more were available from the website tokeep being checkedup on for any updatesand to get the first filmgossip.
