The Four Elements of a Masterpiece...According ToPierre H. Matisse Composition: In creative art the perfect, ready made, subject to copy from does not exist. An artist has to compose his creation by the intellectual process of arranging, rearranging, enlarging a certain part, exaggerating another, as well as eliminating the superfluous to interpret the subject according to his or her vision. All those manipulations of forms, specific areas, and colors are necessary to obtain an original artistic interpretation which will succeed in capturing the interest of the artist's audience. My composition strategy is- Simplify- Clarify- Amplify. Drawing: Drawing is an expression of our hand writing. It is unique to our personality and our own way of seeing. This combination of physical characteristics of our nervous and muscular system along with our visual sense of observation when mixed with our creative interpretation can produce beautiful and original drawings. Here practice is the key to success. My preferred method is to execute quick five minutes sketches of a figure on an 11"x14" sketch pad with a greasy layout pencil. For developing composition the charcoal is king. Charcoal is the perfect medium to try out preliminary studies of a composition on cheap newsprint paper on a big scale. All it takes to learn to draw is a pencil, or a piece of charcoal and some paper. Then follow your heart and soul. And- practice again and again. Use as much paper as you possibly can. I believe that using vast amounts of paper is paramount to success. Don't be stiff, let your hand and heart follow their mood. Practice, and a relaxed approach is the key to drawing. Colors: Here, your personal taste in color harmony comes into play. Select a palette which suits your temperament. Then experiment to combine different colors until you build an instinctive color memory, to the point were color becomes second nature. The palette is the keyboard of the painter. Value: The domino effect. If one paints a black dot on the black domino what happens? The black dot cannot be seen. A white dot painted on a white domino does the same thing, perfect camouflage effect. This visual phenomena is the base of value, really a balancing act between shades of darkness playing against light or vise versa. The choice of intensity in contrast gives the artist another tool to use in developing his or her own style. That's it! Here we have it! Very simple indeed, only four elements; Composition, Drawing, Color, Value. To evaluate the merit of a painting one should get an answer to these four important questions: "Is the Composition original?" "Is the Drawing powerful?" "Are the Colors exciting?" "Do the Values sing?" If a resounding "yes", is the unequivocal answer to all four questions, it's got to be a masterpiece. If you are the one who painted it you must be a genius. 7 Elements of Masterpice

The four elements of a masterpiece

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The Four Elements of a Masterpiece...According ToPierre H. Matisse

Composition:In creative art the perfect, ready made, subject to copy from does not exist. An artist has to compose his creation by the intellectual process of arranging, rearranging, enlarging a certain part, exaggerating another, as well as eliminating the superfluous to interpret the subject according to his or her vision. All those manipulations of forms, specific areas, and colors are necessary to obtain an original artistic interpretation which will succeed in capturing the interest of the artist's audience. My composition strategy is- Simplify- Clarify- Amplify.

Drawing:Drawing is an expression of our hand writing. It is unique to our personality and our own way of seeing. This combination of physical characteristics of our nervous and muscular system along with our visual sense of observation when mixed with our creative interpretation can produce beautiful and original drawings. Here practice is the key to success. My preferred method is to execute quick five minutes sketches of a figure on an 11"x14" sketch pad with a greasy layout pencil. For developing composition the charcoal is king. Charcoal is the perfect medium to try out preliminary studies of a composition on cheap newsprint paper on a big scale. All it takes to learn to draw is a pencil, or a piece of charcoal and some paper. Then follow your heart and soul. And- practice again and again. Use as much paper as you possibly can. I believe that using vast amounts of paper is paramount to success. Don't be stiff, let your hand and heart follow their mood. Practice, and a relaxed approach is the key to drawing.

Colors:Here, your personal taste in color harmony comes into play. Select a palette which suits your temperament. Then experiment to combine different colors until you build an instinctive color memory, to the point were color becomes second nature. The palette is the keyboard of the painter.

Value:The domino effect. If one paints a black dot on the black domino what happens? The black dot cannot be seen. A white dot painted on a white domino does the same thing, perfect camouflage effect. This visual phenomena is the base of value, really a balancing act between shades of darkness playing against light or vise versa. The choice of intensity in contrast gives the artist another tool to use in developing his or her own style.That's it! Here we have it! Very simple indeed, only four elements; Composition, Drawing, Color, Value. To evaluate the merit of a painting one should get an answer to these four important questions:"Is the Composition original?""Is the Drawing powerful?""Are the Colors exciting?""Do the Values sing?"If a resounding "yes", is the unequivocal answer to all four questions, it's got to be a masterpiece. If you are the one who painted it you must be a genius.

7 Elements of Masterpice1.artistry. this quality which appeals to our sense of beauty.

2.intellectual value. a literary work stimulates thought. it enriches our mental life by making us realize fundamental truths about life and human nature.

3. suggestiveness. this is the quality associated with the emotional power of literature. great literature moves us deeply and stirs our feeling and imagination,giving and evoking visions above beyond the plane of ordinary life and experience.

4. spiritual value. literature elevates the spirit by bringing out moral values which make us better persons. the capacity to inspire us part of the spiritual value of literature.

5. permanence. a great work of literature endures. it can be read again and again as each reading gives fresh delight and new insights and opens new worlds of meaning and experience. it appeal is lasting.

6. university. great literature is timeless and timely. forever relevant, it appeals to one and all, anytime, anywhere because it deals with elemental feelings, fundamental truths, and universal conditions.

7. style. this is the peculiar way in which a writer sees life, forms his ideas and express them. great literature works are marked as much by their memorable substance as by their distinctive style. style should suit content.