The Forbidden Room – Textual Analysis

The forbidden room – textual analysis

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The Forbidden Room – Textual


Due to the title of this film its obvious its going to be a horror. The effect of this first title being a bible quote it instantly creates a creepy impression to make the viewer anxious of what's to come. To me, I relate a bible quote to an abandoned church giving that uncomfortable feel that horror films should.The shot is on long enough for the audience to read insinuating it has some sort of significance towards the rest of the film, however the font and size shows it’s a quote from the bible and is not overly big, so that the viewer will have to look closely and concentrate.

The transition between these two titles is flicker again making the reader concentrate as it is not easy to quickly read over. This could be effective as it makes the reader look more than they would normally, however could have the opposite effect and make them not look as it is too awkward to read in the first place. Also the two titles are quite contrasting however both fit in with horror theme with the dull colours. Both titles have the darker colour in the background and the lighter colours as the writing making them stand out and easy to read.

The next two titles show the involvement from other companies. This shows it is a small company film which needs investments from other companies and in exchange for this other than money, they are advertised. These two shots contrast and therefore I believe put more emphasis on the Manitoba slide which is good advertising for them however not for telefilm Canada.

This is one of the main fonts used throughout which is an old roman font which I think fits in the quotes from the bible and so the theme is kept quite consistent.

Also this title is kept on for a good few seconds compared to many titles, emphasising the importance of the role of the film editor. As well as this, it flickers between two coloured screen which also drags more attention to the shot and fits in with the creepy theme.