The Feasts and The Feasts and Festivals of Festivals of Christ Christ

The Feasts And Festivals Of Christ

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Part of a year long series on the Life of Christ.See more at http://www.preacherspen.org

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Page 1: The Feasts And Festivals Of Christ

The Feasts The Feasts and Festivals and Festivals

of Christof Christ

Page 2: The Feasts And Festivals Of Christ

The Purpose of Feast and The Purpose of Feast and FestivalsFestivals

• What is the purpose of your birthday in the scheme of your life?

• What is the purpose of July 4th?

• What is the purpose of Christmas?


Page 3: The Feasts And Festivals Of Christ

Why Discuss Feasts and Why Discuss Feasts and Festivals?Festivals?

• We are 2,000 years removed from the time of Christ.

• A thorough study of the life of Christ involves a study of the feasts and festivals takign place during his life.

• Why not?

Page 4: The Feasts And Festivals Of Christ

The Passover FestivalThe Passover Festival

• Key Passages of the Passover:

• Exodus 12.6

• Leviticus 23.5,8

• Numbers 28.16-25

• Deuteronomy 16.1-8

Page 5: The Feasts And Festivals Of Christ

The Passover FestivalThe Passover Festival

• This festival was celebrated the 14th day of the first month.

• It was celebrated about the same time as the barley harvest.

• This festival was actually two celebrations in one:

• The Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread

• Since the two feasts were close together and they resembled each other, they were combined into one festival.

Page 6: The Feasts And Festivals Of Christ

The Passover FestivalThe Passover Festival

• During the festival a lamb was slain and it was eaten with unleavened bread and bitter herbs.

• The blood of the lamb symbolized the cleansing of sin.

• The unleavened bread symbolized purity.

• The bitter herbs symbolized the bitterness of the

bondage in Egypt.

Jesus was crucified during the Passover.

Page 7: The Feasts And Festivals Of Christ

The Pentecost FestivalThe Pentecost Festival

• Key Passages of Pentecost:

• Numbers 28.26-31

• Deuteronomy 16.11-12

• Acts 2

Page 8: The Feasts And Festivals Of Christ

The Pentecost FestivalThe Pentecost Festival

• This feast was celebrated 50 days after the offering of the barley sheath during the Passover festival.

• The feast fell during the wheat harvest.

• It was also known as the Feast of Weeks or Feast of Firstfruits.

• This was a one-day festival.

The church was established on Pentecost.

Page 9: The Feasts And Festivals Of Christ

The Feast of TabernaclesThe Feast of Tabernacles

• Key Passages of the Feast of Tabernacles:

• Exodus 23.16

• Leviticus 23.16, 33ff

• Numbers 29.12-35

• Deuteronomy 16.13-15

• John 7.37

Page 10: The Feasts And Festivals Of Christ

The Feast of TabernaclesThe Feast of Tabernacles

• This feast fell at the end of the autumn harvest on the 15th day of the seventh month.

• During this feast the Israelites lived in leafy booths for seven days.

• This commemorated the wandering in the Wilderness.

• This feast was also known as the Feast of Booths or the Feast of Ingathering

Page 11: The Feasts And Festivals Of Christ

The Day of AtonementThe Day of Atonement

• Key Passages of the Day of Atonement:

• Leviticus 16; 23.26-32

• Numbers 29.7-11

Page 12: The Feasts And Festivals Of Christ

The Day of AtonementThe Day of Atonement

• The Law of Moses called for one fast—The Day of Atonement.

• This day was set aside for the cleansing of sins.

• This day used a scapegoat.

• This goat symbolized the sins of the people.

• It was sent off or taken into the wilderness and abandoned to die.

• Symbolizing that God had forgiven the sins of the people.

Page 13: The Feasts And Festivals Of Christ

Why a Record of the Why a Record of the Feasts/FestivalsFeasts/Festivals??

• Christ was our Passover Lamb.

• Christ brought unleavened bread into the rememberance of his body.

• The feast of Tabernacles show us our hope and life is found in the faith in Christ.

• Christ was the scapegoat for our sins.


So you can walk through the gates of So you can walk through the gates of Heaven!Heaven!

Page 14: The Feasts And Festivals Of Christ