Group 4 The Elizabethan Age Bondan Priyambodo Dairyacinde. M Dewi Natalia Hana Hanifah Iqbal Adnan Selly Alfianti Ririsma Tarulianna. S

The Elizabethan Age

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History of English Literature

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Page 1: The Elizabethan Age

Group 4The Elizabethan Age Bondan PriyambodoDairyacinde. M Dewi Natalia Hana HanifahIqbal AdnanSelly Alfianti Ririsma Tarulianna. S

Page 2: The Elizabethan Age

The Renaissance

Renaissance :

The transitional movement in Europe between medieval and modern times beginning in the 14th century and marked by a humanistic revival of classical influence expressed in a flowering of the arts and literature and by the beginning of modern science.

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The Beginning of the Renaissance

• England’s Elizabethan Age was created partly by a general European movement.

• Renaissance concentrated more upon man himself, creating a less strictly ordered, looser form of society.

• The beginning of modern world.

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Many important things happened continously to bring about this

renaissanceThe capture of Constantinople (1453) by the Turks of Eastern

Europe drove many Greek scholars to take refuge in Italy,

there to revive classical learning

The discovery of printing by moveable metal type, which

increased the production and spread the books. The

development of banking, capital investment and letters of

credit, mode trading easier and more prosperous, creating a

wealthy and influential merchant class in the growing cities.

The great voyages of discovery that made us knowing

America and wonderful globe.

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Religion in Renaissance

• The information arrived in Renaissance to challenge the doctrines of the church.

• It began as a protest against various practices of the Roman Catholic. Martin Luther (Germany) and John Calvin (Switzerland) were the most notable proponents of the new religious thought.

• John know led the Growing Ptotestant movement in Scotland.

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Humanists :

Not religious, but they disliked fanaticism and bigotary, considered individual human beings more important than institutions and believed that men had the right to think and act for themselves. The humanist had a big influence on Literature not only in England but also abroad. Their influence was great and far reaching.

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• After the defeat of Richard III by Henry Tudor, the ruinous Wars of the Roses ended in England. Then Tudor became Henry VII.

• The country had enough of civil war and of quarrelsome nobles with private armies. Henry VII made his throne secure by taking more and more power into his own capable hands.

• Henry VIII, the son of Henry VII, was different from his father. He seemed at first a handsome, jolly giant but later became suspicious, tyrannical, and cruel. He did not marry six wives because he loves his wives but because he needed a son to succeed him.

• Pope refused to Henry’s proposal to divorce with his first wife, Catherine Aragon. This made him break with Rome and the Protestant church was established in England.

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The Reign of Queen Elizabeth

Elizabeth, daughter of Anne Boleyn, whom Henry married after

breaking with Rome, succeeded half-sister Mary (who had married

Philip of Spain abd tried to restore her kingdom to the Pope).

Elizabeth : came to her throne when she was only twenty five

Elizabeth made an astonishing mixture of masculine audicity and

feminine wiliness

Elizabeth was cautious and crafty in her efforts to preserve peace but

magnificently bold when danger threatened her and the country.

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• She was unusually well-educated, at once briliant and

shrewd,capable of outwiting any diplomat sent to her.

• She was careful with careful with public money to the

point of meanness, yet was forever compelling her

wealthier subjects to entertain her lavishly to keep both

her and her people amused.

• She was cautious and crafty in her efforts to preserve

peace but magnificently bold when danger threatened

her and the country.

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• By stimulating foreign conimerce and exploration, she promoted English sea power and colonial expansion; by pursuing moderate religious policies, she prevented the danger of open conflict between Protestant and Catholic; by respecting its privileges.

• She assured the loyalty of Parliament; she reduced taxes, broadened education, and encouraged scholarship and the arts.

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By the later of her reign, England had achieved remarkable


Elizabeth was an astonishing woman, certainly one of the greatest

in all English history, and she well deserved to have her name

given to one of the most glorious epochs in that history.

Spanish armada had only to effect a landing and Elizabeth’s

kingdom was doomed. But David beat Goliath. The smaller and

faster English vessels, superbly handled by the best seamen in the

world, outmatched the unwieldy Spanish Galleons, more like

floating fortresses and barracks than ships, and then a great storm

arose to scatter and then destroy Armada. England was saved.

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Revival of Learning in England• Elizabethan age• English sailor arived in new world called

America.• Poems that absorbed from France and

Italy.• Absorbing words from Greek (for

example: philosophy)• Absorbing Spanish and American Indian


Page 13: The Elizabethan Age

The Acme of the Renaissance

The flowering of Elizabethan Literature :

1. Definition

2. Golden Age of Elizabethan

3. Rapid progress

4. The characteristicsof Elizabethan Age

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The Elizabethan Theater

The history of the theater is fascinating. How

plays were first produced in the yards of inns -

the Inn-yards. The very first theater and the

development of the amphitheatre.

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Great poetical drama is far rarer, far harder to

achieve, than great lyrical or narrative poetry or

prose fiction, just because so many things have to

be right for it all at the same time. There must be

not only exceptional dramatic poets but also

exceptional players, theaters, and audience. All

theses must be on a high level simultaneously.

And here the Elizabethan dramatics were


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The Elizabethan stage which favored rapid

pace, just as it favored a intimate and

imaginative relationship between poet,

players, and audience, came into existence

almost by accident.

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As we know from what from what the dramatists

themselves tell us, the popular audiences liked to have

in their plays some clowning, dancing, and sword

combats. But they must have enjoyed the poetry too,

whether comic or tragic; otherwise they would not

have filled the playhouses. It is fortunate for English

literature that the university scholars and wits, who

wanted stiff and solemn drama in the style of the

Roman dramatists Seneca, did not have their way.

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The rapid development of Elizabethan drama,

from primitive comedy and tragedy to great

masterpieces within twenty-five years, is

astounding. It produced not only the

incomparable Shakespeare but with him large

group of dramatists, all with talent and some

touch with genius.

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In this group were Ben Jonson (1572-1637),

Christopher Marlowe (1564-93), George

Chapman (1559-1634), John Marston (1575-

1634), Thomas Dekker (1570-1632), Thomas

Middletton (1570-1627), Thomas

Heywood(d.1650), John Webster (1580-1625),

Francis Beaumont (1584-1616), John Fletcher

(1579-1625), Philip Massinger (1583-1640), and

John Ford (fl.1639).

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The section covering Elizabethan Theatre includes the

following subjects:

•The History of the Elizabethan theatre - the Inn-Yards,

the Amphitheatres and the Playhouses

•Elizabethan Plays and Propaganda

•Elizabethan theatre and Plays banned from London

City Limits

•The Puritans and the demise of the Elizabethan
