The e-Twinning alphabet

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A: aim - to encourage European schools to collaborate using Information and Communication Technologies

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D: duration – e-Twinning projects last for any length of time

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E: encouragement - cross-cultural exchanges of knowledge

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F: friendship - both primary and secondary school may be friends

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G: grant - European schoolnet has been granted the role of Central Support Service

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H: host – e-Twinning is also supported by a

network of National Support Services (NSS)


- Institutul de Ştiinţe ale Educaţiei

- Centrul pentru Inovare în Educaţie (TEHNE)

- Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării, Tineretului şi Sportului

- Elearning.România

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I: innovation – 2009 was the European Year of Creativity and Innovation

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J: joy – it’s a great joy to see the great number of e-Twinning events

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K: kits - ready-made project kits as step-by-step guides to

successful e-Twinning projects

The European e-Twinning Helpdesk, together with teachers from different countries, have designed kits for teachers who are looking for concrete ideas on how to implement a European collaborative project. Each kit relates to a theme and provides information on the target group, objectives and pedagogical value of the activities. e-Twinning Kits can be used as such or adapted to your teaching context.

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L: label - e-Twinning Quality Labels

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M: module - short activities which can be incorporated in any type

of e-Twinning project

Ice breakers

Who is who?

Meet me there!

Draw me!

Online matching


folktales: which

is you favourite?

Dots and boxes

Who am I?

Cultural awareness

Find the monuments

Our city

Creating the ideal city

What do you feel?

Shopping basket: cook with my ingredients

Walking pattern tour

What’s for lunch? Spring is coming


A common concert

An interesting story

An interesting song

A school of the future

Tangram challenge

What’s on? – Talking about TV

What’s the news? – Talking about newspapers

Creative Minds: Taking decisions

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N: news - European workshop 2010 March 11 to 13, Gothenburg, Sweden - workshop for school principals / Romania

had no place in this seminar for financial reasons; April 8 to 10, Portugal - seminar on "Interculturalism and inclusion." Participants

from Romania: Valeria Iordache (Sc. no. 9 Braşov) and Raluca personnel (SAM hunter-Neamţ). Participation was achieved as a prize in e-Twinning Weeks Campaign, October 2009;

May, 2010 - Turkey, Focus: beginner teachers;

May 2010 - Italy, workshop for e-Twinning ambassadors / participants from Romania: Ms. Doe and Ms. Irina Daniela Arghir,

September 2010 - Slovenia, Focus: natural science teachers

October 15 to 17 - France, Focus: environmental education / Attend Mrs. Lacramioara Ilieş, Şc. Girov, Neamţ (prize won in campaign eTwinning Weeks)

November 3 to 6 - Vienna, Focus: New Technologies / Ms Carmen Corlateanu participate, NC I Piatra Neamt (prize won in campaign eTwinning Weeks)

November 12 to 14 - Finland, Focus: Digital technology / Participate: Emilia Coşniţă (CT Paşcani Railways) and Cornelia Vasilescu (LT "Brancoveanu Vodă,

Urlaţi, Prahova) – e-Twinning prizes won in Weeks campaign.

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O: ordinary announcements

- contact seminars

e-Twinning contact seminar, April 28 to May 2, 2010, Piatra Neamţ

Between April 28 to May 2, 2010, Institute of Education Sciences and Center for Innovation in Education (NSS Romania) will organize a partnership with France NSS e-Twinning workshop contact in Piatra Neamţ.

More information on the heading "Announcements."

e-Twinning contact seminar, 22-25 April, Hotel Continental, Oradea

Between 22 to 25 April 2010, Institute of Education Sciences and Center for Innovation in Education (NSS Romania) will be organized in partnership with NSS Slovakia and Bulgaria a seminar contact NSS e-Twinning in Oradea. The seminar will aim to facilitate contacts and partnerships between teachers in primary and secondary education in Romania, Slovakia and Bulgaria.

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P: participation - benefits

A program for teachers e-Twinning teachers easy access to an online environment for collaboration and exchange, partnerships with other teachers and training activities, along with colleagues from European countries.

A program for students By participating in e-Twinning projects (online twinning between schools), students can communicate with other students from participating countries to find specific items of particular cultural or education in partner countries and to learn using new technologies to improve their skills communication in foreign languages.

A community program Online twinning of schools may be accompanied by twinning communities. Some localities have chosen to “twin" and complete online communication and cooperation with other projects - visits, cultural activities, etc. for adults.

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R: resource - LRE resources in e-Twinning

Going to the “widget page” in our Desktop

Profile we take advantage of thousands of learning resources available from across Europe.

The new e-Twinning Desktop feature, the LRE widget, gives e-Twinners access to over 130,000 learning resources on the LRE (Learning Resource Exchange) website (http://lre.eun.org/ ).

The LRE is a service which aims to unlock educational materials held in digital libraries from across Europe to share them among users. Launched in December 2008, it offers resources freely available to all, covering virtually all curriculum subjects and allowing for adaptation and redistribution.

The resources are provided by 17 ministries of education as well as LRE associate partners. Moreover, at the end of this year, the LRE will also offer teachers the opportunity to upload their own resources.

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S: subjects - a variety of subjects

* Foreign Language and Literature * Maths and Science * History and Geography * The Arts * Media * Culture * Economics and Entrepreneurship * Social Sciences * European Affairs and Politics * Special Needs * Sports

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T: teacher’s blog - for European teachers in

Europe to talk their experience in e-Twinning!

To post, we contact [email protected]

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U: useful - for all types of projects

Type of projects Subject related projects Topical projects

Problem based cross curricula projects

Starting point Subject Topic Problem

Purpose Increased subject related knowledge

Increased topic knowledge

Increased knowledge as a basis for the students’ ability to act and develop solution models as a result of the findings in the project

Results Description of the chosen subject

Description of the interdisciplinary topic

Increased action competence

Examples French ‘chansons’ in the 20th Century

Australia What a waste (about how to deal with the growing amount of waste in the world) Climate buffers (solutions for the growing problems with water – either too much or not enough)

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V: virtual tour - by means of projects

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W: wordle - a program that creates juxtaposed images of words

Collaborative work between partner schools is a goal very much appreciated in e-Twinning universe, and this way is another idea that you can implement. "Word" is a nice tool and easy to use, you need only Internet.Within this interactive activities, the "ice-breaking" partner schools draw up a list of words they associate with different themes and then create images using the program "Word".Suggested themes: Christmas, food and favorite sports.Alternatively, students can write words directly onto a wiki, and giving them the opportunity to manage a portion of the project.

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Y: youth - e-Twinning is the portal of youth and their problems

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Happy birthday, e-Twinning on your 5th anniversary!