The climate change It’s a fact….

The climate change

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Page 1: The climate change

The climatechange

It’s a fact….

Page 2: The climate change

Our daily activities are contributing to a green house effect increase:

¿Do you know what’s happening?


Page 3: The climate change

There’ s a temperature rise

Again the question is:

What are the


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Abosute a chaos

The words aren’t necessary

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We have to be worried but…….What’ re the solutions?

At home: 1ºChange normal bulbs

2ºUse the clotheshore in stead of a tumble dryer

3ºBuy fresh food and in locals shops

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4ºAvoid buying products with so much packings

5ºTurn off all the electronic machines that you aren’t using

6ºChoose a low-consume vehicle

There’ re a lot of measures, you have to investigate and concern people about it

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At the school or in the work

1ºUse the same vehicle to go

2ºDon’t waste paper or materials

3ºSwith off the lights when they aren`t necessary

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Temperature rise between 2 & 6º C

10% Fall in the precipitacions

Maximun temperature rise in 6º C

Minimun temperatures rise in

8º C

And… in Andalucía; could you imagine what’ s going to happen?

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•Fertile lands will lose due to the sea intruduction and heavier rains


•The sea introduction will destroy the beaches and that´s bad


•More forest fires and heavier rains

What will be some the consequences?

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•Increase of infectious diseases and respiratory problems


•Hidroelectric energy production will fall and the demand’ll increase


•All these problems will cause unfair actions and people’ll be poorer

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Gases emisions in Andalucía

Industrial emisionsTransportAgricultureOthers

This´s a graphic that we have to reduce

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In transport; use the bus

In agriculture, we should buy producs from here

In factories, recycling would be a good solution

And what can we do?

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Are you sure you want this?

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Some videos that I’m sure that are going to concern you



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Save the world is in our own hands, we have to fight everybody together to create a peaful and clean place to live and a better world where children will be able to laugh