
The case of evolution & creation

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2. S E E TATEMENTS of CIENCE and CRIPTURE XHIBITED XAMINED XPLAINED DUCATIONAL DIFYING VANGELICAL Presented by Dr Thomas J Kindell Founder & President of Reasons for Faith Ministries, Inc. Be ready to give an answer to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is within you I Peter 3:15 3. Is ThereIs There AA In YourIn Your Family Tree?Family Tree? 4. NO SEEDNO SEED 5. Its a shame that there are precious few hard facts when it comes to the origin of life... the how part has everybody stumped. Nobody knows how a mixture of lifeless chemicals spontaneously organized themselves into the first living cell. Paul Davies (Australian Centre for Astrobiology, Macquarie Univ.), Born Lucky, New Scientist, Vol. 179 (2403):32, July 12, 2003 6. NO SEEDNO SEED NO TRUNKNO TRUNK 7. TheThe extreme rarity of transitionalextreme rarity of transitional formsforms in the fossil record persistsin the fossil record persists as theas the trade secret oftrade secret of paleontologypaleontology, the, the evolutionaryevolutionary treestrees that adorn our textbooksthat adorn our textbooks havehave data only at the tips anddata only at the tips and nodesnodes of their branches; the restof their branches; the rest isis inferenceinference, however reasonable,, however reasonable, not the evidence of fossilsnot the evidence of fossils.. Stephen J. Gould,Stephen J. Gould, Natural HistoryNatural History, Vol. 86, pgs 22, 30, Vol. 86, pgs 22, 30 8. NO SEEDNO SEED NO TRUNKNO TRUNK NO CONNECTINGNO CONNECTING BRANCHESBRANCHES 9. NO CONNECTINGNO CONNECTING BRANCHESBRANCHES NO TRUNKNO TRUNK NO SEEDNO SEED 10. NO CONNECTINGNO CONNECTING BRANCHESBRANCHES NO TRUNKNO TRUNK NO SEEDNO SEED 11. NO CONNECTINGNO CONNECTING BRANCHESBRANCHES NO TRUNKNO TRUNK NO SEEDNO SEED 12. You are an animal and share a common heritage with earthworms. Biology: Visualizing Life, Holt, 1994 13. 1. Darwinian evolution impossible to observe. T. Dobzhansky 2. Mutation/Selection mechanism effectively dead. S. Gould 3. No single watertight transitional fossil known. C. Patterson 14. Nebraska Man as depicted in the Illustrated London News They did NOT have: A complete skeleton A complete skull A complete jaw 15. All they did have in its entirety was: A SINGLE MOLAR TOOTH! 16. What were the tactics used to ascertain the details of this sketch? If you squeeze a tooth long enough and hard enough you can force it to confess to anything! 17. Full examination results finally published in Scientific American, Dec. 16, 1927. Nebraska Man turned out to be neither an ape nor a man. It actually turned out to be: A PIG! 18. Piltdown Man was based on fossil specimens found by Charles Dawson near Piltdown, England in 1912. 19. From 1912 to 1953 Piltdown Man reigned supreme in our textbooks and museums. Scores of books, pamphets and articles were published about Piltdown Man. 20. Piltdown Man is now recognized as one of the most spectacular and longest enduring frauds in the history of modern science. 21. Boxgrove Man Artists Reconstructions One shin bone 22. Eosimius Ancestor of apes and humans? Drawing courtesy of Carnegie Museum of Natural History 23. Eosimius: The Evidence The size of grains of rice! shy, nocturnal and had large saucer-like eyes and flitted about the treetops. Time, March 27, 2000, p. 84 24. Ardipithecus ramidus kadabba 25. Ardipithecus ramidus kadabba Hominid (apeman) status claimed on the basis of a single toe bone! Hominid (apeman) status claimed on the basis of a single toe bone! 26. Ardipithecus ramidus kadabba 18 KM away in a different stratum! 18 KM away in a different stratum! 27. Ardipithecus ramidus kadabba Spread over an area 15 KM long! Was this historys first suicide bomber?Was this historys first suicide bomber? Was he carrying a nuclear bomb?Was he carrying a nuclear bomb? 28. Few sciences produce such abundant returns from so few fragments of fact as palaeontology. Nigel I Lawkes, The Times (London), Sept 23, 1994 29. A five million year old piece ofA five million year old piece of bone that wasbone that was thoughtthought to be theto be the collarbone of a humanlike creaturecollarbone of a humanlike creature is actually part of ais actually part of a dolphin ribdolphin rib...... The problem with a lot ofThe problem with a lot of anthropologists is that they wantanthropologists is that they want so much to find a hominid thatso much to find a hominid that anyany scrap of bone becomes a hominidscrap of bone becomes a hominid bone.bone. Dr. Tim White (anthropologist, University of California, Berkeley) asDr. Tim White (anthropologist, University of California, Berkeley) as quoted by Ian Anderson inquoted by Ian Anderson in New ScientistNew Scientist, April 28, 1983, p. 199, April 28, 1983, p. 199 30. From Ape-Men by M. Ape-men have been deduced from bones which actually belonged to: ALLIGATOR BEAR DOLPHIN DONKEY ELEPHANT HORSE 31. Photo: Fortean Picture Library 32. Photo: Fortean Picture Library Not anNot an Ape-ManApe-Man Just aJust a rubberrubber dummydummy 33. 2121stst CENTURY FRAUDCENTURY FRAUD A leading Japanese archaeologist,A leading Japanese archaeologist, whom colleagues had nicknamed godswhom colleagues had nicknamed gods hands for his uncanny ability to knowhands for his uncanny ability to know just where to dig to find ancient relics,just where to dig to find ancient relics, hashas publicly admitted to faking his mostpublicly admitted to faking his most recent discoveriesrecent discoveries. Shinichi Fujimura. Shinichi Fujimura was renowned for discovering Japanswas renowned for discovering Japans oldest sites of civilization,oldest sites of civilization, makingmaking front-page news each timefront-page news each time he foundhe found ever-older artifacts.ever-older artifacts. 34. But a Japanese newspaper hadBut a Japanese newspaper had secretly photographed Fujimurasecretly photographed Fujimura sneakingsneaking onto the site in the earlyonto the site in the early morning,morning, digging holes and burying thedigging holes and burying the stone implementsstone implements a few days before hea few days before he and colleagues unearthed them andand colleagues unearthed them and proudly announced the discovery toproudly announced the discovery to the media. After exposure, Fujimurathe media. After exposure, Fujimura apologized to the media, head bowed,apologized to the media, head bowed, saying,saying, I cant imagine what made meI cant imagine what made me do it.do it. The West AustralianThe West Australian, 9 December 2000, p. 23, 9 December 2000, p. 23 35. This reconstruction indicates nothing but an ape This reconstruction appears to be a hominid 36. Everybody knows fossils are fickle; bones will sing any song you want to hear. Shreeve, J., Argument over a woman, Discover 11(8):58, 1996 37. www.answersingenesis.org 38. From Origins by Richard Leakey 39. HOMINIDAE RAMAPITHECUS AUSTRALOPITHECUS HOMO ERECTUS HOMO SAPIENS Neandertal Man Cromagnon Man Modern Man 30 my 10 14 my 2 3 my .5 1 my 100,000 yrs 40. FROM THIS... 41. TO THIS! 42. CHIMPRAMAPITHECUSORANGUTAN 43. From Origins by Richard Leakey Several Million YearsSeveral Million Years No common ancestor Just an OrangutanX 44. The skull form of all austral- opithecines is extremely ape- like...the australopithecines show too many specialized and ape-like characteristics to be either the direct ancestor of man or of the line that led to man. A. Montague, Man: His Firs t Million Years , World Publishers, p. 77 The skull form of all austral- opithecines is extremely ape- like...the australopithecines show too many specialized and ape-like characteristics to be either the direct ancestor of man or of the line that led to man. A. Montague, Man: His First Million Years , World Publishers, p. 77 45. But I myself remain totally unpersuaded. Almost always when I have tried to check the anatomical claims on which the status of Australopithicus is based, I have ended in failure...the Australopithecine skull is in fact so overwhelmingly simian as opposed to human that the contrary proposition could be equated to an assertion that black is white. S. Zuckerman, Beyond the Ivory Tower, Taplinger Pub. Co., NY, pg. 77 46. AUSTRALOPITHICUS afarensis Skull of Lucys species 47. Chimp Lucy Human 48. (CEN Tech. J., Vol. 10, No. 2, 1996) 49. Gorilla Lucy Human 50. the australopithecines knownthe australopithecines known over the last several decadesover the last several decadesareare now irrevocably removednow irrevocably removed from afrom a place in the evolution ofplace in the evolution of humanhuman bipedalismbipedalism, possibly from a place in a, possibly from a place in a group any closer to humans than togroup any closer to humans than to African apes andAfrican apes and certainly from anycertainly from any place in the direct human lineage.place in the direct human lineage. Dr. Charles Oxnard,Dr. Charles Oxnard, The Order of ManThe Order of Man, Yale University Press, pg. 332., Yale University Press, pg. 332. 51. Long curved fingers Locking wrists Wrong talus angle Ape-like foot 52. Bias in Reconstructions I wanted to get a human soul into this ape-like face, to indicate something about where she was headed. John Gurche, sculptor, National Geographic 189(3):96-117, March 1996 53. Homo habilis (handy man) Louis Leakey (1903-1972) Now widely considered an invalid taxon (a mixture of more than one fossil type) Nature 377:111, 1995 54. Homo habilis (handy man) Louis Leakey (1903-1972) if there werent a Homo habilis we would have to invent one. Milford Wolpoff, American Journal of Physical Anthropolgy 89(3), Nov. 1992, p, 402 55. 700 cc700 cc 1400 cc1400 cc 2200 cc2200 cc Homo Erectus 1000 cc 56. Detailed comparison ofDetailed comparison of Neanderthal skeletal remains withNeanderthal skeletal remains with those of modern humans havethose of modern humans have shown that there isshown that there is nothing innothing in Neanderthal anatomyNeanderthal anatomy thatthat conclusively indicates locomotor,conclusively indicates locomotor, manipulative, intellectual, ormanipulative, intellectual, or linguistic abilitieslinguistic abilities inferiorinferior to thoseto those of modern humans.of modern humans. Erik Trinkaus, Hard Times Among the Neanderthals,Erik Trinkaus, Hard Times Among the Neanderthals, Natural HistoryNatural History, 87:10, p. 58, 87:10, p. 58 57. Neandertal Model endorsed by Erik Trinkaus Trinkaus is one of the worlds greatest authorities on Neandertals 58. ALL MENALL APES 59. For example, no scientist couldFor example, no scientist could logically dispute the propositionlogically dispute the proposition that man, without having beenthat man, without having been involved in any act of divineinvolved in any act of divine creation, evolved from some ape-creation, evolved from some ape- like creature in a very short spacelike creature in a very short space of time speaking in geologicalof time speaking in geological terms terms withoutwithout leavingleaving anyany fossilfossil tracestraces of theof the stepssteps of theof the transformation.transformation. S. Zuckerman,S. Zuckerman, Beyond the Ivory TowerBeyond the Ivory Tower, Taplinger Publishing Co., p. 77, Taplinger Publishing Co., p. 77 60. BIBLICAL DEFINITION OF FAITH Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. (Hebrews 11:1) Now faith is the substance of fossils hoped for, the evidence of links not seen. EVOLUTIONISTS DEFINITION OF FAITH 61. Audio CD Albums 62. www.luxetvitan.com