The Butterfly Effect

The butterfly effect

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The Butterfly Effect Trailer Analysis

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Page 1: The butterfly effect

The Butterfly Effect

Page 2: The butterfly effect

The audience first sees ‘Some people want to forget the past’ the words ‘forget the past then changes to ‘want to change it’. This is done to entice the audience and give a clue on what the film is going to be about. the first shot we see is a two shot of a woman and a man. It than transition to a boy on this shot the have a special effect to make it look like he is dizzy or a feels a bit spaced out. The lighting is low key.

Page 3: The butterfly effect

The next sequence we see the two characters through their life it goes from them when there adults to children to teenagers than to adults again. All this is done by fade in from one shot to the next.

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A cut into a high angle shot/close-up of the man on a hospital bed, a cut into a low angle pan shot showing someone being taken into an ambulance. The pan carries on two show a funeral. We than see the male character again, he places a note onto the coffin saying ‘I’LL COME BACK FOR YOU’. The audience than sees a fade into the male in his room. A close-up of the book he is looking at all the words than goes all moving and getting jumbled. The audience see the male concentrating and than the room disappearing like the character is going back into time.

Page 5: The butterfly effect

A close-up shows the male in pain a wide shot than see the woman with a doctor showing a close-up of the males head scan results. The audience sees a mid shot of a the male confused, it is hot like the it is being rewind as the are walking backwards.There is non diegetic sound of a voice over in this . The voiceovers confirm that the ,ale character is going back in time.

Page 6: The butterfly effect

In this the voiceover is carrying on it says ‘Think of it like a movie, you can pause, rewind or slow down.’ this goes really well with the sequence. The shots through this is mid shots, close-ups, and wide shots. The editing to this is done really well it entices the audience to watch it. The way they have done this is by when the voice over says pause the shot pauses, when it says rewinds the clip rewinds and slow down the shot slows down to shoe the male looking at the book.

Page 7: The butterfly effect

The voice over carries on to say ‘Could you save the one person that mattered the most.’ This is carrying on the sequence. While that sentence is being said a fast pan and close-up of the male face.

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A close-up of the males face shows the audience that he is rather confused and not sure where he is and why he is there. Cuts to the next shots shows the male and female in different places. Anchoring than tells us this winter. This is done by a cut into a bright light and into a black screen with the words written in white and some blue on the left of the screen.

Page 9: The butterfly effect

It than fades into show a close-up of a male character in a orange jump suits, barbed wire on the walls behind him this suggests that he is in prison. A cut into a n establishing shot confirms that he is now in prison. The establishing shot shows the audience all the cell, all the people behind bars. Another cut than show the audience the male and female characters having a talk. A wide shot than shows the male character with a new male character. The main male character says ‘just tell me if you see anything weird.’ with the new character replying ‘weirder than this?’ The audience than see again the male traveling back in time as we see all the prison disappearing. Another anchoring accurse saying ‘Change on thing’ all is the same as the last except the blue is now on the right.

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A fade into a wide shot shows the audience the male character has appeared to a street when the door opens that he has gone to we see a close-up of the female character she seems to be on drugs and alcohol. A close-up shows the male character upset to see what has happened to the girl. He also seems to be blaming himself which makes the audience wonder how this has happened to her and if he is going to do anything about it. A fade in than show the female how she used to be all happy and innocent. Anchoring than reappears with ‘ Change Everything’. Another cut shows the girl when she was low saying ‘why don’ you go back and save me.’ This than cuts to a wide shot of him trying to go back in time which indicates that he is doing exactly what she asks. However we see him go back to when they meet which makes the audience wonder why he has gone back to that time. This than entices the audience to go watch the film as they want to know why he has gone to that specific time. The is non-diegetic sound in this of a soundtrack the words of this is parallel sound to what we see on screen. All the lighting is quite low lighting to give the scene of dark scenes.

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A cut shows us a man behind a video camera looking very confused he says ‘How are you doing this?’ we than see the main male character. The audience would be wondering we he has also returned to this place and who is this character. The words Ashton Kutcher than show on the screen the same way all the other have been done. This is star persona the producers are trying to get all fans of his to come watch the film.

Page 12: The butterfly effect

The audience than see an over the shoulder shot of the main character when he was younger talking to a prisoner, this make the audience who is this character and what has he done to try to attach the main character. Star persona is than used again as the words Amy Smart than appears on the screen this is to also get her fans to go watch the film. Following this is a mid shot of her. The audience than see the main character again saying’ every time I go back in time to try to go back in time and help someone, everything just goes wrong.’ this is followed with seeing a piece of dynamo been lit and being rolled across the floor followed with a cut to a big explosion with someone being flung backwards. The soundtrack is still being played.

Page 13: The butterfly effect

A high angle/mid shot is showing the male character in a hospital bed looking extremely scared. Quick shot than occur all leading to reveal ‘The butterfly effect’. The soundtrack continues through this however it is slightly louder.

Page 14: The butterfly effect

The whole title ‘the butterfly effect’ appears on screen like how all the others have been done except the writing is in a gold colour and the blue is now in the centre. A black screen transitions us to the word ‘coming soon’ followed by the website.