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The 10 Worst College Majors

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These are the ten worst college majors according to job opportunities and potential income. Slide-Share designed by Carly Walker for classesandcareers.com

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religion/theologyUnless the goal is truly to become a pastor or priest, there is very little practical application of this degree.1#

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#It is actually still possible to get a degree in a language that nobody speaks. But the employ-ability niche for this major is about as wide as....a popsicle stick.


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nglishSlightly better than Latin, people do still speak English. But the practical application of a degree in English Literature is a one-trick pony. You can teach. There just aren’t many other jobs that need a degree in English Literature.



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While on the surface this sounds like putting a passion for music to a practical purpose, the truth is there are very few job opportunities for music therapists

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arthistoryUnlike fine arts degrees, which open doors in the graphic design and multi-media worlds, art history leads to little beyond museum curating. And museum curating is not beating out many industries for growth these days.


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This major will pay only $29,000 on graduation, and fifteen more years of hard work will only increase your income to $38,000.


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2Teachers are a dedicated bunch, and they need to be. Working in the field pays only $31,000 for a 2010 graduate. This can be made tougher in areas where teaching jobs are in jeopardy from budget cuts although in general teachers have good opportunities to work in the field where they have their degree.


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Like teaching, social work is a labor of love filling an important niche. But be honest about what the $31,000 salary will do for you and your family.


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The problem here is that you’re putting the cost of your degree against someone else’s personal training certification. They don’t balance out on the scale. And although you may have the fight in you, paying off school loans with only a $32,000 a year income will work up quite the sweat.


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artsForget the glamour of “Master Chef” or other reality TV shows. The reality is that a costly culinary degree makes a typical graduate worth $35,900 in annual salary. Plan on eating at work.


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