Thanksgiving. History and Customs

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Page 2: Thanksgiving. History and Customs


Pulse dos veces para añadir una im agen The first thanksg iving w as ce leb ra ted to g ive thanks to god fo r he lp ing the p ilg rim s su rvive the b ru ta l w in te r. The first thanksg iving feast lasted th ree days p rovid ing enough food fo r 53 p ilg rim s and 90 ind ians.

• The tradition started with the “Pilgrim Fathers”, who were the founders of the first American colony.

• After suffering religious prosecution in England, on 6 September 1620 people emigrated to the New World in the Mayflower.

• The native American helped the newcomers and they celebrated a meal together.

Page 3: Thanksgiving. History and Customs


The sto ry began on 11 D ecem ber 1620 , bu t un til 1863 Abrahan L inco ln no t decla red it an o ffic ia l ho liday.

The story began on 11 December 1620, but it was not declared an official holiday until 1863 by A. Lincoln.

Page 4: Thanksgiving. History and Customs

Thanksgiving is celebrated on the last Thursday of November.

It is a family reunion. People travel from all over the states to visit the loved ones.

Families may invite friends who may not ver with their loved ones.


The festiva l is he ld the last Thursday o f the m on th o f N ovem ber.

Page 5: Thanksgiving. History and Customs

People eat roast turkey with cramberry sause and gravy, baked potatoes, corn syrup and pumpkin pie.


T h e m e n u is c o m p o se d o f:

T u rk e y .

C o rn .

P u m p k in .

C ra n b e rry.. . . . . . . . . . . .

Page 6: Thanksgiving. History and Customs

New York City celebrates it with Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade. Macy’s department store organizsed its first parade in 1924.

Page 7: Thanksgiving. History and Customs

American football is one of the many traditions in American culture that is associated with Thanksgiving Day.

Virtually every level of football, from amateur and high school to college and the NFL (and even the CFL on Canadian Thanksgiving), plays football on Thanksgiving or the subsequent weekend.