Tentative Agreement for the 201l – 2013 Master Contract Between the School Board Of Independent School District #535 And the Rochester Education Association 1

Tentative teachers contract

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Tentative teachers contract for Rochester School District.

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Tentative Agreement for the 201l – 2013

Master Contract

Between the

School Board


Independent School District #535

And the

Rochester Education Association


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6.1 Added Language and M.O.U. for explanation

Newly Employed Licensed Staff: Effective with the 2012/2013 school year, licensed staff new to the district will be required to participate in the pool by donating one sick leave day to the emergency sick leave pool upon employment.

Currently Employed Licensed Staff: Licensed staff members will be notified of the open enrollment for participation in the emergency sick leave pool at the beginning of each school year. Employees who have not participated in the past will have the opportunity to donate one sick leave day and to sign up to participate.

C. When a teacher depletes all accumulated sick leave and does not have access to hospital leave or the emergency sick leave pool (See MOU XX), up to an additional thirty (30) days may be used for illness with the cost of the daily substitute being deducted from the teacher’s pay.

Adjusted article to include Paternity leave


7.1 Notice of Maternity, Paternity, Adoption, and Infant Care Leave

7.4 Adoption Leave

A. With physician's recommendation, benefits afforded to maternity disability will be afforded to support adoptive parents.

B. The benefit will include paid hospital leave and paid sick leave in accordance with the duration defined by the physician.

Moved language from Article 8

7.5 Paternity Leave

Paternity leave shall be granted for a period of up to 5 paid days under a code 9 to support the recovery of spouse following childbirth or for adoption. Leave days do not need to be consecutive but taken within the medically prescribed


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disability period. Additional days may be accessed through the use of family sick leave to support recovery and infant/adoptive child care needs.

Added Language for clarification of when leave is available

Leave for Infant Care

A leave of absence without pay will be granted to any teacher for the purpose of infant care inclusive of adopted children.

A. An infant care leave shall commence on the first day approved by the School Board for the leave. The maximum length of the infant care leave shall be the remainder of the school year in which the leave began plus the following school year. A teacher shall not be entitled to more than one Infant Care Leave per child. A teacher shall have the right to return as per Section 7.5.

Added language to improve application process

13.4 Sabbatical Leave Applications:

A. Staff members who wish to apply for a sabbatical leave must access the sabbatical leave application information on the ISD 535 District website under the Human Resources Department. Applications must be completed in their entirety and submitted through their building administrator to the Director of Human Resources no later than January 15, preceding the year of absence. Applicants should be prepared to present a brief presentation and answer questions related to their sabbatical leave request to the sabbatical leave committee.

Moved language from Article… No change in language


A. A job share occurs when two teachers share a 1.0 regular contract position.

B. All job sharing proposals shall be submitted to the administrator prior to April 1st. Reference the job share guidelines on the Human Resources website prior to submission of request.

C. Only non-probationary teachers will be considered for job share.


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D. When two teachers agree to job share and receive administrator approval, each will be granted a leave of absence for the portion of their job not being worked for a maximum of (2) consecutive years. If the job share is continued beyond (2) years, the teachers will be required to reduce their employment to the amount of the job share they are working.

Change in language regarding in-service rates. Also see Appendix

19.1 Required in-service courses other than those considered as a condition of employment shall be offered during the workday. There will be no charge for such courses and no credit will be granted. The District may offer such required in-service courses outside the workday. Teachers who choose to take the required in-service course at times other than during the workday shall be compensated at a rate in accordance with Schedule F.

Change in language to support electronic transfer

20.2 The District agrees to remit these dues and/or fees to the Association once each month through electronic transfer. An alphabetical list of teachers for whom deductions have been made and the amount of each deduction shall accompany the first remission. Any changes in personnel from the list previously furnished shall be submitted to the Association electronically.

New language for electronic transfer

20.3 Upon receipt of a properly executed authorization card from the member involved, the school district will deduct from the member’s paycheck the amount the member has agreed to contribute to The NEA Fund For Children and Public Education. The school district is responsible to transmit contributions, along with a roster of contributors, on a monthly basis to Education Minnesota.


New Language to expand Insurance committee membership

24.1 B.The Employee Insurance Benefit Review Committee (EIBRC) shall comprise three members appointed by the District and three appointed by the Association. This committee will be convened to discuss benefit changes if the Association and the District agree to initiate discussion. As of July 1, 2012 the Employee Insurance Benefit Review Committee (EIBRC) will be expanded to include a representative from each employee unit for the purpose of reviewing and recommending future changes to the Insurance plans and design options. See the Memorandum of Understanding in Appendix XX .


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C. Changes in the benefit plans may be recommended by the EIBRC. Recommendations shall be implemented if approved by the Association and by the District. This provision expires effective 06/30/2012 and is replaced with the provisions contain in the Memorandum of Understanding (Appendix XX).

Updated language to meet requirements

D. The Employee Insurance Committee shall establish an appeals procedure to resolve benefit interpretation disputes between an insured and the District's insurance office. If the resolution recommended through the appeal procedure is not acceptable to the employee or the District, the dispute may be appealed to the Plan Administrator. The Plan Administrator’s determination of the individual's benefit dispute shall be final. The Master Contract grievance procedure is not available to the insured in these matters.

Added language to define district contribution

24.2 Health/Hospitalization Insurance

A. Effective January 1, 1998, the District will pay one hundred percent (100%) of the single premium for full-time teachers and for part-time teachers employed for a .5 position or greater. Part-time teachers employed less than .5 who were employed as of December 31, 1997 and who were receiving a District contribution toward the health/hospitalization premium shall continue to receive that same contribution during the term of this Agreement. Part-time employees employed on or after January 1, 1998 for less than a .5 position shall not be eligible for a District contribution toward health/hospitalization insurance premiums, whether single or dependent. Effective upon expiration of this agreement, the district contribution to premium will be equal to the actual District dollar amount contribution to health insurance premiums effective June 30, 2013.

B. The District will pay seventy percent (70%) of the eligible dependent's premium for full-time teachers, part-time teachers employed for a .5 position or greater, and part-time teachers employed for less than a .5 position hired prior to January 1, 1998 and who were receiving a District Contribution toward health/hospitalization insurance, and the employee will pay the remaining thirty percent (30%). (NOTE: Cost shifting language in the Plan of Benefits may alter the dependent premium for the employee. Effective upon expiration of this agreement, the district contribution to premium will be equal to the actual District dollar amount contribution to health insurance premiums effective June 30, 2013.


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C.If two (2) employees both eligible for paid dependent benefits are husband and wife, the District shall pay one hundred percent (100%) of the dependent premium. Effective upon expiration of this agreement, the maximum district contribution to premiums (as defined above) will be limited to the actual contribution in effect June 30, 2013.

D. The District will pay ninety (90%) of the single premium for full-time teachers and for part-time teachers employed for a .5 position or greater. Part-time teachers employed for less than a .5 position shall not be eligible for a District contribution toward health/hospitalization insurance premiums, whether single or dependent. Effective upon expiration of this agreement, the district contribution to premium will be equal to the actual District dollar amount contribution to health insurance premiums effective June 30, 2013.

E.The District will pay sixty percent (60%) of the eligible dependent’s premium for full-time teachers and for part-time teachers employed for a .5 position or greater. Effective upon expiration of this agreement, the district contribution to premium will be equal to the actual District dollar amount contribution to health insurance premiums effective June 30, 2013.

Change in language to clarify practice

24.7 Disabled Employee Health Care Benefit

The District shall not terminate, suspend or otherwise restrict the participation in or the receipt of benefits otherwise payable under any policy of group insurance to any teacher who becomes totally disabled while employed by the District solely on account of absence caused by such total disability. One hundred percent (100%) of the premium cost of the plan(s) in which the employee was enrolled at the time of disability shall be paid by the employer. (Note: Language in the LTD plan of benefits may alter the individual dental and individual health insurance premium for employees receiving long term disability benefits from the district's long term disability carrier.) (In accordance with Chapter 340, 62A.147 and 62A.148.) One hundred percent (100%) of the premium cost shall be paid by the employer during the time the employee is receiving Long Term Disability (LTD) benefits.


Change in language

25.1 The pay schedule for extracurricular assignments will be found in Appendices B and C (attached) for 2012-2013.


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New language to define criteria for framework. Also see Appendix

25.2 The point value reflected on the Extra Curricular pay schedule is based on a weighted formula that incorporates numerous factors including, but not limited to: hours, student contact time, number of participant, safety, coordination, additional supervision responsibilities, and feeder program applicability.

Change in language to identify committee and responsibilities

25.5 A. Any request for a new extra-curricular position shall be brought forward for consideration to the Extra Curricular Steering Committee (See B below).

B. An Extra Curricular Steering-committee of eight (8) members will be established to, evaluate and reevaluate the relative relationships and point values regarding new and existing positions on the Extracurricular Pay Schedules. The Association and the District each shall appoint four (4) members to the standing committee.

The committee shall make recommendations to the District and the Association regarding changes to the Extracurricular Pay Schedules and proposed implementation time lines.

Change in Dates


26.1 Salary Schedule

A. The salary schedule for the 2011-2012 and 2012-2013 school year is found in Appendix D, attached.

C. If negotiations for a successor Contract are not completed at the commencement of the 2013-2014 school year, teachers shall continue to be paid the 2012-2013 rate of pay until a successor Contract is ratified by the parties and fully implemented, at which time, the 2013-2015 Contract shall govern a teacher's compensation effective as of and retroactive to July 1, 2013.

Added language to include homebound instruction

26.4 Additional Compensation Calculations

A. All teachers employed in positions which require licensure in the alternate school, adult education classes, driver's education, homebound instruction, and other similar programs which run beyond the normal school day, shall be paid at an


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hourly rate based on the BA top step, (not to include longevity steps), divided by 1400 hours or the pro rata rate as arrived at through the following formula, whichever is greater:

Change in Language to define assignments

B. Teachers involved in , teaching K-12 summer school, and after school programs shall be paid for time worked based on an hourly rate determined by dividing the MA+10, Step Five (5), annual salary by 1400 hours.

New language for summer school

C. Effective September 1, 2012: Compensation for summer school will occur in the form of a stipend based on the required work schedule and duties. Stipend will be payable in August. The stipend for teaching summer school will be based on a formula that incorporates the hourly rate described in item B multiplied by total student instructional time and total required prep time.

D. Summer school teachers will be expected to commit to the duration of the assignment. Any unforeseen absence (e.g. illness, emergency leave, or district required activities) will result in a stipend reduction based on the alternative program hourly rate multiplied by the number of hours absent. Absences for personal reasons will not be approved and will be considered in violation of the summer school teaching assignment responsibilities.


New language for Work week

The Friday of pre-school workshop week for 2012 and 2013 shall be a flexible work day.

1. In the event of catastrophic circumstances or unforeseen events, the district reserves the right to require teachers to be present on the flexible work day

2. Building administrators reserve the right to require documentation of completion of the duty day related to the time granted for the flex day. Individuals who have not met the requirement in the intent of the flexible day shall be required to work on that Friday.

New language to clarify holidays

H. The calendar shall include no less than four (4) paid holidays. These holidays are included as a part of the total 192 teacher work days referenced in A (above). The


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K-12 paid holidays shall include Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Presidents' Day or Martin Luther King Day, and Memorial Day.

ARTICLE XXXIII - ASSIGNMENTS in Addition to the Normal Work Year

Additions to language to define assignments

33.4A. All openings for positions which require elementary, secondary, and vocationally licensed teachers, including alternate school, After School Academy (ASA), Before School Academy (BSA), night school, summer school, and other programs which require licensed teachers shall be posted in accordance with Article "XXXVI." Any work in the above listed programs is not subject to the teacher tenure act (122A.41).

New language for hiring practices

E. Such position(s) shall be posted and filled on the basis of the following hiring criteria Currently tenured Rochester Public School teachers will have first priority

rights to available positions. Teachers who have experience with the student population and/or program to

be served will be given first consideration in assignment selection. (Note: This could override District seniority).

Regular contract Rochester Public School teachers may or may not be required to submit to an interview.

C. Eliglility Teachers on track 3, probationary teachers who are not meeting standards, and

those recommended for non-renewal for performance reasons are not eligible to apply for alternative school program positions.

Any alternative program employee who is not holding a regular teaching contract will be required to submit to an interview prior to receiving the next school years assignment.


Change in language to create more efficiency in transfer

1. Spring transfers shall be carried out within an appropriate time period, which shall generally begin after April 1, and be completed prior to the end of the school year. Teachers will be provided at least three (3) weekdays to be informed of vacancies and to consider alternatives.


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Change in language for clarification

37.2 In-building Transfer

A. Transfers from one grade and/or subject assignment to another grade and/or subject assignment within the same building shall be accomplished on the basis of established seniority in the area of licensure, and Full Time Equivalent (FTE) contract before those positions are opened to involuntary or voluntary transfers. All such openings shall be posted by the school principal for the information of all building staff.

New language

B. Probationary teachers are eligible to participate in the In-building Transfer process.

Change in language for clarification

37.4 Voluntary Transfer

A. Probationary teachers may not access voluntary transfer rights unless there is a mutual agreement between the administrator, teacher and Director of Human Resources.

Change in placement in contract for clarification

37.5 Upgrade – Part-Time Teachers. No appointment of a new teacher shall be made while there is available a presently employed part-time teacher, who has completed one year of probation with the district, and is currently employed on April 1 of their second year. The presently employed part-time teacher must have appropriate district seniority and have a contractual relationship with the District thirty percent (30%) or greater of the full-time teacher duty week. Such a part-time teacher who requests an increased contractual relationship into an instructional area for which the teacher is properly licensed but has not acquired seniority rights shall be interviewed and given due consideration prior to the appointment of a new teacher to the position.


Change in language to align with statute

Anywhere the contract makes reference to the Minnesota Statue 122A. 40, language change to Minnesota Statue 122A 41, since Rochester became a City of the First Class.


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New language to support seniority rights for unit membership

38.2 Establishment of a Seniority list

C. Teachers employed in ABE, ECFE or other District employment groups that secure a teaching contract within this bargaining unit will have their seniority date back-dated to their original hire date upon completion of probation (in accordance with MN Statute 122A.41) provided there has been no separation in employment between the prior position and the teaching assignment. This provision does not apply to day-to-day substitute or intermittent service.

Moved language placement

A. The District shall establish a seniority list for each area of licensure. In order to be placed on this seniority list(s), the teachers must be currently teaching in their field of licensure or they must have taught one (1) class for a period of sixty (60) school days or more in the District. Seniority shall be established from the date a contract is signed with the District. In the event that teachers have equal seniority, their seniority ranking shall be determined by the following tiebreaker method. 1. Total years teaching (in and out of Rochester) 2. Highest degree in field of seniority being challenged 3. Total credits beyond the BA 4. Most continuing education credits in each individual’s teaching field 5. File folder number

New Language for communication

C. 1. No appointment of a new teacher shall be made while there is available on unrequested leave or underemployment (partially employed but not their full FTE), a teacher who is properly licensed to fill such a vacancy.

2. Notification of vacancies to teachers on unrequested leave shall be by telephone, U.S. mail and/or email; however, if no response is received, the last attempt will be made via certified mail to the last known address of the teacher as recorded in the office of the Director of Human Resources.


New Language for online assignments

39.4 Online Teaching


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The District has the right to assign online teaching as a part of the normal duty day. Any online teaching assignments in excess of a full-time position will be compensated in accordance with the online teaching salary schedule (Appendix E).

a.Minimum of five (5) students unless agreed to by the teacher.

b.Compensation for development of the course will be paid at the curriculum writing rate.

c.Assignment only of teachers with the appropriate Minnesota licensure.

d.Assignment of an online class will follow guidelines for assignment of a regular class.

e.Prep time for online classes will follow prep time guidelines as set forth in the contract for live classes.

f.Online classes, unless part of a teacher’s regular assignment will be posted for hire in accordance with the district’s hiring policy.

g.See Appendix E for online pay schedule.

New language to support creativity and innovation in program options


In the event the District and/or the Association has an interest to initiate a pilot program or strategy that could be in conflict with current contract language contained in this agreement, proposals shall be considered through a waiver process. A waiver must be obtained from both the Association and the District. If such a waiver is obtained, the collective bargaining agreement will be deemed modified by a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) that has been created through the framework of a labor management committee. The Labor Management Committee (LMC) will be comprised of equal representation from the Association and the District. The LMC will be co-chaired by one representative from the Association and one representative from the District.

Said MOU must contain: beginning and end date, intended purpose, outcomes, decision-making method, and any other applicable procedures and/or parameters to be followed during the pilot. The MOU must also reference any and all article provision(s) to be waived during the duration of the pilot program and must be signed by appropriate representatives of the District and the Association. The Master Contract is modified only to the extent necessary to implement the aspects of the pilot proposal. Upon completion


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of the pilot, the LMC will forward any recommendation(s) for change to the Association and the School Board.

Adult Basic Education and Early Childhood Family Education

Moved language placement to be included in contract

Hours, Compensation and benefits were moved within the contract instead of having it as an appendix.

For Adult Basic Education

New Language for transfer

1. Prek-12 Contract Transfer: ABE teachers are also eligible to transfer into a Prek- 12 contract teaching position in accordance with the teacher voluntary transfer process (Article XX.) Note: Prek-12 contract teachers cannot access ABE positions through the teacher voluntary transfer process or the ULA recall process.

New language for family sick leave

4.2 Sick leave may be used in the event of the illness or disability of the employee, or a member of the employee’s household who requires the attendance of the employee, or for an emergency medical or dental treatment which is not routine in nature and which cannot be scheduled at a time other than during work hours.

Change in Language for wages


The salary for 2011-2012 school year is $25.07 per hour and 2012-2013 school year is 25.44 per hour.

For Early Childhood Family Education

New Language for Transfer

Prek-12 Contract Transfer:   ECFE teachers are also eligible to transfer into a Prek-12 contract teaching position in accordance with the teacher voluntary transfer process (Article XX) Note:   Prek-12 contract teachers cannot access ECFE positions through the teacher voluntary transfer process or the ULA recall process.


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Change in language regarding wages


Those hired on or after January 1, 2009, will have a starting salary of $20.85 per hour for2011-2012 and $21.16 per hour for 2012-2013. The ECFE teachers will receive the same percentage increase (decrease) that is negotiated by the REA for the Master Contract salary schedule.

New Language to add benefits

Health Insurance

Teachers in the ECFE Program will be eligible for health/hospitalization, pursuant to the conditions and requirements contained in Article XXIV of the 2011-2013 Master Contract between the School Board of Independent School District #535 and the Rochester Education Association.


Attending in-service training outside dutyday


Curriculum Writing $34/hour

Presentation Trainer $40/hour (Inclusive of 1 hour of pay for preparationfor every two hours of presentation)

Site Staff Development Chair Compensation

The chairperson’s responsibility is to coordinate and lead staff development for site staff and to make recommendations for district-wide staff development.

2012-2013 Stipend

Satellite programsESC $1,500


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Hawthorne $1,500Northrop $1,500

Elementary Schools with less than 35 staffBishop $2,000Churchill $2,000Elton Hills $2,000Folwell $2,000Franklin Montessori $2,000Hoover $2,000Longfellow $2,000Lincoln $2,000Pinewood $2,000Washington $2,000Golden Hill $2,000

Elementary Schools (36-60 staff); Middle schools (less than 50 staff)Bamber Valley $2,500Franklin $2,500Gage $2,500Gibbs $2,500Jefferson $2,500Riverside $2,500Sunset Terrace $2,500Friedell $2,500

Middle schools (55-75 staff) John Adams $3,000Kellogg $3,000Willow Creek $3,000

High schoolsCentury $3,250John Marshall $3,250Mayo $3,250

Total dedicated to Staff Development Stipends $65,250


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Change in Language to reflect support for new legislative requirements




DATE: May 10, 2012


Whereas the 2011 legislative session has adopted revisions to state statute that allows for the development of a teacher evaluation system and;

Whereas the REA and the School District #535 recognize that teacher evaluation is a critical component to high quality instruction and teacher performance

Be it therefore resolved that the parties agree to continue the work of the PGP District committee as follows:

A PGP committee will be established with the primary focus on professional growth through a collaborative evaluation process.

Membership on the district-wide PGP committee is based on an equal representation of district administration and REA representation. The superintendent and REA president shall select their representatives and appoint a co-chairperson from each party. The committee will operate on a consensus decision-making model.

The PGP district committee is empowered to make modifications to and/or to create a new process in order to improve the overall PGP process as needed.

The committee will be responsible for developing an appraisal process that complies with new legislative requirements to become effective at the beginning of the 2013/2014 school year.

The scope of the committee work will include appraisal methodology and process accountability.

_________________________ _____________________________For the District Date For the Association Date


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Change in language to improve sick leave pool



DATE: May 10, 2012

RE: Emergency Sick Leave Pool

IntroductionThe Rochester School Board of Independent School District #535 and the Rochester Education Association recognize the stress and strain put on a teacher and family when a serious illness strikes the teacher. A significant illness can result in the loss of time and wages depending on the individual teacher’s situation. In support of the teacher, and in acknowledgement of the value of that staff person to the district, the School Board and Association have developed an emergency sick leave pool (ESLP) where teachers who have exhausted their leave options may apply for additional days available as part of the pool. The pool will be filled by donations made by members of the teacher’s employee unit to support colleagues experiencing such circumstances.

Definition of Serious IllnessA serious illness is defined as life threatening and/or fully debilitating. In most circumstances, the serious illness will require the absence of a teacher for a minimum of three weeks.

Donor EligibilityNewly Employed Teachers: Effective with the 2012/2013 school year, teachers new to the district will be required to participate in the pool by donating one sick leave day to the pool upon employment.

Currently Employed Teachers: Teachers will be notified of the open enrollment for participation in the employment sick leave pool at the beginning of each school year. Teachers who have not participated in the past will have the opportunity to donate one sick leave day and to sign up to participate.

All donations are confidential and nonrefundable. Once time is donated the teacher cannot retract that donated sick leave for any reason and must continue to participate in the pool.

Recipient Eligibility Membership will be open to all who are eligible for school district long term disability insurance.


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Teachers who have exhausted all teacher paid sick leave days, may access the ESLP when the serious illness requires the employee to be absent from work for an extended period of time that result in absence from work for 3 weeks or more in duration.

The maximum use of days per school year will normally not exceed 70 days per teacher contract year.

Teachers will become ineligible for the ESLP when they become eligible to receive benefits from other benefit plans such as long term disability or worker’s compensation, etc.

Process for ApprovalIn the case of atypical situations, the Director of Human Resources or designee and a representative of the REA Executive Board will meet to determine approval.

Upon consensus, the eligibility for sick leave benefits and/or the maximum number of days used can be modified through mutual agreement between the Director of Human Resources and a representative of the REA Executive Board.

The decision on approval of individual requests is final and is not subject to the grievance procedure.

_____________________________ _____________________________For the District Date For the Association Date


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New M. O. U. for Special Education




DATE: May 10, 2012

RE: Special Education Workload

It is mutually understood that District 535 and REA will establish a Special Education Labor Management Committee to identify factors that influence special education teacher workloads in District 535 and to develop a set of recommendations to address the issues that influence workloads.

The Special Education Labor Management Committee will be comprised of members from the teachers unit appointed by the REA President, and administrators appointed by the Superintendent of Schools or designee. The committee will have an equal number of teachers and administrators. The committee will be co-chaired by a REA representative and a District 535 administrator.

The committee will reach agreement by consensus.

The committee will establish a meeting schedule that will allow it to address concerns and issues on a timely basis.

The committee will address special education teacher workload through a framework that ensures teachers can address the special instructional needs of students with disabilities and can meet the unique requirements of their positions.

As a guiding principle, the committee will review literature, national and local models, survey information, and, if needed, make site visits and review existing programs or projects for determining caseloads and workloads.

The recommendations of this Special Education Labor Management Committee will not be binding on either REA or District 535. Recommendations may be implemented by action of the


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Administration if they are not in conflict with the terms and conditions of employment, Minnesota statute, or School Board policy. Otherwise, recommendations will only be implemented if they are made a part of the negotiations process.

_____________________________ _____________________________For the District Date For the Association Date


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New M.O.U. for Health Insurance



DATE: May 10, 2012

RE: Employee Insurance Benefits Review Committee andInsurance Plan

It is mutually understood that District 535 and REA will participate in an established Labor-Management Committee to identify factors that influence employee insurance plan provisions and to work collaboratively with other employee groups to develop plan modifications and options that meet the interest of both the District and employees.

Based on national trends in the health care costs and continuing escalation of other insurance premiums, along with the changing needs of individual employees and their families, the Association and District have agreed that it is in the best interest of the teachers eligible for participation in the District employee insurance plans, that continuous research be conducted to identify a new framework for the health plan(s) that provide multiple options for employees.

Providing options in insurance plans offers employees more choice in selecting the best plan options for their needs. The changing landscape of healthcare and dental care require continuous monitoring and change in order to efficiently make optimal use of our resources while affecting strategies to mitigate cost.

The Employee Insurance Benefit Review Committee (EIBRC) will be expanded to include a representative from each employee unit for the purpose of reviewing and recommending future changes to the Insurance plans and design options. The District and representatives from each unit will share the responsibility to communicate plan design and future changes to all eligible participants prior to approval. Recommendations shall be implemented if approved by consensus.

The EIBRC will be comprised of equal representation from all employee groups and the District. The committee will be co-chaired by a member from the District and a member selected by the committee. The committee will be responsible for researching and creating plan design changes and enhancements that serve to meet the needs of employees while effectively controlling costs. Note: The committee members may invite other individuals and/or organizations to serve as advisors upon authorization from the co-chairs.


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The initial work of the committee will be to research and develop new health insurance plan design option(s) scheduled for implementation no later than January 1, 2014.

_____________________________ _____________________________ For the District Date For the Association Date


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New Framework for Extra Curricular Salary Schedule

The salaries for extra-curricular activities of the schools will be paid according to the following Schedules. Each point will be compensated at $112 per point. Not all of the cells listed below may be funded by the district during any given school year. The existence of a salary in any cell does not guarantee that the position has been funded.

2012-2013 Extra Curricular Salary Schedule – ATHLETICSStep A represents 0 to 2 years of serviceStep B represents 3 to 6 years of service and an additional $300 added to Step AStep C represents 7 or more years of service and an additional $600 added to Step B

Level TypePoints at


Step AHead

Step BHead

Step CAsst.

Step AAsst.

Step BAsst.

Step CMSHSL Basketball - Head 51.0 5712.00 6012.00 6612.00 MSHSL (Assistant Varsity/Head B)         3827.04 4127.04 4727.04MSHSL (Assist B/Head 9th)         3255.84 3555.84 4155.84MSHSL (Assistant 9th)         2684.64 2984.64 3284.64MSHSL Football - Head 51.0 5712.00 6012.00 6612.00 MSHSL (Assistant Varsity/Head B)         3827.04 4127.04 4727.04MSHSL (Head 9th/Assistant B)         3255.84 3555.84 4155.84MSHSL (Assistant 9th)         2684.64 2984.64 3584.64MSHSL Hockey -Head 51.0 5712.00 6012.00 6612.00 MSHSL (Assistant Varsity/Head B)         3827.04 4127.04 4727.04MSHSL Wrestling 45.0 5040.00 5340.00 5940.00 MSHSL (Assistant Varsity/Head B)         3376.80 3676.80 4276.80MSHSL (Assist B/Head 9th)         2872.80 3172.80 3772.80MSHSL Gymnastics - Head 45.0 5040.00 5340.00 5940.00 MSHSL (Assistant Varsity/Head B)         3376.80 3676.80 4276.80MSHSL Swimming - Head 45.0 5040.00 5340.00 5940.00 MSHSL (Assistant Varsity/Head B)         3376.80 3676.80 4276.80MSHSL Track 39.4 4412.80 4712.80 5312.80 MSHSL (Assistant Varsity/Head B)         2956.58 3256.58 3856.58MSHSL Baseball/Softball 39.4 4412.80 4712.80 5312.80 MSHSL (Assistant Varsity/Head B)   2956.58 3256.58 3856.58MSHSL (Assist B/Head 9th)         2515.30 2815.30 3415.30MSHSL (Assistant 9th)         2074.02 2374.02 2974.02MSHSL Volleyball 39.4 4412.80 4712.80 5312.80 MSHSL (Assistant Varsity/Head B)         2956.58 3256.58 3856.58MSHSL (Assist B/Head 9th)         2515.30 2815.30 3415.30MSHSL (Assistant 9th)         2074.02 2374.02 2974.02MSHSL Soccer 39.4 4412.80 4712.80 5312.80 MSHSL (Assistant Varsity/Head B)         2956.58 3256.58 3856.58MSHSL (Assist B/Head 9th)         2515.30 2815.30 3415.30MSHSL (Assistant 9th)         2074.02 2374.02 2974.02MSHSL Competition Dance 39.4 4412.80 4712.80 5312.80 MSHSL (Assistant Varsity/Head B)         2956.58 3256.58 3856.58MSHSL (Assist B/Head 9th)         2515.30 2641.06 2773.11


Page 24: Tentative teachers contract

MSHSL Adapted Athletics 39.4 4412.80 4712.80 5312.80 MSHSL (Assistant Varsity/Head B)         2956.58 3256.58 3856.58

2012-2013 Extra Curricular Salary Schedule – ATHLETICS (Continued)

Level TypePoints at $112

Head Step A

Head Step B

Head Step C

Asst. Step A

Asst. Step B

Asst. Step C

MSHSL Golf 34.6 3875.20 4175.20 4775.20

MSHSL(Assistant Varsity/Head

B)         2596.38 2896.38 3496.38MSHSL Alpine Ski 34.6 3875.20 4175.20 4775.20      

MSHSL(Assistant Varsity/Head

B)   2596.38 2896.38 3496.38MSHSL Cross Country 34.6 3875.20 4175.20 4775.20

MSHSL(Assistant Varsity/Head

B)         2596.38 2896.38 3496.38MSHSL Tennis 34.6 3875.20 4175.20 4775.20

MSHSL(Assistant Varsity/Head

B)         2596.38 2896.38 3496.38MSHSL (Assist B/Head 9th)         2208.86 2508.86 2808.86MSHSL Lacrosse 34.6 3875.20 4175.20 4775.20

MSHSL(Assistant Varsity/Head

B)         2596.38 2896.38 3496.38MSHSL Game Manager (Yearly)   2704.00 2904.00 3104.00      MSHSL Forensics/Speech 20.6 2307.20 2422.56 2543.69

MSHSL(Assistant Varsity/Head

B)         1545.82 1845.82 2445.82MSHSL (Assist B/Head 9th)         1315.10 1615.10 1915.10MSHSL Robotics 15.2 1702.40 1787.52 1876.90      

MSHSL(Assistant Varsity/Head

B)         1140.61 1440.61 1740.61


Page 25: Tentative teachers contract

2012-2013 Extra Curricular Salary Schedule – ACTIVITIES

Step A represents 0 to 2 years of service

Step B represents 3 to 6 years of service sustains percent increase across the board Step C represents 7 or more years of service sustains percent increase across the board

Level TypePoints at $112

Head Step A

Head Step B

Head Step C

Asst. Step A

Asst. Step B

Asst. Step C

Activity Yearbook and Class 34.0 3808.00 4135.00 4488.00      Activity Winter Pep Band 11.1 1243.20 1443.20 1669.20      Activity Jazz Band 11.1 1243.20 1443.20 1669.20      Activity Fall Pep Band/Marching 16.0 1792.00 1992.00 2218.00      Activity Drum-line Advisor         1200.64 1500.64 2100.64Activity Student Council 28.6 3203.20 3395.20 3582.20 Activity Show Choir Director 28.6 3203.20 3395.20 3582.20      Activity Newspaper No classroom 28.6 3203.20 3485.20 3797.20 Activity Musical Director 28.6 3203.20 3395.20 3582.20      Activity Musical Assistant         2146.14 2342.14 2538.14Activity Musical Assistant         2146.14 2342.14 2538.14Activity Musical Assistant         2146.14 2342.14 2538.14Activity Sound         1505.50 1580.78 1659.82Activity National Honor Society 20.5 2296.00 2434.00 2572.00      Activity Debate - Non MSHSL 20.5 2296.00 2578.00 2890.00 Activity Vocational (BPA) 20.5 2296.00 2434.00 2572.00      Activity Vocational (DECA) 20.5 2296.00 2434.00 2572.00      Activity Vocational (HOSA) 20.5 2296.00 2434.00 2572.00      Activity Vocational (Skills USA) 20.5 2296.00 2434.00 2572.00      Activity Math League 15.9 1780.80 2062.80 2374.80      Activity Science Olympiad 15.9 1780.80 2062.80 2374.80      Activity Knowledge Bowl 15.9 1780.80 2062.80 2374.80      Activity Link Crew 7.0 784.00 878.00 972.00      Activity Junior Class Advisor 4.5 540.00 585.00 667.00      Activity Chemical Health Officers 4.2 500.00                       Middle School Activities                Activity School Play/Musical 12.2 1366.40 1449.40 1533.40 Activity Technical     915.49 961.26 1009.33Activity Student Government 13.4 1500.80 1610.80 1714.80      Activity Jazz Band 12.2 1366.40 1449.40 1533.40      Activity WEB Leader 7.0 784.00 878.00 972.00                       Elem Activities                Activity Student Government 4.6 515.20 585.00 653.00      Activity Safety Patrol 4.6 515.20 585.00 653.00      



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Salary Schedule for 2011-2012

STEP BA-0 BA-10 BA-20MAEQ-0 MA-0 MA-10 MA-20 ED SP DOC

=STEP 1 34396 36357 38642 40451 40898 42064 43406 44595 47082STEP 2 35239 37329 39811 41773 42268 43570 44895 46049 48514STEP 3 36371 38731 41456 43622 44159 45491 46816 47962 50405STEP 4 37501 40055 43078 45462 46031 47379 48707 49884 52296STEP 5 39925 42770 46061 47523 48073 48571 49859 51016 53415STEP 6 41025 43944 47326 50609 51310 52716 53976 55789 56754STEP 7 44430 47533 51132 53818 54563 56058 57396 59279 62153STEP 8 44430 47533 51132 56653 57425 58977 60367 61509 64495STEP 9 44430 47533 51132 56653 57425 58977 60367 64009 67073STEP 10 44430 47533 51132 56653 57425 58977 60367 64009 67073STEP 11 44430 47533 51132 56653 57425 58977 60367 64009 67073STEP 12 46230 49333 52932 58453 59225 60777 62167 65809 68873STEP 13 46230 49333 52932 58453 59225 60777 62167 65809 68873STEP 14 46230 49333 52932 58453 59225 60777 62167 65809 68873STEP 15 46730 49833 53432 58953 59725 61277 62667 66309 69373STEP 16 46730 49833 53432 58953 59725 61277 62667 66309 69373STEP 17 46730 49833 53432 58953 59725 61277 62667 66309 69373STEP 18 47230 50333 53932 59453 60225 61777 63167 66809 69873STEP 19 47230 50333 53932 59453 60225 61777 63167 66809 69873STEP 20 47230 50333 53932 59453 60225 61777 63167 66809 69873STEP 21 47730 50833 54432 59953 60725 62277 63667 67309 70373STEP 22 47730 50833 54432 59953 60725 62277 63667 67309 70373STEP 23 47730 50833 54432 59953 60725 62277 63667 67309 70373STEP 24 48330 51433 55032 60553 61325 62877 64267 67909 70973


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The compensation for NBPTS and Certificate of Clinical Competency is $1,500.00, paid annually for the life of the certificate.


Salary Schedule for 2012-2013

STEP BA-0 BA-10 BA-20MAEQ-0 MA-0




=STEP 0STEP 1 34912 36902 39221 41058 41511 42695 44057 45264 47788STEP 2 35768 37889 40408 42400 42902 44224 45569 46740 49242STEP 3 36917 39312 42078 44277 44821 46173 47518 48682 51161STEP 4 38064 40656 43724 46144 46721 48090 49438 50632 53081STEP 5 40524 43411 46752 48236 48794 49300 50606 51782 54217STEP 6 41641 44603 48036 51368 52080 53506 54786 56626 57605STEP 7 45097 48246 51899 54626 55381 56899 58257 60169 63085STEP 8 45097 48246 51899 57503 58286 59862 61272 62432 65462STEP 9 45097 48246 51899 57503 58286 59862 61272 64969 68079STEP 10 45097 48246 51899 57503 58286 59862 61272 64969 68079STEP 11 45097 48246 51899 57503 58286 59862 61272 64969 68079STEP 12 46897 50046 53699 59303 60086 61662 63072 66769 69879STEP 13 46897 50046 53699 59303 60086 61662 63072 66769 69879STEP 14 46897 50046 53699 59303 60086 61662 63072 66769 69879STEP 15 47397 50546 54199 59803 60586 62162 63572 67269 70379STEP 16 47397 50546 54199 59803 60586 62162 63572 67269 70379STEP 17 47397 50546 54199 59803 60586 62162 63572 67269 70379STEP 18 47897 51046 54699 60303 61086 62662 64072 67769 70879STEP 19 47897 51046 54699 60303 61086 62662 64072 67769 70879STEP 20 47897 51046 54699 60303 61086 62662 64072 67769 70879STEP 21 48397 51546 55199 60803 61586 63162 64572 68269 71379STEP 22 48397 51546 55199 60803 61586 63162 64572 68269 71379STEP 23 48397 51546 55199 60803 61586 63162 64572 68269 71379STEP 24 48997 52146 55799 61403 62186 63762 65172 68869 71979

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For Your Information






12 +$ +%2012-

13 +$ +% +$ +%-

BA 1 (2,3) 33722 35239151


% 36917 16784.7611

% 3195 9.4737%

BA 3 (4,5) 35658 37501184


% 40524 30228.0594

% 4866 13.6455%

BA 4 (5,6) 36766 39925315


% 41641 17164.2980

% 4875 13.2590%

BA TOP 43559 44430 8712.0000

% 45097 6661.5000

% 1538 3.5300%

MA 1 (2,3) 40096 42268217


% 44821 25536.0412

% 4725 11.7848%

MA 3 (4,5) 43293 46031273


% 48794 27636.0028

% 5501 12.7057%

MA 5 (6,7) 47130 51310418


% 55381 40717.9345

% 8251 17.5075%

MA TOP 56299 57425112


% 58286 8611.5000

% 1987 3.5300%

EDS 1 (2,3) 43721 46049232


% 48682 26335.7177

% 4961 11.3467%

EDS 3 (4,5) 47022 49884286


% 51782 18973.8037

% 4760 10.1220%

EDS TOP 62754 64009125


% 64969 9601.5000

% 2215 3.5300%

DOC TOP 65758 67073131


% 68079 10061.5000

% 2321 3.5300%