Technology-enabled Learning for Workplace Training

TechnologyEnabled Learning for Workplace Training

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Page 1: TechnologyEnabled Learning for Workplace Training


Learning for Workplace


Page 2: TechnologyEnabled Learning for Workplace Training


Introduction to Technology-enabled Learning

Definition of Technology-enabled Learning

Advantages of Technology-enabled Learning

Integrating Technological Resources into a Single

Learning Platform

The Role of Media in Workplace Training


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Introduction to Technology-enabled


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Today’s world is surrounded by technology.

The Internet and other technological tools are creating a

revolution – changing the way people communicate, learn,

and seek knowledge.

Organizations can capitalize on the power of Technology to

expedite learning and empower employees.

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Definition of Technology-enabled


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Technology-enabled Learning

ICT can include computers, laptops,

Smartphones, tablets, digital cameras, social

media platforms, software applications, and the


The application of Information and

Communication Technologies (ICT) to learning

and teaching – (Kirkwood & Price, 2005)

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Technology-enabled Learning

Smart and planned integration of technology in the training curriculum

provides employees’ access to learning through methods that are

powerful, easily accessible and need-based.

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Advantages of Technology-enabled


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Advantages of Technology-enabled


1. Reduced Costs

Technology reduces the cost of training

considerably because it reduces

travelling, boarding and lodging costs as

more employees can be trained within

less time.

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Advantages of Technology-enabled


2. Reduced Training Time

Technology enables training to take

place quickly and easily. Scheduling,

assigning and tracking user registrations

can be done with a click of a button.

Reports can be prepared and training

programs can be evaluated swiftly and


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Advantages of Technology-enabled


3. Varied Instructional Strategies

Technology facilitates the development of

training resources that appeal to

individuals with different learning

preferences and styles.

Interactivities for kinesthetic learners,

podcasts for auditory learners and

animations/graphics for visual learners

can be accommodated within each

training module.

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Advantages of Technology-enabled


4. Personalized Learning

Personalized learning is made possible

through technology as novice trainees

can start from the basics while

experienced employees can skip the

basic and move to advanced levels.

Modules and training paths can be

created to suit employees with varied

levels of knowledge.

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Advantages of Technology-enabled


5. Easy Access to SMEs and


Individual learners can have direct

access to Subject Matter Experts and


Discussion forums, chat and other

collaborative tools make it easy for

trainers and employees to interact and

share knowledge and experiences.

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Advantages of Technology-enabled


6. Consistency in Training Quality

Online training ensures all employees

have the same quality of training and

access to the same resources across the


Standardization of courses also ensures

consistent quality across modules and

training programs.

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Advantages of Technology-enabled


7. Employees in Control of Their


Technology-enabled learning helps

employees have complete control over

their learning.

They can choose what and when they

want to learn, and do it at their own pace.

They are the masters of their own


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Integrating Technological

Resources into a Single Learning


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Integrating Technological Resources

into a Single Learning Platform

•User Mgmt.

•Training Mgmt.


•Reports & Tracking






•Discussion boards



•Classroom Training




Individual Learning

Collaborative Learning

Administration &


Digital Resources

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Integrating Technological Resources

into a Single Learning Platform

Individual learning can include:

• Bite-sized modules

• Multiple learning paths or options

• Multiple delivery formats

Individual Learning

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Integrating Technological Resources

into a Single Learning Platform

The LMS has in-built features to facilitate

group or collaborative learning through

forum discussions, real-time chats,

facilities to read and comment on blogs

and email support to clarify specific

doubts or questions.

Collaborative Learning

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Integrating Technological Resources

into a Single Learning Platform

The technology-enabled learning platform has

to be backed by service. Service is an integral

part of the solution, needing a dedicated team

of professionals to administer and manage

training solutions on behalf of organizations

and assure employees of uninterrupted

access to knowledge.

Administration and Management

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Integrating Technological Resources

into a Single Learning Platform

Digital Resources

Learning is an on-going exercise.

Therefore, it is important that employees

have easy access to learning resources

during the course of their work. Digital

resources can be accessed by employees

anywhere through their smartphones or

other mobile devices.

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The Role of Media in Workplace


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The Role of Media in Workplace


Digital books are a useful resource for

any training situation. They can be

made interactive by embedding audio,

video and external links.

Digital Books

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The Role of Media in Workplace


E-learning or Online Courses

E-learning modules or online courses provide

structured learning to participants but without

having to commit to a specific time or location

for the training to take place.

Online courses can be created as short

modules using rapid authoring tools.

E-learning can address almost all training

needs and works great

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The Role of Media in Workplace


Mobile Learning

Mobile learning refers to any learning that

occurs with the user not tied down to a specific


It can be accessed from mobile devices such as

Smartphones, iPads or other tablet devices.

Portability and connectivity to information

sources are the cornerstones of mLearning.

Mobile learning is very useful to people working

on the field, away from their desks for extended

periods of time.

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The Role of Media in Workplace



Podcasts are digital audio files that can be

made available over the Internet and can be

downloaded to a computer or mobile device.

Podcasts can be short audio snippets

extracted from full-fledged e-learning courses

or created as a part of e-learning courses.

They can be combined with audio and video


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The Role of Media in Workplace



Screencast refers to the capturing of action

taking place on a computer screen, and

includes audio narration.

They are beneficial when employees need to

get first hand exposure to work on an

application or software program.

Screencast applications are available for

devices such as iPads, Android or

Chromebook devices.

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The Role of Media in Workplace


Self-Assessments and Evaluation options

Online assessments in the form of summative

and formative assessments can be given as

part of a course, or as an independent quiz to

seek feedback on a training program, or to

assess participants’ understanding of the

training content.

These can even be hosted online and

retrieved by participants at their convenience.

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The Role of Media in Workplace


Social Media

With social media, training managers can

follow-up on a training session or an e-learning

course with the participants.

Training managers or instructors can have

dedicated virtual office hours to address

participants’ queries.

They can have a dedicated group that allows

peer-peer interactions with junior executives

benefiting from the knowledge shared by

seniors in their organization across the world.

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The Role of Media in Workplace



Video-based training demonstrates training

creatively with visual impact where employees

can learn and retain important information


They present visually rich content in a lively

manner, ensuring knowledge is retained for a

longer period.

Videos are versatile and can be used in

almost all training situations.

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Role of Media in Workplace



A Webinar (web-based seminar), can be in the

form of a presentation or a talk by one or more


They are ideal tools to reach out to a large group

of people within a short duration.

Webinars can be delivered using a video

conferencing software. They can also be

recorded and provided on-demand.

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Today’s managers should have technical knowledge to survive in

an increasingly digital world. They should know about the different

training formats and technical tools available for training purposes.

Training managers have to front-end the setup of a technological

platform that will integrate all these technological resources under a

single umbrella so that it becomes easy to administer, track and

evaluate training programs.

A integrated Learning Management System incorporates

technology and provides a holistic learning solution to employees,

and this is what organizations need to work towards in the future.

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