Technology and Innovation in Global Shared Service Centers TOLL-FREE NO: +44 2038681671 EMAIL: [email protected] WHATSAPP NO: +44 7999903324 WEBSITE: www.instantassignmenthelp.com ONLINE ASSIGNMENT HELP SERVICES UK

Technology and Innovation in Global Shared Service Centers

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Technology and Innovation in Global

Shared Service Centers

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Page 2: Technology and Innovation in Global Shared Service Centers

Table of Contents

BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY................................................................................................1

Review of literature.....................................................................................................................1

Introduction of Global share service centers...............................................................................1

Differentiate between local and global shared service centers....................................................2

Benefits of Global Shared Service Centers.................................................................................3

Conceptual shared service framework or CIBA GEIGY MODEL..............................................5

Examples of organizations which provides services regarding to establish Global service


Impact of technology and innovation in shared centers..............................................................7

Challenges associated with the development and establishment of Global Service Centers......8

Identifies the ways through which performance of Global shared service centers can be


Research gap................................................................................................................................9

INDUSTRY BACKGROUND......................................................................................................10

RESEARCH AIM, OBJECTIVES AND RESEARCH QUESTIONS..........................................11

RESEARCH METHODOLOGY..................................................................................................12

Research philosophy:.................................................................................................................12

Research approach.....................................................................................................................12

Research design.........................................................................................................................13

Data collection...........................................................................................................................13

Data analysis..............................................................................................................................13

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Industry or market chosen for the study:...................................................................................14

Validity and reliability...............................................................................................................14

Justify the relationship between aim, objectives, research questions and objectives................15

Appropriateness of triangulation to present research................................................................15

TIME SCALE................................................................................................................................16



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Figure 1: Development of Globally integrated business services...................................................1

Figure 2: Major difference between service centers........................................................................2

Figure 3: Key functions of global service centers...........................................................................3

Figure 4: Benefits of GSS centers...................................................................................................4

Figure 5: Benefits of GSSC.............................................................................................................5

Figure 6: Conceptual shared services framework............................................................................6

Figure 7: Role of technology and innovation..................................................................................8

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Review of literature

Introduction of Global share service centers

According toBitner, Ostrom and Morgan, (2008) Global share service centers can be defined as a

dedicated unit (including people, processes and technologies) and this centralized point of

service is developed to improve business functions supported by IT and IT services. In modern

era, cut throat competition and a slow global economic recovery create challenges for almost

every size of companies in virtually every industry. Today’s market leaders and enterprises

rethink about their existing operational models and emphasize on finding the ways to spend less

and achieve more with fewer resources in order to support their strategic direction (Bitner,

Ostrom and Morgan, 2008). By establishing global service centers, firms will be able to take

advantage of innovation and technology as well as seamlessly connect, interact and respond to

customers, consumers and suppliers across the business now and into the future in an effective

manner. In dynamic changing environment, companies are seeking to reach the next level

through bringing innovations and concentrating on what they do best-growing the business. In

order to aggregate transactional and common activities, companies are focusing to establish

globally integrated business services (GIBS) unit to promote their business activities effectively.

Development of Globally integrated business services arises in the market can be understood

with help of below figure (Engel, 2014).

Figure 1: Development of Globally integrated business services

(Source: Engel, 2014)

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From the figure, it is cleared that today, most of the industries and companies are focusing to

encompass integrity, flexibility and providing smarter solutions to quickly respond to trends,

patterns and behaviors of clients in an effective manner.




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Differentiate between local and global shared service centers

According to Maglio, Srinivasan, Kreulen and Spohrer (2006) on the basis of the

structure, governance, challenges, ROI objective, location and metrics, local and global business

unit differentiate can be described effectively. At local or regional level, business unit controls

over various activities such as headcount and budget etc. In addition, each function operated

separately due to this sometime challenge is raised in implementing strategies like fragmentation

and inefficiency. The motto of developing local business unit is to reduce cost. While on the

other hand, global business service centers unit handled by leaders and they perform various

activities including cross-functional, common activates, budget and other activities operated

globally on an end-to-end basis (Maglio, Srinivasan, Kreulen and Spohrer, 2006). Apart from

this, top down executive sponsorship and end-to-end process optimization service excellence are

required in order to take several benefits such as better use of technology, improved data

integration& visibility and extension of innovation across cross-functional and global services to

enable better decision making at the workplace etc. Major difference between local, regional,

central and global shared service centers can be explored with help of below figure.

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Figure 2: Major difference between service centers

(Source: Pohle and Chapman, 2006)

Besides that proper development of governance strategy and control is required in order to form,

execute and update global business services strategies effectively (Bowsher, 2013). Key

functions of global business service business team can be understood with the help of below


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Figure 3: Key functions of global service centers

Benefits of Global Shared Service Centers

As per Pal and Pantaleo (2005) global business services model is multifunctional and

capable to manage end-to-end processes in an appropriate manner. Today, most of the retail

organizations like Tesco and Adsa are concentrating towards implementation of a multifunctional

approach to shared services and effective use of their resources to attain aim and objectives of

the companies within stipulated time. In dynamic changing environment, multinational

companies and large enterprise groups are concentrating to use of global share service as an

operational model and for that they develop a physical entity acting as the in-house sourcing

center to standard support to various business units and regions effectively. According to Asheim,

and Gertler 2005)Ernst & Young research, more than 80% of multinational companies have

establishment SSCsto deliver improved performance at lower costs and to focus on other

priorities that can be described with help of the figure.

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Figure 4: Benefits of GSS centers

(Source: Cognizant report, 2014)

On the basis of the figure, it can be articulated that Global service centers would be

beneficial for the enterprise in terms of increasing core business, shared different services (HR,

Finance, CRM, Supply Chain and IT services) and outsourced services to reduce cost of business

functions in an appropriate manner (Ernst & Young, 2011). However, in order to bring

innovation, improve service quality, reduce operation costs and enhance core competency,

successful implementation and application of SSCs will be required effectively. Apart from this,

through opening global service centers, enterprises would be able to take several advantages such

as performance improvements, demand management, Process strategy and Transformation,

Transition Management and planning and monitoring service provider stability properly etc.In

addition, due to emergence of new technologies and innovation, organizations are now able to

take several benefits of GSC including process efficiencies, career opportunities for employees,

add additional value to business activities, talent sharing and better use of time for the retained

business in an appropriate manner (E&Y, 2014). As per IBM Global Process Services (2011)

described that competitive success of global service centers can be underpinned with help of four

factors including customer reach, operational agility, cost competitiveness and stakeholder


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Page 10: Technology and Innovation in Global Shared Service Centers

As per IBM Global Process Services (2011) competitive success of global service centers

can be underpinned with help of four factors including customer reach, operational agility, cost

competitiveness and stakeholder confidence. Today, most of the IT enterprises such as

Cognizant, Accenture, IBM and Infosys are providing facility of global shared service centers to

their clients in different segments which look like:

Figure 5: Benefits of GSSC

(Source: Pohle and Chapman, 2006)

A broad number of support areas in which MNC provides services including human

resource, information service, corporate affairs and legal services. In this, current efforts are

fragmented to create cross-functional solutions and business functions are performed commonly

across multiple business units within stipulated time (Sia, Soh and Weill, 2010).

Conceptual shared service framework or CIBA GEIGY MODEL

In the present, most of the companies are emphasizing on their shared services effort in

order to enhance integration between various functions, such as information system, human

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resource and data systems etc. For example, Amocowas considering reorganization of its

business units after evaluated its shared services and service delivery mechanisms. Further, it

was converted to 15 business units to leverage existing knowledge and create a unified corporate

culture within the enterprise (Mytelka and Farinelli, 2000). After that, firm was implemented

centralize transaction-processing operations system to take the process to a higher level and

increase both the efficiency and effectiveness of the support services activities effectively.

According this model, Global Service centers is entrepreneurial in nature in which knowledge-

based tasks are recreated as centers of expertise. Through developing centralize system,

enterprise has been able to better control and monitoring over all business functions of the

enterprise effectively.

Figure 6: Conceptual shared services framework

(Source : Maglio and Spohrer, 2008)

Examples of organizations which provides services regarding to establish Global service centers

In order to attain ever-higher levels of productivity, precision and predictability, Global

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shared service used new emerging technologies including Big Data, Cloud computing and other

open source technologies to reduce companies’ infrastructure cost and bring innovation at the

workplace. Cisco inaugurated its Global Shared Services Center (GSSC) in Mexico to provide

better services to their customers worldwide through multiple functional groups. In addition, for

building and managing their network and solution, two laboratories were developed.




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Different types of technologies including Datacenter, Mobility, Wireless, SP Video,

Routing and Switching were used to o re-create environments and to prove configurations before

deployment. Today, clients are so smart and they are expecting increasing amounts of innovation

from their service center partners in order to share their vast expertise and deep connection with

customers effectively. According to E&Y (2014) GSSC brings innovation in business in terms of

building complex systems, processes or software and simplifying the ways of doing business.

Beyond the institutional advantages, global technology and innovation group of global

centersprovides truly global service to their clients in both established and emerging markets.

Another example of Global service center is Tesco (Demirkan, Kauffman, Vayghan, Fill,

Karagiannis and Maglio, 2009). According to Tesco's group infrastructure IT director, has spent

large amount of money in consolidating global datacenters into UK shared services in order to

expand their online business across eight countries.

Accenture is also provided Global center establishing services to their clients. Enterprise

has 226,000 professionals across the world to provide various facilities to their customers such as

diversified group of strategy, digital, technology and improved business functions in the world.

Sutherland global service Provider Company provides various services to their customers inTOLL-FREE NO: +44 2038681671 EMAIL: [email protected] NO: +44 7999903324 WEBSITE: www.instantassignmenthelp.com


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order to increase customer experience, maintained consistent quality in business functions and

solve their technology related issues in an appropriate manner. For that firm has used its

technology and human resources effectively such as 2000 MB of meshed-telecom infrastructure,

Customized Technology solutions (100+ Sutherland IP Applications, Tools & Products) and Six

Sigma certified engineers as per the changing business needs of their clients.Atos is

concentrating towards providing highly- specialized solutions for specific industries by offering

facility of digital asset management systems and their resources in an effective manner (Maglio

and Spohrer, 2008).

Impact of technology and innovation in shared centers

Due to adopt emerging technologies and innovation and their impact on retail enterprises

on the keys roles of staff members within the enterprises can be understood with help of diagram.

The below figure shows that by using various techniques including virtual presence, instant

messaging, screen sharing and white board VoIP and performance dashboard, team management

related can be improved. For improving knowledge sharing and query resolutions, instant

messaging, video calls and VoIP techniques can be applied. According to Caroline (2013)

regarding to bring innovation and technology up-gradation, it is essential for the retail enterprise

to provide training to their staffs. By doing this, companies would be able to retain talented

employees with firms for long time period. In addition, to overcome resistance of employees,

management of the firms should focus on increasing awareness among staff-members so that

they will support to change. Besides that, IM, Phone, Skype, ERP, CRM and SCM techniques

would be beneficial for the retail enterprises regarding to establish communication between

Global Shared Service Centers and employees of clients companies effectively (Mytelka and

Farinelli, 2000). Saran (2013) explored that earlier Tesco was used CA software to manage to

manage its software but lot of time and resources were required for managed it. But after

implemented single system monitoring framework in the workplace, organization was able to

build centralize, consolidate and proper IT infrastructure in an appropriate manner. It is possible

through establishing integrated system and monitoring across all the European and Asian


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Figure 7: Role of technology and innovation

(Source: Pohle and Chapman, 2006)

Challenges associated with the development and establishment of Global Service Centers

However, along with the several advantages some drawbacks are also associated with

implementation of Global Service Centers including loss of face-to-face service; large capital

outlay is often needed and relocates employees to staff the center, etc. Apart from these issues ,

Costs and benefits, location impact/planning, Tax and fiscal issues and standardized applications

and data can create hurdle in successful development of Global Shared Service Centers in order

to bring innovation and take benefits of technology at the workplace. Organizations are focusing

to develop Global Portfolio of solutions and Global Key Offerings to their customers through

merger and acquisitions techniques. However, due to lack of communication and transparency,

enterprises would be unable to take benefits from GSSC. After using technologies, retail

companies of UK like Tesco, Sainsbury and Asda would be able to establish better

communication with their shareholders and solving customers and employees within stipulated

time (Palmisano, 2006).

Identifies the ways through which performance of Global shared service centers can be improved

According toBowsher (2013) Global Shared Service centers can improve their services

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through emphasizing on integrated solutions such as performance improvement diagnostics, high

speed cost diagnosis, Lean Six Sigma, Business Process redesign, capability sourcing, optimize

the R&D function and deliver the promised customer experience at the right cost etc.Apart from

this, by assigning roles and responsibilities on the basis of employee’s knowledge and skill level,

morale of staff can be enhanced.

Research gap

In the present study, investigator described the benefits and challenges of the

development and establishment of Global Shard Service Center related studies done by other

researchers. Saran (2013) was conducted study to identify befits of establish global shared center

and CA software in terms of taking advantages of build centralize system, consolidate and proper

IT infrastructure in the workplace. On the other side, IBM Global Process Services (2011) was

conducted survey to examine the success of global service centers in terms of increasing

customer reach, operational agility, cost competitiveness and stakeholder confidence etc. Hence,

it is found that previous researchers were failed to investigate the impact of establishing Global

Shared Service Centers in order to bring innovation and technology advantages at the workplace.

This topic is covered by researcher in present study.

Besides that, investigator clearly explored the reasons behind establishing Global Shared

Service Centers and challenges associated with the set-up of Global Shared Service Centers in

the current study which was done by previous scholars in their past works. In addition,

investigator was identified the drastic changes raised within retail enterprises due to adopt

emerging technologies like Cloud computing, Big, Data, Six Sigma and other open sources

technologies and innovation in GSSC which was not covered by previous researchers in their

studies. Apart from this, investigator also suggested different ways through which performance

of Global shared service centers can be improved and reduced organization infrastructure cost

which was not covered by any authors in their previous studies.

Conceptual framework

The conceptual framework of the study clearly describes the drastic changes arise after

implementation of different technologies at GSSC. It is prepared by integrating review of

literature and researcher own findings together. Prior research work of Saran (2013) and IBM

Global Process Services (2011) report outcomes were included in the present study. They foundTOLL-FREE NO: +44 2038681671 EMAIL: [email protected] NO: +44 7999903324 WEBSITE: www.instantassignmenthelp.com


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that multifunctional, higher levels of productivity, better services to customers and simplifying

the ways of doing business were the major requirement of established GSSC. In addition, they

were described benefits of establishing global shared center such as overcome resistance of

employees and improving employee’s productivity etc.

While on the other side, investigator was conducted study to investigate the impact of

establishing Global Shared Service Centers in order to bring innovation and technology

advantages in retail enterprise. In this regard, theoretical triangulation approach can be used

which helps in gathering and interpreting data using more than one theoretical sources like

articles or reports. By including previous research findings and investigator own thought

regarding to implement different technologies in GSSC, investigator would be able to determine

the impact of implementation of different technologies in global share service center. At the end

of this report, investigator was able to disclose drastically changes arise after implementing these

techniques like Cloud computing, Big, Data, Six Sigma and other open sources technologies in

the workplace in forms of improving service quality and customer reach and demand & supply

management etc.

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Big Data

Six Sigma

Other techniques

Drastic changes arise

[Researcher own findings]

Bring innovation and technology up-


Reducing cost

Improve service quality

Demand and supply management

Requirement of GSS

[Review of literature]


Higher levels of productivity

Better service to customer

Simplifying the ways of doing

businessImplementation of

new technologies in

Page 17: Technology and Innovation in Global Shared Service Centers


The present research is conducting by considering the retail industry market and IT

companies have been taken which provide facilities of establishing Global Shared Service

Centers in order to increase global reach of firms and increase profit margin through penetrating

more customers towards the brands. In the proposal, investigator emphasizes on the impact of

GSSC in terms of bringing innovation and technology advantages at the workplace effectively. In

order to carry out the study, researcher has been focused on secondary data collection approach

in which investigator found research gaps left by other researchers in their studies (IBM Global

Process Services, 2011). Along with this, present study can be expanded in future by more

concentrating on technologies used in different Global Shared Service Centers across the UK and

their impact on performance and overall growth of the employees.




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Time and cost are the major limitations of the current study and due to limited time

period, investigator is conducted study on the basis of secondary data collections and thematic

test has been applied to test the result. But present limitations of the current study can be

overcome through conducting primary data collection method and data collet from the

employees of companies which were using services of GSSC. Data collected from employees

will be helpful for investigator in terms of identifying the reasons motivated companies to

establish Global Shared Service Centers (IMA, 2000). Besides that, current study conducted by

researcher would be beneficial for organizations in order to bring innovation and technology at

the workplace to meet expectations of the customers in a proper manner.

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Page 18: Technology and Innovation in Global Shared Service Centers


Aim: The main aim of the study is to investigate the impact of establishing Global Shared

Service Centers in order to bring innovation and technology advantages in retail enterprise.


To evaluate the reasons behind establishing Global Shared Service Centers To examine the challenges associated with the set-up of Global Shared Service Centers To identify the drastic changes arise within retail enterprises due to adopt emerging

technology and innovation in GSSC To explore the ways through which performance of Global shared service centers can be


Research questions

What are the drastic changes arise within enterprises due to adopt emerging technology

and innovation in Global Shared Service Centers? What are the major impacts of establishing Global Shared Service Centers on retail

organizations and their employees?

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In this section, investigator tries to discover answers of questions and objectives through

applying scientific approaches effectively. Apart from this, RM section of the study emphasizes

on the truth related to the study which is hidden and which has been not discovered as yet. In

addition, research methodology section of this study provides detail information about research

philosophy, approach, data collection and analysis methods in order to attain aim and objectives

of the proposal effectively (Palmisano, 2006). The present research begins with conducting

review of literature section in which investigator studies of different authors and tries to identify

the research gaps which were left by other researchers in their studies. After the identifying the

research gaps, aim and objectives were framed and then research methodologies were decided to

carry out the study within stipulated time without any delay. By choosing appropriate research

methodologies, investigator tried to attain aim and objectives of the study in an appropriate

manner. The entire research methodology will follow in chronological order as described in

below figure.

Figure 8: Flow chart on research methodology

Research philosophy:

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Research Methodology

Data analysisData collectionDesignApproachPhilosophy


Outcome produced

Page 20: Technology and Innovation in Global Shared Service Centers

In order to collect data and interpret result from researcher point of view two options i.e.

Interpretivism and positivism are available. In Interpretivism philosophy, everything can be

proved with help of evidence and specific reasons are provided behind specific actions taken by

researchers regarding the carry out the study in an appropriate manner. While on the other side,

positivism philosophy is used to explain facts or figures which are mainly based on the

mathematical treatments (Maglio and Spohrer, 2008). As per the given case scenario,

Interpretivism approach can be used to understand the reasons behind establishing Global Shared

Service Centers to bring innovation and technology at the workplace. In addition, this philosophy

will help investigator to examine the relationship between employee’s performance and

development of GSSC.

Research approach

For conducting study, Inductive and deductive approaches can be used. In inductive

approach, theories have been developed which is associated with quantitative research as well as

data is collected with respect to subject matter. On the other hand, deductive approach has been

used to identify the variables from literature review. Inductive approach will be used in the given

topic because it is based on the qualitative nature data and generalized nature of information is

formed to analyse theimpact of establishing GlobalShared Service Centers in order to bring

innovation and technology at the workplace.

Research design

Different types of research design which include descriptive, semi-experimental,

explorative and meta- analytic technique are available to better interpret the result of the study.

As per the nature of study, exploratory research design will be used because it will helpful for the

purpose of gaining deeper insights into evaluating the drastic changes arise within enterprises

due to adopt emerging technology and innovation in Global Shared Service Centers for retain

industry (Caroline, 2013).Through collecting and analysing data, researcher will be able to

examine themajor impacts of establishing GlobalShared Service Centers on organizations and

their employees.

Data collection

Researcher has two options in the regard of data collection i.e. primary and secondary

data collection. Primary data is collected first time from respondents in order to know theirTOLL-FREE NO: +44 2038681671 EMAIL: [email protected] NO: +44 7999903324 WEBSITE: www.instantassignmenthelp.com


Page 21: Technology and Innovation in Global Shared Service Centers

perceptions about the topic. It is better approach in terms of understanding views of other related

to the research topic. However, some limitations including time and money are associated with

this method. On the other side, investigator can use secondary data collection method and for

that, data can be collected from various sources such as books, journals, online published articles

and blogs and reports of different global standard shared service provider companies etc.

As per the chosen topic “Technology and Innovation in Global Shared Service Centers”,

secondary data collection approach would be more suitable. The main reason behind taking this

method is that specific company was not provided and topichas been selected for the study

belongs to the whole industry rather than company centric (Mytelka and Farinelli, 2000). By

using this method, researcher will be able to understand the studies conducted by other authors

and identified the gaps left in their studies. Along with this, secondary data collection will be

easy and cost effective as compared to primary data collection methods. However, limited

availability of secondary data related to the given topic can create hurdle in successful

implementation of the study in an appropriate manner.




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Data analysis

For analysis the data, qualitative and quantitative data analysis techniques can be used. In

order to analyse the quantitative nature data, investigator can use various tools like SPSS, SAS

and R programming etc. In this approach, hypothesis has been developed and provided with help

of statistical test. On the other hand, for analysis of qualitative or secondary nature data,

researcher can use thematic method. In this method, different themes will be prepared to attain

aim and objectives of the study within stipulated time. As per the current case scenario,

secondary data collection approach will be used so that thematic method will be more beneficialTOLL-FREE NO: +44 2038681671 EMAIL: [email protected] NO: +44 7999903324 WEBSITE: www.instantassignmenthelp.com


Page 22: Technology and Innovation in Global Shared Service Centers

to investigate the reasons behind establishing Global Shared Service Centers and examined the

challenges associated with the set-up of GSSC (Caroline, 2013).

Industry or market chosen for the study:

In order to carry out the study, retail industry will be taken. This specific market segment

will be chosen because retail companies in UK are facing various issues related to technology

and innovation at the workplace. In such kind of circumstance, to overcome such kind of issues,

it is essential for the retail enterprises to bring innovation in their day to day business operations

by reducing resistance of their employees towards change and technology up gradation at the

workplace (Sia, Soh and Weill, 2010). Apart from this, through establishing Global Shared

Service Centers and outsourcing their business functions to IT giant companies, retail enterprises

would be able to create global marketplace and quickly manage change in the marketplace. By

identifying the impact of Global Shared Service Centers on the performance of employees and

organizations, researcher would be able to investigate the drastic changes arise within enterprises

due to adopt emerging technology and innovation.

Validity and reliability

By collecting secondary data from authentic sources including books and published

reports of different companies, reliability is maintained in whole process. Apart from this, to

avoid the biasness and misinterpretation of data, researcher will collect data from valid sources.

In addition, by analysing the data using standardized methods like thematic analysis, validity and

reliability of the entire data will be maintained. In order to collect data from secondary sources,

utmost care has been considered by investigator so that the impact of establishing GlobalShared

Service Centers in terms of bringing innovation and technology advantages at the workplace can

be done in an appropriate manner. In addition to attain aim and objectives of the present research,

entire work will be performed with ethical aspect (Saran, 2013). Data collected from various

sources have been taken from prior permission of authorize persons to avoid biasness of data.

Justify the relationship between aim, objectives, research questions and objectives

The main aim of the study is to investigate the impact of establishing Global Shared

Service Centers in order to bring innovation and technology and it is closely related to other

objectives of the research. Present aim of the study and objective which include identify the

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Page 23: Technology and Innovation in Global Shared Service Centers

drastic changes arise within enterprises due to adopt emerging technology and innovation in

GSSC are linked with each other in order to examine the benefits of establishing Global Shared

Service Centers for retail industry. In addition, research objective which include examined the

challenges associated with the set-up of Global Shared Service Centers is closely related with the

secondary data collection method. By using this method, researcher would be able to detail

investigate about the issues that can create hurdle in successful implementation of GSSC within

retail sector. With help of thematic analysis method, investigator would be able to attain major

aim of the study and other objectives of the research within stipulated time. Apart from by

framing theme regarding to explore the ways through which performance of Global shared

service centers can be improved, researcher would be able to evaluate the major impacts of

establishing GlobalShared Service Centers on organizations and their employees in an effective


Appropriateness of triangulation to present research

As per the given case scenario, triangulation approach will be used in which data is

collected through effective use of a variety of methods to collect data on the same topic. In order

to capture different dimensions of the same phenomenon, this technique will be helpful. In the

given case, researcher can apply different methods including Investigator triangulation, theory

triangulation and methodological triangulation etc. to check the validity and see the difference

perceptions of scholars and authors about the phenomena. In addition, researcher triangulate the

aim, objectives and research methods to interpret the difference in findings on the same issue for

data collected using more than one method (IBM Global Process Services, 2011).Besides that,

this approach will also help researcher to check out the consistency of findings generated by

different data collection methods.

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This task of the project provides detail information about activities and time will be

required to carry out an individual task in an appropriate manner. Total week time will be

required to accomplish the dissertation effectively.

ACTIVITY/WEEK 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Process begins with the

identification of the problem

Selecting appropriate topic for

the study

Evaluating the main purpose

and rationale behind to carry

out the study

Conducting review of

literature by collecting

secondary data from authentic


Framing aim and objectives of

the study

Secondary data will collect

from various sources

Applying appropriate research


Defining research

methodology and methods will

be used in the study

Preparing research questions

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Page 25: Technology and Innovation in Global Shared Service Centers

Detail invest in order to get

insights into the topic

Collected data arrange in a

proper format

Evaluating and applying

technique to analysis the

collected data

Interpreted the data on the

basis of different themes

Detail exploring the finding of

the research

Recommendation and

suggestions will be provided

for further study,

Prepared report in a

presentable manner

At the end. report will be

submitted to instructor and

awaiting for feedback

As per the tutor guidance, the

work will be revised

At the end, again re-submit


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In order to carry out the current study related to topic “Technology and Innovation in

Global Shared Service Centers”, different sources which include books, journals and online

published articles will be required. Along with this for preparing the report, Microsoft office and

analysis the data and developing graphs, MS excel will be required. In addition, to conduct the

study and access the data, prior permission will be essential. In the context of presenting the

report, Microsoft Power Point tool is required. Apart from this, specific online published report

of E&Y, Cognizant and IBM companies would be considered.




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Books and Journals

Asheim, B.and Gertler, M., 2005. The geography of innovation. The Oxford handbook of innova-tion. pp. 291-317.

Bitner, M. J. and et.al., 2008. Service blueprinting: a practical technique for service innovation.California management review.50(3). pp.66.

Caroline, H., 2013. Strategic Adoption of Technological Innovations. IGI Global. Demirkan, H. and et.al., 2009. Service-oriented technology and management: Perspectives on re-

search and practice for the coming decade. Electronic Commerce Research and Applica-tions.7(4). pp. 356-376.

Engel, J.S., 2014. Global Clusters of Innovation: Entrepreneurial Engines of Economic Growtharound the World. Edward Elgar Publishing.

Maglio, P. P. and Spohrer, J., 2008. Fundamentals of service science. Journal of the Academy ofMarketing Science.36(1). pp.18-20.

Maglio, P. P. and et.al., 2006. Service systems, service scientists, SSME, and innovation. Com-munications of the ACM. 49(7). pp. 81-85.

Mytelka, L. and Farinelli, F., 2000. Local clusters, innovation systems and sustained competitive-ness. Nota técnica. 5. pp. 7-35.

Pal, N., and Pantaleo, D., 2005. The Agile Enterprise: Reinventing your Organization for Successin an On-Demand World. Springer Science & Business Media

Palmisano, S. J., 2006. The globally integrated enterprise. FOREIGN AFFAIRS-NEW YORK.

85(3). pp. 127.

Pohle, G.and Chapman, M., 2006. IBM's global CEO report 2006: business model innovationmatters. Strategy & Leadership. 34(5). pp.34-40.

Sia, S. K. and et.al., 2010. Global IT management: structuring for scale, responsiveness, and in-novation. Communications of the ACM. 53(3). pp. 59-64.


Bowsher, A., 2013. Tesco consolidates global datacenters into UK shared services center.

[Online]. Available Through :<http://www.sharedserviceslink.com/news/tesco-

consolidates-global-datacentres-into-uk-shared-services-centre>. [Accessed on: 9 June


Cognizant report, 2014. The Shared Services Imperative: Evolve from Cost-Killer to Value-

Driver. [Online]. Available Through :<


from-Cost-Killer-to-Value-Driver.pdf>. [Accessed o: 9 June 2015].

E&Y, 2014. The new case for shared services. [Pdf]. Available Through :<

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$FILE/EY-the-new-case-for-shared-services.pdf>. [Accessed on: 9 June 2015].

Ernst & Young, 2011. Shared Service Centers Enabling your business for success. [Pdf].

Available Through :< http://emergingmarkets.ey.com/wp-


[Accessed on: 8 June 2015].

IBM Global Process Services, 2011. Today’s shared services operating models: The engine

behind enterprise transformation. [Pdf]. Available Through :<


PDF>. [Accessed on: 10 June 2015].

IMA, 2000. Implementing Shared Services Centers. [Pdf]. Available Through :<



vice_centers.pdf?sfvrsn=2>[Accessed on: 9 June 2015].

Saran, C., 2013. Tesco consolidates global datacenters into UK shared service. [Online].

Available Through :<http://www.computerweekly.com/news/2240209935/Tesco-

consolidates-global-datacentres-into-UK-shared-service>. [Accessed on: 9 June 2015].

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