Technical-single Camera production Unit 22 P.1 Extreme Close up is used to represent emotion and to show the characters attitude but it can also to focus on one subject or object to ever indicate emotion or purpose or what it symbolize. It’s used in film to show emotions of a character Or to focus on an object. This shot shows a face of a very determined teenager The lighting is light with a dark contrast and the extreme close up suggest the story is about conflict This close shot shows a dilemma For a hair style The shot is concentrate on the book to express the dilemma and the hand going over Close up of the charm piece close sup of the finger suggest want

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Technical-single Camera production Unit 22 P.1

Extreme Close up is used to represent emotion and to show the characters attitude but it can also to focus on one subject or object to ever indicate emotion or purpose or what it symbolize.

It’s used in film to show emotions of a character Or to focus on an object.

This shot shows a face of a very determined teenager The lighting is light with a dark contrast and the extreme close up suggest the story is about conflict

This close shot shows a dilemmaFor a hair style

The shot is concentrate on the book to express the dilemma and the hand going over

Close up of the charm piece close sup of the finger suggest want

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Close up

is used to represent emotion and to show the characters attitude also to show where they are directing their attention.

Close up is similar use to extreme close up but the main difference is that you can see more of the background and the mid-ground.

Eyelevel is used for conversations and in shot reverse shot apart if it’s a dominate figure

Profile close up can show more than emotion like in this one it shows the TV that the kid wants to watch

it’s shot from the front so that it shows two action the hair dresser.

Which suggest the familiar and the daily routine.

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Medium Shot

Are used to as two shot to show proximity between different characters .It portraits one or two subjects useful for conversation

Or their surroundings, but also to show the scale of the Mise en Scène or even objects

Shows the shotgun and the handler putting it on display

It over the shoulder to show the mise en scene

Over the shoulder this makes it look like a horror theme were something or someone is stalking their victim

The TV is in the background which suggest temptation and distractionThe boy is forcing himself to look somewhere else

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Extreme Long Shot

This is used to Establishes the Mise en Scène (its the same thing as in a book were the Author describes the surrounding) it usually used at the begin of a film or a scene with a new location or they usually to set a new scene or it films medium and long shot from different angle to show the grandeur and scale of the locations

it shows a snowy forest in to the first one has natural lighting

Were as the other one is darker soft lighting and it has balloons bouncing around

These setting show peace and innocents.

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Long ShotIs to show a sense of Mise en Scène but also to show how many characters there are depending scene and show proximate and movement.

Also used to show danger or parcoure in front of protagonist in Action adventures .

Also to introduce a new area of a scene with out using an over establishing shot

This shot gives a sense of tension and foreboding

A girl walking alone to the bus stop followed by teenagers

Documentary type hand held NSA rocket

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Tracking Is used to show movement/speed by following the movement of the object and subject in motions and chase. It consist of the camera is also in motion to make it look like a

Zooms The camera lens zooms in is to show the emotions of a character or an object to symbolize or convey a meaning .and out to ever

Crash Zoom it’s an extremely sudden fast zoom-in on a subject or an object. Camera angle/positions How the camera is positioned hand held, tripod, crane and even drones . Angle may be use to disorienting the audience like in an action or speed

Also angle may be used too show a different prospective for the audience or to convey meaning to the mise en scene and plot.

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Camera angle Low angle are used to portrait power and control In the picture bane is showed as a powerful opponent the angle is really low .

Centered is well aimed at high shoulder and eye site (mounted on a tripod), used for an action with shoulder high.

High is used to show a lack of power or authority for a character usually the protagonist at a certain moment than when the scales change the antagonistLike the avengers in this shot

ArialBirds eye view from the sky it’s useful for chase scene or establishing shots, It’s a good camera shot also to show the scale of an area.

The low angle on ban shows he has the upper hand and that he is superior in strength and philosophy

Shows power the force of power and a conversation

Shows the lack of power of Thor and Cap the opponent their facings dwarfing them

Shows Hawk eye dropping down but not giving up

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Lighting In any thing lighting is really important to determine the atmosphere of a film

High key lightingThe lighting is used to ever make a symbolic link like a Sacred symbolism or to make the audience think it’s magical

Low key lighting is when the film is in a film noir style.Also Hard lighting is the same thing, both are used to create the new or in some flashback the lighting is hard

Soft is when a light source is larger to the subject, hard light is when the light source is small relative to the subject. This depends mostly on the following two factors: Distance. The closer the light source, the softer it becomes. Size of light source.Basically when light is more present of the subjects surface.

Natural Outside filming and use natural lighting e.g. sun light or moon light even lamppost even thought I would class it in artificial

Artificial Is when the production use lights to illuminate a use lighting in dim area by brining portable Lights on set.

The light makes it look mysterious and holly it also makes it look like revealing and discovery in in the light

The lighting makes it look mysterious but it make it look like a film noir and I would associate it with comedies and unexpected story

This setting makes it feel like a horror/ thriller with stalking an a victim

These make it look more like a documentary and an action adventure

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Establishing Shot is used to show a new location and made to convey meaning Reestablishing is when a new location or the same place jus a different angle 180 Degree Editing is a shot with allot of different shot usually used in conversations the 180 rule states that there is a line that the camera cannot cross because it will disorient the audience. Used in all film but can be broken like in trainspotting Shot Reverse Shot used in conversation to show two or more characters a film technique where a character is shown looking at another character (often off-screen), and then the other character is shown looking back at the first characterUsed in all film with conversation or quick pace fighting in actions adventures and some sci-fiParallel Editing is the technique of alternating two or more scenes that often happen simultaneously but in different locations. If the scenes are simultaneous, they occasionally concludes in a single place, where the relevant subject confront each other.it has two shots that follow the same time frame but may have different story. Used in the Godfather and the fifth elements https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S_I82117oAw

Continuity Techniques The city shot from the sky is taken to show a new surrounding that is a grand metropole.

007 is on the roof of a building in London looking out it’s also an over the shoulder.

The 180 degree in action It’s used for shot revers shot or a whole scene it is broken thought if there is parallel editing, it shows how it works in the diagram

The diagram shows how shot reverse shot works and the rules of how to film.

two different children doing different things in a similar but different mise en scene

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30 Degree Editing it’s like panning but in transitions the shot can change point but it needs to be the same subject in quick successionsIt is used in the beginning of train spotting it broke the 180 rule in that film thought by using the 30 degree rule https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RC5zRvqnRm8 Transition Wipe, Fade In and Out, Dissolve are all transition that are used to represent time passing and new scene Wipe are usually combined with establishing shot Used in Star Wars for pass of time or during time prostrate time and spaceFade/ dissolve are used to also to portrait parallel editing. Pace and Tempo A tempo run is a faster-paced workout also known as a lactate-threshold, LT, or threshold run.How fast the rhythm of the editing and music is. Montage Editing is technique in film editing in which a series of short shots are edited into a sequence to condense space, time, and information. The term has been used in various contexts.

Eye-Line Match Is used to show emotions of the characters but keep it eyelevel so that it’s clear to the audience what they are

Graphic matching used for time passing by using the same action but changing ever the background or the objects/subjects appearance like in UP if I made an one hour film would use it to give a mini story to establish the story.

Matching on Action is when the next action follows the previous action from the subjects Used in both films & 3D animation but over used in Action Adventure e.g. Bourne Trilogy.

To show conversation and to show expressions

The girl is looking in a direction and moving in the next shot its anew perspective

Shows the passing of time and location, and subjects or objects but the motions doesn’t change or the positioning of the camera just the background and over things

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Diegetic are sounds that are from the film set and not added later on. All the camera and mic picks up Non-Diegetic are sounds that recorded after film production it’s recorded in a studio and added later

Dialogue is anything from a whisper to a speech but it’s everything that the Actors/Actress say. Actual sounds when recording scene Soundtrack Is the music of the film in the background to convey meaning to the audience to what happen quick and active for action slow classical or pop for romance. Theme of character e.g. imperial march for Vader, James bond and mission impossible Music can be from top tune of the year or a brand new composer to make a theme song for soundtrack

Sound effects Are all from sounds that have ever been enhanced or added on during the editing stage . Example: Gunshot distant conversation

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CANDY CRIMEhttp://www.filminute.com/films/2012/candy-crime/UK - Ben Jacobson

AGAINSThttp://www.filminute.com/films/2015/against/Russia - Omarov / Chukharova

DRONEhttp://www.filminute.com/films/2015/drone/Denmark - Josefine Ahlberg

1-0http://www.filminute.com/films/2015/1-0Iran - Saman Hosseinpuor

LAIKAhttp://www.filminute.com/films/2013/laika/Argentina - Gustavo Cordero

MIGRATIONhttp://www.filminute.com/films/2013/migration/Belarus - Andrey Levkovitch


M-22http://www.filminute.com/films/2013/m-22/Netherlands - David Stevens

TRAFFIC JAMhttp://www.filminute.com/films/2013/traffic-jam/Belgium - Piet Sonck




Lighting and editing sourcehttps://www.google.co.uk/webhp?hl=en#hl=en-GB&q=parallel%20editing