Pre-Production Techniques LO1 Mel Storey

Task 1 pre production pro-forma

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Page 1: Task 1 pre production pro-forma

Pre-Production TechniquesLO1

Mel Storey

Page 2: Task 1 pre production pro-forma

FinanceDefinitions for each of the term:• Self Financed This is when you finance yourself with your own money to start your business or project off. There is

no external grants or aids included. An example of a self-financed company would be a freelance photographer or director, they would pay for their own equipment and organise the release forms for the location and model.

• Employer/Client Financed This is an employer/client who provides the money for a project in which they get benefits from.

This allows the hired company to complete the briefed product. A employer/client financed company would be a catering company who will be given a brief and they will be given the money by the client to complete the project.

• KickstarterThis is a world wide website that allows media companies to request money from the public to make a specific product. For example, Pickup Films who are a third year crew studying Film & TV Production at York St. John University. They have already run a successful Kickstarter campaign for a previous film called Project Venture and this time they are using the website to help fund a pilot for a crime drama web series. This is successful, you can see on the website their goal and their achievements. Pickup Films have reached their goal of £1,000 and have currently been backed £1,090.

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FinanceWhich source of funding will be most likely for your production and why?

The source of funding that we would most likely be using would be self-finance. It is not a huge project as we do not need to spend finances on hiring experts to cook the food or hire a specialist to decorate/prepare the food to be photographed. Being a self-financed company for this project will be enough for us to get all our equipment under a low budget. If the project was to grow and more people were needed to be hired then client/employer finance would be the next financial way of producing the project.

Advantages More independent, and if the project is successful more of the profit goes to yourself. It is a good way of financing yourself if it is a small project as not a lot of money will need spending to get you started. No fees need to be paid to other experts.

DisadvantagesUses your own money, if the project fails you could have lost out. You do not have as many connections to investors and people with skills you may need.

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FinanceExplain the aspects of your production that could require finance.

An aspect of the project that would require finance would firstly be the ingredients and equipment to cook the recipe to show the audience on the card what they can achieve when cooking from the recipe cards. This could be one of the most expensive aspects in producing the recipe cards. The option of bringing in a catering expert would boost the finance up a lot, maybe more than needed, so when producing the recipe cards we will need to think if it is worth it.

Another aspect of the project that will require finance will be from printing the recipe cards. The cost can go up depending on the card used and if the cards will be laminated or have a glossy or matte effect to them. Because we are a self-financed company it will have an effect on what we can afford and the connections to equipment we can use to produce different effects.

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TimeWhat methods could you employ to ensure you stick to your deadlines and why would this be beneficial to your project?

A method which which you can employ to ensure you stick to deadlines is a schedule. With a schedule this allows you to write down by date and time what you will be planning to do and when. You are able to list each task that needs to be done, and stick to times which tasks need to be finished by this allows you to stick to deadlines. This is beneficial to this project because I will be able to note down what tasks I need to do by when. This is a very fast moving project and sticking to deadlines is important so I don’t get behind in the work and I will be able to keep up with tasks. This way will allow organisation so work I can complete tasks on time. In the last few projects that we have completed I have used a schedule to guide me through. This made work easier to complete because I could follow what task and did and when I should of finished what task and move on to the next one. Particularly in the Graphic Narrative project I found a schedule most useful in this. It give me an idea of what I needed to do each day and this organised my work and made it run a lot smoothly in production as I knew that I needed to finish a page six by the end of one lesson and start another page by the next lesson etc…

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TimeWhat is contingency time and how might this be beneficial to your project?

Contingency time is when you give yourself time to sort out problems if something in your project goes badly wrong and it needs to be sorted out. This is beneficial to my project because if I give myself time at the end of the production for example a few spare days right at the end these days will be there for if anything goes badly wrong and this is giving me the time of a few days to get this sorted. Problems that could occur could be like losing a memory stick with work on which I have not uploaded to my blog yet. This has been an issue with people in the past so if this happened I would need to give myself contingency time to sort this out and redo the lost work. Another issue that could occur is that if I am using a model they could not turn up on the day and this would be an issue as then I wouldn’t have a model for my images and we wouldn’t be able to shoot. I would need to create contingency time to sort out this problem which would mean me needing time to find a new model and giving myself more time to shoot the images.

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PersonnelWhat size team will you use for your production? How many people will you have inyour team? Think about the advantages and disadvantages of your team size.

The team that will be involved in the production will be small, two or three people at the most. This will lower the cost of finance and personally I feel the project will not need more than a designer, photographer, copy writer and possibly a chef. One single person can do more than one of these jobs to cut down finances too. A small team will mean resources will be cut down and it will ease the cause of origination. The disadvantages of having a small team could slow the project down if someone if not there and it could add more stress to the team.

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PersonnelWhat job roles would you have in your production and what skills and experience would be required? Photographer- They will need to be experienced in lots of different areas of photography,

including food/catering photography. They need to be creative in what they do and have skills on editing programs to fix any lighting etc. They also need to have specific equipment or in touch with someone who they can hire it from.

Cook/Expert- They should have experience in the catering business and have achieve at least a level 3 in food/catering. The food should be presented well once cooked to look appealing to the audience.

Graphic Designer- A graphic designer should be able to show examples of their existing work in designing web pages, magazine pages, brochures, adverts etc. They need to be creative and be able to work on programs such as Photoshop and InDesign.

Copy Writer- They need to have experience in copywriting such as advertisements, brochures etc. And have the equivalent of a level 3 in journalism or equivalent.

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PersonnelHow could you find people to be in your production team?

There are many way in which I can find people to be in my production team. From my own network of friends and peers and pervious employers/production team I have my own knowledge of people I could ask to be in the production team. But if I needed to find people with more experience I can always post an advertisement or look at advertisements from local newspapers such as the York Press or Pocklington Post. If I wanted to go more specific I could look at publications such as Digital Camera Magazine and media job websites. This would bring up people in specific media areas in which I will be needing, but it would probably cost more to hire their skills.

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FacilitiesList the equipment, resources and facilities you need for your production and its source

Equipment/Facility/Resources needed for production

College Self Client



Cooking equipment





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Contributor Type of Contributor

Team member Expert

Client Expert

Tutor Expert

Photographer of Sourced Images Expert

Public public.

Model Talent

Cook Talent/expert

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LocationsWhat method could you employ to identify locations needed for your production (production/ post production facilities) and how could this be useful?

A recce report should be taken on first to see if the location is safe and suitable as safety is important and we need to ensure all locations are safe and suitable for photography. It needs to be suitable and these elements need to be taken into concern:

• Health and Safety concerns • Parking or equipment access • Electrical outlets/power supplies • Available lighting sources (natural and artificial) • Area for shooting, cast, equipment

Going to the location before taking the photographs or cooking the food is always good as it makes you aware of where you can go, how big the location is and if you need to bring anymore equipment.

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LocationsAre there any limitations or risks you would need to consider for your locations?

Location Limitation/Risk

Home Kitchen Hot appliances, wet floors and sharp knives.

Restaurant Kitchen Hot appliances, wet floors, sharp knives and slippy surfaces.

Restaurant Sharp objects, disturbances.

Classroom Wires from computers could cause trips.

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Codes of Practice - ClearancesWhat is a model/location release form and why is it important to your production?

A model/ location release form is a form that is a legal release and is signed by the model and the photographer giving permission to publish the photograph in one form or another. When a photographer takes pictures of a model they have to make sure they have a model release form so they have permission from the model that they can publish the images. A location release form is similar to this as it’s a binding contract between the photographer and the owner of the land that the photographer is shooting on. The owner of the property grants written permission to the photographer to take images on the land and use it for commercial use and for it to be published. This agreement includes provisions regarding forgoing the owner’s right to sue for specific types of claims, allowing producer and team to enter property. This is important with the work I will be doing because we may be needing to use a model in which then we require to fill out a model release form that will allow us to be able to publish the model that will be on our recipe cards. For legal reasons when we come to publishing the recipe cards the model can not say that we can not publish them because they have signed the release form. Then the location release form will be important to our production because if we want to shoot anywhere which we don’t own like a studio kitchen we will need a location release form for legal reason to have permission to take photographs at this location. The both forms are important to the production because they legally give us permission to use that person and location and nobody will sue.

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Codes of Practice - LegalWhat legal requirements will you have to consider in your project and what aspects do they relate to?

Aspect of Production Legal ConsiderationImages The images can not be copied and taken then used for publication

without having permission from the person who owns the images. It is copyright and the person could who owns the images which you may

steel and use can sue you for copyright. Recipe cards The recipe that used on the recipe cards can not be stolen and they

need permission off the owner of the recipe to use them for publishing. It is copyright if you use the recipe’s and you do not have there

permission then that is copyright and there is a possibility that you could get sued.

Production work When creating the recipe cards you need to think about the health and hygiene act of 1974. This is when creating the recipe’s and if you was to

make them before hand. This is so no body gets food poisoning from the food that they are making.

Production work We need to make sure that work is our own and not copied from other recipe cards because this will be copyright which is illegal and could end

up with us being sued.

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Codes of Practice – Regulatory Bodies

Which regulatory body’s guidelines would you need to follow when creating your production?

When creating our product in production we need to think about following guidelines which are regulating our work. One of the guidelines that regulate our work is the health and safety act of 1974 is a primary piece of legalisation that covers health and safety with food and hygiene within Great Britain. In production we need to follow these guidelines if we are creating food to take pictures of. Another guideline we need to follow when creating in production is the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 we need to follow this guideline to make sure we are not copying anyone else's work and it is all our own and original. This act stops people copying any type of publication or media that they create. We have this act to regulate our work so that we either get permission when using other peoples like images and recipe’s or use our own images taken and making sure no one else can steel them and pass them off as their own. Another regulatory body is the ASA (Advertising Standards Authority.) We have this to follow as a guideline so when advertising our product we don’t include any offensive material in our adverts that will offend people. Also we need to follow this to make sure we don’t false advertise like the KFC advert which the ASA made to stop broadcasting because it was promoting that KFC prepared fresh chicken which was not entirely true. We have this to follow so nothing like this happens when advertising the recipe card’s