Target Audience for my production: When We Were Kids


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Target Audience for my production: When We Were Kids

Primary Audience Demographic

• Age: 16 -24 - this is because the music video focuses on youth and young adolescences and this audience would be able to identify with Joel and Jill as they are 17 years old and 18 years old.

• Gender: Male and Female – the performers in this music video are both male and female, therefore both genders would be able to relate with them and the way they act. gender represented fairly equally though Joel is the more active in the sense of playing on more equipment in the park location.

• Ethnicity: White – The actors are white.

• Nationality: British – they are also British.

Other Artists/Music the target audience would enjoy:• The track used ‘When We Were Kids’ uses the genre ‘indie pop’. Indie pop was

inspired by punk’s DIY ethic and related ideologies, and it generated a thriving fanzine, label, and club and gig circuit. Indie pop differs from indie rock to the extent that it is more melodic, less abrasive, and relatively angst-free.

• Therefore, the target audience would be interested in other indie pop artists/bands such as: Echosmith, Of Monsters and Men, The XX and Kate Nash.

When searching ‘Of Monsters and Men’ on YouTube, these are the similar artists who came up down the side: Passenger, Mumford and Sons, Imagine Dragons and Bastille – these are a similar style of music, that the target audience for my music video would enjoy listening to.

Target Audience Continued:• The costumes the actors are wearing in this music video are high street fashion from shops such as

Topshop/Topman. High street fashion is a part of pop culture, therefore, the music video is very modern and would appeal to an audience who are stylish and keep up to date with the latest fashion trends.

• Furthermore, the majority of locations used in the music video are outdoors. This would engage with an audience who prefer to be adventurous rather than sit inside bored all day. Also, it would attract people who are quite active. For example, in the video, Jill and Joel go and explore Mousehold to see the beautiful scenery of Norwich, and when they are at the park, they are playing on the swings, slide and other equipment. The scenery of Norwich could be a cultural transmission of Britain, that the audience could connect with. Also, the video involves quite a bit of driving enhancing the idea of being active, adventurous and wanting to explore.

• The music video would interest energetic individuals. This is because the track has an upbeat tempo and the editing is fast paced. The fast paced editing results in the music matching the visuals and the action synchronising with the beat (Goodwin), this makes the track and the music video more fun. Therefore, people who like to have a good time and do things for there own pleasure would like this video.

• The tone of the music video is nostalgic., therefore people will identify with reminiscing on the good memories they had as a young person and perhaps will be emotional about it. The song is about being a kid again and not wanting to grow up and have responsibilities, this is illustrated by the use of running around, skipping, playing at the park and swinging on a tree. People who feel like they don’t want to grow up and would rather just have fun, pleasure and no responsibilities would enjoy this music video.

Images from my Music Video:

High Street Fashion High Street FashionDriving

Exploring MouseholdPlaying on the swings Joel on a another big swing

Joel on other play equipment Running up the stairs Swinging on the tree

Inter-textual reference: Friends• Friends is an American television sitcom created by David Crane and Marta

Kauffman and it aired from 1994-2004. It revolves around a circle of friends who live in Manhattan. The theme tune of the song 'I'll be there for you' immediately indicates that it is about friendship. This could be an inter-textual reference in our music video as our idea focuses on a boy and a girl who are best friends and grew up together, therefore they would always look out for each other. The lyrics of the theme song also mention the responsibilities of growing up, therefore this links with the idea of wanting to be a kid again because there is a lot less to worry about. Additionally, "Friends" shows a group of friends having a laugh with each other and always going out with each other. For instance, they go to a Coffee House called 'Central Perk', therefore we thought it would be a good idea to include the playhouse café in Norwich into our music video as it is a popular place for friends to hang out.

This is the coffee house in the show friends - Central Perk Playhouse café

Uses and Gratification• Laswell’s theory can be applied to my production in relation to themes of entertainment and cultural


• For instance, the music video is very fun, energetic and active – there is something constantly happening, so there is always something to watch. The actions and events that take place are exciting to watch- this is developed by the use of a montage narrative and fast paced editing synchronising with the beat of the music.

• The location of the music video is in a British City (Norwich). Therefore, people from Britain could relate to the music video and traditional British norms and values and the cultural aspects of the city, such as Norwich Cathedral.

• Blumler and Katz theory can relate to my music video in relation to these concepts: Diversion and Personal Identity.

• For example, the music video focuses on having fun whilst being young and not wanting to grow up, thus escaping from the responsibility of becoming an adult.

• This music video appeals to an audience of both genders and aged 16-24. Therefore, this music video may relate to experiences that this target audience have had, such as looking back on the good memories they’ve had or losing friends and experiencing the same feeling of not wanting to grow up. Therefore, the behaviour and actions of Jill and Joel may reflect some of the potential target audience.