Target audience JAMIE KING

Target audience updated

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Target audienceJAMIE KING

Page 2: Target audience updated


The target audience for our upcoming thriller movie is males and females in the age brackets of sixteen up to the age of twenty-five.

The reason why we haven’t chose a young audience is because if we chose a too young of an audience they might find some elements distressing and older people might find too violent.

The reason why we are choosing this specific target audience is because with the best selling thrillers such as the Fast and Furious film series, they have contain fast paced editing and graphic visual effects which the younger population would find exiting.

Overall, for these various reasons, we believe that our target audience fits perfectly for our chosen genre of movie.

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Story line

What makes a thriller a thriller is the use of suspense, tension and excitement being held on throughout the film. Throughout the film the suspense will build up until the peak.

A typical story line is that something bad will go wrong and then someone or a group of people will go out to fix it.

Commonly there is a lot of action which is why our target audience will enjoy it.

Males of the ages bracket sixteen up to the age of twenty-five will want to see fights and be held in suspense. They want to see things go wrong.

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Camera work

In a thriller there will be a lot of master shots showing the action throughout the thriller. This appeals to our audience as they will want to see all of the action. They want the screen to be busy with action which will keep their attention.

Furthermore there will be the use of crane. A crane will be used to reveal secrets throughout the thriller. This will reveal secrets which will further create suspense.

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There will be a use of parallel editing which means two story lines can run simultaneously. This appeals to our target audience as it means suspense can be built up as two story lines will become to fit together as well as keeping them thinking throughout.

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There will be a lot of sound effects. This means we can add interesting and enhanced sounds in which we couldn’t do during the filming period. This appeals to our target audience as the sounds will be interesting, for example an explosion. Furthermore, using sound effects can alter what we want the audience to hear meaning we can keep them interested.

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There will be a continuous change from low-key and high-key lighting. During the parts of the film where everything is good and up beat there will be high key lighting. However during the story line where the plot is bad and negative there will be a use of high key lighting. This keeps the audience interested as each scene will be different meaning they will be focused on each different scene.

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There is always an agonist and antagonist. This gives a constant contrast of the film narratives as well as seeing two different point of views. This interests our target audience as they will be able to understand both contrasting sides.