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Page 1: Talk talk talk 1
Page 2: Talk talk talk 1

t II ~ft~ • • ~.I .. "'y ,f ... t pl • • S<lH to r., .. ",,,, . ,,~ ..... w

urld i .. tI •• I~"f Ii". of LIS hfU .. d<l~ .. tll~ .... 1 produds .

TAU. TAU, TAU, lik .. th . oth.n. Is .... t ",,,,u ... d with lIf""''''4t

or .... "I~<lI .. rJ', .. s s<I'h. th .. u,h "'''''Y .. ~.ds .... .I .. "pusslo"s .. r.

~.fi ... d I" ,o .. t . "t. 8<1t th .. ", .. I .. ,<I.,,~s. is for th .. s t<ld ... U to

s. ..... .I h.4t "'~ ••• ft A", u l, .. " ,,,tUs h U us." ~y .... l .. t . III, ... t

.. dlv. Sp ... k. f , .. "d to •• sp" .. d .. Ith th.lf ow" Id . .. s, I .. th.lr .. w ..

words , M .. t<l • • '~"''''<I"I, .. t i .... Is H .• lI ~ .. I: th . .. "lilly of two or

",or. , . opl. to <I .. d.nl."d ."d I"t.r .. d with ... , 1. oth. r ~" ....

• 4<101 ~ .. sls.

~ s usu .. l, th. urlu ,,,,,t .. I,,, IIv. ly, Ifttuutlnt to"l" "vu

IAJ .. wi . . ... ",. ~f 1.<1"' .... . >(,ul . " , . , • n>l ... ~ . r of-$~ ... t l"'.$­

.. ut •• , . OOl $ ~pl .. I" .. " 1", .. , 1 .. . .1 dl .. I~'>ld ~et IU." t"~ v. ry

dlfhu .. t , ... ,1 ., .... .I ",y,h so~~ u .. u . It Is I" tMs I .. st uhs0l)'

I" p .. rti ' OII ... th .. t th . y . >(",.1 .

.. • rs .. r . rO<lU" . ly .. s k. d to .>(1'1,,1 .. wh .. t so", . "or. or

I!.I "',,,h .. ,,". "' ..... s , how to us. It. "h .. t Is lI.'AllY "' . d .. i / .. ot

j<lst th . ~idl~""fJ' ",u"I .. ,1 ~ .. th. ~d$i, of th. SIN.tlo .. ~. I .. ,

prU."h • . MOl"'''" ,hdr .. d . r .... .I h<l"' .... I .. h.,rdd;~" .... hl,hlJ'

v.ri .. d , .... ~ SD 1$ th. 1 .... ,<1"'. OIS .. . t ... .s,rl~. thUd ,o .. dltlo"s .

So",.tll . .. s, . ... .. th . s .... . .. o.~ 0. ,h ... s . t .. k. , ~ .. diff . ..... t

'OIO.dt l ~ .. I .. dlfhr ... t u tt l"lIS. Th. "'''hri,,1 I" thi s uflu is

d.s l,,, • .1 to h. ,p "",, - .... t l .. . - s p . .. k. rs .... ",1, .. , . s~, I .. lIy I"

dlffu."t dr, <I",n .... , . s

Page 3: Talk talk talk 1

~"'.OiI.(. f-oIoIl-! Tcpie-Oiswssim TMbodI.SwiQS'" f1f&~JooI '?if ~l'ft .i.J/.ei 4 011) f "'Jotf ~l:. .i[il!oht

ol~ <>t ~ ·H.f 1l'1J'2!-I-!1-t J.oJf -rrl-J .Oil"! Talk Talk Ttllk m {(Z)4- LlJrl'l ~~~I-lQ . .:I·i·Ojm ill l:. .i[illoi :iiJltol ~.i.? ~v ".J"tl'itf .\II"! 1!0I'!1 t.1"~

ol~oG H,"i-'f- TtllkTlIlk Ttllk m I (Z)~ l.·~·:;lv £€ "HI-I·H· .\!I"j :ii1t0JI-lQ.

I. l~ 113021-1. ~"J ~~.!!.P! 1,Il.ft~""! '1'11 ~f J."I.!!. J. ~-1iloj 'li~I-I~.

2. 1,1 Ln~on Jj. .ll-fo>l EXllmp!a 2! Ans .... a' t ~-"I"fOi , ... ~J.ttal '1( Lasson .2l ~"H· ~ aloKet-,a:p ~..r"~~'-I~.

3- ",el Book m!ll Peort (3) '"Lafs P,actic:o Makirli Ouestions" ~ ... 'It -"I .... ~l t- 1."11 .!'. J.~ 'l!o! ".l'.J.ti·S!I ."a.! .ff ~-"I a.!~ ,~"I .!r." "''!jel """ISJ JI-" 0J'-I~ . .3. -t0J<>I '!H '.f~l.)tl>\ "d1'oltiJ 1'J¥",oJ ~~I+ .f-~ f H-t.'-IR. Q21'" "J""J~ "'''' ~'f t,{ 1~~t- <;it <>I..rif ul'''o.l~ . .:t2f"i <:IOI '.j-.. *toh1t- tt·n r<!.i,tJil~oJ""w.

4. 'l!<>I'.j-t<>l 'U<>!"i Di,i'1lf ~'I{ '.j- • .I!! i"i~t 'lI<>!J.i"lllJi-:;l <:1011. .i.~&I!tt-"'.l °JloI~. 01 ~oG"'~ 01.11-101 '!it .Il'°J~f.lfoi <:Ioit'llOlJ. ~'lIlJi-+ n -t t,{ -* 'li.!r.4 '!it "U·H ~"I 'fOi t-.Jj t,{ * 'li.!r.. "J~o.lR.

5. ">J L.Isson 0I"i -§R.'J \.f i t '71"1'1-'1 Dill iogue t "Jtoi Pllrt (6) t ~""!OI '.1 . 1') t.!l"J~ 'lI<>IlIl!tot: <>I .!r. .g.ol iil .!r.4 "J.'-l~.

6. .!r.,! <>I..rf ~¥o!~ ":!<>i~ ~U!"'t- "lt~<>I.<{ 'lI<>!J.SJ ,,;It'! 1'l1f l tOl .... ,g°1 il£-4 141.1-If-t·

ol~ Jolll l ll:. 31iliot IIjI'JI-J2l .'L01.l£J 1-¥:0J T/.Ilk Tllik T!Iolk m {(2)i!f ~l!Il ~*!~f£J ~o('H-oG l-!1.f "'jJ:l f 'I ~"J-I-I~.

o l~o l \.l-£ 1Ilft "I I'J~ <>I O!a!~"J l ll:. .i[~ot IIj1'JI'Jt • .:l~~ "J~~ ~oJlt*lf! 1'1 e!~"'J Du.ano Vol'hees ... johl '?If-114t ~7;I~t.t.

~ tf "J-lit .3.iII~~J "'~ll"JA<l. :n l:a ~~'j :iiJo1f -¥Ie! oS-t~';! o! ~e~A<lot7S£

1J"ltt £~J~t.t.

Page 4: Talk talk talk 1

R.l:omm.ndation ...... 2

L. .. t's "'a,m Up witt! So .... Ridd l.sl ...... 6

30 Lessons

'---E·IlIllri.!~nswer These Questions IIilM&U

1. What Do Tllos. Sians Mllln? .. ... . 8, 86

2. Wh"t Ar. Th.y For? .. .. . . 10, 88

3. What Do You Say1 . . .. .. 12. 90

4. Wh"n D" V .. HJ Say This? .... ,. 14. 92

5. What', Wrona? •. . .• . 16. 94

1----~mlZllllp£verydaY Questions

6. ~Do you lik. Quntions . . .. 18. 96

1. ~Do you th ink you or.- Quutions ... . .. 20. 98

8 . "What" Qunti,,", ... . .. 22, 100

9. '"Who· Quntions . ... . . 24. 104

10. '"Why' Qu.,ti,,", . . .... 26. r06

11. ""'h.,." Quest ions ...... 28. 108

12. · When" Qun'!;""' ...... 30. 1[0

13. "Ho",,· auntions ...... 32, 112

14. -How oft.n" Quntie", . ..... 34. 11<1

I;. ·H" .... to· Shot-runts ...... 36. 116

16. -Did you " ..... t" Quo,t ions ...... 38. 120

Page 5: Talk talk talk 1

c o T E T s

let's Practice Making Question~rllUM:!i. 1l10111IIL _ _ _

n . M"k. /10 Q"ui ioM Start l"8 with · What " . .. .. . 40 , 122

18. M"k" .. Quosti "n Start ing , •• dth "When" .. .. . . 42, 124

19. Mel. .... Cu..,t i" ,., Stc .. t i"g with " Ho,.." ...... 44. 126

20. tJI"k ... Quest ion St"rt lng .... Ith "Wh.,." ...... 46. 130

21. M"k . .. Quntio" ShIrting w ith "Why" •...•. 48. 132

22. Ask Him .. . •.. SO. 134

23. M"kin9 Compr.h.nslc.., Quost ions . . . . . 52, 1,6

24. Making Topical Qu.utio ns ...... 64. 138

What Do You Think'~lI5tfi:!i· 1l10 • .,WL ____ _

25. "Wh"" i . in- Q ..... -I lo .'If 66, 140

26. Duty. ' .. 68. 142

21. QualIfIcations . .. . .. 10. 146

28. St ••• .,.ypu . . . "' 12. 150

29. Y .. or No! • .. ... 14, 1;4

Reading Comprehensio" fid

*,£I4!$I.]. Opon ••• f o r You, Discussion! , •..•• 1;8

Page 6: Talk talk talk 1

Let's Warm UP with Some Riddles!

2. &ern Motherleee and Fatherle •• ,lnto tnl8 world without a eln, Mad .... a lou.:! roar ae I ent.ered, And "_r epoke sea In.

3. m,,", I •• c::erUln crime that If It (5 attempWd ii, punh,hable, but if' committed I. not.. What r. It?

4. What OC::CUr& Ont::" in a minute. twice In • moment. put never in an hour.

5. It 90815 up and down the etalr lll without moving.

6. Give It food and it wlll1Jvo: elve it water and it will die,

7. What'. the beginning of eternity. the end of time and "pace, the bsgl"nlng of tohe "nd. lind the end of _ry placei'

8. Take on8 out and ~rat(:h my head. I'm now blac;k tout on"" wae red.

9. What ean you catch but not throw'!'

10. I run. Y" I have no ("Elill. What am 11

11. Tht!' more there Ie. the lue you He.

12. They come at night. without. being called and are 10illt In the dtAy without toelne etol,,".

IZ,. Forward I am heavy. backward I am not. What am 11

14. there wa~ a round ereenhou~e. Ineide wa~ a ~maller white houee. In the white houee wae a red hou~e. And living in the red "ouee were lote of IInle blac:k babie~.

15. WI1at two word~ have the moet lette,.. in them1

Page 7: Talk talk talk 1

.. 6>­"4-'


~ ~

Page 8: Talk talk talk 1


I What Do These Signs Mean?)


rl f...,w",

,.s his sign warns people not to blow their horns. The

1 symbol is usually displayed in a quiet area such as a

residential area' Of school zone. As traffic becomes heavy,

impatient drivers tend to make noise with their horns. So

people in the quiet areas demand that drivers not be

al1O\.Ved 10 blow their horns. They say no one needs 10 blow

their horns if everyone drives carefully and defensively. '



Page 9: Talk talk talk 1

Talk, Talk, Talk 1 / Part I

'G 'dA 5 ~ 1.

@ 9.




Page 10: Talk talk talk 1

I What Are They For? )

r(!) t is a small plastic card that people use when they buy

goods or services without cash. It's 1I very convenient

means o f purc::haslng things people want without having to

pay lor them at once. However. problems arise if not used

wisely . We 1I1J know credit cards ' encourage people to

spend more . Banks Intensify' this problem by issuing credit

cards to ~unqualified~ ' people. So, banks must be more

ci!lreful issuing credit cards. and

people should also be more

responsible about their

own spending.

Page 11: Talk talk talk 1

Talk, T<Jlk, To'llk 1 I I'ort I

.. """at ar. the!! tor?

,. 2 .

~ ,. ••

~ ~ 5. 6 .

a ~ ,. ••

• •• • ... ... .: ........

9. w .

B ---

Page 12: Talk talk talk 1


What Do You Say?

L----, ,,1'RIII!Qd.MIII!,1

Ther~ aore some frequently used expressions for certain

sltu&t\ons. They Dre useful for every student '0 know. Of

course. there may be more than one expression 'Of lhe same


When you le ll someone $ome n eW$ a nd you don' ,

wa n' him o r her 10 revell l ' II 10 a nyone el Sf!!. wha l d o

you SIly?

~OO'I rCp('a1 Ihts 10 anyone!

Page 13: Talk talk talk 1

Talk, T.llk, Talk 1 / Purl 1

t- ~at do ~ _11 7'

1 . WhOI do you say when you sweor' nO{ 10 repea l whal Is told 10 youl

1. Whol do you say when you SUggesl Ihol someone try 0 new rood?

3. Whol do you say when you WOn! !O su rpr1$4' someone wlth big n~ws?

.. , WhO! do you soy when you meet :someone who has illli! relumed from 0 long trip?

S, Who! do you say when yo", wonder If someone else undenloll<U your S!alements?,

6, Whol do you $Oy when you don'! understond whot somoone hos sold o nd you won! II to be repeo!edl

7. Whot do you soy when you heor sod new s from 5Omeone?

6. Whot do you say when you woni to chonge Ihe topic?

5, Whol do you say when you th ink som eone Is lokln g wlth you1

JD. Whol do yOIl say when you don't ImdefStond someone', real moonIng?

n . Whol do you say when you 01"$1 meel someone?

J1. Whot do you say when you IntelTUpt' samoone or cut In front of him?

13, Whot do you say when you opologlze \0 someone?

~ .. - ....... _-_ .............. _ ,.,.­.. ,._ -_ ... .. -. ....--.... _ "'_"'\MII "' ,""

Page 14: Talk talk talk 1

"tti,l!i!W When Do You Say ThiS?) I-~

I 'Re"d /VIe t I Let's !./Ilk about 111 whet slluatlons people woukI use the$e


I .. J:;'Jf"",pl e

Congr .. lula l lo n sl

I' " •• -..

~ nyllme som eon e has accompli she d som e thing

..J:'\. wonhwhlle In Ufe-gl"l'dualoo, won an award. ' gol

a Job or a promotion. ' gotten married. or had a baby.

= ~ =-._-_ .................. -._ ... -.......- ..... _.-.~ -_ .... _..-._-. ... -

Page 15: Talk talk talk 1

T,llk. T.llk. Talk 1 I l'u n ,

'Wh.n d o !!ON _y (his?

1 . NIce 10 meet you.

2 . It 's up 10 you.

3. I don't 'hlnk I can offord II.

II . I don"lhlnk 50.

5. Excuse mel

•• Con I lcove a m essoge?

7. If you weI'(' In my shoes.

•• Let's be reollstlc!

•• Walch OUI!

HI II all de~nds.

JL I dldn ' , moon Ihcl1.

" My t1p$ (lr1l $00100.

"- Don', gel up.

". Moke you rse lf a t home.

J5. Don ', get m e wrong.

J~ I' m solT)' 10 hear IhOI.

17. Can you hcor me?

J& I'd love 10.

J • . It $Crvcs you "ghl.

za Ar1l you fo llowing m p7

Page 16: Talk talk talk 1


What's Wrong!)

1 ~.ad}t1f., 1 Students and non-native speakers somelimes use strange

expressions. Correct the following s«!nlences which are

grammal>cally wrong. (Sometimes there may be ITlQTe than

one conecllon neceSNory, or there may be more than one

correct answer.)

,. J:." ...... p le

They are discu ssing about h o w to Impro ve the la x

~ ;:::~ r hey are discussing how to Improve the lax system.

Page 17: Talk talk talk 1

T.l lk, T.llk, T.llk 1 / 1'« '" I

II> "'What's ...,ro"9' 1. We are Invited 10 her morrioge. 2. I O I)()logi~ 10 disturb you. 3. He osked m ore m o ney. II. We opprcdole you for your kindness. 5. Mini.sklrts are recently popular among young women.

6 . He was absellt for a business [rip. 7. see you next m orning. 8. I love Koroo, spt'Clolly In spring. 9. The result 1.$ so[bned .

.za It Is not allowed 10 smok(> here.

JL I'll many you In case you SlOp smoking. J2 She wos deod from a trome oecld(>nl. 13. I have dlmcu\ly 10 persuade her. J4. They senl II me. lS. 00 you know 10 make coffee?

J6. I'm looming 10 drive a cor. 17. The cost Is expensive. l&. I hove a promise wllh him 01 6 p .m. J 9. Most of people ore afrold of death. ZOo The d(>IXlrlmeni siore IS ottrocilng (I 101 of clients by

lowering prlces.

21. !-Ie speoks En9l1sh very good. 22. She's nOI saying the truth. 23. The com pony Is very Incompetent In Ihe fosi-food

morkel . Z4. He be«lm(> mod when he heard the news.. 25. She drives very rostly.

26. I don', know he Is honest. 21. He dido', mind to show me Ihe woy to Ihe hmel. 28. Old you go to swim yesterdoy? Z9. He', busy to road books. I 30. They're doing their be:it to scorch In lsslng pt!"Ople in the ~ o<:dd(>nt.

Page 18: Talk talk talk 1

UN.!.I!W "Do you like" Questions '\

"E' ....... pl.

00 you like 10 ",alc h lV?

re used 10 \Wlch a lot of leIoMsion. r could do lhal while

I """ 00Ing something ...... liM snd,4ng or painting

Bull lhese ~ I han:ly ewr turn lhe TV on. I lind II mo.teh

mon! enjoyiobIo! 10 go out or read II booI< or IisWn 10 good

musIc:. 1 guess l"m bored' with _ldIing TV .

. _ ... -

Page 19: Talk talk talk 1

Talk, Talk, Talk 1 / I'tnt "

r "f,.. n !!lWflr th..- q"lfl!!lt /O"'!!l:

1. Do)'Qu like ~o read? 2. Do you like ~o trovel? 3. Do)'Qu like ~o sIng? 4. 00 you like to oot? 5. Do)'Qu like 10 eat OU1?

6. Do you like to exercl:oe? 7. 00 you like 10 p lay ony mu.slcol Instrument? 8. 00 you like to swim? 9. Oo)'Qu like ~o ploy cards?

.Ill 00 you like 10 gamble?

11. 00 you like to wotch movl~1 12. 00 you like 10 ploy wl1h ch ildren? H. 00 you like to sleep late In the m orning? 14. 00 you like to go 10 the mountains? 15. 00 you like 10 meel new people?

16. Do you like 10 s moke? 17. 00 you like drinking? 18. 00 you like playing golf? 19. Do you like playing tennis? zo. 00 you like bowling?

21. Do you like writlng letters? 22. Do you like shopping? II Do you like talking? 24. Do you like help Ing those in need? ' 25. Do you Uke buying lottery' tlckelS?

26. Do you Uke lI1eat7 27. Do you Uke vegetobles? 28. Do you li ke row Osh7 29. Do you li ke W~lern food? 3a. Do you li ke klmchl?

31. Do you Uke music? 32. Do you li ke trad111onol music? 33. Do you like druslcol music? 34. 00 you like money? 35. 00 you like your current job?

.1n_ '~ __ 01 -'1''''_ .""" ..... ' __ .. ___ ... _10_ ..........,.,.

Page 20: Talk talk talk 1

iiiii.U'· "Do you think you are" Questions

f Do you th ink you are conSC: le ntlo u$? '

"-.,w", -( . ta hy don ' t you ask someone else? Obviously, I'm

~ prejudiced' about my 0VJI1 character. But I will say

that I always try to do my best I don ' t think I ever

deliberately' slack off' on a project. Sometimes I know [ fail

to do something perfectly, but that is because I don"t have

enough time or I don 't dearly understand the task. But,

under the Circumstances, I could not have done the job

better than [ did"

~F~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ·consc;.nhOUS : gui<Se<ll»' or __ • _ ... "' ''''''''' io rigrl1 or_ .po-ejud;ce : "'" an ot>iect"'.~, _del,berate "~. Of"'" on putP".'" n. ... _ . slac~ off :_;nectMtyOf .,...

Page 21: Talk talk talk 1

Talk, Talk, Talk 1 I I'un II

• "A.. .. ' W /l ,. t,.~ qU/l, tiO .. ,:

,. 00 you think you ore healthy? ,. 00 you think you are generous?

J. 00 you think you are humorous?

•• 00 you think you are inreiligenl?

5. 00 you think you ore smon?

•• Do you Ihlnk you ore hoppy? 7. 00 you think you ore honest?

•• 00 you think you Ore too m orollstlc1

•• 00 you think you ore open.mlndL>d?

'" 00 you thin k you ore moody? '

U Do you think you ore superstitious? '

" Do you think you Ote rellglous?

" Do you thInk you ore diligent?

". Do YOll thh.k you ore gentle?

" Do you think you ore klnd?

,. Do you th in k you ore successful?

" Do you Ihlnk you ore frugal? ' ,. Do you Ihlnk you are poUent? ... Do you think you are forgetful?

zo. 00 you thInk you are talkat ive?'

l L Do you th ink you ore rich? II Do you th ink you ore optimistic? n. 00 you th ink you are low-abldlng?' ,. 00 you think yo u are lozyl

15 00 you think you Ore good looking?

~=,;,::;:.=::c:::.....~-:::=~-:::: .~ ,co. ...... """",*", .. ,,, .. ong __ ., ..... ,'- .................. _-'-'--

Page 22: Talk talk talk 1

"Z;;'"M;-" What" QUestlOltS)

l:."'''Q,,"p/~ Wha t do you thin k Is the best wa y to Slay healtJ-oy?

-.-s here are many ways to remain h e;,lthy. Di fferent

.L people pursue ' many of them. They m;,y ta ke large

amounts of vitamins Or tonics. ' Some blindly ' believe In

:oorne diet or other, which m a y be commercially appealing '

but not medlc;,lly tested. Nonetheless. good health starts

with weight con trol. This I, ;,chieved either

through eating modera tely

I e xercising regu larly, or both .

• _ t<yto_ ... __ _ ._._ .... _ .... -._ry .--........-.g"'_ ... _ ... _--.~,_"'_"'Il

0 '

Page 23: Talk talk talk 1

T.llk, Talk, Talk 1 /l'ul1 II

.. "A."swe, these qo"r-It ia" 5:

1. What do you usually have for breakfast?

:I. What do yau usually have for lunch1

J. What 1$ your favorite snaCk?

4. What do you want to be In the fu ture? 5. Whot b the most Important thing for you to do this


6. What do you do to improve your English ?

1. What do you think about giving up ' o n ( ng lbh?

8. What do you think a re the advan tages of having a good oommond of English?

9. What mode you marry you r wife (or husbond)?

10. What do you think about prenuptial agrffmenl$? '

11. What do you wont your chlldren to be in the future?

12. What makes you feel happy? lJ. W hat makes you feel sad?

1'1. What do you do to moke your parents happy?

15. What do you do to make your chUdr~n ha ppy?

16. What do you do to moke your spouse hoppyJ

11. What d o you "",ually d o If you have (loold1

J8. What Is your religion?

151. What do you th i n k about women s moking and drinking?

20. What do you think about b uying lottery tlckel5?

:11. What Is your faVOrite $eO.$On? :12. What is your favorite food?

D. What 15 Ihe 001 movie you've ever seen ?

:14. What are you going to be doing 01 10:00 p .m . tomorrow? 15. What do you think is the m 051lmportant th ing In life?

·.=.C~=~=-.·_C' _~, ~~~~~'G» .~_, _._-...."..,... __ I>f-'Io.<**hn._


Page 24: Talk talk talk 1

.. Xi ...... • "Who" Questions

"I:.a m pl",

Who do you admire the most?

~ y parents. They sacrificed' everything for me. TIley

'):: - gave up their personal dreams and financial well­

being. They dropped out ' of high school because they were

too poor to get th rough. ' but they always emphasized the

Importance o f a college education to me and my brothers

and sisters. As iii rewtt. we enjoy II higher living standard

than our parents.

thanks to their

efforts. Nothing is

stronger than parental

delerminlilion to raise '

their children well.


Page 25: Talk talk talk 1

Talk, Talk, Talk 1 ! 1'","1 II

Ii> "A.-,.s_, thae qUH tions;

1. Who is the breadwinner' In you r famlly? 1. Who cooks In your home? 3. Who does the dishes ot h ome? 4, Who takes aut' of your chILdren? 5, Who take .• core of you r parents?

6, Who makes more money- you o r your Spouse? 7. Who makes the major dedslonS In your family? 8, Who Is in charge ' of finances' In your family? 9. Who decides which cha nne l to walch on TV?

1£1 Who 1$ you r faVOri te movie sto r?

1L Who do you think is the hopple$! person In the world? 11. Who do you think is the busiest person In Ih'" world? 13. Who do you think Is the riche:n peT$On In the world? 14. Who do you think is Ihe most Importan t person in the

world? ll. Who do you Ihlnk lies m OSI o ften ?

16. Who do you thin k Is the m OSI honest penon in the world?

17. Who do you th ink IS the most miserable person In the world ?

1&' Who do you think Is the most Innuenllal person In the world?

19. Who makes you happy? 10. Who makes you wd?

1L Who makes you laugh? 12. Who Is the best singer? 13. Who Is the s mmtl'St person you know? 24. Who hos the best job In the world? 25. Who do you depend on for advice? . __ ._....,-...._10~._

·lnc""""" : ... _",~",,,,,,,_ '_''''''''"'"'Y_

Page 26: Talk talk talk 1

lunt.I, .• "Why" QuestionS)

~~ E'.ampl. I Why do you think people marry?


d'l eople naturally dislike being alone. They also have

~~ curiosity about people of the opposite sex. Marriages

arranged between families are still common. However. these

days. people get married for many reasons. Some marry

simply because family members and friends are getting

married. while others live together to save money.

However, gold-diggers ' marry for their partners money.

Many people slill marry because they want children. But the

majority of people marry

because they are in love

and want to stay with

each other all Ihe

lime. "

Page 27: Talk talk talk 1

.. "A."SWC,. thc_ quest/a".;


1. Why O~ you leornlng English? 1. Why do you thtnk people In general ore gelling foner?

J . Why dolO mony people want 10 be sUm?' II. Why do you think people a re hooked ' on rornpul<!l'1l? S. Why do you think people wotch TV instood of read ing (I


6. Why do you think some people choose to live in (I

crowded ' eUy? 1. Why cia you think people wont \0 moke more money? IJ. Why do you th ink people need Q college degree?

9. Why do you think people gt'ncroUy d istrust govemment? Ul Why do you think the number o f females who smoke Is 1~$ln9? How Oboul the n umber of young people?

lL W hy do you think juV<!ni le delinquency' Is on t he rlse?

12. Wh y do you thInk people em igrate? ' 13. Wh y do y<:>u thi nk people wont child ren ? 14. Wh y d o you think SOme people wont 10 be childless? 15. Wh y do you think m ost pwple hove som e religlon7

16. Why do clothing fa sh ions change so qUlcldy7 17. Why do people do things they know are bod for Ihem? 18. Why are divorce roles cllmblng7 19. Why do you live where you do? 10. Why are some people more sucassfullhon others'

· ...... :..-.. ____ 10_-. ..... . _ .... _ ... _"'-.C<_ , ___ . ..,._ .. ...".. .~~ --"'-- .... -..,"'­·oomiw1ot<t ' ....... _"""'"""""_I0_ .. __

Page 28: Talk talk talk 1

"£i$liM'M "Where" Que.tlon~

'£"'KQ m p le

I Where do you usually s hop?

r A •• wer .. T usually shop In discount stores. I"m lNilling to ptroy the

membership fees. because I think I can save more

over time due to' the reduced prices. However. I must be

careful not to 00 tempted' by cheap prices into buying

things unless I have an immediate ' need for them .

Otherwise. It' s Just

wasting money.


Page 29: Talk talk talk 1

Tdlk. Tillk. Talk 1 / 1'",' ..

.. A. .. s_~ flo ... q .. ~fions: J . WheTe do you liv" now? Why?

Z. WheTe were you born? Describe wha l your homelown looks lIk.e.

3. Where do you usuolly go on Sundoy?

II. Where did you mCCl your currenl sweetheart ' for the firsl lime?

5. Where do you usually meet your sWl>elheort?

6. Where do you wonl 10 go on your honeymoon? ' W hy?

T. Where did you go on your losl VO(Ollon?

8. Where are you plonnlng 10 go for your nexl Summer "oeollon?

9. When:' do you won! to live ofter you n:'tire? Why?

1Ll Where do you usually go for u drink.? Why?

11. Where do you usually b uy your clothes? Why?

12. Where do you usually buy home 0I'PUonces? '

13. Where ore you going ofter this closs?

14. Whel\' do you most wont \0 "Islt?

15. Where do you hope to work?

16. Where ore your parents from?

17. Where Is your sweetheo.rt from?

11. Where do you wont to go to IIChool?

19. Where Is the prettiest Spol In the world?

zo. Where ore your brolhms and sisters right now?

._-,._---.--,.Itfp, ......... ~--.appbnoo • ..--. ...... .. . _ ... _._1<>---._ ....

Page 30: Talk talk talk 1

IIX(9,· ·I ••

"When" Questions )

I .. 'E"xample

~ When do you fee l happy?


It!) feel happy whenever my family is healthy. But I was

especially happy when I had a baby. When I got a

promotion. I felt happ y too. Bu t

the r e is only on e w ay t o be

happy permanent ly : that is, we

should feel happy about who

INC are and remember that

happiness com es from the

little things w e accomplish . W e

can never fee l hoppy unless we

can enjoy t he thIngs we have

around us now,

Page 31: Talk talk talk 1

Talk, T,llk, Talk 1 ! l'(II"t II

J . When did you start learnin g English?

2. When do you feel like giving up on English ?

3. W hen do<!$ YOUT fa m ily eat out?

If. When do you read the newspaper?

5. Wh en did you fa ll In love for the first ti me?

6. When did you Sian smoking ond drinking?

T. When do you feel M~S5e<I?

8. When do you feel lonely?

9. When would you like to toke a round-the-world nip?'

Ul When do you think of YOUT parenu?

11. Wh en do you think o f you. frien ds?

12. W hen will you get monied?

13.. When are you going to finish sch ool?

14_ When do you see a doctor?

15.. When do you think you w!ll win the lottery?

Page 32: Talk talk talk 1

IIW.!lAn "How" Ques tloM)

I l ,,::::: you know you, .. ,.n" low you?

" . (S e call p.lIrentai love ~uncondlllonal . ~ meaning t~t l'I parents g ive top priority' to their children under 1111

c ircumstance s. Fo r exam p le, they try to provide their

children with bener food, a better ooucatlon , better medical

care, etc. Parents lire always re;,dy to sacrifice their own

well-being fo r their children' s sake. ' We all know that their

love is endless, but we don 't know whll'

real parentlll love Is until we become

parents ourselves. Parents may not

tal k about Iheir love fo r thei r

children, but we all know they

will a lways love us .

• pfIo<Ity • ~ ~to~'" utgOt\C>J' ._.:_."'-----

Page 33: Talk talk talk 1

ft.-... _,.. tlt-. questlo .. ..,

1. How did you get your first job?

Z. I-Iow coo you persuade your children to study hard?

J. How can you persuade your parents that academic 5uccen bn" everything?

II. Ilow much pocket money do you spend 0. monU,?

5. How many h ours d o you sleep ?

6. I low many h ours do you study tnglish every day?

7. Ilow many cup:!< of coffee do you drink a day?

IJ. How many cigarettes do you snloke a doy1

g. H o w d o. you divvy up ' domestic chores ' with your partoer?

III How could you gel a good deal If you were buying a cor?

1L How did you come to stort smoking and drinking?

J2. How d id you feel w h en you flr$t met you r current sweetheart?

lJ. How do you go to school (or work)?

1'1. How does one win in athletics?' In life ?

15. How much money b "enough"]

·diwyUP ' _"'-..l"t>j .~'i<>""""' ,. """"""'_""'''_ •• '-"" 01_&<1 __

Page 34: Talk talk talk 1

"",,,iH c-:- --::-::----:-:--­"' How often" Questions )

l E' •• m pl. r How often do you vlsll your parents?

" r know that as my ~rents gel older they wanl 10 see

me more often. [ can read their minds when [ look

inlO their eyes. I want to visit them as olten as possible, 100.

but my work keeps me busy. And I have to think about my

~renl5-in-law as well . They also want to see thei r own child

frequently. So I hoVi! 0 dilemma. ' If my spouse and [

alternate' visits between both families. I am see my own

p.lIrents just once II month at best. ' So I try to visit them by

myself whenever I can make the time.

And when !"m 100 busy to

see them. [ caU them

often to say hello.

--~ ~ ~~~ I ,'*'"- •• _---._ ... _ - ""'_ .... _---....., -.......... <II>~ .. -.. -:-- .... "..'--~-

Page 35: Talk talk talk 1

... }..."s_r th..- ","estio"s:

J . How often do you get your hai r cut? 2. How o ften do you stay up all night? 3. How o ften do you take a both?

4. How often do)'Ou brush yourteeth? S. How o ft en do you take a nap?

6. How oft en do you dream? 7. I low often do you exercise? 8. How often do you lie?

9. I low often do)'Ou drink? ltl How often do)'Ou think about your nO't love?

lL How often do you help your wife with the chores? 12 How often do you call your sweetheort? 13. How often do you tell your sweetheart , - I love you"? 14. Ilow often do you tell your children, - I love you· ?

15. How often do you see a movie?

16. How often do you visit your friends"

J7. How oft en do you v\si! your in.lows? J8. How often do you give money to your parents? J9. How often do you eat out? zo. How often do you see your child's teacher?

2L How often do you play with your children? 22. How often should someone see a dentist? 23. How of len do you go shopping? 24. How often do you gel to relax?

How often have you traveled abroad?

Page 36: Talk talk talk 1

.Riill"' .. "How to'" Statements


~ Explain how to a c h ie ve your d reams.

A..,_ •• ~ irst of all. I must believe in myself aod ignore those

r who try to discourage me. I must stop procraslinat-

ing' and keep on trying. I know I will not fail if I try again

and again un til I succeed. That"s the o nly way anyone can

have dreams come true. '

I, . •

Page 37: Talk talk talk 1

Tdlk. Talk. Talk 1 I 1''''1 II

... Tell m e hQIN to d o tl .. ~ follow/mil'

J . Expla in how to drive safely.

2. Explain how to SlOp drinking and smokin g .

3. Explain how to fi nd Mr. (aT Miss) Righi . '

4. Explain how to make your husband and Wife hoppy.

5. Explain how 10 make your children h"ppy.

6. Explain how to stay henlthy.

7. Explain how to Improve your I:ng llsh .

II. I:xplal n how to avoid becoming a henpecked ' husband .

9. Explain how to avoid Letting frllmd$hlp sour. '

ll1 Explain how to make up' with your est ranged ' friend .

11. I:xlliain how to ovoid a tOlllsl .

11. Explain how to use a vending machine. '

13. I:xplaln how to get fram yOUT ho me 10 h e re .

14. I:xplaln how 10 get rich.

lS. Explain how to a chieve world peace.

16. (xplaln how to gel betler grades.

17. Explain ho w 10 win 01 a video game.

18. Explain ho w 10 get fram here to yo ur home.

19. Explain ho w your country come InlO being .

.20. Explain h ow you lreol your lover .

. ... Itight ..... """ .. _ ..... _--.,.--<------_ ..... - "' ... --..,.-

.~ --"'- .......... -.,.,..,. :_-".-0i0ndIy ........ ..... :_-_ ... """"""'"' · __ : _(sbjIO_~""'_IO_"'_

·..-.g~ :._ ..... _"""'._"'_b ................ "'_ .... _ ...

Page 38: Talk talk talk 1

liiiJl'IA'i'I "Old you ever" ~uestlonS)

I~ E' •• mpl. Old you ever do mu e ' mo ney or time to a ch arity? '


1~ go through ' cycles. Sometimes I try to donate money

to every worthy cause ' I come across, ' and then I

think that my lillie contributions' are too small 10 make any

difference . So r become mOTe selective, ' and give more

money to just II few charities. And then r will worry that

they are not genuinely ' interested in solving a problem. but

• only In ma.k1ng money illegitimately, ' so then I win

• stop giving altogether. But then I'll

feel guilty lind start making

indiscr iminate' donations

all over again.


Page 39: Talk talk talk 1

T<llk, T<llk, Talk 1 / 1'",1 II

.. "A"$_r- theu "ue$t/o"s:;

1. Old you e>let eat dog meat?

2. Old you e>ler run In a mamthan7

J . Old you ever have a blind date? '

'II. OLd you. ewr buy a lott"'1' ticket?

5. Old you ever do nate your blood?

6. Old you ever get locked In on elevator?

T. Old you ever say goodbye to a $weetheon?

~. Did you e>ler try to stop s m oking and drinking?

9. OLd you e>ler hoV1.' Q big opemtLon ?'

Ul Old you e>ler go abrood on vQcot!on?

ll. Old you ever cheat' On a t~t?

12. Old you ever do something you regretted later?

lJ. Old you ever fall In love with SOlneon e who was n ot In terested In you?

14. Old you ever win ony m oney or other items In a lottery?

ll. Old you ever drink too much?

16. Old you ever do something you weTe ~ry proud of?

IT. Old you e>ler lose you r temper? '

I&. Old you e>ler do something bmve 01" heroic?

19. Old you ever crlUdze your best friend?

2Q; Old you ever gIve SOm OOne a surprise pony? '

~--~ . __ .:._-....... ..-.... ..,.-----_ ... -­' __ "_IJICO'_ .",,", : ...... .., ....... __ .outfI ..... "'"'""" ...... __ otgo<1"'11 ___ . __ ·. !_ . WlIO~_·. __ .~~ : . __ .... (at>I_ .. _~

Page 40: Talk talk talk 1

"ma;;" Make a Question Starting with "What" )

I 'R ... d ",./1 r You know, s tudents are accustomed 10 answering the

leacher 's questi~ In the cLassroom, That's why they have

difficulty communicating with each other In real slttJatlons,

since talklng requiTes both Il$kIng and replying , The!.e 5ections

a re designed to train students to make proper questions In a

variety of cases.

l."'/II .. mple

I wanl 10 be a docto"

·r a ••. " ••• What do you wllnt to be In the future?

Whal do you want 10 be when you grow up?

What do you want to do SQme day?

Page 41: Talk talk talk 1


T'llk. Talk. Talk 1 I I' "rt II I

tor the following an5~rs, mak.e at least one question s tarl:lngwlth " What."

1 . I slepl all day yeslerday.

2. I like bulgogl.

3. I'm goi n g 10 ~ a movie lonlghl.

.q . I looch English In middle .school.

S . Watermelo n Is the besl food In summer.

6. I fccl ~IOl(ed whcn I listcn to music.

7. H e 90('$ to c hurCh every Sunday.

8. Math Is the m ast difficult subject for m e.

9. [think u sing an English_English dictionary Is a good way 10 s tudy English .

.ul [study c hemistry In college.

11. Yesterday I went to ~ a m ovie with m y girlfriend.

1 2 I mUSI gel a lob afler high school.

13. After collC<Je I want 10 be a n ewspaperman.

14. I wanl to have spagh etti for lunch.

lS. I have a dole tonight with a n ew boyfriend.

16. I have to study hard if I'm going to sucC1lCd.

1 7. She wonts 10 be a m ovie Slar.

18. They always told me 10 be paUenl.

19. I 5pcnl all day In Ihe Louvre when I was In Paris.

20. I think I ote 100 much Ice ~m.

Page 42: Talk talk talk 1

"i4111 .:1 Make a Question Starting with "When" )


I got my first Job six months after I graduated from

college .

.. QUe5tioHS

When did you get your first Job?

When did you 5tart working?

Page 43: Talk talk talk 1

T.llk, Tdlk, Talk 1 /I'"n II I

.. Tor t h . following anSwtrs, " .. ,k. at least one qllestion . tarling w ith "Whe n . H

J. I (llw(lf5 get up m six.

2. I'm pl(lllnlllg 10 t(lke (I round·the·world trtp in five years.

3. lie will be oock tn two hauTS.

4. The Korron W(lr broke aUI' In 1950,

S. My schOOl starts at nin ....

6. I want to retire ' as saan os paS$lbll', moybe ot 50.

7. I feel hoppy when I ploy with my children.

8. I usually go to bed ot midnight .

9. I quit unal<lng twa yeo.rs <>go •

.lU I was bom In 1985.

11. Her faVOrite show is On Tuesday ot 9:00.

12. He met his wife five yean ago.

13. Th ... lr first child W(lS barn two yeaTS after they got married.

1'1. 1 think I will finish this c1os~ In 2 weekS.

l5. Soon after getting off th(' subway, he roollzed he'd left hl$ oog behind .

. _ ..... ,--· ... "- ,P .... .,...·. ____ "'_

Page 44: Talk talk talk 1

kiXUilia· Make a Question Starting with "How" )

'r Exampl. I usually Invite my friends home. and Mom prepares

food and a special cake fo r us. And my friends a lways

give me books or movie tickets as presents.

rl a"~tions

How do you usually celebrate' your birthday?

___ r====~ .~.:_(Io~~ __ acwty

Page 45: Talk talk talk 1

Tdlk, T.llk, Talk 1 1'<11", III

T , .. "" .... 'n •• n._~, _ ••• • , ,. • • , on. qu .. ''''' . tdrtl"g wlt:lt "H~."

1. I'~ been living he,.., In K()rN1 for two ),oofS.

2. I've been ~ludyin9 English 5in « m iddle school .

3. 1 brush my te-eth thT«' times a day.

4. I 0011 my pClrents once 0 week.

5. II was gn!ot. [ visited my g fandporen l$ In Busan and enloyed walking On Taelongdoc beach.

6. I hove two close frtends.

T. We rented Q condo for the weekend and spent all day on Ihe slo pcl< .'

8. II Is 0 u5l'd OOT, so my friend gave II 10 me.

9. [t IOkes two hOUD by car from here to Oaejron.

III I usually read two books (1 m o nth .

ll. I wos Sllll~ to m~t 0 friend 0\ (I coffee shop. bUI it wos very crowdoo. So the waitress hod me 511 (It 0 table with two girls. That's how I mel my wlfel

12. I proCllce at loos\ Ihree hours" day.

13. It w(lS 0 rool borgoin ' _ 1 gol them for only 20 bucks ' "piKe.'

14. My friends who smoked looked cool' to me and Ihey "r«amm('nded" it 10 me.

15. I n~er f",1t so bad in my lif",!

._ : .... -:=r:":. ;:-""-'" - ... - """'" ·-. : to ..... _ .... • eo<>I , ___ .,_; _

Page 46: Talk talk talk 1

"#£11.10 Make a Question Starting with "Where" )

r E'.ampl.

I'm planning to go to Mt. Sorak this summ er.


Where are you going to go o n your vacation?

Where do you want to go this summer?

Where would you like to vacation?

• • •

Page 47: Talk talk talk 1

T.1Ik, T.llk. T.llk 1 / I'uri III

tor th. foIlotNI .. g ..... _,." m ..... .. t 1."lIIt 0 ... ",u ... tlon lIItflrtl"g with 'Wh.re. H

1. I'm from ~1.

Z. I live In longno.

3. I usu olly m~t my frien ds In 0 down town bookstore .

... 1 om going to go to the Eost 8eo.ch thl$ $um mer.

5. I was In BU5<ln yesterday.

6 . You can b u y dolhes ch wply 01 Oon gdoemoon.

7. I boughl It In (I d uty-free' shop.

8. We can meet In some Gan gnam caffee sho p .

9. My parents live On Jelu Island .

.l(l I first met my glrlfrlend at a movie Iheoler.

11. I Uved In Paris for five yeon, but I was too young so [ don 't remember m uc;h obout It.

l l. My fat her wa~ bom in Ch i<:ogo. b ut he g rew up in MOKOW.

13. I left my p Unle o n the b us.

I lf. They saw wc;h other for the fi nll lime in China, after corresponding four yWnl.

15. I wen l salsa dandng 01 0 dub last n lg h l. The p Lace was pocked. ' but II su re ww; fun!

Page 48: Talk talk talk 1

Make a Question Starting with "Why"


I English Is necessary for my Job.

i QUllstioff'

Why are you learning English?

Why Is English Important?

Page 49: Talk talk talk 1

~ to,.. elt. fo/lowl"g .... _ ...... , .......... t I.",st on • ., .. _tlo" st .. rtl .. g wltlt "Wit"."

1. I love the beautiful scenery In the country. Clean air makes me feel refreshed, That's why [ live her('.

2. My wife ond I usually s leep lole In the morning, so we have nO Ume for breo.kfast , But _ don't car(' If we skIp' It; two meals a re enough for us.

J. I do n 't think marriage Is a must ' fo. everybody. I feel very comfonoble living alone.

ii, I made a fortune In $I:<Xb, SO I ron offord to en)oy my Ufe without havtng to work. Eor1y retirement has always been my dream.

S. The Slack market Is too dangerous for me. So I save in the bonk.

6. I think the Incro<l$lng crime rote" due to' poor discipline' a t home.

T. I Sla pped smoking fo r Six months. But my cu rrent workload Is keeping me so sires$<'!<! out that I started smoking ogoln .

8. Oh, no. I lust wont to relo" ot home. You know, there Is no Cure for a cold.

9. Ru n nIng Is the best exerclsel It Is cheal' and we can do It anywher(' .

.la We Or(' late! Don't worry, you o re perfectly sofe In my car even Qt this speed.

11. 8ecause I had on unexpecled expense. 12 I overslept. U . They paid so much Qllentlon to the oldest san that they

neglected' their do ughter.

I ~; ~Ul'SS I just didn 't study hard enough. ~ause he wos the handsomest man I ever met!

.oIdp _ ... __ ... __ .. -._ ---_ .. -._"" -""-"._'" ,---' __ ,""'-0 __ ._."-.negIect foo"ao ... ____ ....... _

Page 50: Talk talk talk 1


i F JtGmpic

l Ask him why he lives in the big city.

Q uest/o",.

I Why do you live In the big city?

Page 51: Talk talk talk 1

Talk, Talk, Talk 1 I [,,,,1111

r A •• .om.

I . Ask him If II Is " good Idea 10 Iry to memorize the dictionary.

Z. Ask him if he is free Ihls afternoon. 3. Ask him If he wonlS 10 see 0 movie wilh uS lonlgh t . 4. Ask him Ifhe Is tired. 5. As k him w hat he thinks abou t Korean food.

6. Ask him w hat hiS major wos. 7. Ask him why he come to Korea. 8. M k him where he come from. 9. Ask him how the party was lost night.

Ul Ask him If he con come olong with you to Ihe departmenl slor@.

11. Ask him what kind of music he likes_ 12 Ask him what he th inks about learning Engllsh, 13. Ask him If he wants to buy a new car. 14. Ask him what the ~st way Is of avoiding stress. 15. As k him If he knows the ~st woy to stay healthy,

16. Ask him If he can afford to lend you this money. II. Ask h im If he con have dinner wllh you tonight. 18. Ask him If he reads a newspaper every day. 19. Ask him If he gives money 10 a beggar whenever he sees one. 20. Ask him whOI he does when he is tired .

1L Ask him whkh h e likes beller, playi n g cards o r jusl lolklng.

12 Ask him how he gOI promoted. ' 13. Ask him If he is sure h e wi ll get a pay raise' nexl year. 111. As k him if he has any Ideas for belter edut;ollng Our

children, 15. Ask him what he thinks IS Ihe besl way to t;urb' the

rising divorce rate.

16. Ask him what type of woman he likes. 11. Ask him how many days of paid vocation he hru II year. 18. As k him If he ever tried to q u ll smoking. 19, Ask him why 1I Is Important to learn Engilsh. Ja Ask h im how he celebrates his birthday.

Page 52: Talk talk talk 1

Making Comprehension Question. I

r I:"'''Itf,P/e



Data on 87 ,000 f~male nurses, ages 30 to 60, show Ihal women who drink two o r more cups of coffee a

day are two thirds less likely to commit suicide' than

those who abSiain. ' The finding' comes as a surprise. Furthermore, coffee lovers a lso tend to drink more

alcohol , s moke more end have more stress - all fac tors thought 10 be associated with ' high suicide

l risk.

aU"".o. I 1 . What was the occupation of the respondents?

2 . How old ",,-ere the people surveyed?

3. Who is more !iUSCeptible ' to l§Uiclde?

4 . Why Is the fl ndlng surprising?

Page 53: Talk talk talk 1

Tillk, T<llk, T<llk 1 / 1'ul1 III

q..ad th. followi .. g articles a .. d a s k som e comp,.." . " sIo .. ., .. estio .. s for . a ch 0 ... .

o There are only two things to worry aboul _ o I:Uher you are well. or you are sick. o If you are well, then there IS nothing to worry a bout. o But If you are sick, there are two th lngs to worry about. o Either you will 9'"'t well ,' or you will die. o If you get well, then there 15 nothing to worry about. o But If you die, there are only IWO things to worry about. o Elthe. you go to heaven or 10 hell . o If you go to heo.ven, there is nothing to worry about. o If you go 10 hell, you'll be so dam' busy shaking hands

with old friends, you won't have time to worry.




._ :10 __

. .am : _lot ·<Iemr>od·......,Icw_

Page 54: Talk talk talk 1

• ~ n our honeymoon '

U my wife and I went

to a remote ' village,

beco use we hate busy

places. We saved a lo t

of money because we

dldn', hove to buy

plane tickets o r stay

In on expensive hotel.

And we enjoyed the quiet otmosphere'

and the peace of not hav ing many people around.

Maybe even morc Importa n t, we really got to know each

oth er, since we hod p lenty of time to talk about how to

live together, how to handle money. and how 10 divide

our chores. Since my wife works, she was very worried

about h o w to hand le the househo l d ch ores, but !

promised to pitch In. '




=~~ .hor"'''IOOi. :. "",~ .. ..,..~_"",",," .,_. :1101 _ .~: .-",,-.u ... _ .piId'1ln : ...., Of __

Page 55: Talk talk talk 1

Talk, Talk, Talk 1 ! l'ur1 III

- z,

t am a S7_year_ald former manufacturing executive

wllh a lovely wife and two grown daughte rs. I neve r

went 10 college, bUI [ worked hard and eV('nluolly Invested

In s tarling my own small b usiness. Aft e r 12 years of

stru99l1 n9 to gel II off Ihe ground, ' II foiled. I om now oul of

work, ond mosl of my friends say I om unemployable since

I om 100 old to start at Ihe bottom ,' and without 0 college

degree I am not qualified ' for an

executive ' position. No one

will hire me, regordless

o f ' m y experience.

However, Ihough I

hove been OUI of work

(o r IWO years . I am

nol givi ng up. I am

sure someone will recognize

my value and give me (I good job. But I have loomed one

thing' Educatlon CAN make a dlfferen«.




' Il'0l011 ___ ,.., -.,--,"""""' .... __ ... -.~_ ' '''' ...... __ ..... _"'_._IOr.''''' .•• ..,UlI\r. '. _"'_"'"'_ ... org_._ ...... _._"'~ -____ <If , .. _ .. _ ...........

Page 56: Talk talk talk 1

"\.'T ('S, of course, men and women can be friends os

e7 lo ng as sex isn 't In volved .' Th en , th ey would both

see each other as lovers. not 0$ friends. They would gel

lealous ' over nothing ond everything. and Iry \0 interfere

In ea ch other'~ p rivate b usiness, ond t heir relationsh ip

wou ldn't ]o s l long . In orde r to hove a morc solid

relationship, people should hove something In common '

such as a spiritual Hfe, 0 hobby, or a social activity. These

f(lcto rs contribu t e ' to u n derstandi ng each othe r 's

situation ond strengthen their re lationship.




=-==-======= ._.:--.JeaI<>oJ. : _ ... '" IOOinD .110<:, .... "'_'"'" to """'~ ·In C"lnmon :in jaio1 -"'" ","':_-..aIIy ·eo<>ltIbut. : _In ~ 0b0uI._

Page 57: Talk talk talk 1


Talk, T'-llk, Talk 1 / I'm! III


t don't belle\'<! thol women are weoker than men. Just

look 01 the strong will mothers exhib It on behalf of'

the Ir children. But women have m ore pOlience than men,

(lnd they wIlL do obsolul(!ly anything for theIr children 's

advoncemenl. History shows tha t there hove

• always been s trong wome n behind great

men. However, cons<:rlpting ' women

Is n o t lu st Q m oiler o f fairness. ' I

think m en Orf! more su itable for

army li fe Ih on women. si nce

w omen ho ve (1 dut y to rolse

children. In the lo ng run, Ihot role is

(!Yen more Important for Ihe nolio n 's securi ty. '

Q O)



·""_01 . .". __ 01 ........... _.'1; .... ' ... _01 ·~' ''''...,.,.-I ... - __ -~ -, .... :_,..."..,-; ..... . ~,- ........... "'-;-

Page 58: Talk talk talk 1

/) uLt teiUng people how to

J....4 live their jives. I'm

specking on beh(df of all the

smokers out there. The way

smokers are trroted today

\s outrageous! ' We art'

law-abiding citizens who

make an honesl living and pay

our taxes, but in this country, If you smoke,

you are mode to feel like 0 criminal.' What gives you the

right to soy, ·Smokers stink"?' In the building where I

work, we ore forced to smoke outdoors, even in freezing

weather. Is pneumonia' better than lung cancer? Your

answer to all of this Is, ~WeU , just quit. ~ Well, I don't

wont to quit. I enloy smoking. I'm not brooking any lows.

And whether I smoke or not Is my buslne~, not yours.

Society hos caused more psychological damage \0 us

smokers thon second·hond smoke' could possibly do to

your health.




.OUI~,....,..qy_IO"'_~ III1NOt-"" ·crimInooI : _____ ", __ gt.ay0l._

.• _ : __ t...-y_'~"'_ .--:._ .. _ .... ""'11"---.-=ond ___ • ___ ..,. __


Page 59: Talk talk talk 1

Talk, Talk, Talk 1 /I'urt III

.....,.s he m ()$1 Importanl th ing in bUSi ness Is 10 have a

L siro ng will 10 overcome any hardship. Few pcople

succeed o n Ihe first Iry. and Klme mistakes are unavoidable

fo r newcomers. SUI all successful businessmen hove hod to

get over adverslly.' AnOlher importanl faClor 1$ money. of

co urse . If your bUSineS$ suffe rs from nnonClol stmln.' you

may nOI be oble 10 see the market sauollo n correctly. ond

th is could lead 10 failu", . 50 owners s ho uld monoge their

nnances ' conservatively.'

Q »


Q 3)

.~ ___ :<>IfIe"'Y

'51,.., """IQJIIy:_ • • _ : .........,.<Mou<oeoc ....... • ~I ... : _ : __ -

Page 60: Talk talk talk 1

r f;> cY om, 49 yoo~ ogo. wh,n I woo 0 p~hooI". my

E!) fother Clnd I went to a store for some small items.

As we walked back to our car, my father looked CIt his

change' and said, "We have to go back.~ It seemed the

cashier ' had mistakenly ' given him changl:' for a 20

Instead of (I S5 bill. On the way bock home, [ asked my

fother why he had gonl:' bock, since no one would have

known i f he hod kepi the money. He explained that HE

would know, Clnd that was enough for him. He put it this

way, ~WhClt you think of yourself co n be (I lot more

Important thon what others think of you. N




Page 61: Talk talk talk 1

T.llk Tillk. Talk 1 / 1'<><1 III

eopl~ are a lways complaining about tn~ nuls(mc~' of

«,II phones. Whenever I ~ $Ome(lne run a n!d Ught

o r drlv~ carelessly. 99 pen;e-n l of the time Ih~ per$On at the

wheel ' Is talking On a cell phone. And now I hoor tnol cars

will $OOn come equipped with (ompul(ll"$ enabling drivers to

occe$s' the internet while drivlngl Phones and TVs In our

ca rs are already

dangero u s

d istractions; '

h ow muc h

worse It will be

when people can surf

the ne l ' out on the hlghwayl There should be a notional

low making such nonsense Illegal. Computers? Internet

access? RidIculous! VOice-activated. hands-free computers

Ihot lell you how to get somewhere ore the only exceptlons I

can thInk of. Small VCRs for bockseat viewing on long trips

are nne, but no driver should ever gel distracted from the

maIn job of staying alert' at the wheel.

~Q" Q2)

Q', ._:._01 .......... .,."'_:. _ _ .~ tt._ : -.g

·."... :_".._01(0_: __ 1 ...... ·_ .<IiII,""', ..... :_ ..... _,.., .. "''''. __ _ ·_ , .... _ : vohm ..... _to_""__ · MWI : _to_:vIgoIon!

Page 62: Talk talk talk 1

cY everal years a9", my wife died of

'e) breast cancer, leaving me II widower

at age 15. We hod two chlldnon,

6 and 8. 1 did not have Jlfe

insurance' on my wIfe,

though, fortunately, [

hod enough In

savings to toke core

of the burial ' expenses

without borrowing. But

there wasn't much left over. ( soon discovered I could not

provide the same stobie home environment tho l my wife

hod supplied, and went through one child-cOTe provider

o fter another. I hod \0 cut way back on my working

hOUTS, which d id not endear me to my employer or

coworkers when they hod 10 pick up the slack. ' It ~ms

my experience with the untimely ' death of my wife is

be<:oming 011100 common. My advice \0 you Is this: Both

spouses should get Ufe Insurance policies that will enoble

either one to maintain the Independence and lifestyle he

or she has today. in case tragedy strikes. '

~~ _Irw.nnat .... Kl._ ..... "' __ 01~_ ..... ..... ...-_"' ...... _boIIiII: ....... alp/ooconD._~ ... _ •• _"' .... _ -_:_IOtII"' ___ ..,. ...... -1*:I<1IP.,._; do"'II""'I<to_ .... __ "' .............. "" ...... ~"'~ --IrMIy ,.,..... ..... --:-...~

Page 63: Talk talk talk 1

Talk, T.-lIk, T.-tlk 1 I l'urt III

Q" Q"


Page 64: Talk talk talk 1

iiXii ... ·'" Making Topical Questions )

I~ "E' •• mple Health


How do you manage your health? How often do you exercise?

How often do you get a checkup?'

What do you think Is the best way to slay healthy? How much of a I)roble m do you think stress is in lenns

o f' our overall ' health?

--.... :."-'>ugh-"'~-""--­_"' I ...... of :~-.. -- :-.g~: -.-... ... -;~

Page 65: Talk talk talk 1

T,lIk, T,llk, Talk 1 / P"rt III

~ M. AS "'A"II qN.stloH.5 <U flOW CA" on tit. /OUOMf;n9 topiCS:

1. Friends ,. Shopping

z. M oney 17. Future plnn",

3. Educotlon ,. Morringe

•• The environment 19 . SOCICI I success

5. Family zo. Computers

,. lob l L Doting

7. VacoUon ZZ Pollt lC$

8. Smoking a nd drinking II Unemployment

9. TV Z<. Siocks

ill l~. 25. The govern ment

lL Retirement z< Religion

lZ t:ngllsh ZT. 6eouly

13. Weekends Z& The future

". Hobbles zg. Friendship

l~ Co. '" Making money

Page 66: Talk talk talk 1

"MilU' "What is it'" Qu.stlon~

~ E' •• mpl.

Wha l Is s upeTSlLllon?

C'I uperstlllon Is

--e) an Irrallonal

belief in magic. But It Is dilfic\llt to be objective ' about this,

-My" magical beliefs are not SlJperstltiOf\!l. only "yours.­

Superstitious phenorneniIo Include. for some people i' not aI:

fortune telling. astrology.' having lucky o r unlucky numbers.

prophecy.' reincarnation. ' an afterlife. divine Intervention .'

and so forth. Even people who reject all religious and other

"superstitious" \deas may be lieve in things that do not seem

10 have an ob)ectlve reality. like love or free will OT some

political dogma. ' The long and short of it ' Is tNt while we

don·, know ""","'"". - wooId , .. ,. """"" ,ho, 'I. " [ ~ not a complete mystery e.ther. and tNt some things are • ..,j

more pred.ctable ' INn they actually are

-=-= --=----==- --- -'~'''''-'''-'''--.g,o ... ..-..,. -......... __ ............. _ .. _-- ..... --_ ... _-_ .... -.~,._"'-*'9 .. _ .. __ • __ ._t .... :_ .. __ ._ .--.<iI>gmo ,.-.-. .. __ ............ _--__ IDng_ ...... af M ' ___ ...... -..

.~ ... -- .. --

Page 67: Talk talk talk 1

Talk, Talk, Talk 1 ! I'url t \

A.""we, th •• e "".RIo.."., 1. What Is a newspaper? 2. What Is a magal!lne? 3. W hat Is a museum? If. What Is a weather fore<:ost7 S. Whal Is a m obile phone?

6. What Is (1 ~ 1(1mp?

7. Who! Is 0 conscl~nc~? 8. Who! Is philosophy? 9. Whu! Is d~moc:rao:y?

.w What Is psychoanalysis?

lL What Is the Interne t? 12 Whotls Insurance? 13. What Is a n extm·terrestrial (ET)? l1f. What Is relig io n ? 15. What Is a theme pork?

16. What Is a diary? 17. Whol Is auto biography? 18. Wholl" a d iploma? 19. What Is con s umerism? 20. What Is rodsm?

lL What Is nOUollollsm? 12. What Is patrtotism? 13. What Is o n enlrep~neur?

l1f. W hat Is hum('mlsm?

15. What Is pragmatis m ?

Page 68: Talk talk talk 1



I" ,,-".wer ~ verybody knows the policeman is supposed to

L prolecl people and properly. ' He tries to bring

Justice to people's lives by solving crimes. Sui I'm sure

prevention is even more Important than solution. since iI's

• propeorty ,----. ... _01-

usually too late to make

up the damage

after it's done .

Page 69: Talk talk talk 1

T.llk, T"lk, T"lk 1 / I'urt 1\

... -r alk about the job respo"slbllltl .. 01 the following pos /t/o"s :

J . Scientist

z. Bodyguard ,. Firefighter

•• 1'1lot

5 . Doctor

•• l.owyer

7. ProfeSlllonol athlete

8 . Weoth~rmon

9. Polltldon ., Mogldan

JL lu .... 12 Comedian

U Actor

". Stuntman

15. Nurse

J6. Soldier

J7. Poet

J& Musldan ... Vainter

za Vrh~51

ZL AStronaut


ZJ Miner

". I nventor

ZS. Matchmaker

Page 70: Talk talk talk 1


Qualifications )

... "E'xample

rl ;.::': :""'

...,..s irst of all, he must lo~ number5 and be accurate'

r with them. He must be honest. If he is not. he could

eMily commit criminal acts by manipulating ' the figures' at

his disposal. ' But the most important qualification for an

accountant is that he be able to keep his information

confidential ' and not leak ' any job-related financia l

knowledge to um.uthorized ' people, Financial damage

affects society as

much as the


~,~~~~~~~~-C"~~~~~ ·acc ..... ht : Irw ~om....."", _ . : eo<rKI .~!e :"""""""". __ (obl"'("")"'._"' d_ """I .1Igureo; : ........ 01 ......-. ", oaIwIaIlng . 101 one'. d ioposal : 0. _ .... ..,.' • .-_confiOonl i.al: _ __ :I>O<:omo """"",'~._"'~

·.....,lhotIzed : """"'" offici. pom>IIoIon

Page 71: Talk talk talk 1

T.tlk , T.:lIk, Til lk 1 /1'<lr1 "

.. --r a ' " ab<N.ot the Job qualification_ of the following


po_ itlon_:

1. Teacher

2. Polilldan

3. Doctor

... Parent

5. ludge

•• Lawyer

7. Professional athlete

8. Newspaperman

•• Soldier

m Salespcl'$On

U Firefighter

12 Buslne5S.nan

l3. Scientis t

". Pollce.n"n

" Pilot

16. Priest

17. Mediator

18. Biologist

19. Astronaut

20. OlpLomal

Page 72: Talk talk talk 1


I Stereotyi!!)

... 'E"lfample


r f..'WOT ,.s hey are llars by nature.

1 wouldn ' t hllve a future '

If a man couldn', lie, he

in politics. Furthermore ,

politicians are good at ' Justifying ' their lies. &nd they always

seem ready to make up' another one. Power-hungry liars

surely have difficulty understanding other people's real

needs aod problems. We shouldn",

believe anything they say.

Page 73: Talk talk talk 1

T."1lk. T.llk. Tillk 1 I I'm t 1\

r ell us ~U" general intp"..,sion 01 tI •• following people:

1. FIIl'f\ghler

z. I'Qllceman

3. Lawyer

•• 00'''' 5. Tycoon

6. Nude model

7. Cob driver

8. Mortldan

9. Garbage man

.Ill Ex.(;onvlct

JL Toocher

J2 Priest

B. Nun

H . I'loyboy

15. Actor

J6. roet

17. Generol

1&. President

19. DictatOr

2Q AIDS pallent

Page 74: Talk talk talk 1

Yes or No!

,.. E'JI'Qmple

Do you want to be r ich?

~ f..swe, I ~ f course I want to be rich! The hard part is trying to

U figure out ' how. I don' t want to do anything

dishonest. and [ don', have any particular talent as a singer,

actor, or novelist. It would be nice to gel rich by inventing

some useful item everyone needs, or curing ill disease, but

it's not likely thai I'll do anything [ike that. I don', have lIny

rich relatives ' that J can inherit any wealth from, either. So.

If I'm going to be rich J guess I had beller

marry a rich person

or win a big



Page 75: Talk talk talk 1

Tollk, T.lIk Tdlk 1 / Pur' 1\

... 1\.. ... _". th.- qu .. tlon.: "~H 0". " .. 0 " o .. d tell w"~. J . Do you wont to be moTf' beouliful1

Z. Do you wont to have power o~r others?

J . Do you wont to live lon9"r1

4. Do you wont 10 be more Intelllgent?

S. 00 you wont to hove 0 beoullful spouse?

6. Do you wonl to live frugally ' 0$ opposed to luxuriously? '

T. Is living In the dly belteT than living In the country?

8. Do you wont to Tf'moln single?

9. Do you want to have moTf' than two chlldr('n?

III Do you want to have a college diploma?

11. Do you wont to be fomous?

12. Do you wont to be remembered fOTfOYer?

n. Do you wont 10 live on upright ' life?

J 4. Do you wo n t to go to the moon?

J 5. Do you want to live obrood?

16. Do you wont to be a role model?

1 7. Do you want to be In the public spotlight' all the time?

1& Do you wont mOre than one spouse?

1 11. Would you like to be righ t all the lime?

zo.. Do you wont to be nuent ' In a foreign longuoge?

'~'-"--"'''---."' • ....y .-.-.. __ .... _ _ ................ _ ............ --.... --.­.up<"Igh. , mooOlly __ : _

....... H{jIh!,--

. ........,.,-"'---........ -

Page 76: Talk talk talk 1


I Read the Passage and Answer the Questions )

I> "t

C ountless people tell me they

would llke to wt better but

don ' t want to give up tauy '

food. Rother than th inking

about wha t th ey c an' t

have, they ~ hou!d thlnk

obou t whot they con

eol. Fruit juice wllh

sporkUng mineral water Is a delldou~ su bstitute for high_

caLorie soft drinks; snacks a nd cookl~ prepared wi th whole

19Taln$ and d ried froits give condy bors good competition . '

But the p roblem is thm It Isn', wsy 10 chonge o ld habits.


1 . Do many people want 10 gl ..... up junk food ' fo r lhe sake

<>f their health?

2. WhlOl could be 10 good s ubs tilute for hlgh -(:alorlO!: soft


3. What could be II good substitute for candy bflrs?

4 . Is II easy to change old habits?

5 . Sum up the p;'IITlIgrlOph In you r 0\0,"1\ word,. .

. -,. :-.~----... .....". __ OO<>d_,~ ..... ' : ___ bo _______ .,.....,

.~_ :_"""" ___ "'_._Io_ .. _ ....... __ _

Page 77: Talk talk talk 1


T.llk, Talk, Ta lk 1 Il'urt \

l~ n on Ideal world. everyone would receive sal ary

In c reoses, promotions ond other lOb ~wards' based

'2~~2!!.!2:::~~/ stnctly o n merit. ' But ~ / In rea l Ufe , the m ost

~~'-" •• Important factoJ"$ may

be the speclo l Inl liotive'

you displa y and the

re]allons hlp you

d evelo p with your

bo$$. If the two of you are

a good -fit, - you ore more likely

to enjoy your lob and advance your career Ihan I f you are

con stantly ot odds' with eoch other.

1 . Wh .... t I, tho: .... ost ob.lecllve way 0 1 rewll rd lng someone on

the job?

2 . Whal a llen delennl~ job rewllrds In the re,,1 world? 3. What does - fl t- me.an In this contel(l?

4 . Sum up the parngrnph In your own words.

. __ .td , __ or. __ ..... ""'fo<. __ ._,----",-"'­_rr.tIloI_ ' .... _IO_....,...,.,." .......... _-..~ ... _'"'_ ."'-

Page 78: Talk talk talk 1

r ~ -x youngster knocked on my door asking If [ would

j"\.- like to renew' my dally newspaper .subscription. ' [

told him no, explaining thol I seldom hod UrnI.' to read


the I>oper. and thot lately I'd been lak[ng It fTOm the

front pon;h dIrectly to the trash. He thought about this,

and then IKlld wilh enthusiasm, · Why. I' ll be happy to

deliver it strolght to the trush can for you!"


I . Why did the young pe1'SOn visit?

2. Why didn't the man ", .. m 10 renew his s ubscription?

3. What did the young man suggest?

4. Sum up the story In your own words .

. _ '-"""'''-''''­'-:-~""-----"".-"'-"'.-"''''"'''''.-

Page 79: Talk talk talk 1


Ta lk. T.llk, Talk 1 I " un \

t.:fl ll$Y with my CQrffr. I find IIltle time for housework ­

\!Ill' a fad thai become all 100 apparent ' the ntght my

purSe was s natched. ' was

escorted homt!' by a pollct!'

offlc t!'r w ho wanted 10 be

s ure t h e thief had n o t

u se d Ihe keys tn m y

pocketbook 10 gatn

e ntran ce 10 my

opartment. Opening the

d oor with 0 set of spare '

keys, he surveyed' the condition of my dark opartmenl with

his flashlight . As I let out a sigh of relief. h e looked pu.uled.

"Js this how you left It?" he asked.

I . Why doesn' l Ihe woman clean UI' he r apa rt rnen l?

2. DId the thlel break Into heY "p"rtment?

3. Why "' .. 5 the policeman puzzled?

4. Sum up the S IOry tn your own words.

._ ,.-,....--""_:-... ·_'ch :_'IV!) ._.:_ ... -. ...,...y:_---"' ......... "'-

Page 80: Talk talk talk 1


overrot~ . Of course. toys

moy h elp 0 child leorn certo ln s kills e orlle r thon h e

would wi tho ut Ih<ern. But o the r youngstel"$ without those

toys e<lslty catch up.' and Ihcrc Is n o evidence Ihal s u c h

eo rly s kill acquis it ion will h e lp 0 c hild d evelop m o re

In telligence. jncreose his motor coord ination. ' o r add to

his sensory owa ren ess over the long r un . Far more

Imporlo nt thon 10)'S In h e lping b ro ln developmell1 0""

Ihe multip le ' kinds of st\ mulotlon the Infon t re<:elves­

moot nOlO bl)' from con toct with other hUlnan~. These. for

o bob),. 0"" Ihe most complex. Ln tere5ting. Inexhau~tlb le '

MIO)'SM he con ever h ove.


1. \lJhat wrong notion ""'y som e p<lOple haV<.l about the

va lu e of educ tollonal tovs? 2. What benefitS do toy" give c hILdren In lenns o f le .. rnlng

some ",kILls?

3 . 00 toys make to chUd smart?

4 . \.\!hat Is moYo!! import .. nt than t<>yll in developing the


5. Sum up the partograph In your ourn words.

-==== _.,.Id> ... : __ ..... __ : __ • __ : ___ 01 __ ' _ .....

· muII_ : ..-.qIO_ ...... __ ...... <><..-... _ .... _ ' __ 01_ ....... __ ..,

Page 81: Talk talk talk 1


T.llk, T.llk, Talk 1 Il'un \

he chief eXe<:\ltiw. offic..r of on elec1rolllo company

coiled In h i~ pubLlc· r~ lalLons director. · lI~ten .

Wilson. Som eone Is trying to buy U$ OUI.· II's your lob to gel

the p rice of o ur ~tock up so it 'L1 be too expen sive for them. I

dOIl ' t core how you do it, just do m- T he n ex t day the price

of the siock rose five points and the day

anu another eight. The CEO W0 5 ~

delighted. " How d id you do II, ~ ~ Wllson?- he os ked. " . started \ __

a rumo r ' the s to ck market

o bvlowly liked." " What was

than " ". told them you

were resigning." '

a .. ~.tlon. I . Wh"t does "public-..,I"Uons·· menn?

2 . Wh,,1 "'''' lhe CEO worried "bout? 3. What did In.. CEO order the PR director to do?

4 . Whlot d id Wilson do?

5. W"" I .... I lrnlegy ' successful?

6 . Sum ul' d ... AOry In your own woods.

· bu)lOUI : _ ... .-."""' ..... __ "'''''')COI ..... • .....- , . ......... _' .... . 011 ... ___ ...... _toe ..... • reMgn · gt..o""ano·. I<>I> .... _, ....... _ ... __ "'" .• _ot(IJ :._"' .... "'"

Page 82: Talk talk talk 1

l I

our magic words, we can't affo rd II, should be a

part of every ch ild's education. A child who has

never heard those words- and has never been forced to

abide by' their meaning- has surely been cheated ' by

his parents. As exercise s trengthe ns the bod y, frugality

strengthen s the spirit. Without occasional discipline ,

character suffers. '


I . What does ~Be cbellied by his paren15~ mean?

2. What does ~Character SUffeTS~ mean?

3. How do the MFour magic words M g reatly benefit ' a

child 's edUCllHon?

4 . Sum up the story In your own words .

. ::::r:- .... ot.y~ . :-· ",rrer : ___ •

• -"' , ... heI!>fI.' ... _IO_ ........ 1

Page 83: Talk talk talk 1

T,llk, T,llk, Talk 1 !1'<lT1 \

~ nee when I was riding home on the subway during

U rl,J sh hour, a strut m uSicia n boarded ' carry ing a

saxophone. He began 10 p lay a n o ld tune very loudly and

off-key.' After a few minu tes. he got out h is money cup and

a n no unced , MI will pass th is

omong you. Be owore Iho t if

I do not colle<:t a 5urflc1ent

amount I wlll play for you


1 . What haPI>ened DOl the ride hom .. ? 2 . Wha t d.oe5 ~street musklan ~ mean?

3. What did the musklan do?

4 . W.., he a good musician?

5. What d id the musklan SHy after he played? 6 . What d o you t hink wa s th e meaning of his final

5Ia t<':", .. ",?

7 . Sum up the SIOry In your own word, .

---,ggo""",."""'._._-""'. _<>11_"" , """"'~ _ .-- .... """'"'" ""' .. "'.oong

Page 84: Talk talk talk 1

~ <jI


-x t the breokfost table one morning. my husband

J'\- wos bemooning ' his poor record on t he stoc::k

market. I, in tum, ' was telling him about my lotest diet -

foiled w it h . "You kn o w,

ho ney. W he said, looking u p

from the sloc::k-morket section

of the newspoper, · you're

the only Investme nt

I've ever mode thaI


I . Why was tho:! husband complaining?

2. What is his wife trying to do?

3. What dkl the husband's remark mean?

4 . Sum up the s lOry in your own words.

·_, __ totoI""iall\l; _ "" • .,IUm : ..... ." ...... _ . _..., .. . ~_

Page 85: Talk talk talk 1


Talk, T.llk, T.llk 1 / l'm1 \

I lokes IWO people 10

(hon glng II only needs

one, We end up '

feeling h elpless ' In

o u r murrioges

b <'couse we co n "

The lrulh Is Ihol we n~d only

leorn 10 control ounel~. If we abandon' ouc oltempts to

chonge Our m ote and In s leo d focus o n ourselves,

surprisin gly, bUI predictably, chan ges start 10 oa:ur In tile

marriage It!if'lf.

(JWtfs tlOI1S

I . Wh y do ..,., reel helpless 'n 'narrlagu?

2. What do..,., have 10 I",am for" "uccessful marriage? 3 . SUln up Ihe Slory 'n you r owY"I words.

__ UP , ....... ,O._",. __ _ ~,_tO __ "'_;_ ·_;otve~""_

Page 86: Talk talk talk 1


M: What dOt's that sign mean?

F: which one?

M : That one over there. The road sign.

F : It 's a 5<1t of dlre.;tlon s for where to go. If you want to tum left, you have to keep In Ihe rIght lane and take the .second Ium.

M : But If [ were driving, by Ihe t ime I flgur«l all of that aut' I would have alreody gone through the Intersection. '

F : ThaI" true, I sUppc::$". But Ihe next time you drove here you·d remem","r what to do.

M : But the purpose o f a sign Is \0 make things easy fo r uS \0 unden;tand.

F : Some sltuollons are not simple. I guess. Once you know where the dIfferent roads go. the sign Is actua lly very stra ightforward. '

M : But only ofter It's tOO [atel What they rcolly need Is a simpler kInd o f rood structure.

F : But that $olutlon Is very ex~n$lve. The sign Is much more economical. '

M : [ know thaI. But at leasl they OO\lld erect severnl of them $I) a drlwr could hove :sQme time In advanre' to "'" able to ffl(Id the m and know whot 10 do when he gets to the Intersection.

F ; Than probably a go<xIldeo.

·flgureOU'l ' ...... _""' .. I~ .......... __ .. • ... ,--,--.--"'--­·.tf~"""''''' <11«<1.",""", ·.., ........... 1eaI , __ ...... IIvOfty

.In ..... ..,.,. , _


Page 87: Talk talk talk 1

Talk, Talk, Talk 1 / I'(lrt \ I

M : Moonwhil~, I oon never find where I wont to go on Ihe first try. I take the wrong turn o r mIss the turn oltogethcr, ond then I gel funhcr lost trying to backtrack. ' It jusl Isn't easy to turn around and go back to wht!re you (arne from.

r : 1 know. Most roads are just not laId out In a .series of small rectangles, ' and evc n whe re th ey are It Isn' t always possible to make a tum.

M : Even when you know where you ore, and where It is that you want to go, It Isn 't usua lly very Intuitively ' simple to go there dl re<:tly. Ws very fnutroUng.

1 . What IJ tile driver's complaint?

2 . Give at least tWO $oluliom .

• backl,_ ' ......... _ .... """e ... ","""""""COMO • ...::tangIoO ,. fIot ___ ""'" __ ..... brllgM_ . .,""' ..... , ..... --....g"'_"' ___ u_

Page 88: Talk talk talk 1

M ; Let's move out Into the country, tum off a!J the electricity, a nd grow our own food.

f ; Why would you wont to do tha t?

M ; II just seems to m e that life used to be slmpler-and easie r- before we had all these ~Iabor-sa v i ng ~


F : Such os?

M : We!J, escala tors and moving sidewalks, fa r insta nce. All they do is keep people from climbing one fligh t' of stairs or walking maybe a hundred mete rs. As a ~sult , people ge t tha t much less exerctse and get fatter a nd fatter.

F ; Nobody makes you use them . If you want to exercise, keep off. ' But, as for me, I en loY the opportunity to relax a bit, after working all day. But I still go to the gym' regularly.

M : And calculators. People can't even do simple moth problems a nymore. As a result , they aren't a s logical as they used to be. They don 't thInk as cleorl y.

F : Hmmm . I was pretty good In ma th, but when I worked out problems In my head o r on a p iece of paper, sometimes I made ca~lt'S$ mistakcs. The calculators will at least do the simple arithmetic' correctly eve ry time. But I still have to know how to set up' the problem correct ly If I' m goI ng to

c'~_",,"~~~ . 1IoghI ._00-',,_­. 1o.Mop of! -. ""'_ -gyn..-.m,._ot ...... _"" __ ot_ .- -.-"" ~

Page 89: Talk talk talk 1

Talk, Talk, Talk 1 / I'm' \ I

~t the right answer. It ~ms 10 me thai we ~tl il have to have the some analytical ' skills as before. The calculator o nly does what It's told to do, after all .

M : They soy Ihe :;orne thing about computers: Garbage ' In. Garboge Out.

F : Tha~ '5 conect. And with computers, you have 10 s pell everyth ing e xactly rlgh l, :so actually Ihey h elp u s read and write belle r.

M : Who~ they do Is make uS rely on' spell-ch eckers, which can't judge context and so don't know what word we'~ trying 10 s pell. And giving U5 ready-made, predigested "-'porU InSl~d of forctng uS to go ou~ and do research on ourown.

F : PeopLe who don 't wanl to d o Ihe work will olways find some way of avoiding it. So what? It '$ olwoys been that way.

M : MO$t o f the time, they don'~ use Ihe computer fo r anything except games and cha~ rooms. They're becoming ~virtuo l human bclngs~ who don't know how to perfonn in the.-eol world. TVs and campu~ers are ~urnlng uS Into 0 world ' of passive, unthinking, unresponsive 7.ombles. '

F : Is 1here anything else about Ihe modem world you obje<:1 to?'

M : All Ihose new so-calJed moolclnesl All they do i. make us depe nde nl on !hern, so our natural h ealing obliities atrophy,'

I , Whol do)'OO Juppo~ tM two peupJe MIOCJld Ihln' Obool cdlu/Qr phone"s7 ~ sp«mc. L" What Is a good Ihing aboof rvJ and comptJlt<l_ ' _____ ~

_~ , .... _""' .. (ooriI ...... b_'" .. _"'_ ... _ .-"-,---:-"'_ ..... _:-·,.,..,on : ... __ _ WOO1<I ,_ ... _ · .~ , a ___ ", ___ ,_, ... __

-0I>j00c. to : ... _ (101'*_ • ... """"',--,-

Page 90: Talk talk talk 1

.. ggm .. I

r 'Dlalogu,

F : HI, there! long time no see.

M : Hi! How are you doing?

r : I've been abroad. '

M : Excuse me, what did you say? It's very noisy In here!

F : I said I took a trip. Let's find 0 quiet spot. Do you hove time?

M : It's 2:35.

F: No, 1 don' t wont to know what Ilme il ls. Are you free?

M : No, It's nOl th ree yet. You hove olmost a half hour.

F : Do you u nder:o;tand?

M : Maybe I misunders tood. Could you te ll me again, please?

F : 1 said 1 went to Europe on vocation.

M: Let's go somewhere that Isn't so noisy. 00 you have a minute?

F : Greal idl'Ql

M : Where did you go?

F : everywhere! But [ spent most of my time In Madrid. What a wonderful dtyl

M: Old you hl'Qr the big news?

F : No, what?

M : ['m getting married .

. -.....:! ._"""' ".,. .• _ -....,.

Page 91: Talk talk talk 1

Talk, Talk, Talk 1 / Purt \ I

F : Rtolly? When?

M : Laler this summer.

f :To whom ?

M : Som eone I m et over the In ternet. I hoven ' t ~n he r foce-to­f(lee yet.

F : Noll do n't believe you l Arc you kidding m e?

M : No, I'm serious. ' And I Ih ln k I know he r better thon If we'd actually met. Appeoronces are very deceiving ' wmetimes, but you rcoll y have to communicate you r w hole self to get to know someone over the ne t ,

F : I must $Oy thol I'm flabbergasted .'

M : Not'tochange Ihe sub joo. Rut I ol$<> have some bod news..

F : O h l What's Ihal?

M : Your old boy frie nd died In (> co r wreck.' Oldn'\ you hcar?

r : O h , thot 's terribl ... I jusl got bock. Nobody hod lold me. Whal happened?

M : He W(lS driving 100 fOM t guess and IUSI 105\ control. My condo len ces. ' I'm sorry \0 be Ihe o n e 10 b reak the a wful ' news.

I' : Wa~ anyone else hurt?

M : No. lie was by himself.

Que.t/o ...

I . Whol is 1M COt1fuJion over 1M li(fll!l

2. 1$ cooruhlp' ~ 1M inle~ (> good idtol

Page 92: Talk talk talk 1


'!) la/ogu<l

M : This is my college roommate.

F : 11·$ nice to meet you.

Roomma te : Pleasel Don' t get up. May I foln YOII?

M : By all meo.ns. '

F : What do you do?

R : I'm in show biz. '

F : Really? What do you do? Are you an a ctor?

R : No, I'm on agent .'

M : He repre$enu some of the mO$t famou$ people in the country.

F : No kidding! You look handsome enough to be In m ovies yourself.

R : Thank you for saying so. You too. How would you like to get a port In some film?

M : Con I get you two something to drink?

R : [fyou don't mind.

F : How about a sloe gI n?'

R : Make that two.

-::r. .. ..-.. :~ --'''9''''1 /0lIl_"",," .... _01_ . ... : . ___ lQ,ootclioO_"""'_ond __ ~_

Page 93: Talk talk talk 1


M : 111 be right bod:..

R : How W()uld you like to com e with me whe n I loove here? I con In troduce you to a producer I'm m ccUny.

F : I'd love to. But I' m afraid I'm not dressed .

R : Vou're flnel Just relax and be you~I f. '

F : This b 50 e XCitin g!

It : Ceh: brlUes ' a re ju st like anybody e lse. Would you like to have dinner wit h me afte rwords?

F : O n ly If we can s to p at m y place firs t 50 I CO" chonge.

R : Vou'r(> fine. But of cou~ we «on s top ther(> If you like. Or we oon go to my house ond o rder out, ' If you wont to sove yoursel f 0 lot of trouble.

r : I don't thi n k 50. I hardly know you.

R : It"s no bothe r, ' really.

F : No. I m ean I'm not su re I sh o uld go to you r horne b y mysel f yel .

R : Don'\ worry. You're sofe In my honds. '

F : Let 's _ how It goes first , ' before I agree to anythIng like that .

R : O ko y, tho!"s fine with me.

(J .... tlO .. ,.

1. Whof do ttN!~1001< like!

2. Who/ do)'OU think t~ agffll's intl'nt;o.u ore?

. ... -,.ounooII be __

.~ .. , ....... -·~OUI , "'''''_'''be_ .1>01_ .... _ .v"',· ........ lnmy_ -.-... ""..-to ...... _"'_"''''Y_ . u.t·. __ H_-. """a ___ .

Page 94: Talk talk talk 1

L 'DIalog."

1 M: One of m y fovorile pasll m es ' wh e n travel Is readIng the bod Engl is h on le (!-shlrt$ a nd posters. Sometimes th~ Ol'(! quite hilarious. '

F : I I'S not n ice 10 make fun of pcopl e. Especially since English Isn 't their nalive language.

M : 011, I know Ihot. "m not making fun of' them, really, I'm lust laughIng ot thc odd ' English .

F : English Is cenalnly not on easy language to learn .

M : Ofcoul"5C nOI . Even notlve speakers are for from' ~rf(!Cl . 01 least accordIng 10 swndord grammn r usage.

r : And ~ l'el1i n9.

M : And punctuatio.n. ' Even the British don't usually speak the ~ kln9 's [n9Iish ~ pro])Crl y.

F : So why d o. you laugh 01 foreig ners' m isuse and Ignore the mistake:< o f the nOllve users?

M ; I don't kno w. I guess It lusl Isn't funny when people can't even usc their own la nglloge properly.

F : There Isn 't lust one Englis h . you know. There are large dlfferenc('$ l)e>tween the ways the la n guage Is used In Engla nd, the US, Australia, India, a nd Jamaico. for In stance, a $ well o s the many diolects ' within those coun tries,

M : Sure, And Ihere ore a lso d l(ferences bosed on clo ss ' and education, I've heord thut BBC annOUnCeD ore trained

=--= .pa-.e, ... __ • __ ........ ,_:...,.......,.,--""11-....... . maII·""'o«(~"'I.Ihj '_ .. foOI"'_ ,_:_..--.:_ .,"'''''''' _ .. .. • punc • .- .... _"' __ ... _,0_ ... ___ 01_'"

...-to..-.., .. ~_ ,_, &v.....,."'. __ ... __ ... ".."..., ........ O<OUI>"'_ ."'-: ._01...._,.;o"-.,,y .... ____ _

Page 95: Talk talk talk 1

to speak on arttfldal ' fonn thaI Is Intended to be neulml , ' na1 natura l.

F : So there ore mony Engllshes, Intemctlng with one onother.

M : On lap of' the fact thol English Itself Is on omol9Omollon ' o f man)' linguistic usages, It 's baslooll), 0 fonn of German, but ovcr lime, fo. his lorl<:al reasons, II adopted ' 0 large Fren<:h vocabulary as well as Greek ond lotln and Celtic. And then . us the Brilish (mp lre look ~hape, It absorbed ' words from oll over the world, probabl )' from (!vcry known langU<lge group.

F : 1 know that ,

M : .... nd It <:hanged without muc h central guldan<:e. There wcren 't even any dl<:Uonories until the 17005.

F : foounote ly. ii's a very redundant ' longuoge, 50 0 101 of mlslakes con be mode wllhout serious Interference ' In the meonlng,

M : Thol 'S greol com fort to onyo n e trying 10 leorn Ihe language. I'm sure.

r : Thal's rlghl . Study, effoo, and practIce wHi help anyone Improve, but It Is not ne<:euo.y to u se the language pe r fcc::tIy. Or evcn vcry close to perfectly, 10 gel one's point tJCI"O$S. '

M: That's a good Ihlng, or the .... mericons would never make any sense 01 all.

~ Q .. estlo ...

G. Why is nO~..,IO! ...... longU0ge use ofIen cons~ funny by nolive


2. Why do ~ /eoIn English, if if is so dilf'Kulrl

• __ _ ........ "'_ .-.!roo! . __ ....... __ " ••• _.:,:.:.:~::~~~~~, Ciil ,--'" ... _ ... :-·~' ..... (OIhI ... _· __ oombO"Io: _ ,oodof>' _ .... _"'_\111» ._ : .... _ ................ _"'-"""" ._- ....-.g--·1nI ...... , .... ... _ ..... "'(OIhI: .......... ""' ... _"' __ .g.oI-=,.,.. ,--~.

Page 96: Talk talk talk 1


I '1>"'09." iF: I'm worried about our kids. M : Why? What ha~ they done now? F : II's no t what they'w done, II's their lifestyle. '

M : You mean their hair and clothing styles? Those are lust fads, ' they won't stick around' long. I wouldn't worry about those things.

F : No, I moon .something more Important. I moon the way theyeot.

M : What do you mean? F : I mean they Hke Western fast food too much. I don't

think It's healthy. M : Mostly It's lust meat and bread, wl th some vegetables.

How can thaI be unhealthy? F : The meat Is mode from genetically altered ' cows and

pigs, and we don't know how that a ffWs long-term ' health. The vegetables are preserved ' with loIS of chemicals, ' Nellher of Ihese condillons can be very good, I think.

M: According to most schmtists and hOOlth officials, 11'5 all very sofe.

F: It's 0150 served ' with lOIS of salt and MSC ' other additives. ' Even though these are natura] substances. they're harmful to us.

M : You're lust being on alanYlls!. '

'~:""_""t. ........... ~ ... _ ... \I'OUI>-~_._. __ ... _ .Iaa ~ ....... _ ... odopIecI ___ III'<7WfI'_"". __ "_ · 1IUck aroonf ; _

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. MSG ,_~

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.-.nisI , . __ frIgM __ .-y ...................

Page 97: Talk talk talk 1

Talk, Talk, Talk 1 I \ .... ,., ' I

F : And th ey !noke u s too fo\ , and they have 100 mu<:h ch olesterol . '

M : The mOOI mokes them bigger ond stronger thon we were. o r the Ir grondparents.

F : And the restouronts olwoy~ serve the meals with 0 roft drInk. Pop ' 15 like condy In 0 <:on . It I$n·t very good for uS otoll.

M : But I e nloy 0 good sodo myself, from time to time. ' F : So d o I, but not for every meal! Besides, Ihe fUM f()Od Is

served quIckl y. and peopl .. lust .. 01 alld get o u t. What Is happenIng to social dis<:ou.se7 ' Meuls ore 11 01 lust for fiLlIng our stomo<:hs, but for filling our hood~ with <:holle. as we ll , you know.

M : People In a hurry mn't spend a lat of time eating, either. Fast food Is qul<:k and convenIent, and folrly In expensive. II 'S fun l

F : You 're a s bad 0 5 the kids' M : ThoI'. n ot $(I terribly bod, is it? F : You ' re no\ bad as humon beings_ but your ooUng habits

ore becoming terrible. You're 011 goIng 10 end up' being overweight with high blood pressu re and dogged ' arteries. Ihol 'S all .

M : O kay. we·1I try 10 moderote ' our fast food Intoke. We'll eot beller mo)ab at home. when we can. AnythIng else?

F : One m o re thlngl i don't thInk gIrls ore learnIng to cook onymore_ lhey think If they're hungry, 01L they hove to do Is go 10 Burger KI n g. What kInd of wIves and mo thers are they goIng to be?

I~ au_t/o"_

1. Who" if anything, i, wrong with a WlrS tem die!?

2. Whot kind 01 w;v". and tnOl.~r3 will_ M who ~ learn how /0 ,o%:?

.~I- ._' ..... _ """"' .. ...... --""""­._,--,-·'",.,,'_10_,_ ... _

. "'-"-,-"'" ._-,_ .... _"'._-.elo{l ___ I0 ___ _

. ..-a, . ....... __ •• _

Page 98: Talk talk talk 1

F : You should work harder at getting rid of' your bod habits.

M : Nobody 15 perfect. I 've grown comfortable with my shancomlngs. ' Basically, I like myself as I am and don't see any ne«! to change.

F : You're right: no one 1$ perfect. But we're not animals, stuck wi th ' the hard-wired' Instinctual behavior patterns we're born with. We're humans, with brains that allow us to control our own actions If and when we desire to do so.

M : That's the old "nature vs, nunure"' argument. "Are we what we a re becouse we're born that way-or be<:ause we learn to be that woyr Both sides have a point, but the truth is in between, ' I think. We are a combination of nature and nurture.

F : I don'tlhink II's exact ly In the middle, though. There are Inherent ' design IImltotions, ' We a re biologically human, n ot something else, So we (on't lust sprout ' wings and ny, no mailer how much we wont to. But within those limits, we a re almost Inflnitely e lastic. ' We oon all be or do anything that Is humanly possible, bUl Wi.' have to try, and we have to train.

M : On ly 10 0 point.' If we're born with 0 high lQ. we can do more th ings than If we're not very smort.

~-~ ===

Page 99: Talk talk talk 1

F : Through perseverance. ' even dull" people oon accomplish g reat things, in any field . I think it wos Tho mas Edison who said, MGenlus is 10 % ins pira tion ' a nd 90% pel1$plrotlon. M,

M : Then the s lo w.wll ted ' have to swea t ' a lot to keep up! Some do. admittedly, but Ihey have to work harder at it Ihan o thu$ do - and they have 10 foc u s $0 hard o n aUalnlng som e narrow o bj l!dlvc ' that they lose slghl of Ih e lor9t'r picture. In fOCI, thaI 's truc for all o f 115.

F : Oon 'l be so demeaning ' of people wllo aren'l a s smart a s you are.

M : J' m nOI. I sold we ' re all IlkI.' tlltll . Let m e give you an e xamp le.

F : O ka y.

M : When I wo.s a kid . lance took ho me (I bod report card. I had Fs In every su bject, b ut In Math I hod a D ' . When m y father a sked me why th is was so, I told h im tha t I had obviously spent 100 much time o n Moth!

f : ThaI 's not funny.

M : And n e ithe r is your nagging me to do b,mer. If you believe In working o n improving yourself 50 Ill uch , you mig hl sta rt by trying to show a linle m o re lole .o no:c' or o ther people's fau lts.

I . How mIlCh COf'It roJ over our copobOli/ies do _ ~1

2 . Do yoo like ~ to point out YOOT flaws?' Why or why not?

.--- -..,.",~.,.-..g"' . -"'-"","-. "'­·duII ' '''"'''''"Y-._:_

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'-'-"~"'-:--. ..,...,..",. .... ~ ... --"'".... ._,._", ... -

Page 100: Talk talk talk 1


M : You ca n ' t talk to kids these days.

f : Sure you can. But that doesn't mean that they'll listen to youl

M : That's just what I meon! I try to givt' m y san the benefit of my own experience, so he won't make the sa m e mistakes I did. But he just goes o n and does what he wants to anyway. as though I'd never sold a nything to him a t all.

f :That's h ow we oil learn, [ guess. Un l e~s people experience something fo r themselves, they never truly understand It.

M : Then what's the purpose of education?

F : Even though our children don't seem to be paying any attention to us, and even though they behave a s though we haven't sold a thing, our words do registe r. ' After they've gone ou t and done som et h ing stupid, they remember what we la id them: a nd next time, Ihey tend to lis ten a little more carefully.

M : [ just wish we had all the answers! We cou ld spare ' our kids a 101 of grief In that case-if, of course, they would actually pay attention \0 us.

f : We'rf! a ll only human. Sometimes the most imponanl things are accomplished in spi te of the received opinion of the "experts.H Uke Columbus-everyone told him he was wrong, but he opened up a whole new hemisphere ' to the rest of Ihe world.

Page 101: Talk talk talk 1

Talk, T,llk, Talk 1 ! I'UTI \ I

M : But he WAS wrong! He thought he was In the East Indle!i. Even 10 the day he died, he didn't know thot he hod "dlscoverf!d" AmeriCa, he thought he'd found a shortcut' to Asia .

F ! But he changed the hislory af lhe world, nonetheless .' The $Orne Is true with the younger gen eration. Most ly, they' re ei the r going to gel into trouble by nOI lI~tenlng to us, or Ihey'll ovoid 0 lot of problems hy fo llowing our advice. BUI, every now and then.' they 're going to do their own Ihing a nd end up with something marvelousl '

M : Cu n you give me any real exam pl es, from your own experience- not some maverick ' historical t1gu~?

F : Of cou rse. My husband and I were dead set agaInst' our daughter's chOice of boyfrien d. Everything about him was wrong. Too old , wrong notlonallty, no moncy Or sta tu s, no prospects. He was a nice enough fell ow, but a reol loser. aut no mo tle r whot we $Old or d id , s he wos detennlned ' 10 marry him. And she d id, too. It turns 01.11 ' 10 hove been the Dest decision of h er life. Even ofler all these years, they're slll1 l>erfedly happy togelher. I con'l imagIne a better son­In -low - even though oil of the negolLves ore slm In ploce.'

M : She was lucky. Usually these h od match es e nd up as a mismatched coupi<'. and either 0 Uretlme of unh o ppiness or 0 nasty' divorce.

F : True. 8u l nobody con see the (uture. We do the best we can, using OUT hcod or heart 10 gUide us to Ihe best o f Its abilLty. BUI ultimately, we have to make our own ch oices In Ufe, nOi lust accept someone e lsc·s id('O$, no molter how smart or we ll · intended those Ideas are.

-..... y--

Page 102: Talk talk talk 1

M : I guess I was the samc way when I was my san's age. Sometimes I wish I had listened more to myoid ma n, bUI at the time I was certain that I was right and he was wrong. Usually, he turned out to be for wiser than 1-but, still, sometimes, 1 was glad that my choices worked out ' cvcn if he disagreed at the time.

F : Sta nding on our own two feet ' is what makcs us human.

M : Moybe. But chickens a nd monkeys sta nd on their own two feet, too, and they're not noted for their de<:ision­making ability.

F :Well, ~chickens - are too cowardly' to act on thcir own, and ~ monkey-see.monkey-do~ is just on expression fo r thoughtless iml to tlan. But being hu man means using our brains and developing an independent attitude. lust because we act against ou r parents' wishes sometimes does n ot mea n that we don't love them or respect them-it just moons that we hove to live our own lives.


1. Are young people more independent of their parents than they used to be?

2. Do we learn more from our own mistakes, Of others'?

_ wortr. out : find • -...en lOr ~..,.. __ on_·. ownlwOlIoM : .. .... ~.~

'<;OW""" : IocU>g <:<IIngII

Page 103: Talk talk talk 1

Talk, T.-11k, T.llk 1 / 1'<0" \ I

Page 104: Talk talk talk 1

c:::." F ; Work Hard, Play Hard! Thot's my motto. '

M; rm more laid back.' I Eke to take my Ume, do a good job, and rela)(. Life is too short to spend it all in a frenzy. '

F : Life Is too short to waste any of It. I have to b(' doing something 011 the time-there's plenty of time to sle<:!p after' die.

M; We're all going to die eventually anyway. Whal does il matter whether I shake the world up' while I' m alive? It's more important to take some time to smell the roses, taste the coffee, enjoy the pleasant Ihlngs that life throws up ' around us. You can't just run all the time­where does II get you?

F ; " gives you the salls faction of knowing you've done your damnesl every day to Eve life to the fullest. A person only goes through life once- but that's enough If he does il right.

M: life Is for living. How can I do that if I'm too infernally ' busy to poy attention to the little

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F : look at those shoes! Aren't they just darling?' Can you wait a minute, [ wont to try them on.

M : Don't you have enough shoes now?

F : A lot of old, old-fa shioned, shoes. But I wouldn't be cought dead wOOfing THEM now. '

M : Why not? Don't they fll?

F : Of course they fit!

M : Then, they're worn out?

F : No, not at all. They're just out of fashion .' that's aU.

M : Who dc.:ides whot's "foshionoble," anyway?

F :Wedo!

M : "Wen who?

f : The people with good taste who the others copy.

M : So. if everybody is wearing long purple dresses and silver chains this year, that's why it's fashionable to wear long purple dresses and silver chains?

F : Of course not! If everybody docs it, then it's 0 cUche?' It's me rely po pular, not fashionable.

-C~~~~~~~~~~ ~dMIIng :~:ado<_

. 1 ~'I to. c.ught _ waamg loth) now I _ .... or _ I"" J _ ~ -""

_omo'­_0<.101 1_ ,,,,,,_ .clk: ... : ... .......- """'*"""''''_ ..... .... .... ' Ib~ ouaIiIy 0<4'II«I

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F : look at those shoes! Aren't they just darling?' Can you wait a minute, [ wont to try them on.

M : Don't you have enough shoes now?

F : A lot of old, old-fa shioned, shoes. But I wouldn't be cought dead wOOfing THEM now. '

M : Why not? Don't they fll?

F : Of course they fit!

M : Then, they're worn out?

F : No, not at all. They're just out of fashion .' that's aU.

M : Who dc.:ides whot's "foshionoble," anyway?

F :Wedo!

M : "Wen who?

f : The people with good taste who the others copy.

M : So. if everybody is wearing long purple dresses and silver chains this year, that's why it's fashionable to wear long purple dresses and silver chains?

F : Of course not! If everybody docs it, then it's 0 cUche?' It's me rely po pular, not fashionable.

-C~~~~~~~~~~ ~dMIIng :~:ado<_

. 1 ~'I to. c.ught _ waamg loth) now I _ .... or _ I"" J _ ~ -""

_omo'­_0<.101 1_ ,,,,,,_ .clk: ... : ... .......- """'*"""''''_ ..... .... .... ' Ib~ ouaIiIy 0<4'II«I

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Talk, Talk, T.llk 1 / I'u" \ I

M : Then whO! does "fashlonoble" moon 7

F ; To be among Ihe fi rSI 10 inougura te ' 0 new ily le whkh bec;omes popular laler an- but by then, Ihe In-t:rowd ' has olready moved o n 10 the ne>;! tre nd. '

M : BUI whOI if wha t you think 15 goIng to lie popular lllrm; Ollt' to be a real dud ?' If n obody follows your fash io n t N! nd. Then yOU'N! m e rdy eccen tric,' not fas h ionable.

1' : !:xactly. T hat's w hy you h ave to btl ooreful. You cion ', wo n t 10 rush 100 (Iuickly o r embrace a particular 'lyle 100 fu lly u n til you see where the herd ' 15 going. If t h ey' re no t following your lead, t hen you hoye 10 do $Omelhlng else 10 gel the i r allen lion. lI's a good Idea to tryout several dlftl'N!nl Ideas 01 Ihe same time-aIle of th(!m Is sun' 10

click. '

M : Uul whot obout pI!Ople like me who jusl weo r whatever is available, as 10 llg as it fits and Ihe priCi! Is right?

F , You poor dco rl Then yOU'N! not eV(! n port o f the common herd- you sim ply don't have (lny l(lste whatsoever] '


I . Art')'O\' {Xlrf of/he in·crowd thaI d#!/l'I'mines whaf wl// be fashionable?

2. Who/Is)'O\" main Crilfflorr for buying or WNring something?

............. ,_.---"' ... _-."'''''''- ..... _ ..... .. _"' ... _ ....... _-._ • .....-_ .. _ _ ·"-"out : ....,,.. ·_,_"'\OItl)""" ........ _ IO ... _ ..... ~ ''''''''''<11> .... "' ............ .,_..,.. _ .". ____ _ .-.. ,. __ 01_:...-·ellck : .... ..-.cetcto _ .""""'_ , ____ 'c1 .eril..-' ...... ... _ ""_ ._eon ... _

Page 108: Talk talk talk 1

r r 'D'alogue

M: There's Q new $IOre opening tomorrow. 00 you want to check it out?'

F : Sure. But [dan't think ['II buy anything there.

M : Why nol?

F : Over the yean, I've hullt up' (l friendly relationship with Q few merchants. and ['d rather $pend my money with them than with some stranger.

M: What If the pIia' I.s better? It's stupid to poy more than you have to for anything.

F: ThaI's not 50 important, In thl! long run, ' J've learned that If I save 0 Uttle here and there, II doesn't really amount to much anyway-the prices are going to be about the $(lrne anywhere you go. But If I dOl business with people I like and trust, they'll help me make good chaices. They won 'I just try to nil me anything, knowing that they'll never see me again.

M: Yes, [ agree thot quality Is Important. But so Is price. [ always try to find tbe best deal. If [only buy one item from one place, ond never buy anything there ogoln, the store hos $tlll served its purpose.' os for os I'm concerned.

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Talk, Talk, Talk 1 /""n \ I

F :That'$ IU$t 100 alienating. ' We n eed to b r ing humo n relations bock Into o ur lives. Mon ey Is only money. but people ore the most Important things.

M : There aTe lots of Im portant IX'Ople In my life, and a few o f lhem aTe the merchants that I see on (I regu lar basis. like the old woman who rons Ihe IUtie g race'}' o n the Carner. Somelhne~ t buy som e th ing there lust to help her out.' even though I don't partieul (l rly need the produ ct . But th a t's lust because it's conven ient for me to sho p th ere. If I cou ld save money by going el.sewhere, I would.

F , Because I'm a valued ' customu, the pt.'Ople I shop wllh will go out of their way 10 g ive me th e best deal and the best se rvice th ey Co n . They wont my bUSiness, ceMalnly. but they 01$0 like me.

~ auat/a".

I . /low carefully do you shop? Do you Jpend 0 101 o f lim'! comporiJon'Jhopping in advonu, or do you buy things on the- spur of the moment?'

2 . Is COlt Ihe molt important cOnJiderolion' in buying something?

Page 110: Talk talk talk 1

"4;;;;4 ••

r '9; ..... . F : You Look terrlblel What's


M : lust stres.sed out, ' I guess. Work Is partIcularly hard theS(' days. (lnd I've been having a lot of family problems.

f : What ore you doing 10 relieve the sl«'S$? Thol's Q prelty unhealthy situation , you know.

M : Oh, it'll pass. ' These ort' just extraordInari ly ' tough limes. Th ings should go bock 10 normo] soon . I'm all tight.

F : Don ' l be so blos~. · YOII need to do someth Ing. It's dangerous.

M : When I was yOunger, I used to just go out a nd blow off (I lot of steam, ' I 'd drink and dQn~ (mo porty 011 night. then work through the next day and go home 10 bed. The day ofter, I'd feel terrible because I WQS exhausted, but after gelling Q good n ight 's sleep I'd be okay.

f : Whol (I terrible method of deollng with the problem l ThaI would Iusl odd 10 the stress. don 't you know thot?

M : I don'! k now, I thInk II used to work ' pretly well then. But I wouldn 't r«ommend it as a regular troo lment- II 1"1'Q1Iy wou ld be slressful to do II all the lime.

F : And yet, mony people stili do. II 's the w o rst way of trying to ~relleve~ 5tres.s-U's like pouring gcuoline on 0 nre to put it oul. '

M ; WhOI would you suggest?

f ; I like to go to the gym and work out ' three times 0 week or so, and then toke (1 nla! $Quno.·

~~ ..... ,_........:."""_,o ... ;."."'_ :=,:=:.=",-:~~,--.-..y.- .. -,,*,-·_011_: __ .... ___ _ ._,__ .putOUl , _IIOt11ron>bumOng ... _

._ouI '~ot~"""""'._ .-.. .--. ......

Page 111: Talk talk talk 1

M : ThaI's normally port of my rouUnc. ' SUI I IU$I don't have the lime" these days. That"oS probably why I feel 50 stressed M

F : I'm sure you're right. How about 0 good moswge7 Gel 50me clo!ie friend at work to rub your bock and neck for you, ond your forehead. Thut will gille you some good temlXlrory' relief.

M : Thut"s a good Idea. I'll see what I can d o. Sut what I'd really like Is to be able to take moybc on hour off after lunch and to ke a nop. ·

F : 11'5 100 bod we don"llIlIe In Spoln. There. ellerybody tokes a sleSlo. '

M : Sound, wonderful" doesn't 111 And some COlnponles halle fodlliles for a brief «power napK to recharge employees ' batteries. ' Sut we don't .

F : Whal you really need to do Is Ond some hobby that Is not related to your work ond dellote 05 much time ond allentlon 10 it os you con. Vou"1I toke your mind off your doLly problems ond rechannel your mental processes. The result Is Ihe S(lIne as a power nap-you feel energized ond Tf'fTf'shcd.

M : E used 10 hOlle 50me hobbles, bul I jusl gal bored with Ihem oflCr a while .

F : Try agaIn. FInd somethIng thol really Interests you and throw youn;elf Into ' 11. It can be anything-Calligraphy,' photogra phy, writing a sonnet , ' gardenIng, anything! You'lI feel a 101 beller.

(2 .... tIoHII

1. Howdo)'OUrHl'"

2. Do)'OU ~ ~ Tnt and/or e,,~iK?

.......... , . ..-"'--""""""'""" :_"' __ "". __ onIW:""'_ -_ • __ . ___ .... ._ ,.'''''��_"' ____ _

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. ,*"""""" . ...... "'--...... ~ .-',. ,.· ..... _ ...... ano"' ___ ~

Page 112: Talk talk talk 1


M: Remember Tom? f : from high school? Sure. Why?

M: I don 't know. I was just thinking about old times. wonder whatever became of him?

F : Last I hrord he was In the army. M: That's the last I hrord too. But that WQS five or six yrors

ago. f : At least! ' Maybe longer.

M : You know, I always thought he'd really make something of himself. ' He was always the top student, In every class.

f : That's true. But he worked really hard ot it, too. Maybe too hord.

M: What do you mean? F : He never had any time for anything except studying. So

he didn't develop very good social skills. M : People liked Tom well enough. F : Sure. He was a good guy. But he didn't have any really

close friends. His face was always buried In a book or a computer screen .

M : But Isn't that how we accomplish important things? By working hard and being slngle·mlnded?'

f : For a lot of people, sure. Maybe for most people. Most of the really great people In history were only good at one thing, and they devoted themselves entirely to honing' it to perfection.

M: So why didn't this work for Tom? F : Maybe It did, and we just don't know II. Or maybe It

wlll, but hasn't yet.


Page 113: Talk talk talk 1

M : On the other hond, life and x hool aren't ne<esso.rily the same. LoIS of people I've gone to school wllh W1.'",n't very Impressive In the c;iassroom, but did oil right for themselves.

F : Sure. Unless You'", going to be a scholQr, maybe doing well In school _ getling all A's - Isn't nec:essorlly what we n~ to succ~ In real life- which Is a much more complicated place than the very controlled, Qrllflctol environment of any school.

M : Gelli ng o long wIth people, beIng Qble to negotIate. ' PQtle nce, endu.once. learnIng self-dlsdpllne. I guess these are 011 good thIngs to have if one wis hes to ochleve o ne's rull potential. '

F : A good sense o f humor to get us through the hard limes, but (I serious dedlcot!on ' to work.

M : FQlLQwlng through ' to make su r(' proleCU 0'" completely finIshed.

F : Knowing how to manage your time. Oolng work you love. M : I suppose your looks playa big role In how well you do,

also. f : I thInk Ihol 's correct. Every study I've secn shows thai " the

beautiful people" get hired and promoted sooner and m(lke more money Ihon the ordlnnry olles.

M : And don' l forgel luck! F : Absolutely. And none of these thtngs 0'" dlrC<:l ly learned 01

school, o.e they?

r Q.mlo •• 1. Whot Is I~ lingle, most jrnpottonl quality nnded lor succe:u7

2. Who;J t~ moSf 5UCussful fN'rson-or I~ one moslli~ fO succ~-Ihot you k.-..?

.~~I. _.-..."...."._ ...... ..-"'_ ..... -.....""" .... ,_cr. -.po'""lI" ''-'" too 11'''"'''' _. or ___ _

·_a,"," _"'_."'_"'~. _ _ ,_tntoo.ogn _ ... -. ___ ._ .. IO~"_

Page 114: Talk talk talk 1

f;-;~=:::. __ . M; It's as though men and women are different species. '

F : I'm not sure if I should f~l Insulted or amused. What's ootin9you1'

M : It's my wife.

F: Yes. Go on.

M : I work hard all day. I give her my pay every month. t spend as much time with my fomlly as I con. I help with hOUSl'hold chall'S. I don', dOle other women. And still, after 10 yoors of morriage, she says thai she doesn't know If 1 love her!

F : Do you tell her?

M: Words are chtup. ' PollIldons soy thIngs that are not true all the UrnI'. II ~ms to me that my actions should I:M! the proof of my love, not just talking about It.

F : But do you ever leU her you love her?

M: Sure. Once In (I while.' But If] told her every day. she'd wondt'r why I hod to tel!p bringing the subject up.' She'd think I was trying to make up ' for something ( was doing wrong_

F: You know, women ilkI' to be told these

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T,llk, T,llk, T.llk 1 / 1',,'" \ I

things. Even If they know their sweetheartS lo ve them very much , Ihey like to be reminded some times. The m o re often the beller.

M ; Sut I don't nt."I!d oon5lO.n\ remlnde~ ' from m y wife. I know she loves me, ev<!n if It Isn '\ oosy fo r her to do so.

F : But wh<!\her you " n~d " 10 be told or nOI, you $tlll enjoy verbol ' confirmation. ' dOIl'1 you?

M : I don't dislike It, c;(:rtolnly. BUI I know she loves me beo:lusc of the way she looks at me ond the things s he does for me. It's obvio us. The words are I""tlclng on the coke.'

F : But what good Is a coke wit h out iclng1 It's okay. It 's beller than no thing, but the Ictng makes It so much better. don't you think?

M : [ s uppose so.

F : I think you should tell her you love her every chance you get .

M : Hmmm. Should I give her flowel'$ 100. d o you think?

F : Flowers arc optlo nol. ' 8uI yes, absolutely. why n ot? And why not lewe ls a n d expens ive perfume and the like 0 $

we ll? 0<.>11'1 you Ihlnk she Is wonh some exira attention?

M : Of course she Is.

F : And s h e 'll proba bly reword ' yo u with s ome speclol atlen llo n too . Wouldn't you like that?

M : Of ooUr:<Cl [ would!

~ a .. _ tlons

1. Why don Ihe mon think women speok 0 diffHetil kHlf1!J09f! lhor>

~n' 2. Ho-oIlen do rov Iell your 'f'OU'>l!" / /ow you . '

._, _ ............ ..,.._ ........... _(00I>I .. ... _ ..,.. __ "" _ .... "' ... ..

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Page 116: Talk talk talk 1

"£i • .lII." ~ 'D, ......

M: I th ink I'm lust going to stop watching the reading the newspopers.

F: Why?

news or

M ; All you read about any more Is wor. The Cold War Is supposed to be finished, and we're supposed to be In a ~new age ff in which the UN keeps the peace. But that sure doesn't seem Uke the COSl!.

r: [ dan', think things are any different than they ever were. A 101 of social scientists are convinced that aggression ' Is port of our biological make-up,' so there Isn't very much we can do about iI.

M : I'm not sure they're correct-I know a lot of sweet­natured human beings whO would never hurt anyone.

F : I do too, but aggression Isn't os simple as lust beating someone up' or shooting 01 him. Because we're human, we can Institutionalize' our basic Instincts In many ways.

M : Have you been reading those SOCiology' book.!; again? Why don't you use plain English thot everyone can understand?

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T.llk, Talk, Ta lk 1 / 1',,<1 \ 1

f : OK, I'll Iry. lei's assume: for the $O.ke of Ihls discussion, Ihal aggression Is indo!ed part of our very being, II 'S part of whol mokes us human. Okay?

M :OK. Sol

r : But we ore also diffenmt indlvlduols, rlghl7 Even If we ate "shaped" by the culture ond soctety we grow up in, we still come OUI different. right?

M : Sure. I'm nOI Uke you, and vice versa, ' even though we are about Ihe same age and we grew up togelhe r and Our family bockgro unds ore very slmllo r. We' re obviously different In many woys.

F : ObvlOl,l$ly. Even Ihough we 're biologically similor In Ihol we're bolh human, rlght1

M : Yes.

F : SO, If we are biologically " the some- and If this Includes being "aggressive. - and If we hove the some sadol background, then why are we so dlfferenl?

M : Moybe because sociologIsts don't understond obout the noture of the human Individual; maybe society doesn 't "shOIXl" us 01 all.

F : ThaI'S a posslbllL ty. But suppose they 're right. Then Ihe InSlllutlons Ih(H our socie ty Is mod e of- religions, gove rnme n ts, schools, all th ose-con c honnel ' our aggressions In different ways. Instead of violence, maybe we eKpress our aggression Ihrough on o r musIc or sparts Or our lobs or In our relationships- hundreds o f diffe rent ,,·ays. SO we are Mill oggresslve, we con 't help it, we need to assert ' ourselv<'5 againsl olhers. But maybe It doesn 'l hove to be by ottacklng them physically .

. - -.'fIee_ .... _ ...... __ _ . et.nnOOI ,_ co _(It>I .. (sIh)_o_.­·_ ....... _(oIt>I_c_

Page 118: Talk talk talk 1

M: So maybe we can end wars by having "peaceful aggression?"

F : Sure. Maybe by putting more effort into things lik.e the Olympics and the World Cup, or international poetry contests. Beauty pageants. ' Painting competitions. Anything of that nature.'

M : And then we cou ld still assert ' our domino nee' but without hUll ing anyane?

F: Yes.

M: What a novel ' Ideo. let me think. about this some more.


1. Are humans naturally aggressive or nat?

2. HOIV can we ossert our domirl(Jnce withoul hurting anyone?

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.dor!IinInGe , -..."._

."".... : IIb"i<ngIy new".-"

Page 119: Talk talk talk 1

TiJlk, Talk, Talk 1 /l'ul"l \ I

Page 120: Talk talk talk 1


F : Nothing is worse thon loving someone and not being loved back.

M : So I hear.

F : Come on, admit II. It's happened to you, too.

M : Well. maybe when I wos very young.

F : I thought you were moping' over some girl only two or three years ogo. As I fl?<oIl, YOll were always looking for some ex~ to go post her home, hoping to see her. You couldn't s leep, you couldn't 1;'01. Sut she never paid any attention to you at all.

M: All righi, you win. You're right. I'm Q loser In love, too, lust like everyone else I guess.

F : SUre. we all go through' this experience ot least once In our lives. For some of us, mony, mony limes.

M ; It's like some sort of disease.

F : Or a neurosis. ' logically, we know that OUf behavior is illogical and self·defeating,' and our actions wHl lust make us feel worse. Sut we con't stop ourselves.

M : On the oth er hand, as painful as the rejection is, the pursuit Is deliriously ' joyful. Some of the best time!! I can remember were mooning around over' that girl you mentioned, and others just like her.

Page 121: Talk talk talk 1

T.llk, T<llk, T.llk 1 / l'u r1 \ I

F : Yes. It's like being on drugs. ' Everyth ing is disorien ted. ' o ur emotions ore exaggera ted. ' We fee l giddier ' than we shou ld , but (lIsa more ~verely dcp re!o5Cd.

/III : There m ust be (In easier way to fall In love than that.

f : There would be, if the world were fai r.


I . I/ov~ yotJ ever b«n madly in love with Jom«IIIE' who W(lJ

ind;ff~fWIl' loword yotJ?

2. Why;J ~ing in /oIIe deJcribed aJ a ~"""roJi$~l

L .dt\og ,._ .... ___ ...... eIIoe1.oolho ___ _....,..efojIy.,.,.

~- .. ----­.<11_,_ .• ~'. "'_""_""')'0.., __ . , .. --...,. ... -.... --~ . , --.g .... _----.,...ong

Page 122: Talk talk talk 1


r 'D,.""." M: What movIe would you like to ~~?

F : Any movie at all! I just love movies!

M: M(! too. TV and video are all right, I guess, but th e screen Is so small. and there arc too many dlstm(1lons. ' But In the theaters, It's quite litemlly a bigger_than_Hfe experience. It's like actually being there.

F : I know what you mean. Ever since I was a little girl, I knew I would be a mOvie star some day.

M: Really? Is that what you're going to do?


M: So you'~ studying acting?

F : No, not really. But you don't need to know too much about ading to be a star. Mainly, ii's aboul looking good on film and projeding ' on interesting personality.

M : Are you sure?

F : Pretty sure. There are ~ome really good actresses, of coune, but mostly they gel supporting roles. ' The fans want to watch Ihe stars- nobody cores if they con act or not. The really bod ones get scrIpts ' that jusl call for them to do very litt le, other than stand around and smile, and look .sexy.

M: Then why aren't the~ m ore stars, If it's so easy?

F : Because not everyone has the right look.

M : How do you know that you do?

F : Don't you think I'm beautiful enough to be a movie stor?

M: Oh, well, yes, of coune. You're the prettiest girl I've ever seen.

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Talk, Talk, Talk 1 / I'",., \ I

F : Thank you for saying so. 8ul do you moon II?'

M : Of course I mean Itl

F : Well, the n , you see what' mOOn.

M : But how does one go about gettin g dl$COver«l?

F : That's the ha rd part . Sometimes, 11', purely by occident. But m n lnly you need (I good oge nt who can get your plctu r!:s to the right people and arrange lu st the right audl' lon~. ' But lusl one lucky break.' and you're Inl '

M : Wow. A real m ovie star! Wo uldn't that be something]'

F : Trust m e. It 's lust a moiler o f time.

M : What If you have to do a nude Kene?

F : What's wro ng with that? It" luSI I' Ic:l u r(!S. It's lust bu..ln~, thot's all . Wouldn 't you ilkI' to see me naked?

M : Of cou rse I would!

F : 8uI don 't g.cl any Ideas. ' I'm o nly talklng about a movie. I'm not ready 10 get In volved In ony sort of relationship thot could hurt my career. '

M : I'ersonally, of course, I'm greatly d1SO l'I>oInlcd, but I l'e$pect you r Wishes. I underswnd whot you rnl'On, but, even so, r co n'l he lp but ho r><' you change your mind,

F : Well, le t 's 9<'t to kn ow each oth er belle r. Afler a few dOles, lei'S see.

M : Fa ir e nough] ' A.nd which m ovie did you so.y you wonted 10 _1

ll. Whol ~ ~ qUQlificol;om lOt' being 0 ~Ior'

2. Whol dofi M S<NmI 10 be 1M moll inl~rnled in?


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Page 124: Talk talk talk 1


.. 'DIalog"""

M : Did you ever lose cmything on the subway?

F : Only once. Why?

M : last night [ was carrying a n extra bag. I put It up on the rock above my seat. When I got to my stop, [ bolted for' the door with the bag 1 usually carry. But as soon as 1 gol out, [ reallzed I'd left the other one behind. Sut It was too late, the door had just closed. [ watched the troln leave, cmd saw my bag, up on the rack where I'd left it, go too. It was a frustroti ng' experience.

F : t know the feeling. It's like being in an automobile accident-ali your senses are heightened: and t!me seems 10 pass in slow moUon.

M : That's exactly how it felt!

F : Was there anything important In the bag?

M : A little money and a credit card. And some sentimental' Items like pictures and things.

F : What d id you do?

M : Well, [ went to the ticket window. They told me to check the lost and Found' Office today, so I'm on my way now.

F :There's a pretty good chance ' you'll get it back, 1 think.

M : What makes you so sure?

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Talk, Talk, Talk 1 / (,,,,\ \ I

F : When [ len m y bog on boord. ' II was terrible! I hod to fly o ut o f the! country fo r a job Interview In 3 days. Ru t my passport was In the bag I'd left beh lnd l If i didn 't get m y paSSport back, I'd be stuck. '

M : And you got It back?

F : Yes! I wa5 so Su re thai it was gon e fo reve r thot I had already coiled Ih(> police and th(> (>mbassy ' to r(>port its J05S, a n d was trying to call th", p loce w h (>u! 1 hod the Interv iew to try to resch edule Ihe appointm ent.

M : W hat happened?

F : Well, nctually, the Lost and Found Department called me to tell m e they hod my passport . So , picked It up as soon a s , rouid get there. Rut Ihen I hod to go back and ooncel all my police rl!pC>rts and embossy ~portS. It was a very lo ng roup!1! of days. but I got to ny out o n sch('dule. Didn ' t molter. though, I didn't get the job a nywa y.

M : I h ope I'm that lUCky, bul I'm not optimistic. '

r : Why no t?

M : All m y other friends who have lost something have told m e they n (!VeT got It bock.

F : Thot'$ odd, ' you know ? Bec(luse m ost of m y fril!nds who hnve had that e xperience soy they olmos t always d id get It back.

M : I gue$S 0111 can do Is h ope for the IX'st .

1. ~ you r.Jff lost something? Did you fll!1 il ood,' 2 , ")'OU found 0 woller on rhe Jlreet with 0 lot 01 tnOrJe)' In It. whol

would you do'

, on _ : on ... " ._ ... _ ' ... =.=_::"~~~­• • 'uck . __ ... -,..od .G"_ •• ~ .~~."._." ... __ ..... ·""'-.-.. :._10_. __ "' ............. "'''' • .,...,. ___ ___ ._"'-

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.. 'D/alogua

M : Why don't you stop smoking?

F : I wish I could! It Isn' t like [ haven 't tried.

M : You never should have storted [n the fint ploce.

F : 1 know that. Sut that doesn't moke II any eas[er to stop, you know.

M : I never undentood what the appro] ' was. You spend a lot of money to put smoke directly Into your lungs, your fingers turn yellow, and your breath smells like a garbage' dump.

F :Mmmmmm.

M : Excu$(' me. I don't mean ·you· personally, of course. I mcon [n general. '

F : No, 1 think you're probably right. You con also odd all the Inconvenience of having to go outside to smoke and aU the ashes burning holes in your clothes. It's aU a very silly habit, but one that is enormously ' ha rd to abandon.'

M : Besides aU that, it causes people to look older- they get wrinkles' around their eyes much emller If they smoke.

F : 1hot'$ probably the key to why people start. Almost @\Ieryone fint gelS addicted ' when very young. They think smoking Is ·cool~ and makes them look more moture.

.1JIIfI>9 , __

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Talk, Ta lk, T.llk 1 I \',,,, \ I

M : Or they're In oollegt' slru99ling with theIr studle5. Som('One hos lied and told them Ihot smoking helps relax them. There Isn'l any evidence Ihalll does any positIve good 0\ oIL

F : Out as long 05 movie SlOB and celebrities ' ploy characters' who smoke. Ihe Idea Ihollt Is coal to sm oke will continue, I'm of]"(1ld.

M : Unless TV stations Slort Oooding ' the airwaves with spots tho\ make young sm o kers seem like real losers. ThaI has had dramallc effects In cou ntTles thaI have u sed that approach.

r : I bel ' you 're righl. Pre<lchlng certaInly d Of'$ n o good~the kIds pay a lat more auentlon 10 what other kids think and do than 10 what Ihelr parents tell Ihem.

M : And, of course. being young, they won t to experience the world on their o wn. The re's always a nalural generalion gap' b@tween adults and children.

F : What aboul adding taxes to 10bocca? The money could be usP<! 10 pay for Ihe negotlve advertising you menlioned. ond the hIgher cosl mlghl discourage t~na9l!rs Or college studenls from buyIng d goretles.

M ,Unfortunately. Iho t doesn't u5uolly have a very dramatic' effecl. When the high casu are fi rSI Introduced, ther""$ always a sharp dive In pun:hoses. but soon Ihe levels ore Ihe $a1TH! as th.-y u.wd to be. People just get u.wd to th.., hIgher prices and adjusI' Ihdr spending habIts accordingly. '

F , How Oboul banning ' Ihelr :;ale to mInors?'

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Page 128: Talk talk talk 1

M : That works If merchants are willing to follow the rules, but most aren't, unless they think there's a good' chance they'll be caught. It 's hard for anyone 10 tum away' good paying customers.

F : And besides, I suppose young kids can always find an older kid to buy It for them.

M: Absolutely! They're not any different than kids at any other time In history. There's always a way to breo.k any rule, and kids are willing to go to a great deal of trouble to find it.

F : What do you think about educational programs describing the real effects on heolth and aging' and so on?

M: When I was In college my roommate saw an educational film like that. He said the pictures of the black skin tissue in the lungs turned him off' to the Ideo. of smoking. But within a week or so, he was smoking just as much as before.

F : Like [ said, once one starts, it 's very hard to stop, no matter how much he wonts to.

M : But it can be done. There are various nicot!ne patches, for instance, and avoidance techniques that one can learn. I've seen it happen many limes, even for real hard-core' users!

~"~· ~u===~======~==== . tumlway :_IIobI_ .~:~oIa ·tum oft : ...- _ or <iIqAI1n lit» , "'rd"""" :"""'"""II_or~

Page 129: Talk talk talk 1

Talk, Talk, Talk 1 / 1'<11"1 \ I

Ques tio n s

1. Why did you uarr smoking? If you nevrr lmolced, why not?

2. CklcritH a suC(~ufu/ way of ltopping a bad hob/I.


Page 130: Talk talk talk 1

"D'alogu e

F : I sow you lost nIght!

M : Where?

F : At Avilon. You were lust leavi ng by one exit ' as ] was coming in the other, so I didn 't get to soy hi .

M : Yep. That was me all right. Sorry I missed you,

F : That's okay. You looked pretty preoccupIed ' anyway, Who were you with?

M : Oh, some gI rl .

F : Where did you m eet her?

M : ( wos ot on art gallery looking at some new paintings, and we just sta rted talkin g. She's quIte nice, actually.

F : And very pretty, tool Where do you ge t off, ' always being with such beouUf\JI women ?

M : Well , thank you , on behalf of both of us! '

F : Where are you going now?

M : I'm on my way to another gallery, But I have sevcT(I] mInutes, If you have time for a ooff~.

F : Where would you like to go?

M : Oh, anywhere Is okay. The first coffee sho p we see wo uld suit ' me fine.

F : Where's the gallery you're going to?

M : Do wntown . II iust o pened, so I've n ever been the re before. I hear it 's gol some really Interesllng pictures.

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T.11k, Ta lk, Talk 1 / Pm1 \ I

F : So, you're going to meet your new girlfriend there?

M : ' wouldn't coli her my girlfriend, yet.

f : Sut you're Interested in her, aren't you?

M : Sure, why not? Wh ere Is this conyersatlon headed, anyway?'

f : Oh, "m just curious about your love Hfe, tha t's all. You' re a lways so prlyate .

.. Q .. estlons

1, Whof is f~ man thanking lhe woman for an behalf 0( himRifl On INhalf 01 his dald

2. Do you offen go 10 011 ~xhibitj?

__ .io __ lIo .. ~ ........ .. l __ 'Otlr"d .... ?

Page 132: Talk talk talk 1

r )II- 'l>/alogue

M : How do you get SO much done?

F : I stay busy. Why?

M : It lust seems like every time [ see you, you're on your way to some exotic' locale, ' or lust bock from there, or you' re meetlng so me celebrlly o r businessman or govern ment official or artist -someone exclling. How do you find the time?

F : [ manage my schedule pretty lightly, I guess. But I don't have to waste a lot of hours at work every day, so my time is my own .

M : How did you manage that?

f : As soon a s I sto ned working, I began Investing heavily In the stock market. I poid pretty close (mention to what I was doing, and I was pretty lucky I guess, so most of my investments pold off' pretty well .

M : So you mode enough money to retire?

F : In a manner of speaking.' yes. I st ill play the marKet some, but not a s Intensely as before. Most of my capitol ' Is In pretty sofe, dependable,' venues ' such as money markets and savIngs bonds.

M : How do you kei!p so busy? Most retired people I know lust sll around at home 011 the lime. They con't offord to do anything.

F : That's not m y ldeo of retirement] I wonted to be able to

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Page 133: Talk talk talk 1

T.llk, Talk, Talk 1 ! 1'"cC \ I

enloy my life. 50 I worked hard _ and worked my money hard,' too!-unlll I had accumulated ' e n ough Ihol I could pay myself a deo:ent ' wlory every month ond still live well. And Ih" n I qu it worklngl I'm not greedy.' I don't see any polnl ln acquiring a huge fortune '- l lusl wOIl I "nough to last ' my ltfetlme, tn comfort.

M : Even so. You must have had a pretty good lob. F : y~, I did. 8ul I n ever much cared for II. I Ihoughl it was

boring. 8uI 1 knew It was going 10 be a folrly s hort -Ienn o.::cupalio n _ I hod always planned 10 do II for no more Ihan 25 yeai'll. and Ih"n maybe I'd hav" anOlher 25 10 enloy myself.

M : And you quit oner 25 yeal'll?

F : Actu,I11y, I onLy had 10 work for 22 yeol'll. I'd !'roche<! all my financial goa15 In 2 1, so , took one more year to disentangle' myself from my buslness arrall'll and 10 fealher Ihe n~I' a bil. Aft". Ihal, I've done pretty much whalever ,'".., wonted.

M : You sure ore lucky.

F : Luck had very lillIe 10 do wllh ' It. Ihough of course I wos fo riunol" Ihol 1 dldn'l have bad luck. 8ul mainly II was hard work and plann ing ahead.

1. Hc1w!)'OU planned lor )'OUr ~U,ement!

2. If you quit work today, what would YOU' Iif"Jtyle be likel

Page 134: Talk talk talk 1



F : Your brolher and are nOI tolking. Would you mind a sking him whol he intends to do about his son?


M: He soid thot he in tends to do Ihe besl he con for your son. He wanlS to know If you have any Idws.

F , ,uk him what he think5 about gelrtng a prtvote tuIOl". '

M : H@says that h@'lIlhink about a tutor, but he wonders If Ifs reolly nl'«"5SOry. He also soys that he doesn 't wanl to deprt~· his son of having some expertel"lC(!S beyond lusl schOOlwork.

F : Oh, he does, does he? Well, ask him how he expectS our son to get ahead In life If he dl.le$n't get Q degree from a good school! And osk him how he expcc15 to do that if he doesn't excel' In high schooL.

M : Okay. I'll get bock to )·ou in a few minutes.

F : What did he say?

M : H@sald Ihal you worry too mUCh. Your boy Is doing fine as it IS, and he's developing other good qualities' than IlUt being a bookworm.' And he wonl$ 10 know if you' re reody 10 deo.l with ' Ihis situation In a rational ' manner.

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Page 135: Talk talk talk 1


'd1'8d1'8d1" •• P'

F : What, does he think I'm being hTOllonal! Tell him Ihlll he's the one wh o's being ch ildish. ' He's Ihe one who doesn 't won t to spend ony money o n his own $Onl

M : I'le wo n ts me to remi nd you of how much money he's already spent an private lessons. He says Ihat he doesn't mind the money, but he Ihln k5 there are lots of other ways to gel on educallon , And he soys Ihe maS! Important Ihlngs he's learned In Ure were all outside of school.

F : Oh, reolly? Then would you ask him why trooting his wife as on equal portne r In his marriage Isn't one of those Ihln g5 he's loomed?

M : He wonted to tell me he's son y you feel Ihot way. He 's always tried to troot you with rf!Spe<:\, b ut If you think he hasn't done $0, he WllnlS you to know he's $Orry and would like to talk II over with you In person. '

F : Okay. Tell him I'm ready, but only If he's ready 10 OI>ologi:re. And If he's roody to serlou$ly consider his son 's future,

1, Are the married couple together 01 not?

2. Reocomtrucl the husband's 1III'CKds.

.chikIioh , __ <It oily

.~ __ ,~_ .• ..-,.-_--"'Y

Page 136: Talk talk talk 1


r'D'·' .. •• F : You're the only mole friend [ hay!'. Why do you think

thal'$ true?

M : I don't know. Whol do you mean?

F : I mean every other man just wants to have sex with me. or else 19no~ me. You're the only one 1 con really talk

'0. M: ['m sure you're exoggeroUng. I can certainly see why

many men would want you sexually. but I can" believe ['m the only one who enloys your company' as a friend.

F : It's true, though. Somehow [ con retate' to you better than [ con even with rnnst of my female friends. II'S like you'lt! my best girlfriend.

M: 00 you thlnkl'm too femInine?'

r : No! I don'l think you're feminine at all! But you're lust very honest and sensitive. I con tell you things, and I alwoys know tho! you [bIen to whot I soy and empathize' with iI.

M : Thot Isn't anything special. Everybody should treat their friends that woy, don't you think?

F : Of course they shouldl But they don't. And men are particularly bad about it, I think, They a lways have same o ther agenda,' and they don't communicate very well.

Page 137: Talk talk talk 1

M ; Men Oil! lust like women. We're oil Imperfect creatures. bul we 011 have the ~a m ... n ...... d~ and desires. However, 5Omehow, soctety warps' a 101 of men. They're 5upposed to be ~slrong" be<;au$e of the responsibility of sUl'poning a fomlly ond a nation. Sensitivity Is Interpreted ' 0$ a sign of weakness.

F , Yeah. yeah. I've heard all of Ihls before. And women ore regorded a s the "nunuring caTe.glvcrs,H 50 they act OUI ' the role thot ~soclely" has crealed (or th em. ! don't buy ' any of th is explanation. qu lle frankly. Men a nd women are IlI.'iI different, no matter what socie ty they belong to.

M , Every person 15 different from every o ther_even Idenllcal twins ' or ... not ... xactly alike. But Ihese differences or ... vorlollons on a th ... m .... • In a gen ... ral $('nse. all humons are th ... same biologically. Bul there are over-lapp ing ' charocterlsllcs Ihol we 0150 share mOr(! full y with people who a re like us. So, in a $ense, most men ore like other men, and somewhat different from women. no matter where they are from; ond Amer'lcans ore not th ... 5O.m ... ru;

Koreans, even tho ugh that doesn't mean thaI "oil Koreans ore the 5Ome." It's just endless vOr'lety against a commo n bockdrop. '

F , How did we gel off o n ' this sUbject? I wasn't looking for a phl1050p hlcal dlscu~ion, I just wanted 10 let you know that I appredate you r being such a good friend.

M : I'm 50rry [gal o ff-track. ' Thanks for the compliment. '

Qu •• tlo". 1. Con men and ~ intetoct closely as friet>dsl

2. How ~I a p<!'nan's social,-ok o"«t his 0<' het p""ona/ity? ~~~&r -_ on.ctl""'l"' ___ .unlMt!'.",_

.""- -_ ......... --- .... , ..... , '*"""'--~ ... -.buy ,-",-.--. ---.. ...... - ....... -.... ~ .... -~­·y_'..,.,.on.u, ..... __ '0._-""""._"_ ._-!appong,--....... """""""""'"

. _<1<01> _ 'lI"'otIon ' .... cttod ... . ""·,,..,k............. ..,..,.".,..,.., .. ...-",_",,_,-

Page 138: Talk talk talk 1


... "1) IGllogu ..

I M ; I don't see the need fo r doing this.

F ; What? Separating the garbage? II 's to help conserve ' the environment.

M : I 'm not stupld-I know why the cons and paper and glass should be separated! But I don't understand why WI need to do It. We go to all the trou ble of doing thls­and we even have 10 spe nd m oney o n speC ial , expen sive, trash bags!-ond t h en the garbage men come by and dump It all inlO the some lruck anyway. It all just gets compocted' together. Why bother?'

F : One thIng at a l Im e. Soon er or later, a bette r garbage system will be put Into place.' But by then, everyone wl!l be used to the sort Ing, and we'll all be better off. '

M : Th ings need to be beneT coordinated. ' It 's not just the individuals who n eed t o conserve and recycle, but governments n eed to have e ffective progra m s. And businesses need to conSider the dam age they're doing a nd not be so obsessed with ' slightly higher profits. They can be responsible and make adequate money, too!

F : We're all in the wo rld, togeth er, that's for sure. But we have to start som ewhere.

M : O n e thing that would make a lot of diffe re n ce right now-more than t h is useless sortlng!-Is If people would stop li ttering.

F ; Right. I go hiking, and It Ju st makes me sick. All the trash piled up everywh ere. The m ou ntains a re covered with mountains o f junk. All people h ave to do Is lake out with them whatever they brought in, Instead of leaving it behind.

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Page 139: Talk talk talk 1

T,llk, Talk, Talk 1 ' 1'<1[1 \ I

M ; On 0 $Imllar note. I also hate the nolse pollution. I go to some temple for pea.,.. and ..erenlty. ' to get away from the hus tle ond bus tle ' of city Ufe . and $Orne loudspeoker Is blorin g ' owoy with 0 chont ' or something. U's like being a ssaulted ' by the street vendors ' early In the mor n ing. W he re can we find a ny quie t?

J' ; We' re breot h l n g d irty air, drinking poisoned waler. The fresh fruit we eot Is covered with pesticides. ' The meal Is fu ll o f Ch e m icalS. The tre es , even the mountol n " the m selves. are being cut down to build new aportm"nts. Eve ry p ia.,.. Is full o f noise a nd bod sm e lls. Everything looks I)'a stle, ( ammerda!, ugly.

M : And t h e who le world Is gett ing tho l wa y. The re's no place to go to onyma n' thal 's stili u n spoiled.

r : We all need to do more. So SlOp complolnLng abo ut seporotlng the !rosh .

I . Who haJ f~ kJrgnl ~ fa pby in prol«t .... g thr enllironffYnlJ

2. What iJ _ thing fhol you can dol

.--.-..-.-.. __ tt. , ...... _~ .... .,.o<_ .. ono_ ._. _"""""_--'I' . c ..... " ._. __ "'_ . ..-... "'""""'"_ ,,,-,-,,,," .. - ... -- .. --.~,,,-._ ' 0 ___ -·_ '",icM .• __ ",,,,,,-..._,,,_

Page 140: Talk talk talk 1

r::::ue I F ; One of the nrst things I do whenever I

for the first time is go to the museum.

M ; Why?

visit someplace

F ; It 's like being In vited Into somebody'! attic ' o r closet. You get real insight Into the way the people live a nd th ink.

M : I've be{>n to IoU of museums. A few of them were really awesome, ' I admit, but most of them were pretty boring. A lot of the displays didn 't make sense to m e, ond it con be p retty tiring looking at the same thing over and over.

F : [ agree that museums are like anything else-there are good ones and bad ones. Bul the best ones orc worth every moment 1 spent In them, and the worst ones are better than nothing.

M : W hat do you look for in a good museum?

F : Li ke you, I like variety. There's no reason to have to look 0 1 hundreds of broken pots, fo r Insla nce. One or two of each type Is plenty.

M : 111 soy! '

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T.1Ik, Talk, Talk 1 / Port \ I

r : And some simple explanallo ns of what you're looking 0.1 arc vcry useful in putting th ings in COIIICXI. ' M~t of thc time. the InfonnOUon Is c lther Irrolevont ' to the ordinary vlsilo r, ar too overwh l'!l m ing to absa rb. So I think most curata rs' could do a better job ot tho t.

M : Thc a thc r probll'!m J havl'! Is whcn museums don't havc vc ry g<)Od, reprcsentative, collecllons. They usc \00 many mock. u p s· or dioramas ' Instcad of s h owi n g uS Ihe real thin gs.

r : Ofte n that's just because Ihl'! re al things don't cxist ony more. Sam c c ul turcs are marc · pack. rat"' soclelles than o thcrs. Samc cultures lust 50Ve stuff automatically, ond o the rs constantly throwaway the old.

M : And thcn Ihey b lame on " invading ormy· for dest roying a r lo oting ' the ir treasums, whe n In fOCI thcy lust never bothered to keep them thcmselv~,

1 . Wh(J!;j Ihe btll museum you hoW! I!'VI!r vililed'

2. Have you l!'VI!'gane 10 che lame mUlwm more IOOI! oflul Why?

· ... _.t _ .. "' .. -... __ ..... . - .... ,- ... -""' ..... --~ . .,......... ,. ___ ~.--...."""'Y."' IOO

·mock·...,, '._ . .,.,.., ........ kIo'_.·_ono."' ......... • dlof ..... _ -..."" __ .. ___ ,,,. ___ . _ --:e:-::i.~ .. ":':-~"':=::::""""""',,:;:.--~

Page 142: Talk talk talk 1


~ 'D,., .... I F: Which person has the world's

philosopher or the poet?

M: What are you talking obout?

most useless job, the

F : Which one has thc k'Ost value to SOCiety?

M : How do you define · value? And, more to the point. why do you think poets and philosophers don 't hove any?

F: Oh, maybe they used to hove (l function. Serore the scientific method wos developed, philosophers at least thought about how the world rea lly worked. They developed moth and logic as rigorous' areas of study, and until about a hundred years ogo, Psychology was port of the Philosophy department~ In universities. But as soon as the scientific method was applied. philosophy no longer mattered . It become mere speculation' and semantics, ' with no real function In the world anymore.

M : I think you' re absolutely wrong about that! The sdentlsb' k~p trying to reduce the world 10 Q few universal principles. From Einstein onwards. ' they hove attempled to deVISE!

=== . rigor ,o<no,,-'" __ .1'I0<ti0n"'~ _specuIIl. _doopIyW.......,ona ..... . --.,. ... --.a.or .. ~d ... --.a.oI._ ........... __ :_.1'1..,..,.",_ ..... - '-*"*'11_"""'-_._...-._ .... _ ........ _."' ...

Page 143: Talk talk talk 1

o Unified Theory of motter, ' but reality Is for more varied and compleK than they wont It 10 be, Philosophers kl't'p eKponding the p<:>$5lbillties, In a logica l manner. Just by eKtropolallng ' from the known, they are able 10 conceive' of things Ihat scientists don't even consider. For In stance, black holes were postulated ' lo ng before a n y were discovered,

F : But they were actually d iscovered by scie nl lsts! Until that lime, Ihey were entirely ImagInary. like faIries and unIcorns. '

M : BUI If it hodn" been for philosoph ers ImaginIng Ihe eKlslence o f black h o les, sclentlsts wouldn'l have even thought to look for them. They wouldn'l have devised eKperiments 10 delermine If Ihey hod fou nd them or not.

F: 1 agree Ihot "logIc· and "t h e sclentlflc ,"ethoo" were developed by philosophers, bUI o nce ~clenllsts came Into being Ihey supeTSoNied ' th e philosophers. If scien tists found data Ihat dldn 'l fit into Iheir IXlrodlgms, ' Ihey would use Ihe tools of science to try to figure out why things didn't work as predlcted-Ihey'd have found Ihe blo ck holes even If no one hod thought of them b@forehond. Ooll't forgel, In Ihe Middle Ages philosophers eKpcndcd ' a g reat deal of effort trying 10 de<:tde h ow many angels could donee on the head of a pin- even though there aren 't a n y angels.

M : I didn't soy philosophers were always rig h t. But neither ore scientIsts. lust look at how mo n y "sclentlflc facts" have been provo.>d unlrue. Even well illto Ihe 20th century. It was Impossible for men to travel foster than the speed of sound, according 10 sclenlists. 8u\. maybe ev<!n mort! Importantly, phllosophh:ol Investigations of e thIcs ' are absolutely necessory if we are going to have" morol use of sctence-

..... _ .............. __ """'I.a.j"""->

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. ~, .... - ... ---- ... -"'-..... -.• ,-"" ,_"' __ .O_ •. _oI __ "'_, ..... .oI~

Page 144: Talk talk talk 1

do we really wont to clone humon beings or not? Wh y or why not? lust because something con be done doesn 't mean it should be done.

F :Okay, I' m willing to reconsider my notions on philosophers. But I'm still right about the poets. What a worthless crew' they are!

M : I can't believe you! In every culture, poetry exis ted lang before prose. The great poets tell us oboullhe world, and how we fit In to It, even bener than the philosophers do. They aren't particularly Interested In Wfacts,~ but only about ~ITUth" and ~beouty."

F : These are a lso areas of philosophica l enqu iry, ' as I recall.

M : Absolu tely. But for most philosophers-Plato and Nletsche may be the only exceptions-words are b lunt ' tools, like numbers. But t he poets toke ph ilosophical speculation, human relationsh ipS, emotions, Ideas of justice and love-anything that humans are capable of being concerned about-and transforming' them into not only meaningful but also memo rable expressions. Sometimes, they don ' t even express Ideas, they lust present words and sounds in an Interesting, pleasing manner, sort of like mUSicians do.

F : But I don't see how that Is very importan t.

M : On a logical plane, ' II Isn't. The scientists have spoiled our enjoyment of many things that we can't find rea.sonable explanations for. But human culture cannot exist without a S('nse of the Ineffable. ' MUSiC, literature, dance, palntlng, sculpture, architecture, handicrafts -and poetry, maybe more than ony of the o thers-all of

._ ,_otpeope

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Page 145: Talk talk talk 1

Talk, Talk, T.,Ik 1 / I'"rt \ I

these things a Te a bsolutely vlla l to us, even though they do n 't h a ve a " fun c tl o nal ff value . O r ma ybe the y a re fu m:tlanol fo r mai ntaIning o ur · Sou l," whatever that Is .

F : All right , now that you mention It , wha t a bout the Soul? Maybe re li g io n Is e ve n m o re u se less t h an poetry or phllosophy.

M : Or maybe relig io n Is really the marriage between poetry a nd phll050phy, and the sou n;e o f both.

F : W hoa ! Let's toke a b rea k. Th is co nversation b getti ng m uch heavier tha n I had Intended.

1. Prioritize the following according to value: phi/05Ophy. science, poetry; religion.

2 . Do we hove sooiJ l Why do you think $01

Page 146: Talk talk talk 1


l 'DM ,., .... I : 00 ludges have \0 be lowyers?

F : It's probably a good Idoo, usually. But mainly they need to hove good judgment. They should hove a sound ' understanding of both the low and human nature.

M : Whal about coses In whIch the sentence is automatically mandated ' by the low? When the~ Is no ludlda]' dlscrellon ' allowed?

F ; In those cases, it doesn' t matter, does it? we might as well just have 0 vendIng machine: insert the crime ond It dispenses Ihe prescribed sentence. But Ihm's 0 terrible system, I think, lows by their very na ture ore on ly generally applicable' \0 any specific sitl.lotlon - every ("(lse is In fo ci dIffe rent , and we need to be able to discern ' the na ture of these differences and apply 0 fair, lust sentence.

M : Whot do you moon?

F : ror Instance, some sto tes hove odopt l'd lows Ihol say the third commjs~joll ' ~ of a felony ' au tomatically \' loods to a life sentence.

M ; Whot's wrong with that?

F ; ]t doesn 't take In too«ount ' the nature of the crime. ]f

Page 147: Talk talk talk 1

T.llk, Talk, T,llk 1 / I'"n \ I

Ihese were oil violent offenses, moybe this would moke some iM,'niM,'. But If all Ih""! of them were relollvely minor c rimes, like burglo ry or plckpockell ng, \I seem s preny eXlreme 10 lock up ' the guilty persall forever. [I's also very COSily ' to do $0. And Ihe ~lluoUon Is even WOI"$e If the Ihlrd fe lo ny conviction Is largely a technlcollty ' rather Ihon a reol crime, Uke violating your parole ' In some min or woy fo r Instance.

M : Whot would you suggest inslead?

r : let (l h uman betn g make Ih e final dete rmi nation . Give h im $Om(' l~ay. · Moyb@ Ihe approp rlale $enlence would I)(' from 5 years In prison 10 tlfe; mayb@, depending on the clrcums tanCC$, Ihe cho ice Is either 0 life S('ntence or Ihe dcoth penalty. ' Are th...., any exl('nuOling drcumstonces?' ­only a wl$e person con make Ihol detennlnaUon, not on obsuocUon ' like ~The Low.·

M : 6uI Isn' , Ihe pro hle m Ihol ludges have 10 0 much dlSCretlon? So If two people commit C$$Cnllally the some crime, one moy b@punlshedseverelyand Ihe o ther gel off' IIghlly, del>endlng on who ludges Ih elr ca se?

F : Th ere Is something to be said for "eqUid lu.<Uce,· certolnly. A partial solullon might be scts of guldclln('s $u99('5Ied by l'(ln('ls of judges, poi n ti n g oul Ihe ·usual" scnl(,llee th ai socie ty 1mpos('5. Thai woy th(' IUdge would have a Sia ndard of jusllee he could opply, bUI h e would also be free to Impose 0 different sentence If h e tho ught ;1 approprtate ' 10 do $0.

M : Moybe. Bal I bet Q lot of ludges approve 0( th e oUlomallc­$ente n ce sySlem. Thai way, they con a cl a s refer.,." i n

_Iockup ,_ .c:o.oIy _ -t--, .~_-.. __ "' .....

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--""' -"-"''''''' '00' 0 11 , __ ",_

.~,. ,-

Page 148: Talk talk talk 1

applying the legal rules of evidence and so forth, hut they don't h ave to wrestle ' with their consciences in tough cases. If they do their job by conducting a fair trial, they don 't have to won y about whether they're doing t he Uright thing" by se n tenCing a person to death - they no longer have any choice in the motter, so they can quit work at 5:00 and go home to lead a normal life. They don't have to lose a ny sl~p agonizing' over what to do.

F : I'm sure there are lazy judges. But that doesn't mean they are good judges. The really dedicoted ones do the best they can to balance the demands of justice and the law- not ne<:essarily the same thing - and accept their m o ral responsibH!ty in doing so. If people can't make hard decis ions, they shouldn·t be judges!


1. Is copital punishment justified? Under what conditions? What wO(Jld a proper p(Jnishment be, im/ead of the death penalty?

2. Why are rich people p(Jnished less often than poor people?

Page 149: Talk talk talk 1

Tollk, Tol lk, Tol lk 1 / 1'm1 ' I

Page 150: Talk talk talk 1



M ; Tonight I'd like to Introduce you to my new girl frie nd.

F : What? The stripper,' you mean?

M : Actually, she's an ex-stripper. ' These days she works In an office.

r : I'm surprised at you. How could you date someone like tha t?

M : 1 don't understand. I've doted lots of offi ce girls before.

F : Don't be cutel ' You know what I moon . A stripper!

M : Why are you so prejudiced? ' You haven't even met her.

F : But I know about her former profession. She doesn't have any shame!

M : You seriously misj udge her. She's actually one of the most modest women I've ever known. She's very honest ond coring. 00 you th ink she's (I prostitute ' or whot?

F : The next thing to a prostitute.

M : Actually, we s h o uldn't automatically ju dge prost itute s e ith e r­t hey're 011 dlf(e re n t, just like everyone else.

F : Hmmmph!

-<~ =-=~"= ~'!f _alripptr • ___ ... "' .... _.,.. ... . .......,_"'II_ "' _01 .. -.c. '''- . • ",.Il'101 __ .Don'lbt_ , Oon,""c:o,: ...... ~ __ IO .. .....,.....,. __ ..... _

. prwjudic<o : ...... _IO~"............,_ ~"_~"'''''"'''' __ ..... "'--..... .::a;._ .ptOaIIuI. :. ____ acu __ ""..-r

Page 151: Talk talk talk 1

Talk, T.lIk, Ta lk 1 ! pun \ I

M : BuC In chis rose, !L's 0 rool injustk:e. Whot's wrong with the humon body? We've all got one, you know.

F : 8ul we don't all s how it off In publiC.

M : Everyone is dIfferent. A 101 of people wear clothes thaI leave very lillIe to Ihe Imagination, ' especlally on Ihe beach. And there are a 10\ of nudist colonIes ' and nude bcache .• In Ihe world. where people walk around wIthout ony clothes on 01 alt, hUI they' re nOI self·consclous l>e<:ause nobody else is weoring a n ylhlng eLlher. They lell me Ihat after a while-a very short whl1e-lhey don'l even noUre anymore.

f : You're avoiding the subje<:l.

M : No, I'm not. I'm soyin g Ihol U's all relot\ve. ' Oifferent cullu~' ho~ diff"r"nt stanoords of modesty ' In dlff,,",nt sltuattons, and there ore al~ Indlvlduol differences 0$ well. When my girl friend W05 younger. she need<'d a lOb. She had 0 good body ond she was 0 good doncer, so she be<:ome 0 strIpper. She says thol II wos emoorrossing ot first , hovlng a 101 of stronge men looking 01 h"r, bUI ~he gol u.so..>d to Lt .

F : Thol"$ what she told you ?

M : Of course. Why shouldn 't I believe her? On 5t('ge. the strIppers ore ju~t like olher performers. ' They me octors. There Isn't any genuin,,- sc"uol oCUvlty going on, except maybe In the minds of the audIence. But there's no touching, no physlcol contoct of a ny kind. II's like ""ing 0 model Or somebody On lel"Yislon _ you don 't even think about the other peopl", you jusl do your joll ond Ihen you go home .

L . __ -v _10 .... iMagIAMIon -., _00 ... ......- -~~~~= . nudIt.'<:OI<><')' ._"'_"" ___ 00\10_ •• _

. ..--,_ .... _-""..---_ . . -Iy, ............ "'-"'...-.g"" .. -,~""'-<, . ....... ""' ..... • __ _ "' ........ r ..... ....,.. ... _

. __..;n. __ . .... "'"....

Page 152: Talk talk talk 1

F : But don't you think these women ore pretty stupid, displaying themselves Uke that?

M ; Some are, but they'd be stupid no maner what Job they had. But J've met a lot of her old friends who used to strip, o r still do In fact, and, as a group, t hese are some of the most Intelligent women I've known. Between acts, t hey tend to paSS the time by reading serious fiction, philosophy, poet ry. They're usually ve ry reserved, ' Introspective ' people-It's o nl y on stage that th ey p retend to be exhibitionists. '

F : It ~ms like you've done a lot of research.

M ; Well, when I first got to know my gi rl friend, 1 had misgivings. ' But the more I found out about her, the more Impressed 1 became. I don't contin ue to date her because she used to take her clothes off in public, I dote her because she's a fine huma n being with lots of good qualities.

F : Who also has a nice body.

M : Yes, who also has a good body- but, more ImponanUy, a good mind and a good hean.

Page 153: Talk talk talk 1

T.llk, Talk, Talk 1 / I'"rt \ I

1. If someo<M' offer«llo pay you 10 take your clothes ott in publk, whal would you do?

2. Are ·modeJtyN ond NmorolityN reialffilo eoch ot~ or entirely diJtincll

Page 154: Talk talk talk 1

F : Do you know the poem about Richard Cory?

M: Isn't that a song?

F : Orlglnally it was a poem by Edwin Arlington Robinson. But later on, raul Simon ~wrole It as a song. The two are very different. but they have the some theme.

M : Which Is?

F: That a penon can be rich and popular and still be unhappy. In the end, Richard Cory mysteriously kills hlm.self.

M: Do you think that's true?

r : I know thot money con't buy happiness., but I'm not so su~ that rich people con', be happy.

M: Money can buy a lot of things thot make prople happy, though. like a nice house, 0. fun vocation, books, paintings, a new car. It can help you stay hlC'a l thy, because you can offord to ~ a doctor regularly.

F : In the end, these are lust things. They're a substitute ' for real happlnes.s, but nOI actuol]y happiness.

M : They are symbols of a happy life. NOI everyone enjoys art or travel, so for some prople th_ Ihlngs ore just a waste of money. BUI if you're In love with droma and you can't offord theater Udcets, you're pretty mlseroble.

F : And yet, people with no material posse$$lons 01 all are often the happiest on earth. '


Page 155: Talk talk talk 1

Talk, Ta lk, Talk 1 /I'"rt \ 1

M : God must lov~ th~ poor, becuuse he made so many of them.

F ,What do you meon by tho!?

M : Most poor people aren 't very happy at all. They con stantl y have to worry about where and how they'll live, how to lake care o f thei r families, what would happen If they gal sick. There of len Isn't any room' In their dally lives for happlne».

F : Th en you think you have to m, ri ch to be happy?

M : I th ink it's very much an Indiv idual 5l1uo \lon. Some folh seem n aturally o ptimis\lc a n d "nloy 11fe, even when the rest of UJ can't understand what there IJ for the m to be so happy ol:>out . Oth ers can' t ever S(!C m to have a good lime, no molte r how much they OWn. But most people seem to need Jom e material well·b~l ng I n order to hov~ a conlented, ' h a ppy feeling.

F : The p roblem , I guess, is Ihot people olwoys ~m to wonl m ore, and this discontent makes them unhappy.

M : Moybe. BUll think ii's hord to gcne ralLw. ' 11 mIght be Ihot the c halle n ge of - getting more~ Is wha t gIves them the g rt!otesl pleasure, not lust t he possessio n of Lt.

F : I gues.~ people orc happy or unhappy lu~1 becouse they fed that woy, not necessorily becouse there's som e objective reason for thot feeling.

~ !2 .... t/o ...

2. Whol au: tM IhingJ lhol give }'Ott/he tnOJI happlMU? 1. CHfirw, once and for 0".' whot a "happy life- Is.

.""""" --""--·~Iood , "' ___ .""'_oom_ • __ It .. ........ _"'_",..,.,.,.,.,..,.,fn>m~. __ "'"cao. ·~_IOr"" , __

Page 156: Talk talk talk 1


M : The o lde r I get, the harder II se(!ms to ke<!p my weight s lOble. '

F : I know what you mean. It used to be that I could gain a lot of weight over the holidays for instance, and gel rtd of It all in a we<!k or so. Now it never se(!ms to go away, n o moner how hard I try.

M : Why Is that , do you suppose?

F : It's metabolism .' Our bodies slow down with time, and they lust don't bum off' the fat like they used to. I guess it has something to do with the fact that we a~n'l rcoUy growing a nymore- we've reached our adult height , so a ll the extra food we take in has to get sto red within our existing frame.

M : It·s like pocking a Suitcase. It only ho lds.so much, and If It gets 100 full II either won't dose o r it ' ll explode.'

F : That's right. There's also a genetic predisposition. ' Some people won' t ever gel fot no matter how much they f!Ot, and olhers will , no motter h ow little. They lust can 'l help ' it.

M : That's too pe$:'llmlstic. Anyone con lose weight. If you take in fewer co lorles than you burn off, you will inevitably' lose weight.

F : Bu t for som e fo lks it's mu ch harder than for others, thol '$ all.

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Page 157: Talk talk talk 1


M : All we need Is dlsdpllne and will power.

F : Or Hwon't power.8 actually. But It ,still Isn't easy.

M ; Drinking 0 lot o f water Is one woy of tackling' the problem. We feel full . but the..e isn't ony real nutrition in the water. So we don't get hungry. and we lose weight anyway.

F : Up to a point.' Sut we still need to eat. you know, whether we feel hungry o r no\.

M : So. we should eat one good meal a day. lust a small one, well .bo,lan,ed. That way we'll stay hrolthy.

F : Thot'li work. I think. But whot aoout l)COple whe) fast? '

M ; These doys they usually ge t by on water and vitamins, maybe ,ul'plemented ' bYe) lot of fruit lulce. With core, someone con go for on owful long Ume without eallng. But of COUI"$(', this reqUires even more discipline thon (1 nonnol diet. I sure wouldn" recommend It!

F : ~Ides, eating Is 0 soclo1 actlvily os well . I wouldn't wonllO give ul' my lunches with my friends. no matter how fal I go\.

Ii> Q .... tlo".

1 . Somerimn ~ diet fO go;n wri9hl OJ owII. How would )'IXI

exlviu ~ fa do lhot?

2. De5<riOt)'lXlr typicol doily food and 1H!wrage' inlOke .

. _Ioo :_.., ___ .... " .... _"'._ ..... ~ ·""ro_1>OMi1 "'_"'onI:to __ ""'_~ . ,,.., . __ .. ..,_.,.onI\< __ .ouppI_' _1 .... J"'I .. t-,l .. _IO~~"'_ . .."".,_. --- ,.-... '"'"*"'II .............. , ...... ...,., ....... ~-..

Page 158: Talk talk talk 1

Openers for Your Discussion!

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I Ao~., To . elurn '0 T " 'co b;,ck to Goi ng b>.ck 10

I Wh., .... '<t. ,,·c ,~lklnll·boUil

I'd Ilk. '0 k...,... Could Y"" ",II ,nc

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.... ,I .. I ... 'hing

FI"" ,,1.11 l he """" Imj><>l"'''' ,loin,"'

Tho: Ifou bk ;,. Don·, I""., ,,,-, The ~wFul ' hhllt I~

1'1 ~t! J.t111 8 Do you mol .... !ha' 010111 till II<II<~. I, Or 1>0<


be ..... me: \'oNoo, .... lor inl<""I"' .... but

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In .nrc­Re , ... nin, ..., I .. , ·.s<'~'" Whr« ....... 11

I· ... In .. ' .. ,W In Could l •• k 00 you happen '0 k"" .. '


Vou ~. U.'cn

Tu 1.><,,,, wllh


Ah,rlll .. So ,h,,,

f .... lIy

Th, " .. In .hlnlt I:< !'rim.oily

The poohkm I~ Tho ",.1 poobicm I,

SuIJ'''''n"y y,,,, " .. y .... , bd;.-yc ,hi,., bu.

Page 159: Talk talk talk 1

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('"us .... 1\0.' 1 1)0 you Im ow ... \uo. I

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A~"'ally To 1<11 Ih< " Ulh To"" hl" n l

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I '''''''gly bdlc~< , '", en,wi ne"') WI,ho" , ~ doubt

In n'y <~"" P«"""" lIy. I'm mor< ;m< ...... oo m

1" '< huru Ju_" 1"'1"''''''' l-"u and m c I h"" •• hcy ... y

Why don',)'O" II. ,,"'C'" you, I ... OOlld " <",a~ yo .. """Id , ~

Mar I "",k< '" ,uggBlion

" m pl.onn'ng ' 0

Qu. pL.n Is.., W h "" " 'C ha~< In m Ind i . W II. , "'" plan 10 do ...

1l"~rdh'lI A. fa r • • (><J me lh l"8) I. <'()n <~<tl<d

Whe •• (""""'I 'm'lIl "COOKC"".!

I'vc K'" ' '''''''' I .. , you! You w<>n, I><II",c ,hi., bu,

tty .,od b'g< N.,..",,,,Lly Tn" ... I.,.

II ... r ... "kly Toll>< hon.,.,

T J,a' 'enol" d. nw: lIefo. < I /0'ltC'

• ""ap .... hI "'y c>-o",,,,'ion To",y mlnd "m .. <eu y ou« I 11 .. _ •• >SOn '" 1><1 .....

1'." 1'."'III~< Undoubted ly

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Page 160: Talk talk talk 1

Wh~" II ""m<:O I" (somc,hh,g) I" . ha, <np«1

On ti,., ''''''"' In ~<"a ... lIkel h;. In ~ ";I~"1oot like ,hit 'n '''to ,ypr"r .. ,,,,., ......

TI .. ,.~J>.t., ,h. poi'" II", ' h~ P',lm I. Th .. "">co • p,,,bl~m IIUI ,h. 1'00101 .... ""I,h ,lui I.

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-fhe n::""'" ... h y I)". '0 Boo"", ... ,,-1'0' 'hi> •• ~..,.n o..ing '0 ,h i> T hi. i. w h y TIu ... why

'" As_ ,-QUh Th~

~ 1) illi l/ot'Z! .1';;I !\!Qe Well. "hm 'l/U \lJIIIW l~.·. ",,' "'his w.,. _.

~8J ~>1 "K!!!I IIIl! Ille ItICDII u eo

•• Who, I mun 1$

\Vh.o, "m .. yl ... l~ Don' , ge' Ill. w.on~

A. la • • s ,ha,.,... In cI .. , ,,, .. an«

In ,hi. ca>C

In ... c h •• 1<".<lon 'n ,h .. , ... , .....

II", ,he q"",,(lun i , II", ' h r. ... 1 q " .... Io " I~

n,b ... i>D a ""eo""n

And . ""' ..... ,hlng w" ... ~ onore I oni&h' ",1<1 la'm""'f~'" P,,, •• he ru. ,ha,

The m. ln .... ..,n whyOw' ''g'o

On aero,,'" of 'hl~ Il«aux of , lob ThIs is ,he ", • ..,n .... hy ·"ha,·. ,he ' ...... n ... hylhc •• r".c

C<>nscq"""" y

w.n .I • • · . ... 111 h.n. ' 0 ' hlnk abo .. , , ... ,

Wha,' """lin''''''' What ,' ", "yin, ,o ... y i,

Don"' .n l' .. nd"',"'oo .... (on ,bi. poln') I.e, .... pD' ,, >not"". way 1 'loa" , "'" w ... , I ... W Who, •• cally ....... You "'" .. 1 .. ...., ", .... ndc ... ..".. .... ..... , .• g« ,1<I.&'",lgh, . , ... ,d

'don', ""r. for 1'", no< ...,.n, to

• cion', II,.., Who, • "" • .-, .... ,«1 is

I'", " ,,' ... !ly i."c.~,.d In I cion', neW

I ""n', s",oo " 'hl> ~'. "'Y Ilk. of ' con ', 'ake

" ... "0' ",,,.rled .bo". I ... "" no "," r .. t

Page 161: Talk talk talk 1

34) "II! <.mol 1101 ....


I don" h.ov~ , ..... ,ime 1<>

I'm po.l~c'ly ""H.fi .... wi,h I'd p.efer

1_00". why An< y"" ... ,,_ whon y"" oay Whydo)'Ou Oon', you ,h",k (OI.My .... "'111- ) Would,,',., be 0 &<>od ;d .... I .. <>r><Ia- II

Co,,)'Ou uplain ,,·hy I don·, " "M.....,.nd .. ·h y Why~I" h .. Wh., dn)'O" "",~n by Wh~ , do y<>u h.v" In ml " d ( ... I,h)

I doub, I do,,', know il V ... bu. SU ' e. bu. I'd love to. bu. Th ...... y be .... bu, I tkM>., ..... ..:1 ... "",&< i" Wha, I'm ".,....,.m.«I abou. ~ Wha' botlM:n....., Is One. d .... "'ba.ck \!.

ConoMkn ... Toklng lnlo ...-cou", II yuu . ~""'n,br. Allow;"g 10t.1M: rac. All . h lngs con.ldc«d

If . h c.c·, " 0 o.her w.y I I ,h .... SO Wdl. ""du lho>o< d.cum.",,,,,u

Gc:n.c:ndly iUaouk OnUnorily

u.. .... Uy Ag."n.nd ogain

Oncelna" h ;k 1 rom u"'" 10 .Ime

The." ..... cxc"p.km •. 0 1 co,,"'" 0.... . h ould n,,,ntion . of CO"...., An uc~p'ion ." ,h~ •••. of co,,,.., T h to doc:s no' Include EKeCp. ,hal

I'm "", conce"' .... wi,h

I'd .... h«

Do Y"'" rally .hink (0.- b<11cw)

I ... •• I, ,noc: ""'. Do,... .. monon 1<> ... y Wouldn't. i. br be" .. Why don·')'Ou

I wooo.,. why I kc:cp wo" dcrin& ,,·hy W h y do yo .. , h i"k

I'm.r",1<1 lIu. t h e p. OOkm b. P,,"lbly. b", TI ...... (tOO<! Idea. bu, Tho .... ""Id be: s.ca •. ""cep' V..,.. bu. , ..... q..odon Is Who. I ' ", ... orricd abou. I. What I· ... af .... ;d 01 \!. Wlu, 1 don', Ii..., i5

Suin, ~n"'n,brnng

KU I)!''''' '" mind When)'Ou con .ideo

' nge ne .. 1 M_ly iU • S~..., ... I <uk

M"". 01 ,he time Tim.ond ..... In

6"C'Y ..,of'en !:vcty I1Ow;1nd that

W"h 'hc ,""up'lon of (' ho') 0". e>lc<p.lon i.

Page 162: Talk talk talk 1

~1).tt!! >.U!Ot III .. ....

Bu. who . ~bou.

l'<>rc,..mpk TaM I .... ,"""",pi<.

ro, one . hl"3 To mu .. "'t~ my poln' A. an Hlu"",.jon

To ",~kc a j""8 " " ' Y ,h"r[ So yo" k<:

~ In 'IK cnd To~"m "I' Sum",lng " p To p",1t In . n" .. 1K1l In brid

Th.o"~ rigll' Ok~y

'n I ag« (with Y"") Thd .·s true [ gu.".."",

Tha" , j .... ",h. t [ WJO>o 'hink in g . Tha.', u ... dy .... ho. L ...... Ih ink'''Jt. L .ou1dn·, .~t "" , h you mOft Th.o"~ uac.ly "' ..... I .h,nk. My r...,hnp..,....tly Y"u """:o»y th. , "PIn. t ,""c)'O<I' po>Int.

Tha"~ oldk"[",,. Aw. co",conl W ..... [

r d on" belic.·c II Arc you p..11,,,. hOY legl • d ;,;..,&<CC" I don't think ""

O"~ Wha' "P"Y Wh., a nu'''''''''' 1t"",,,,..',,1 TI .. , n."", have been "wl ul Oh, myGo<i

,• ':::::::"~,, •• 1 .... YOU' own f ... to

That" ,~h )'0<1

Bu • • h",k"f

For In"'n<"<: A d .... e ua".pk of . h .. ,. T .. &i"~ you an idea J">I.'.n ""''''1'1.

Su h. oh .. rt So fln~l!y Alli n .11 To cOlldu"'" T .. . um' .... riu To PUt It 111'0. 'e", worn. In" nu .. 1M:1I

RI,h. Co.rec, Ene.ly Y"u·,. right I Ion" ....

I le«I .IM: ... "", ..... y_ .,I .... y Th" .... load poi n •.

Arc you kl(ld""l Wh., do yo" n.ca n l

No. dcfln""y'­Th~' donn', fI" rdon·,._ I don .. . h",k .10 . ... b"

Th",·, ."" bad Wh.,,, ,h.",. r "o' yo"

How " , rlhl. ' "m..,...,. '0 lour ,ho.

Sornnbty you'llleam Srrvu rot< right

Page 163: Talk talk talk 1

43)~!!l WOI..... RI~h' lI!Ijq "'C"~h

And l Rolly' Anti .... , Uh_huh

U) ~ 'If'" Pardon_I

411} <'IO~ 010"'1 .... t.101 "a ..

Could yuu .. y , .... alP'n l Would you "'1"'_' , ..... "", ... , ~~,

Would YO" n,lntI "'pUl"', , ... ,/ I dldnl NICh 'MIlo .. 1"'''. Sony. 1 don', lo llow rou I dodn' .. , II .. , .

Son)'. ,,-1>.0. did )'0" ... r! •• 00 ..... ...,. I dodn·. uRtl<r .... ntI .h.a. 1)0 you mind ' <p<1I' ''", ,I .. " Ca" )'O" "'1"'"'' ,1>.0, 10 ...... . pI.".,...r -, M. r<>" "'11ow"" md b , hal . I<arl M. r<>" oo,nlngalonll"nd Go. 101

010, ,h .nk YIJU K",.J <>fyou ,o ... y ,h. , Do )-011 rully 'hlnk .... , I 'n, nau.red TI>.o.-s nl« 1<, h~ ..

So.ry. '·'. go. 10 ~o

r "''''' be I"In8 I hope yo .. do" " ",)rod . bu,

~, ,-, Well/

"'"d 'hen l Mh_l .. nm

1 ""g your I"'roonl

You""" med, ... W ... ,·~ ,ho, ~inl I·ml .... .

A .. you wi, h m.1 Okay 110 b . l 00 rou ""d ....... ntI '" farl RI,h"

010 • • han ks 1 hal'~ ,-cry k.nd 01 )"<> ..

·n,~n ks. I n«ded ,10 .. . 010. r", , bd you ,I,ink ....

1 ru.vc . o r .. 11 Would,..,.. .~._ n"'. pl .. "..1

"d b,,,,,,, 1<, y"" "" Thanks lor you. lime I k ....... YO" . . .. ""'y. "" l'Illc, YO" go l'-~ br<: .. 1"""1 ,.Iklng '0 you

Well. ,ha"ks "', ('01I'n, I'm ~frAItl' .... n·' ru."" "noe '0 "'Ik I apfI"""llIr y"". cam",