LAND AND WATER DAYS – INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AT RURAL COMMUNITIES Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Agricultural Knowledge and Information Systems For Rural Development and Food Security Improvement Magdi Latif Knowledge Outreach and Capacity Development Division FAO of the United Nations FAO of the United Nations Partnership and Knowledge Sharing for Development

T6: Partnership and Knowledge Sharing for Development

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T6: Making research and science reach farmers and end users - The above presentation was presented during the poster session for Market Place of the LWD in 17 December 2013. Agricultural Knowledge and Information Systems for Rural Development and Food Security Improvement, By Dr. Magdi Latif, Knowledge Outreach and Capacity Development Division - FAO of the United Nations, , Land and Water Days in Near East & North Africa, 15-18 December 2013, Amman, Jordan

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  • 1.LAND AND WATER DAYS INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AT RURAL COMMUNITIESPartnership and Knowledge Sharing for DevelopmentAgricultural Knowledge and Information Systems For Rural Development and Food Security ImprovementMagdi Latif Knowledge Outreach and Capacity Development Division FAO of the United NationsFood and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

2. LAND AND WATER DAYS INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AT RURAL COMMUNITIESOutline COMPLETED PROJECT NARIMS National Agricultural Research Information Management System VERCON Virtual Extension and Research Communication Network RADCON Rural and Agricultural Development Communication Network NAIS NATIONAL Agricultural Information System MAFNET Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries Information Network NAKEMS NATIONAL Agricultural Knowledge Exchange Management System ONGOING PROJECT HORTISUN Horticulture information Support System Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 3. LAND AND WATER DAYS INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AT RURAL COMMUNITIESAgricultural Research Network ModelWhat is NARIMS? NARIMS: National Agriculture Research Information Management System. http://www.arc.sci.eg Sharing Information for Strengthening Research It is a Web based bi-lingual information system aimed at capturing and disseminating information about: Research institutions Researchers of those institutions Publications and Research Results issued by those researchers Projects completed or currently active National Agriculture and Veterinary Research Plan in EgyptIt has: Backend - Content Management System for data management Frontend - For data browsing and searching Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 4. LAND AND WATER DAYS INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AT RURAL COMMUNITIESAgricultural Research Network Model National Agricultural Research Information Management System Bilingual (Arabic and English) Agricultural Research information system implemented in EgyptAchievements: Strengthened the KIM capacity of the Agricultural Research Centre (ARC) of the Ministry of Agriculture and Land Reclamation, Development and management of relevant and effective national agricultural research information system in support of agricultural and rural development and food security policies.Networked all ARC agricultural institutions through a national portal/system Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 5. LAND AND WATER DAYS INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AT RURAL COMMUNITIESFood and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 6. LAND AND WATER DAYS INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AT RURAL COMMUNITIESLessons Learned Institutional support Support from senior management is crucial for the success of a cooperative system such as NARIMS.Building on existing systems When developing NARIMS, significant savings in time, effort and money were made by adopting and/or adapting tools and methodologies developed by FAO.Locally adapted content and context NARIMS contains agricultural research information produced in Egypt.Capacity building A significant effort has been made to strengthen the capacity of institutions and people to provide the right content and to access relevant information.Strengthening partnerships and participation cooperation and coordination between researchers, whether they are within the same institute or in different institutes or organizations. The establishment of a Steering Committee provided an enabling policy environment for the management of NARIMS. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 7. LAND AND WATER DAYS INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AT RURAL COMMUNITIESRural Agricultural Network ModelRESEARCHVERCON Institutional Linkages Virtual Extension Research Communication NetworkVERCON is an information and communication network that: supports research/extension interaction and flow of information, and strengthens Linkages between research/extension for the benefits of farmers. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United NationsEXTENSIONFARMERS 8. LAND AND WATER DAYS INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AT RURAL Workshop on Agricultural Information Strategies Dubai 10-12 January 2004 COMMUNITIESMeeting the challenge with ICTs Provision of readily accessible information Management of large amounts of data, in real-time Two-way, horizontal and vertical communications 1. Problem2. Query and discussion3. Solution and new information sharedFood and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 9. LAND AND WATER DAYS INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AT RURAL Workshop on Agricultural Information Strategies Dubai 10-12 January 2004 COMMUNITIESThe StructureFood and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 10. LAND AND WATER DAYS INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AT RURAL COMMUNITIESMain functionsNews and events Multimedia Resources Center Questions and Answers Directory Agricultural technology Links Forum of discussion Newsletter Market information Weather Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 11. LAND AND WATER DAYS INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AT RURAL Workshop on Agricultural Information Strategies Dubai 10-12 January 2004 COMMUNITIESin Egypt www.vercon.sci.egFood and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 12. LAND AND WATER DAYS INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AT RURAL COMMUNITIESLessons learned Relevant and appropriate content Good management and coordination System relevance and sustainabilityFood and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 13. LAND AND WATER DAYS INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AT RURAL COMMUNITIESRural Agricultural Network Model Rural and Agricultural Development Communication Network in Egypt (RADCON) Project AimTo improve the communication between extension, research, private and public sectors and institutions involved in rural and agricultural development for the benefit of farmers and agrarian businesses at rural and village level. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 14. LAND AND WATER DAYS INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AT RURAL COMMUNITIESProject Objectives A sustainable operational dynamic information and communication system is to be developed that responds to the stakeholders requirements including resource poor communities. Fifty resource poor communities are to be identified and enabled to participate in the RADCON activities and benefit of its knowledge and information resources Innovative media communication program is developed to increase the benefit of RADCON. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 15. LAND AND WATER DAYS INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AT RURAL COMMUNITIESRADCON Network Sites www.radcon.sci.eg SitesStartPlannedCurrentResearch Institute (RI) Regional Research Station (RRS) Specialized Research stations Central Administration (CA) Agricultural Directorate (AD) Extension Centres Universities NGO ICD Units Villages2 3 0 2 3 25 0 0 0 03 6 16 4 9 73 2 3 0 508 8 31 3 19 96 7 3 7 50Total35166232Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 16. LAND AND WATER DAYS INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AT RURAL COMMUNITIESwww.radcon.sci.egFood and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 17. LAND AND WATER DAYS INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AT RURAL COMMUNITIESLessons Learned Government support and collaboration is very important. Institutional Capacity building for human and physical resources Development are essential for the project to succeed and sustain. Building trust and respect to the national counterparts is very important in building partnership with them for the project success. The establishment of Info. and Comm. for Development unit (ICD) is a strong evidence for proving that the institutional Development is playing an important role for project success and sustainability. Close collaborations and cooperation between ICT and ICD team (Counterparts and Backstopping) is play an important role for project success. Team work is the real key for project success. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 18. LAND AND WATER DAYS INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AT RURAL COMMUNITIESFood and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 19. LAND AND WATER DAYS INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AT RURAL COMMUNITIESFood and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 20. LAND AND WATER DAYS INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AT RURAL COMMUNITIESONGOING PROJECT Horticulture Information Support System - [HORTISUN]Project Objectives Strengthen the capacity of the Ministry of Agriculture and Land Reclamation to establish an effective and efficient horticulture sector information support network in support of rural and agricultural development in Egypt.Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 21. LAND AND WATER DAYS INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AT RURAL COMMUNITIESPROJECT OUTPUTS Output 1: A stakeholder analysis identified and a national information dissemination strategy for horticulture science and technology formulated. Output 2: A central horticulture information and communication unit within ARC established. Output 3: A Horticulture Information Support Network (HORTISUN) and an Arabic version of Hortivar and related website Output 4: The operational agriculture TV satellite channel strengthened for communication with growers and horticulture business operators. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 22. LAND AND WATER DAYS INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AT RURAL COMMUNITIESPROJECT OUTPUTS Output 5: Interface with small holder farmers enhanced in order to debate on their constraints and facilitate interaction with specialised research units, central laboratories, private sector stakeholders and stakeholders of the horticulture industry and donors community. Output 6: A team of professional staff in the horticulture sector trained and scaled-up their capacities in modern information management through HORTISUN and Arabic HORTIVAR. Output 7: A project proposal for further development of HORTISUN for enhancing its resource mobilization capabilities to fund its operations. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 23. LAND AND WATER DAYS INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AT RURAL COMMUNITIESPIPELINE PROJECT National Agricultural Research Knowledge and Innovation Network - [NARKIN] MALR/ARC Challenges - Coming to grips with the growing importance of the market and agribusiness; Strengthening its position at the frontiers of agricultural science, and giving focused attention to the technical and social problems of the many poor rural families; - Transforming MALR/ARC resource allocation process into competitive based system, through research consortia to enhance the efficiency of its human capital and technological capacities that are already in place; and - Strengthen the role of agricultural research for rural poverty reduction, income growth and enhanced quality of life in a market oriented context. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 24. LAND AND WATER DAYS INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AT RURAL COMMUNITIESPIPELINE PROJECT National Agricultural Research Knowledge and Innovation Network - [NARKIN] The Proposed Project aims to: Support MALR and ARC in meeting these challenges and the development and implementation of innovations in agriculture through collaboration among farmers, private sector, faculties of agriculture, civil society and public sector organizations, in response to the new opportunities and constraints created by the transformation of the sector.Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 25. LAND AND WATER DAYS INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AT RURAL COMMUNITIESPIPELINE PROJECT National Agricultural Research Knowledge and Innovation Network - [NARKIN] Project Outputs Create an enabling policy and institutional environment and build skills and culture to maximize benefits from R&D activities in terms of supportive information and dissemination systems; Support the transformation of ARC research system into consortium framework as a competitive business development system and technology commercialization models;Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 26. LAND AND WATER DAYS INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AT RURAL COMMUNITIESPIPELINE PROJECT National Agricultural Research Knowledge and Innovation Network - [NARKIN] Project Outputs Support the establishment of partnerships with faculties of Agriculture and other relevant research centres, private sector and NGOs to focus on the production to consumption systems, market-oriented research alliance and enhance competitiveness of the sectors production systems to improve the incomes and well-being of farm families in the disadvantaged areas of the country and to empower rural local communities; and Support the generation of innovations processes, information sharing, capacity building and human resources development. ; Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 27. LAND AND WATER DAYS INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AT RURAL COMMUNITIESFood and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 28. LAND AND WATER DAYS INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AT RURAL COMMUNITIESCountries Focal Points are actively Participating and providing contribution to the Regional Thematic Knowledge NetworksFood and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 29. LAND AND WATER DAYS INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AT RURAL COMMUNITIESMember Countries Representatives are contributing to and benefits of knowledge networks at national, regional and global levels.Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 30. LAND AND WATER DAYS INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AT RURAL COMMUNITIESThank YouFood and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations