Carol Billing Office: Nampa Campus, Rm. 311, Cube 11 Office Hours: M-TH, 6:30pm-7pm @ Nampa [email protected] 208.562.3391 Elementary Education Exit Seminar EDUC 290 Summer 2011 Course Description This course is the capstone course in the Teacher Education Program. Students will complete an outcomes portfolio and will begin a professional portfolio. Students will be introduced to representatives from Idaho institutions and encouraged to complete application materials for their institution of choice. (This course addresses National Education Technology Standards 1-5 and Idaho Core Teacher Standards 2, 3, 6, 8 and 9.) PREREQUISITE COURSES: EDUC 201, 202, 204, 205, and 215 Course Schedule This course is conducted online using Bb and email The course week begins Monday morning and ends midnight Sundays. Summer semester: June 6 – July 29, 2011 Course Goals Ensure computer literacy and course requirements have been met for the elementary education associates of arts degree at CWI Identify student’s needs for transfer to a university Identify educational programs and contact institutions Support student in compilation of completed Teacher Education Exit Portfolio Course Objectives & Outcomes Assessment: Upon completion of this course, the student should be able to meet CWI Teacher Education Exit Requirements. Students must fulfill the requirements below to successfully complete EDUC 290 and ultimately the Teacher Education Program. Revision date: 8/26/22 1

Syllabus - EDUC 290 Summer 2011

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Carol BillingOffice: Nampa Campus, Rm. 311, Cube 11

Office Hours: M-TH, 6:30pm-7pm @ [email protected]


Elementary EducationExit SeminarEDUC 290

Summer 2011

Course DescriptionThis course is the capstone course in the Teacher Education Program. Students will complete an outcomes portfolio and will begin a professional portfolio. Students will be introduced to representatives from Idaho institutions and encouraged to complete application materials for their institution of choice. (This course addresses National Education Technology Standards 1-5 and Idaho Core Teacher Standards 2, 3, 6, 8 and 9.) PREREQUISITE COURSES: EDUC 201, 202, 204, 205, and 215

Course Schedule This course is conducted online using Bb and email The course week begins Monday morning and ends midnight Sundays. Summer semester: June 6 – July 29, 2011

Course Goals Ensure computer literacy and course requirements have been met for the elementary education

associates of arts degree at CWI Identify student’s needs for transfer to a university Identify educational programs and contact institutions Support student in compilation of completed Teacher Education Exit Portfolio

Course Objectives & Outcomes Assessment:Upon completion of this course, the student should be able to meet CWI Teacher Education Exit Requirements.

Students must fulfill the requirements below to successfully complete EDUC 290 and ultimately the Teacher Education Program.

Complete AA requirements Complete the Teacher Education Exit Survey Demonstrate a proficient Teacher Education Portfolio. The Teacher Education portfolio

includeso EDUC 201 Autobiographical Essay (AE)o EDUC 202 Field Experience (Field Experience Form)o EDUC 204 Statement of Informed Beliefs (SIB)o EDUC 205 Individual Differences Student Profile Essay (IDSP)o EDUC 215 Educational Technology (Technology Portfolio)

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Textbooks and Required MaterialsThere is no textbook required. A three-ring binder is required.

PRE-REQUISITE SKILLS:Students need basic computer skills to access the Internet, send emails, and upload documents. You will also need basic skills in word processing and presentation software, like Microsoft Word and PowerPoint.

Student ContributionsCourse Work:

All assignments are due on the date assigned. Unless prior arrangements are made, late work is not accepted. After the first week of the semester, if the student does not submit assignments/communicate with the instructor, I will withdraw the student for lack of attendance.

Attendance: The college recognizes that punctual and regular attendance is the student’s responsibility.

In this online class attendance is demonstrated through regular participation in Discussion Boards and on-time submission of assignments.

It is the student’s responsibility to drop the course. During the first week of the term, a student may drop a course or completely withdraw without its being recorded on the student's official transcript. After the first two weeks a “W” will be recorded in any course the student drops. A student who stops attending but fails to drop or withdraw from the course will be given an F grade.

o Last day to drop classes without a W is Friday, June 10o Last day to withdraw (W grade issued) is Friday July 15

NOTE: No course may be dropped or withdrawn from after 75% of the course or 12 weeks of the term has elapsed, whichever is earlier. An Incomplete (I) grade may be available in the event that unexpected circumstances prevent the completion of the course after the twelfth week.

A class missed due to required participation in a verified school activity will not be considered an absence; however the instructor should be notified in advance when this will be necessary. Students who miss class or are absent for any reason, are still responsible for completing all course requirements.

Behavior: You are expected to conduct yourself in a positive and professional manner in this class

environment. All other class members should be treated with respect. You will receive a warning concerning inappropriate behavior. If the behavior persists, you will

be referred to the Office of Student Enrichment, and if the problem persists it may result in removal from the course.

ACADEMIC DISHONESTY: All work submitted by a student must represent his/her own ideas, concepts, and current understanding. Cheating or plagiarism in any form is unacceptable and violations may result in disciplinary action.

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Students are expected to be honest in all aspects of their college education. All work is evaluated on the assumption that the work presented is the student's own. Anything less is unacceptable.

Examples of dishonest practice include but are not limited to:

Cheating - The improper use of books, notes, other students' tests, or other aids during an examination. It is the responsibility of the student to obtain approval for the use of such aids prior to the time of the examination; otherwise, they will be considered improper. An "examination" is defined as "any testing situation in which the score will be used for credit in a course."

Plagiarism – Submission or presentation of a student assignment as one’s own in which substantial portions are paraphrased without documentation or are identical to published or unpublished material from another source (including another student’s work). An assignment is defined as “any materials submitted or presented by a student for credit in a course.”

Discovery of plagiarism can result in a failing grade for that assignment. If a student is caught a second time that student will receive a failing grade for the class.

The average student can expect to spend approximately 2-4 hours per week preparing for class.

Course EvaluationThis is a graded course.To pass this course, students must:

Submit a well-organized, complete, and proficient Teacher Education Portfolio Successfully complete the Teacher education Portfolio Review process Submit the Teacher Education Program Exit Survey

The final grade will be based on the following percentage:90 - 100% = A80 – 89.9% = B70 – 79.9% = C65 – 69.9% = D0 – 64.9% = F

Students are strongly encouraged to complete course evaluations at the end of the course. Evaluations are very important to assist the teaching staff to improve the course. Evaluations are available at http://evaluation.csi.edu . Evaluations become available two weeks prior to the end of the course. The last day to complete an evaluation is the last day of the course. During the time the evaluations are open, students can complete the course evaluations at their convenience from any computer with Internet access. When students log in, they should see the evaluations for the courses in which they are enrolled. Evaluations are anonymous. Filling out the evaluation should only take a few minutes. Your honest feedback is greatly appreciated. If 80 percent of the class completes their evaluation, everyone in the class gets extra credit.

CWI E-mail and Blackboard AccountsAll registered CWI students receive a college email and Bb account. Every course at CWI has a Bb component. It is the student’s responsibility to access both accounts regularly to avoid missing important messages and deadlines. 

Drop PolicyRevision date: 4/12/23 3

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It is the student’s responsibility to drop the course. Students are responsible for adding and dropping courses. At the end of the first week of class, faculty may perform faculty initiated drop for non-attendance. Beyond the first week, it is the student’s responsibility to drop any course he/she does not intend to finish. Students who stop attending a course without filing a drop request will receive a grade of F.

Special AccommodationsStudents with disabilities who believe that they may qualify for accommodations in this class are encouraged to contact the One Stop Student Services Center and discuss the possible accommodations with an Enrollment Specialist. If you have a diagnosed Learning Disability, please initiate this contact as soon as possible to ensure that such accommodations are implemented in a timely fashion. Please contact the One Stop Student Services at 562-3000 or Room 107 – CWI Main Campus.

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