#momimabartender #careerbartendin g #totc SUSTAINING A CAREER IN BARTENDING Scott Baird Julie Reiner Charlotte Voisey Naomi Levy Sponsored by:

Sustaining a Career in Bartending

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#momimabartender#careerbartending #totc



Julie Reiner

Charlotte Voisey

Naomi Levy

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On the way to discovering his cal l ing as a bartender, Bay Area native Scott Baird dabbled in other creative ventures—fl oral design, acting, and cooking, just to name a few. But after picking up a bar shift , Baird real ized his true passion lay behind the bar. He continued his mixology school ing at Cesar’s and Coco500 .In 2008, Baird partnered with the original owners of 15 Romolo to bring l i fe back to a dying bar. He soon met Josh Harris and the two revamped the Romolo menu, helping to earn i t a spot on Esquire’s 2010 “Best Bars in America” l ist . The duo also co-founded The Bon Vivants in 2009, a national ly recognized consult ing company through which they have created cocktai l programs for bars and restaurants on both coasts. In 2013, The Bon Vivants opened their highly anticipated bar, Trick Dog , in San Francisco. Scott is also the proud father of two.




Julie Reiner has been elevating the cocktail scene in NYC for fi fteen years, most notably with the opening of the Flatiron Lounge (2003), the Pegu Club (2005), Brooklyn’s Clover Club (2008), and her latest venture with Ivy Mix, Leyenda. All opened to rave reviews and have enjoyed a top ranking among the best bars in the world. In 2009, Clover Club was honored with the award for “Best New Cocktail Lounge in the World” at Tales of the Cocktail and in 2013,


took home the award for “Best American Cocktail Bar”, “Best High Volume Bar”, and Julie was personally awarded “Best Bar Mentor”.  In 2011 she, was honored with a James Beard nomination for spirits professional of the year.  

In May of this year, Julie published her first book, “The Craft Cocktail Party, Delicious Drinks for Every Occasion.”  Julie is also proud mother to her 6-year-old daughter Maya with her wife and business partner Susan.

@mixtressnyc @mixtressnyc#thecraftcocktailparty

Host of The Proper Pour with Charlotte Voisey on www.smallscreennetwork.com, Charlotte’s recipes are widely publ ished and on menus and in magazines across the world including New York’s famed PDT, the iconic Dorchester Hotel in London and People Magazine. Charlotte Voisey has traveled the world but made her name at home in London. In 2002, with the Gorgeous Group, Charlotte opened classic cocktai l bar Apartment 195 and was soon named UK Bartender of the Year. In 2005 Charlotte was invited to guest bartend at the Aspen Food & Wine Classic and consequently fel l in love with the US cocktai l community, one year later Charlotte offi cial ly made the move stateside to represent her favorite spir i t , Hendrick’s Gin. Charlotte st i l l competes international ly and was named Mixologist of the Year 2011 for Wine Enthusiast Magazine.


@charlottevoiseyCharlotte Voisey


NAOMI LEVYNaomi Levy is one of Boston’s most promising young bartenders. Starting at the age of 17, she was hooked by the pace and rhythm of restaurant service and drawn to the drama and challenges of the bar. Since starting at Eastern Standard in 2010, Naomi has worked her way up to be the 3rd ever bar manager of the now 10 year old landmark. Eastern Standard is widely regard as one of the premier cocktail bars in the country, with awards coming form many national publications as well as Tales of the Cocktail, where they won the Barroom Brawl in 2011 and Best High volume cocktail Bar in 2012. Naomi’s own accolades include being named one of Zagat’s 30 under 30 in 2014, as well as receiving the Star Chef’s Rising Star award in 2015 with a Community designation.She has also won her fair share of competitions including the Centennial Macchu Pisco Sour Boston in 2011, Boston Speed Rack in 2012 and going on to win two national competitions, the Barenjager national competition in 2013 and the Bacardi Legacy national competition, earning her a spot in Moscow at the 2014 Global competition.

naomi.levy.58 @naomilevy613

Sustainableadjective:able to be used without being completely used up or destroyed:able to last or continue for a long time




“A sustainable career is dynamic and flexible; it features continuous learning, periodic renewal, the security that comes from employability, and a harmonious fit with your skills, interests, and values.”

-Harvard Business Review

1. Fitt ing your work together with the other things in your l i fe that are important to you

2. Achieving fi nancial security and a stable work environment

3. Bui lding a career path for yourself and for others









What are the challenges bartenders face if they decide to start a family?

How do you juggle a busy lifestyle with making time for friends and family?

How do you maintain a relationship while maintaining a hectic travel schedule?

How do you decompress?

What does a day off mean to you?




This is Sharon, a CFA

Ensure you have the money to

fund both short- and long-term expenditures,

like living expenses,

education loans, emergency

reserves, and retirement

Review your outstanding

debt and create a pay down plan,

starting with highest

interest rates first. Prepare for

changes in your life such as a

move, new job, income

fluctuations, buying property

or business investment.

Automate deposits, savings,

investing, and bill-paying

wherever possible.




Traditional IRA

Roth IRA

Can Borrow

Pay Taxes at


Can’t Borrow

Pay Taxes at


Can’t Borrow

No Taxes at


Defer up to $18,000 of

your pre-tax income in elective


Contribute up to $5,500 of your pre-tax income (total for all IRA accounts


Contribute up to $5,500 of your post-tax income (total for all IRA accounts


* IRA money can be used for first time home-buying and higher education expenses.

Hypothetical pre-tax growth of $5000 yearly IRA contributions: ages 25–70 and 35–70 By investing little by little over time, you benefit from the power of compounding. Look at how much more you can save by starting at 25 instead of 35. Regular investing through a workplace savings plan is a great way to save for retirement. And it’s so easy to start.



• Summary:Expenses/activity tracking of all your accounts & debts; budget & goal setting.

• Account Types:Aggregate viewing of all your existing accounts

• Cost: Free

• Pros: Easy to link in accounts, categorize sending, set budgets, goals & set-up alerts

• Limitations: No advice or investment capabilities; purely view-only of existing accounts

• Others like it: Levelmoney Spendee Dolarbird


• Summary: Automated investing service for all basic account types based on a simple investment questionnaire.

• Account Types: Individual/Joint, Trusts, Traditional IRA, Roth, 401k & 403b rollovers

• Account Minimums:None

• Fees: 0.35% for first $10,000 0.25%-$10,000-$100,0000.15%-$100,000+

• Pros: SIPC Insured; recommended asset allocations are regularly rebalanced

• Limitations: No personal, customized advice or planning

Investment Firm

• Summary:Brokerage firm, such as Schwab, Fidelity or Morgan Stanley, offering investment products & advice

• Acct Types: All• Account


• Fees (typically):various account maintenance & commission fees, or asset-based tiered fees like wealth advisory firms

• Pros: vast investment options for greater portfolio diversification

• Limitations: be aware of fees & commission charges, and pushing only firm-based products

Wealth Advisory Firm

• Summary: A registered investment advisory firm providing comprehensive investment management & financial planning.

• Account Types: All

• Account Minimums (typically): $100,000 - $250,000

• Fees (typically): 1.25% first $1,000,000;0.95% next $4,000,000;0.6% next $5,000,000;0.4% over $10,000,000

• Pros: Comprehensive & holistic advice, access to planners & wealth mgmt team

• Limitations: Higher fee and account minimums

BUSINESS PLANNINGClearly outline your

business goals and the plan

on how to attain them-

saving, partnering

, structure, financing, loans, etc.

Obtain independent

legal advisement

on organization

al & partnerships


Understand the liability

exposures & limits-

insurance, tax, personal & business. Build a reliable

team of a trusted attorney, tax accountant, financial advisor

& lending broker to

successfully navigate being a business owner.

What is an LLC?

A limited liability company, or LLC, is a business entity created under state law that combines characteristics of both a corporation and a partnership. Like a corporation, the owners of an LLC are generally not personally liable for company debts. Like a sole proprietorship or a partnership, an LLC has operating flexibility and is, by default, a "pass through" entity for tax purposes. This means that the LLC does not pay taxes on its profits, but instead, profits and losses are "passed through" to the owners, who must then pay tax on their share of LLC income.

What is a DBA?

DBA is an abbreviation for "doing business as.” If you're a sole proprietorship, you need a DBA to register your business name. Corporations and LLCs need a DBA if they use a different name than what's filed with the state. It allows one to open a business bank account and undertake transactions on behalf of the company

HealthDisabi l i tyAccident


Health Insurance

Disability Insurance

Accident Insurance

Covers medical and surgical costs, subject

to a deductible and

copayments, which varies plan to plan.

Most include no cost

preventative services.

Prescription drug coverage


Covers income replacement up

to 70% of salary when

injured and ill and unable to

work for a time period over 7

days. Length of time covered varies plan to

plan. Generally only available

through workplace

payroll deduction.

Covers out-of-pocket

expenses that accrue due to

accidental injury including expenses that

may not be fully covered by

medical insurance (ie. Ambulance, Emergency

Room visits). Generally set dollar amount depending on


They can set up a plan based on a gross estimate of your income (including cash based tips)

Your rate is locked in for life You can purchase a plan regardless of pre-existing

conditions Employee owned and payed – if you change jobs it

will move with you Partial disability – if you work less than 80% of your

normal hours Maternity coverage is included in all of their disability plans for 6-8 weeks post-delivery Employers generally see a 25-50% reduction in worker’s comp claims Only 3 employees are needed to enroll for a group rate through payroll deduction and there aren’t any costs to the business


This is Paul from Aflac

$70,000 annual salary

$3,300 monthly benefitCost of $16.83 per week

$60,000 annual salary

$3,000 monthly benefitCost of $15.30 per week

$50,000 annual salary

$2,500 monthly benefitCost of $12.75 per week

$40,000 annual salary

$2,000 monthly benefitCost of $10.20 per week


Conneticut, California & Massachusetts all have paid sick time laws, as do 18 cities across the

US, including San Francisco, New York City, Philadelphia,

Seattle and Portland.

In California, Nevada, Washington, Oregon,

Alaska and Minnesota, employers are required to pay workers full state minimum wage before tips. Over half of the

remaining states have higher tips-based

employee minimum wage including $7.46 in

Conneticut, $5.03 in Florida, $4.95 in Illinois.

California, Hawaii, New Jersey, New York,

Puerto Rico and Rhode Island require

businesses to provide partial wage

replacement insurance coverage for non-work

related sickness or injury.

As future business owners, it is up to us to continue to promote and build up the bartending industry as a career path. Many creative ideas are popping up in bars across the country:


#momimabartender#careerbartending #totc