Húnavallaskóli 2014 Dream jobs Comenius project Sólrún, Lara, Þórdís, Kristin Survey

Survey description comparison

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H ú n a v a l l a s k ó l i


Dream jobs Comenius project

Sólrún, Lara, Þórdís, Kristin


Page 2: Survey description comparison


Research about dream jobs ..................................................................................................................... 2

1. Description of the data ................................................................................................................ 2

2. Choice of dream job .................................................................................................................... 6

2.1 Comparison of the countries ............................................................................................... 6

2.2 Comparison of gender ......................................................................................................... 6

2.3 Comparison of mothers education ...................................................................................... 8

2.4 Comparison of fathers education ........................................................................................ 8

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Research about dream jobs

1. Description of the data

We, in Húnavallaskóli, did research about dream jobs. We used

https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/RPWXLKV . 191 students from Europe answered it. The countries

that the kids were from are Greece, Iceland, Italy, Norway, Poland, Spain and Turkey. The kids were

on the age of 12 – 16.

28 kids were 12 years old, 70 were 13 years old, 60 were 14 years old, 28 were 15 years old and 5

were 16 years old. Most were 13 years old.

92 kids were male and 98 kids were female.

27 kids were from Greece, 29 from Iceland, 17 from Italy, 25 from Norway, 33 from Poland, 31 from

Spain and 29 from Turkey.

We asked where the kids live; most of the kids live in a city, 63. 43 kids live in a town, 50 live in a

village and 34 live on countryside. As 28 of the Icelandic students live in the countryside just 6

students from other countries do.

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One of the questions was about the highest level of their mother’s education. 1 mother didn’t

attend school, 23 have primary education, 69 have secondary education, 29 have vocational training

and 67 have tertiary education.

We also asked about the highest level of their father’s education. 1 father didn’t attend school, 34

have primary education, 47 have secondary education, 47 have vocational training and 57 have

tertiary education. 1 kid didn’t know.

We asked about what the kids do in their leisure time. 98 kids do sports, 111 listen to music, 30 plays

an instrument, 67 play computer games, 36 like to sing, 64 like to read, 67 like to watch movies, 56

like to spend their time with animals, 10 like to play board games, 8 like to write and 7 like to spend

their time with friends and family. 1 kid likes to take photos and 1 is often in his/hers English school.

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The main question in this research was: What is your dream job? “The possibilities were many and

some of them only had one answer.

11 kids want to be am actor/actress, 13 kids want to be an athlete/sportsman, 2 kids want to be an

author, and 6 kids want to be architect , 4 kids want to be an artist, 1 kid wants to be a baker, 1 kid

wants to be a banker, 7 kids want to be a chef, 1 kid wants to be a clerk, 1 kid wants to be a dentist,

29 kids want to be a doctor, 7 kids want to be an engineer, 6 kids want to be a farmer, 2 kids want to

be a fire fighter, 1 kid wants to be an flight attendant, 5 kids want to be a hairdresser, 1 kid wants to

be a hotel receptionist, 2 kids want to be a journalist, 1 kid wants to be a judge, 6 kids want to be a

lawyer, 5 kids want to be a mechanic, 4 kids want to be a musician, 1 kid want to be a nurse, 2 kids

want to be a pharmacist, 3 kids want to be a photographer, 3 kids want to be a pilot, 4 kids want to

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be a policeman, 1 kid wants to be politician, 5 kids want to be a psychiatrist, 7 want to be a soldier, 3

kids want to be a singer, 16 kids want to be a teacher, 5 kids want to be a translator, 5 kids want to

be a veterinarian, 3 kids want to be a zoologist (biologist), 2 kids want to be a governor

(management), 1 kid wants to be a thief, 1 kid wants to work with coffee, 3 kids want to be a horse

trainer, 1 kid wants to be estate agent, 1 kid wants to be a stylist, 1 kid wants to work with

computers, 1 kid wants to be a scientist, 1 kid wants to be a game designer, 1 kid wants to be a

programmer but 2 kids don’t know what they want to be yet.

Question number 9 was: Where did you get your idea of your dream job? “. 55 kids got their idea

from their parents, 27 kids from their other family members, 26 kids from other people, 23 kids from

television, 16 kids from the internet, 13 kids from their teachers, 50 kids don’t know where they got

their idea from, 7 kids because of their interest and 7 kids got the idea from their self’s.

The last question was like this: What is your main criterion for the choice of profession? “. 13 kids

answered : ,, because of the income of the job”, 18 kids because of the glory (fame) of the job, 135

kids because of their interest and skills, 7 kids because of the ability to find a job, 6 kids because of

family business, 1 kid because of an easy job and 1 kid didn’t know.

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2. Choice of dream job

2.1 Comparison of the countries

The differences between these countries are both big and small. The area the children live in has a

big effect. For example in Iceland the children mainly live in the countryside with a lot of farms

around. The most famous job in Iceland was farmer. In Poland, a country surrounded by other

countries, communication and lifestyle is very important for the children; therefore hairdresser was

one of the most wanted jobs in Poland. The job is fun and interesting, and the children are focused

on following their dreams.

Big similarities between the countries are jobs like doctor, teacher and actor. These professions are

all who make you a role model. They are important and big for the community and matter a lot for

the people. Parents may have affected the children that choose a profession which needs more

education; they may want their children to become something important and successful in their


The conclusion is children choose their dream job by noticing their society, family and what is offered

in the area they live in. These are the main things that affect the children.

2.2 Comparison of gender

The different between genders is sometimes very much and sometimes very little. For example:

girls mostly like to listen to music and play sports but boys mostly play sports or play computer

games. The similarity about what girls and boys do in their leisure time is much in some things but

not much in others. Both girls and boys don’t like to play board games and write (at least not many)

and many other things are similar between them.

Most girls want to be a doctor or a teacher and most boys want to be a doctor or an athlete. The

difference about what girls want to be in the future and what boys want to be is rather big, expect

the fact that the most popular job is a doctor.

Most girls don’t know where they got the idea of their dream job but most boys got the idea from

their parents. The difference in this question was very little. Not many girls or boys got the idea from

their teacher.

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Most kids, both girls and boys, want their dream job because of their interest and skills. Like in the

last question, the difference between genders is not much. But more boys than girls want their

dream job because of the income of the job.

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2.3 Comparison of mothers education

We compared the results of students´ whose mothers have only primary education and those who

have tertiary education.

In primary, there is not much difference between dream jobs. Also it’s obvious who the most

popular jobs are. They are: doctor, chef, psychiatrist and teacher. The other jobs have mostly the

same popularity. In tertiary, the diversity of chosen dream jobs is greater and students who have

mothers with better education tend to choose jobs for which you need a university degree (judge,

lawyer, teacher, engineer, architect). But like in primary, the most popular job is doctor.

When we compare these results, we can see that the diversity is greater in the tertiary then the

primary. In tertiary, the actor job is in second place for the most popular jobs but in primary, actor is

just as much popular as an athlete, author, artist and many other jobs.

The most difference we see by observe these two results is how the kids who have mothers with

primary education are not as diverted in choosing dream jobs like the kids who have mothers with

tertiary education.

When we looked through the results about where the kids got their idea of their dream job from, the

difference was really much. In tertiary, only few possibilities had been chosen but in primary all of

them had been chosen.

2.4 Comparison of fathers education

Similar findings as for mothers´education.

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