Stephen F. Austin By: Pooja Patel

Stephen f. austin

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  • 1. By: Pooja Patel

2. Austin was born at the leading mines inSouthwestern Virginia on November 3, 1793. 3. Austin arranged land claims with the Mexican Government. He was a fierce fighter for Texas Independence Austin was brave enough to take a letter to Santa Anna stating to let Texas have its own government. He is best known for theFounding fathers of Texas. 4. Austin studied at Transylvania University inKentucky and alsoBacon Academy inConnecticut. 5. Austin lived at many places: 6. Austin did a lot of jobs throughout his life: He worked at: leading mines, general store,Member of Missouri Territorial Legislature,Judge, Lawyer, and Fierce Fighter for TexasIndependence 7. Austin died with a disease on December 27, 1836. People know remember Austin as theFATHER OF TEXAS 8. 1. He attended Bacon Academy at the age of 11 years.2. In 1813, at the age of twenty-one years, he was elected to the territorial Legislature of Missouri, and was reelected to that position each year until 1819.3. The elder Austin died soon after returning to Missouri from a trip to Texas, but bequeathed his grant to Stephen with instructions to carry it to a successful completion 9. THANK YOU FOR WATCHING HOPE YOU HAD FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!