Step by wicked step (Chapter 7)

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Step by wicked step Chapter 7: Robbo's story Dumpa's the problem

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2. SMJK PULAU SEBANG 2014 2 Synopsis Robbo's parents split up when he was only six years old. Robbo's father then moved out from their house and Robbo and his sister, Callie visited him at his place regularly. Robbos stepfather, Roy moved to their home but Callie disliked him. She also nicknamed him as 'The Beard' as Roy seemed to interfere with their family affairs. Their mother then give a birth to Dumpa, Robbo's half brother. One day, when Roy and their mother had a row, Callie tried to get their parents back together but failed. 3. SMJK PULAU SEBANG 2014 3 Synopsis One day, Robbo's mother had a serious row with Roy over Callie's habit of pushing her bicycle through the narrow space between his car and the bushes beside it as it almost scratched Roy's car. They started shouting each other. Roy was angry as he felt his wife siding with Callie and that neither of them appreciated his effort in sending the kids to school or paying for food. Robbo's mother and Roy's efforts to solve the problem but they ended up arguing. the situation worsen when Roy decided no to drive Callie to school and sledging activities when snow started to fall. He even refused to buy her favourite brand of cereals as she was not polite and civil to him. 4. SMJK PULAU SEBANG 2014 4 Synopsis The next day, Roy decide to clear the shed during the middle of a heavy snowfall with Dumpa following him. Robbo's mother tried to get Dumpa in, but he refused and only listened to Roy. Robbo then succeed in coaxing Dumpa into the house by offering him strawberry rocket ice lolly. From that day onward, their mother was always stuck in the middle as both Callie and Roy were unhappy and upset with each other. She also realised that the only solution to the problem is for her to move out her father's place. Robbo's father then suggested to his ex-wife to go on a holiday with Roy to help them solving the problem. He even offering to take care of Dumpa while there were away. 5. SMJK PULAU SEBANG 2014 5 Synopsis The story ended with Robbo's optimistic view of his family as they can now start afresh. Ralph compared Robbo's story to Richard Harwick's story because his sister, Callie and Richard both did not like their stepfathers and had to leave their family. However, unlike Richard who ran away from his family, Callie tried something different in order to make things work at home. Ralph also mentioned that everyone in their group had tried their best to solve their problems at home. Claudia then put the journal back into its place, but took out Charlotte's little wooden cow, removed a tiny splinter, and gave the little wooden cow to Ralph who thrust it into Collin's bag, hoping that Colin would find his stepfather again. 6. SMJK PULAU SEBANG 2014 6 Themes 1) Life in a stepfamily - life in a stepfamily can be either happy or sad. - if one cannot adjust to a stepfamily life, there are bound to be conflicts. - Robbo talks about how his sister had problems with their stepfather although they loved their stepbrother, Dumpa very much. 7. SMJK PULAU SEBANG 2014 7 Themes 2) Family love - Robbos family portray family love - Robbos mother loves both her daughter, Callie and her husband. - when they fight, she is caught in between. - she is put in a difficult position. 8. SMJK PULAU SEBANG 2014 8 Themes 3) Solving ones problems - in life, one must solve ones problems instead of running away from them. - Callie, Robbos sister also takes the trouble to solve her problem with her stepfather. - she always argues with her stepfather and can never truly accept him - she does not want her mothers marriage to break up so she chooses to move in with her father as a way to solve her problem and to make life easier for her mother. 9. SMJK PULAU SEBANG 2014 9 Plot 1) Exposition - Robbos parents have split up long ago 2) Rising Action - His sister Callie hates Roy, their stepfather. Frequent quarrels are seen in the house. 3) Climax - Roy is very adamant and refuses to speak or do things for the step children as before 4) Falling Action - Callie decides to move to Dads place. 5) Resolution - Mum helps to set up Dads home so that it would be comfortable for Callie. 10. SMJK PULAU SEBANG 2014 10 Characters 1) Robbo -patient -helpful -responsible -determined 11. SMJK PULAU SEBANG 2014 11 Characters 2) Callie -Robbos sister -adamant -observant -hot-tempered 12. SMJK PULAU SEBANG 2014 12 Characters 3) Dad -Robbos father - concerned - fatherly 13. SMJK PULAU SEBANG 2014 13 Characters 4) Mum -motherly - strong willed - concerned 14. SMJK PULAU SEBANG 2014 14 Characters 5) Roy -Robbos stepfather -loves picking on Callie -gets angry very quickly -bully 15. SMJK PULAU SEBANG 2014 15 Characters 6) Dumpa -Robbos half-brother -three years old -mischievous -loves his dad very much 16. SMJK PULAU SEBANG 2014 16 Moral values 1) Do not give up easily when we are faced with problems. 2) We must try to accept things the way they are and make the best out of it.