Nick Beare

starter motivator

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Page 1: starter motivator

Nick Beare

Page 2: starter motivator

Pearaon Eoo.:.tIon Umited

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C Pearson Education Umited 2009

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mechanieaI. photoccpyIng, recording or oIherwise without tha prior writ/fKI permission of tha copyrigtIt

""""" The right 01 Nick Beara to be idefltified as the author 01 this work ha$ been asserted by him in ~ with The Copyright. 0asIgns and Patents Act, 1988.

First published 2009

Fourth Impression 2011

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M ists: Ray -.1d COrirne Burrows; Wes lowe: Ian WesT; Mart'" SandeB; Mike Lacey


'Nfl 1ft grateful to ttlt following f<;M'" permission to

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CaMin Music Corp for The lyric reproduction 01

I Get The Sweetest Feeling words and music by

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Music LirrOTed lot the lyric reproduction of My Gill words and music by Wil li am Robinson and Ronald

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Jobete Music/EMI Music Publish ing LId. London W8 SSW. Reproduced by permission of International

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Page 3: starter motivator

Nick Beare

Page 4: starter motivator

1A Celebrity football team 1 Look at the photos and the information, then use the words in the box below,

and complete the dialogues .

• I'm • My • your • He's • he • his • She's ' "!lhot.. • is • are • How ' Who's • What's ' 1:>k!, • name

Who's '..MK? ., ____ her name? "--- "" What's .. ' _ ___ name?

She's> Comero" D;Q~ .

How' _old is she?

HE!( name's • _ ___ _ He's .. , _ ___ - His name's " _ ___ _

" ____ oIdisshe? How old Os " ? How old Os he?

She's' __ _ S",,,' __ He's " , ___ _ "--,-."--_ .,

Who's she? What 's " ___ . name? What's your '" ___ -',

She's n My name's "' _____ - " ___ name's n ____ .

How~d " How old "' ___ ,00' How old are you?

" • I'm" ___ _ I'm" ___ _

How are you?

.. fine, thanks.

2 Write the lirst letter 01 each fi. st name In the boxes below. TlIefI rearrange the letters

to l ind the last name of t he team captain.

0000 0 00 The captain is _ _______ _

Page 5: starter motivator

1B People puzzle! Read the information about volunteers at the sports centre and complete the table.

Fim_ ......... , Jackie

, Po.

3 ,-• Meakin

Mrs K. Jones

'" 16 Pond Road, Romford

21 City Rood. Swindon.


01724239296 )

The number is oh-one ­f i ve - 8even - nine , e ight ­aix- f our-oh-one- thr e e .

Mrs Jones, what's your first name' Karen.

N ..... , P. ~ob .. ~~

AS.: 2.S

Sports centre: Volunteer's calendar

Phone number ... --MondaI'.




Hi I'm Peter

What's your surname?

My S\!manlC'S Roberts,

Whar" your postcode. PMer?

U's BE2l 4ID.


""""'it. MeDJ<;"

27 % 1toM., ~ Stx, Hn

Karon is* thirty IIIUI

* 'oday!

""'" 16 Ptmd Ro.4 ~rdRH52PH

( Huw old b John>

lie's 17. and Jackie is 16.

Page 6: starter motivator

1c B""ds "round the world 1 Read about the bands. Look at tke map end draw II line from each bend t o t keir t own. , 2 3 k Where are The Toon Boys from? k Where are Mobile Tones from? k Wherfl is Dieter Wo/tI fn;om1

B They''''' from NewcasHe, B, They're from Cadiz in the south B, He's from Hamburg.

k Where's Newcastle? of Spa in. k Where 's Hamburg?

B, II's in the north of England B, It's in the north 01 Germany.

, • Hi! I'm Natalia Alessi. k Who is Marek Kop<>sI<.i? A, Are you Green Dream?

B, Are you from Russia? B, He's a singer from Gdansk. B, Yes, we are. We 're from Nantes.

k No. I'm from Brindisi In the k Is Gdansk in the east of Poland? k Is Nantes in the centre 01 France?

south 01 Italy. B, No. ~ iSil'!. II's in lhe north. B, No. ~ iso'\. It's in the west.

2 Write the letter which Is ne~t to each corre<:t

lown. Rearrange Ihe 18tt",1'$ t o f ind Ihe mystery country, thef1 complete the postel' on the right.

(orne to the

000 000 Orle World festivlAl • In

Page 7: starter motivator

Roundup 1

words, words, words! 1 Add words to the table. Use words beginning w ith t , rand $ .

,..., Country Nationality NumNrs .... 1- 10 , • Turkey Turkish "0 '"-""

, , Fraoce 3 '00' •

3 • Spain 6 7 ,

2 Read the clues and complete the crossword.


No ...... 11- 19







1 a country 2 a number 3 a number 4 a country 5 a number


No ...... D.,. .. ... ,," ... _ , twenty Tuesday , 2

, Friday


" " " "

3 a number 6 a day of the week 7 a country 8 a number 9 a count'Y 10 a day 01 the week

" .!'.. 'B I 'p

.--- -F ,

4 I I I A , 'N !

N1 'E I f- . I , i f-

, 'E ,

N , i I


l , ,

f- I f-

' N I • '.

Phot: : : P;_ 0 p..,~ Education (2009) 5

Page 8: starter motivator

10 Roundup 2

Who are they? Student A

Boy X and Girt Y are student. at the Ouic:k English KhooIln London. A$k Studtnl B IheH questions and o;:ompIetio your inlOl'Tl1atlon about the two students..

About Boy )( About Gir1 Y

Whar>s his name? How ok1 is she? Whal's his address? Where's she from? WhBf$ hjs phone numb¥! What's her postcode?

;::::'-'-~~:.-=~ Your classmates at Quick English

This Is :-c:=:-;::::-;;;;; He's 17. He's from Italy. His address In the UK Is

- ::c:c::c:-;;;;' His PQstc:ode Is T048 6U. His phone number 15

Student B



Her address '" l'le UK Is 96 Gree~C<! e S~et, Do~erto "', r-e-r :>Ostcode I,

Her pho~ ,.. ~ - oer Is 01511482639

Boy X and Girt Y are student. at the Qui(:k English school In london. Ask Student A

theM questions and complete your information about the two stulMnb.

About Boy X About Girt y

How old is he? What's her name? Whet8's he from? What's her addrttss? Wha t's hisposfctJt:M? What's her phooe null1b$r1

~~~ This is Pietro. He's

. He's

f<om HiS address in the UK Is 40 Longwood Street,

Tindale. HiS postcode Is • His phone number IS


She 's 14 S-e 5 from Poland Her acidress ill the UK .5

6 PI,' , - ''' D''-fdo... '!200111

Page 9: starter motivator

Mystery obiects 1 Cross out the lett'" 101" the pictures. Milke lin •• tra word with the other 1M\-.

' . ,~ ~ ~

3 1I[]lIIJ







2 Write questi0n8 end answer. with word. from Ex-.c1H 1.

.~ ... ~--

1 WlN!r pre {h,s,? ~ Jy. I!.) Thlr'rlQPplu,

, --.,~

3 --.,~

• -,~ , ------,

• ------,

PI! l ' lt O--."""_12OOVI 7


Page 10: starter motivator

What colour is that? -=-.. people with the objects. Unjumble !he coIo<r&. Writ. santone ...

1 Oarren __ __,

" "

_w __ _

, "'",n, ..... -\:t::


, [)Qrrea's pI/one is klade

2 • 3 , , 6

• " , I II o __ ~.,-. I200VI

Page 11: starter motivator

2C How much is it? Student A

1 Ask Student B questions and complete the prices on the menu.

A: How mllel! ;$ Q (hee5~ sondw/ch7 B: It's [2. 4 5.

2 Look" the total pri<:~ and add the missing information.

o 0 ,,' '" Orange j uice " " 0.90 rom " "

Student B

1 Ask Student A questions and complete the prices on the menu.

A: How much is Q chlden sondw/ch7 B: /1'1 0.50.

2 Look al the total prices and add the missing inlOn'l'latlon.

0 0 '0' cream £1 .1 0 - --

--- Apple juice f1.45

=~ £2 .95 =." £4 .40

e Chicken u n<lw ich



e Chene .... ndwich

Minel'.l w,," Ce r


o . so

." £4 .15


- --'" £1.55

Page 12: starter motivator

2D Roundup 1

AI lit. ellf' Choose the correct sentence a)-f). Write It In the speech bubble. Tllen &et the conversation.


' C'IIl I hove Q (hetle

IB.ndwic/t (md II chjcken

sandwich. please?




a) Heol you are. ~) Can I have a cheese sandwich and a chicken

sandwich, please?

c) Thank you .

d) Oh, SOfTy.

Thank you.

, e) How much is that?

f) This is your sandwich. That's my sandwich

g) Wher9's my sandwich?

h) £5.35.

Page 13: starter motivator

20 Roundup 2

Motivator quiz: qeneral knowledqe Choose the correct answer. Check ~our answers end write your &COnI.

I What is the capital of Portugal?

0) Lisbon b) Madrid c) Oporto

2 Where is the Eiffel Tower? 0 a) in London b) In New YOlk c) in Paris &)

3 How many circles are there In the Olympic: symb:ll? r:J) a) 5 b)6 c) 7 0 ®

4 What ore the colours of the Itolio:n ftag?

0) ted. white cmd g reen b) led. gToon and blue c) red. blue cmd white

5 What country is west of Argentino?

a} Brazil b) Ch1!e c) Uruguay

6 What ncrtionality is the Formula I drivel Lewis Hamilton?

a) Amerlcon b) Australia c) British

7 Whcrt is Picasso's first name?

a) Pedro b) Papa c) Pablo

8 Where is Pele trom?

Q:) Brazil b) Argentina c) Spain

9 What colour is the President oj the United States' house?

a) yellow b) white C) brown

10 How many sImes ale tha,e in the United States 0:1 Americo?

0) 50 b) 55 C) 59

My score: __ _

8-10 Your generoJ knowledge is exoollent!

0-, ,... Your general knowledge is very good.

Your general knowledge is OK.

Your general knowledge isn't very go::x:l.

o AIe you osIeep in school?


o ~ o

Page 14: starter motivator

3A I" A house 1 F"ond the picture clues and complete the crossword

~®7im @ iFiI

IT11-'4 1(3) . -,

+ , r--

\ '" I.LLI

'" 11m @

i CD §

0 , I ~ ~ , ..

, ;;e;; ~-. ., @ '/ " .

I I' I'w i " d

;-• w

I" -

I" I I"

" L


2 Find the lette~ In the grey squares end write them In the bo~es. Unjumble the lettel'$ to find a fitting for the hou$e.


C-, I'

i" I



Page 15: starter motivator

38 Find the furniture 1 Ci.-.;Ie 14 furniture words.


he •

wa d •

2 Find the lette~ with symbols. Write them under their symbols. Unjumble the letters to make words. Answer the question .

• c

Your answer: _ _ _ ___ _

Page 16: starter motivator

3c Where are they? Student A

1 Ask Student B questions and lind these people:

A: Where's Nathan? B: He's in front of Emma.

Student B

1 Ask Student A Ql,l8stlons end find these


A:. Where's Charlene? B: She's next 10 Katy.

• 0 .

14 POOtocopiabio C ~ Edl>C<ltion (20091

2 Look at these pictures.

Ask questions 10 find where they are In Student B's picture.

A: Where'a the bag? B: II's ...

2 Look at these pidures.

Ask questions to lind where they are In Student A's picture.

A:. Wh&re's the cam&ra7 8: It's .. .

Page 17: starter motivator

3D Roundup 1

What's your style? Compar. Picture '" and PIcture B. find eod write ten diff<K1lf>Oes, Use the word,1n the \txt below.


Plcluno A

t Ilttrt Q(t 110'0 sofQs.

2 Tlltr« Qrclll


• , , , , , "

Thefe's ewrythlng !Of your IlYIng room II TOIII

Home: sofas, armch8irs. IlbIn. bookcases, meW systems, mlrl"Ol'S, CD player .. televisions, lamps - tWen wastepaper bins, . .

Picture e I There Qrcn~ /lily lolllS. , 3

• , , , , , "

Page 18: starter motivator

3D Roundup 2

Choose the correct sentence a~). Write it in the speech bubble. Then act tne conver5allon.

a Oh no! ' Where'5 my_ L",1I.~


T1 ,~r" a good Idea!

a) No, ~ isn't b) Sorry! cj No, ~'s there!

I don~ know. Is

~ in your bag?

, 6 po . , : pO. ".. 0 P--. ~ducation (2009)


r--~~-_~:::,,"Borrow;;:; a O'IObile phone.


Oh· seven-two-n ,,,,,.

one, eighl·se~en-live­

three-lour-eight . ..

Ws here'

Phone your phone!

Usten! '

d) Can I borrow yoor mobile phone? ,.6) Where's my mooHe phone?

f) Your phone is in the room'

Page 19: starter motivator

4A lack's big blog

• • This is my family.

Mon".y, t9th Alull It's my mother's bkthday, and all my family are here for a party. 1'\Ii! got a big

family. I've got a brother, 'Craig, and a' __ , Emma. My father's got a

brother and sister, too: my' . Christopher. and my' ,Julie.

CMstopher and his ' . AJice. have got two· , Tamsin and Davina.

They're my " _ __ " Julie and her ' , Neil, have got a son, Adam. He's an

• ,And. of course, my 10 , Nigel and Susan, are here, too, ....

1 Complete the sentences above about Jack's lamlly.

2 Read the clues and write the words In the grid. Complete the sentence with the mystery word.

Craig is Jack's. , James is Davina's • , lucy is Jack's , Nigel is Jack's ... I' , Emma is Lucy's _ , 6 Adam is Christopher's , James and Lucy are Jac k's ... •


• ,

Jack writes a blog. He is a ____ ~

1 1 1 1 I

Page 20: starter motivator

48 who Are the!j? 1 Read the descriptions. Wr ite .1 101' yes end:t f or no in the table.

Tom's got short hair and a beard. liz. Andrew and Uncia have got glasses. linda and Andrew have got curly hair. Tom and J ill haven ', got glasses.

Jill and Linda have got long hair. Mike has got glasses aOO straight hair.

Liz has got short, curly hair. Tom and Jill have got straight hair. Mike and Andrew havoo~ got beards.

Theive got short hair.

_ ..... ,~ , Mike


u, Jill

....... ....

2 Match the inlormation In the table with the pictures. Write Ihe names.

- ...... ,

A • c------:::::::::


D E , 3 Read what Tom says about his cousin. Complete the last sentence with

the name of hill cousin.

18 PIIoIocopiabIe C P-.on Education (2009)

My COI.JS<n has got 9185&18. My cousOn hasn't got straight hair.

My cousin hasn'l got short hair. My cousin's name Is

Page 21: starter motivator



Celebrity birthdays Student A

1 Ask Student B queltlom and complete the birthday table.

k When is GeoIge Clooney's birthday? 8: It's on 6th May. A:. Wl\alletler Is he?

B' He'sl

He re are the birthdays o f twelve m ore ce le brities!

<'f Geor~ Clw"~ , 6rll May ~ Juqin Tlmbo,-r\;1kc • J 1slJ~nu.ry

() Mariah Cal"(')' "«\. Brad Pin 0 18th I>«cmber

11- Avril ..... vignc XI Juhnny 0<'1'1' S 9th JUIle

~O Llnds.ay Luhan 'ip Dankl Radcloflc N llrd Ju ly

& Orlando Ill,""" ::::::: Cam,'"", Dial , 30t h "'u~u,t

f/jJ $( .. 1(11 Juh~"I5()n

* llrllcr'MIlIS " 191h March

Student B

1 Ask Student It questions and complete the birthday table.

s: When is Justin TlmberIak," birthday? Ie It's on 31$1 Jarou.y. 8: Whallelter is he? A: He's A..

Here ore the birthda ys of twe lve m o re celebrities!

<'f ~ () "«\.

11- Avril

" t

2 Amlnge the bW1hdtIys In

Ofder through the 1'881'. Wrtle the letter nellt to the na .... to f ind the mystery ceI&brity.

I Orl de 8/ ., oom H



• , 6 , • --9

" " "

2 Arnnge Ihe birthdays In order through the year. Writ. the Iett{H" neld 10 the name

to find the myslefy c:.tebrity.

I DrlQndo Bloom H



• , • , • • " " "

'" ••• :._ .. ,~_ 0 -.on fdoO" tlon (20081 "

Page 22: starter motivator

4D Roundup 1

Choo .. the conwct Mfltence e)-e). Write it in tn. ep . Ich bubble. Then act the c:onv.raation.


' IS it your

No, ~ Isn't.


lot 01 cand~

s.) I understarld now! Then! are 72 candles on

the cake. ) I, it your ~ birthday?

~" __ '*"'O __ QOOIII


ThiI cake is for my

my 'ether.

c) It's my mother's b/I'Ihday.

d) My '.rl\er's birthday is tomorrow. He's 31. e) She's 35.

Page 23: starter motivator

40 Roundup 2

Motivator quiz: popular culture Answer the questions. Check you, answers end write your score.


a) Los Angeles b) New Yorle c) London

2 Who is Antonlo !landeros's wife?

(I) the model Naomi Campbell b) the actress Melonle GlitIith

c) the politiclan HiIlmy Clinton

3 What is Jumes Bond's secret ogent number?

a) 001 b) 9W clem

4 Emilio Estevez Is Charlie Sheen's,

(I) oon b) blother. c) /other

5 Where is C'I1st1na Aguilera trom?

a) ThI> United States b) Spain c) Brrn:i.l

6 What are the n<:nne> of Horry Potter's friends? ~~;::;;;:::: a) D.JdIey and Petunla b) Lily and James c) Ron and fieIIniOne

7 When IS ThcInks9ivmg lfl the Umted States? ~ ~ a) October b) November c) December ti -. !Jtt: "'~::::

8 In The Lord of !he Rings. Orlando Bloom has got . Jj . a) long, straight blond huiI". b) short wavy black hair.

e) short. wavy blond ha1I.

9 What is the name of MGdonnds first child?

a) Loutdes b) Ro::m c) Guy

10 D:mnii Minogue Is Kylie Minogue's,

a) sisler_ b) mother c) daughter

My score: __ _

8-10 You're on expert on popular cultwel

5-7 Your knowledge of p:>pulo:r culture is very good.

3-4 Your knowledge 01 p:>pUIar cultwe Is quite good.

1_2 You aren't very interested in populw culture.

D You"e a very. very serious peroonl ===-__ ---1

Page 24: starter motivator

5A Jobs "round tke world 1 Find ten jobs in the wordaquare.

( S , C R , T A R v) W

, , p , A R M , R A

W " , A C T 0 R M

A " N K Q , 0 S T

, M 0 0 C T 0 R R

T 0 , A R T S T , , , , Z W G , J S

R R R N " R S , Q S

2 Write the countries. Unjumble the letters 10 make jobs. ,


• , ~=;;;;;.,;.- 6 cc--

3 Read and match the pe.ople with the jobs and the places they live In. Write about each person.

and bathrooms

Mal( is'' p/llmber. He 'iyei in FnmCf .

2 Lorna

, T~

. """'----5 Un ------ _ .

6 Samantha _ __________ _


Page 25: starter motivator

58 What do they do? Student A

Use the prompts to make Questions about the people. Ask Student B the questions and complete the lable. ,

• What ... 00' • Where . . _0,", What does Tom do? ')

. W»~ ... live? • What languages ... ? He's II factory worker .

"_ Job ""'''' .... ~ --Tom iocrorr. !'locker in II factory Greek, Ital",n

"""" ""~ France

"" electrician China

""" on II farm Polish, German

"" housewffe Portugal

"""" in II restaurant Spanish, Russl8l1. Turtdsh

1>< ................................................................................................................. . Student B

Use the prompts to make questions about the p&Ople. Ask Student A tIM questions

• od pie tile b l ,~ .. .. ••

reo ~"'_';O"~ • What . .. do? . -.., ... worl<? .-. , .. Iive? • What languages ... 7

r;;; .,.. T~ ; G_.

in II hospjtal French. English

'" ; English. Chinese


"" Portuguese. Spanish I

,",,' Argentina

Page 26: starter motivator

5c Holiday in london! Reltd and write their opinions. Use /ib., doesn't like with him, her, It and tfHIm.

I . Tom

T'>c l.-.J ..... I!~ .. &.-,11' ..... '


\w .. •

[;::l _ ,_

Hi Jack

I'm In london with TIna, Tom and Emma. london's terrible, btJt Emma lind Tina are fantastlcl

See you


1 She rtn him. , , •

~~ ' 6 ,


Page 27: starter motivator

Roundup 1

Choose the correct 8ef1tence aJ-e). Write It In the sp&&C/l bubble. Complete number 6 with the name of the celebrity. Then act the conversation .



Does he like football? Is h9 a lilm star?

Is his wile Spanish, too?


He loves it.


I know! It's

d) Yes, he does. That's his nationality.

e) Yes, he does.

No, she isn'!.

is Melanie.

Here he is'

Page 28: starter motivator


50 Roundup 2

My job is great! 1 Cross out the letters for each job lind place of work. Write the extra letters in the circles.


R AS I V T E RC LN E T F LI B I OA E R::; ___ ,


E I AR LB D U L U F l WS E U G B~'!!l'-'-_,


2 Use the extra letters to make each person's opinion of their job. Complete the sentences.

, .--; , , My job is My job fs My job is


, • My job Is My job is My job is

Page 29: starter motivator

6A A day out 1 Read about: tt.. . "",,(s in Ledford on Saturday. Add the missing times.

n..1fain ]ol.mey between Dunston and led101'd is 15 minlrtes.

II football match is usuaIy abouIl05 minutes (Including half-lime). The concert is two hours. The film is 110 minutes.

Trains from Dunston to Ledford

The MUl k Man

starts: 10.20 am

hr"shes: 1 pm

' - ,,"

2.45 pm

3.001"" ',,"

leaves • .m il rrives 820 am



Trains from Ledford to Dunston

leaves 710pm

l nives '_ pm

• 1.4Spm

850 <1m

• .m

75'''''' 805pm

ArcadIa Computer Games

Super Saturday Sale!

All garnes half'price!

Ledford Stadl u m Ledford United vs Dunston Rovers Stuts 3.00 pm FInishes ' pm

C Satum.y 9.00 am to S.)O pm

Mike Donald's Hamburaers

Two Big MlkH for the price of on('!

MOI1day 10 Saturday


Left:. (orner

In Concert


• J;III to 7.00 pm

2 Ja_ and Matt live in Dunston. Work O\Jt II ptOgnImme for their day in Ledford. Number the

events In Ofdor and writ, the times.

Time in \he museum: 60 minutes Time in !he shop: 45 minutes

Tome!of lunch: 45 minutes

TIme betwe.l places: 15 minules minimum



T re~u"" (""" Tu'k~. 10.00.", 10 B.OO pm.

Football match at Ledford Stadium

Fim at the MO'{jezooe

El\hibitiofl at the MU5e'Jm

Concert at the Union Ken

Arcadia Compuler Games

Train to Dunston

I Train to LadIOtd 8.25 - B.40 Lunch at Mike DonaId"s


Page 30: starter motivator

68 A boy's day Read about this boy's day. Follow the line and ChOO$8 the <::o rre<:t times for each activity. Cin;1e the letter next to e&Ch correct time and find the boy's name.

go 10 bed

have breakfast

get home


I get up at 7.30 eve!)' morning, I have breakfast

and I go 10 school at 8.30. I leave school at

2.00. I get home and I have lunch at 2.30. In !he aft8<noon I play computer games. and at 600 I do my homeWOl'k. In tile eveoing I watch TV

and I phone my friends. I have dinner at 9.00.

I go 10 bed. and I go to sleep at 10.15.


phone my friends

His name's

Page 31: starter motivator

6c At the gym Read the c lL>l:ls and name the people. .. ..... ,

Karen goes to the gym once a week. She always goes to the gym on Monday,

Tom goes to the gym three times a week. Aory goes to Iha gym three limes a week. He never goes on Fnday.

Joe goes to the gym twice a wool<. He never goes on Monday.

Alice never goes to the gym.

Naomi sometimes goes to thfI gym on Wednesday, but silo usually goes on Friday.

Carol always goes to the gym on Monday and Friday.

Chris goes to the gym once a month. He r.ever goes on Monday or Friday.

, Tom 2 , •

6 , 8



/ /'--. 'S , '<7

n f'IIot : : : ~._ 0 -.on _ (20091 29

Page 32: starter motivator

Roundup 1

A ",ord !J"nae Student A

1 Say numbers and letters to Sludel1t B. Write the words in Your worth table .

2 Listen to Student B. Say words from Student B's words table.

.e" 8: C4 B: That's wake k That>s in bed.

v~_ StucMnt a's worctf; , 2 3 • , 2 3 • • • go breal<fast to school ""'00 B wQke B -- wake ." lunch

C C have -" " "'" in bed

D D ashow&r op computer to sleep


3 Make phrases for daily routine$ with your words. You have one minute! I have I I lunch I I a shower I

c ____________________________________________________________________ .. ___ . ______________________ .... __ ......... - .. .

Student B

1 Listen to Student A.. Say words from Student A's words table .

2 Say numbers and le tte rs to Student A. Write the words In Your words lable.

kB3 D: C4

8: That 's wake. A:. That's in bed.

v~ ..... Student A's words , 2 3 • , 2 3 • • A computer to sleep " bod in bed


B B ." lunch wake ""'"' C In bed C ~, have 10 school a flieod

D D breakfast " op a shower

3 Make phra$e$ lor daily routines with yoor words. You have one minute! I have I ~ I a shower I

Page 33: starter motivator

Roundup 2 r:c-:-c-:::----./ J,

What's tile diff8feOCfl

Ar, II." ;"IfI;(:t~/l between Tim and Tony?

Tony does everyIhir1g

1 Choose tile correct verbs aHl). Write them in the $pee<:h bubble. "nswe<' this question about Tim and Tony.

Wtl're at t>ome with Tim and Tony. They're twins. and they're identical'

We aren 't identical.

al seve!1 o'clock. He

" seven.


• , -____ _ al live past

seven. He ' at

after TIm.

at quarts( to oast seven.

" l':·::"':-~·~";':::!::~~:::.·'

We'rrJ vary d ifferent!

a) has breaKfast b) have breakfast

,k;) gel up d) gets up

II) brush my twth t) brushes his teeth

2 Look al the information about Tim. Write about Tony.

1 Tim wakes up at f ive to seven. Tonv wakes ul!. Of Iwenry·fjve t1QJ! seven ,

2 Tim listens to musk: at quarter past lOll'. _ _ ________ _ _

3 Tim phones his friends al sJx o'clock.

4 Tim goes to bed at ten to e1even.

g) has II shower h) have II shower

Page 34: starter motivator

7A What can you do? 1 Complete the .. rossword with ...ro..

-.. ,

" , ~ , ,

, . ~ -

• eo.m

iii , •

, • fff • ~ . ~ 2 Maka MOtencel about yourself, your family end your friends. Use the v.ros In the ero .. word.

Example: My brofher con uu 0 compufrr.-try wd/.

, ,



32 PhoI, " o !'-..on EduC:Ollon (2000)


• •

Page 35: starter motivator

7B An accident in the kitchen Look at lhe pictures. Find ten differences. Use the words in the box,

• banana(s) • onior>(s) • choose • C8rrot(S) • egg(s) • buttf!( • milk • pasta • bread • meat

Picture A

1 There are some I>Qnanas.

2 The" {lee fWQ onions. , • , 6 , , , "

Picture B

1 Ther, Qr,n'{ Qnr /wnQ/1/lS.

2 There art Ihree ,,,,ions. , • , 6 , , 9


Page 36: starter motivator

7c Where am 11 Student A

1 Match the places with the pictures.

, bookshop , supermarket , ~,. , sports centre

3 chemist 8 ~.",." , compute< shop , music shop , station " post office

2 What places from E~8I'Clse 1 are min ing on the map? Ask Student B questions about them. Draw the places on the map.

• next to • in • opposrte • bef1ind • In froot of • near

• between • on the come.- 01

II: Excuse me, is there a

musk: shop near here? 6: Yes, there's one on the

come.- of Farm Road. II: Thanks very much

Park J

1 1....J ,f

H igh Str ee t -...;..

Car Park.

c·--.····· __________________ ······ ___ ............... _ .... ____ . _____________________ ........ ,_._ ..... _. __ .. _ .... _._ ..

Student B

1 Match the places with the pictures.

, bookshop , supermarket , ~,. , sports centre

3 chemist 8 r\f!wsagent , computer shop , music shop , station " post office

2 What places from EKercls8 1 are mlsslng on Ihll map? Ask Student A questions about them. Draw

the places on the map.

• next to • in

• opposite • behind

• in front of • near

• between • O<l the comer of High Str e et

8, Excuse me, is there a b • newsagent near here? ~ (ar Park

• Yes, there's one in Park (; Peckham Road. It's • ~ opposite the park. If 8, Thanks very much. ~

Page 37: starter motivator

70 Roundup 1

Motivator quiz: food Answer the questions. Check your answers and wr1te your score .

• 2 Which oIlhese is not a healthy toc:d?

a) Honey b) Carrots e) Salt

3 Which oIlhese Is In p:IS1a?

a) Sugar b) Ban(UlOS c) Eggs

4 Which 01 these is sometimes =ned a trut:?

a) Potato b) CcnIO! c) Tomato

5 Vermicelli and linguini are types of .,.

a) rice. b) plSta. c ) sugar

6 How many types 01 cheese are there in £ngktn~d~'''''''',d) a) About four h undred b) Atoui a hun::l:red c) About!ilty

1 Which 01 these is not a daiIy product?

a) Butter b) Honey c) Cheese

8 Which of these focds do vegetarians eat?

a) Meat b) Chicken c) Posta

9 Which of Ihese Is not in on omelette?

a) Rice b) Salt c) Eggs

10 Which of these is not an ingredient of piu.a?

a) A pple b) Onion c) TomatO

Myscore: _ _

8-10 Fcod is yow favourite subject!

5-1 You know a lot about food

3-4 You know a b it obout food.

1-2 You enen'! very interested in food..

o Maybe you don't like leo:! crt oll l

~ ___ =--.J

Page 38: starter motivator

Roundup 2

categories Cross out the letters lor each word. Write the ~rd in the correct categOl')l below. Make an extra word for the same category with the extra letten<.






........... _ .... Abilities juggle donce


Page 39: starter motivator

8A WhRt's the weRther like? Student A

Ask Student B Ql.IItStlons about the -.ather. Write the details on the weather map.

A:. What's the weather like in Sydney?

B: It's raining and it's warm.

Student B

A:. What's the If)ffiperalullj? B: It's 20 degrees.

Ask Student A questions about the weather. Write the details on the weather map.

8: What's the weather like in Ankara?

A:. It's raining and it's warm.

B: What's the temperature?

A:. It's 18 degrees

PhoI: ::pW)IoO "-Educabon 12009) 37

Page 40: starter motivator

8a Mixed u.p sports 1 UnJumbie the $pOrtS words. Write the words In the grid In EJ:en:ise 2.

2 e yollil ball


2 Unjumble the letters in the grey SQU8re$ 10 make two more 5port.s. Add them 10 the tlescriptions of the sports .t ......

'f 0 0 , b a I I , , • • • , ~

• I • ..

-38 PO-...., ' " 0 __ e_ I2IXI5II

• m9

a Johnny WilkinllOl1

Englfsh playa!'

b Roger Federer

Swiss player

Page 41: starter motivator

Be • • Home bird or par ty animal? 1 Read about Nathan's free tirne end complete the quiz for him.

Nathan Tate is a radio OJ. Tl1 is is what he says about his free time.

" My rad io show starts at 6 o'clock in the morning so I don11ike going to clubs on a weekday evening. I prefer watching TV at home.

t'ffl got a computer and I som!!limes surl the ne~ but I prefer chatting to friends online.

On Saturday """nlngs I don~ stay in and watch DVOs. I prefer going to the cinema. What about

Sundays? I like some sports. but II lot of my friendS ~ay football on Sunday morning - and I hale

~II prefer skateboarding. On Sunday afternoon in summer I sometimes have a barbecue. but my

favourite th ing is to s~ in the garden and listen to music.

Cycling is OK in summer. but If II's hot my favourite activity is going to the beach with my friends. "

Try our quiz and find out.


b) watching DVDs

" a) having II barbeque b) the garden

and I'

a) going to the beach with my friends

Mo&ly (a)- Yoo'", an cruoven. Yoo lil<e being ,,;,h Io<s or pe<>pte EQual (0) arid (1)): Yoo'", a balance of exlrove!1 arid introvert. You like being wi,h groupS of people, bu, )'W like )'Wr own company, too, Mostly (br You'", an iru!"OVe!1. Yoo prefer '0 be wi,h one 0.- tw(Ilrierw:Is arid )'W're MppjI on)'lllr own.

2 Complete the q u iz lor yourseH. Tken tell the class about you and Nathan,

On weekdQy evenings NathQn prefers .... but I prefer ...

Page 42: starter motivator

liD Roundup 1

Motivator quiz: sport

o {r 0 • (I~ l;} ~ ~


PQ) 0

• 1 How otten Is the lootboll World OJp?

Q) fNefY year til every b..u: '(iICm e)

2 How manv people are there In a basketlxill team?

Q) tva b) seven c) e1aven •

1 What sport Is Wimbledon fan'lclW for?

0) lootbol1 b) crlcket C) tennls ~ .

4 Where is Rafael Nadal. (Iha champion te.'mls pIoyer) from?

0) Englond til Spain c:) The United States

5 Whele wele the 2008 Olympics?

cO Sydney, Ausualia bl Loodon. England

6 When Is the wad lor 0 In a tennl!I game?

a) zero bl love c) oh

7 WhIch sport Is not in the 1'liathkln?

0:) Beijing. ChIna


a) swimmlng bl cycling c) skiing ( {

8 WhIch 01 lhasa sports is an example at 0'!hletIcs1

a) I\I!Ul1ng' til swirnrnlng e) cycling

9 How long is an Olympic sw1rnmlng pool?

0) twenty metres bl litty metres e) a hundred mehes

10 The Tour de Fmnoe Is a

OJ swtmmlng oompelilion. bl cydlng axnpetlticrl

e) nmn1ng oompetilion.

Myscore: __

8-10 You're a sports expertl

~7 Your knowledge of sport Is vetY QOOd.

3-4 Your knowledge of sport Is quite good.

1-' o

You CIlen1 very interested In sport Do you know whot sport Is?

40 PI or $ : ' , 0 --. lido..".,., I20OIII


)) o

~ ° •

~~ J) •


• • •

Page 43: starter motivator


Roundup 2

I -. luIs Clloose the COI'r&ct phrase al-9). Write It in the speoeoch bubble. Then act the conversation.

'Wh r den'! we go to

a} thaI's e good idea

b) Let's go

Yes, I de

c) Yoo love

d) Howabout

EJ •· _____ '0 .. ~:_-';;;he cafe.

, I haven', got time to

el I've got 462 le"'s on myphooe!

I don't understand.

' _ ____ hanging

out with 01.1' friends.

,il l Why don1 we g) !lOt tooay

Page 44: starter motivator

9A You're a detective! 1 Read about the robbery. Find out where e a c h person was 01 4.40. Or"w II circle l or each person on the plan 01 t he house. Write the l irsl ""mas in the circles .

At 4.30 on SUnday this famous

RUSSian millionaire Alex PoPOV.

PO;",;",.,,;" ffl. die;", 'oom m of Monon House, the home of

But at 4 ,45 it wasn't there ",

Dining Room

living Room


Alex POJXIv -mill iO<laire art collector

I was in I!Ie dirling room al 4.30, Then I was in the

Janke C<>e - the

cook at Money House

I was with Mts Popo\I. My husband wasnl will! me.


Ian Grubber -

Mr Popov's friend

Natasha Popov -

Mr Popov's wife



I was in the kitcheo with Mrs Cole. Mr Grubber was

ilthe swimming pool.

2 An swer the q uestions.

1 Who do you th ink is the robber? _____ _

Swirrming POO

James Cole -Mr Popov's chauffeur

Lenny Rock_

the security guard

tloUSe all the time.

Ana Popov -Mr Popov's mother

Jimmy CoIe ­James Cole's son

:2 Why do you th ink that? _ _ ____________ _

42 Photooopiable C PNBOO Education 12009)

Page 45: starter motivator

98 where did Kevin talk to Amy? Student A

b" station

restaurant store

1 Look at the map of Kevin's route and complete the te~t with the con&et prepositions from the box.

I across along past into out of I 2 Tell Student B Kevin 's route. Use the text.

3 Now lislen 10 Student B end complete the map with Amy'. route.

4 Answer Ihe question.

Where d id Kevin talk to Amy? _______ _


train station


At eleven o'clock Kevin walked 'Q!U..Qf the

station. He walked' the newsagent's,

then he walked ' __ West Stroot H<l walked

• the sports centre. AI haH past one he

walked' the sports C8!1!re. He walked

• the bookshop and t the caftl

At two o'clock he walked • __ the cafe. He

walked •• ___ West Street and ". __ ,,_

pari<.. Then he walked " the park and .. West Stroot to the station .

.. _--------------_. __ ._--_ ....... _- .. _----------------------------_._--. Student B


b" station


1 Look at the map of Amy'$ route and completa the text with the corract prepositions from the box.

I across along past into out of I 2 Listen to Student A and complete tha map with Kavin's routa.

3 Tell Student A Amy'$ route. Use the text.

4 Answer the question.

Where d id Amy talk \0 Kevin? _______ _

"" book sports

train sta tion

park newsagent

At twalve o'clock Amy walked 'out oOhe bus

station. She walked'

Then she walked •

the supermarket.

West Street and

• the mus<c store. At one clock she

walked I the mus<c store and ' _ _ " ..

restaurant. At two o'clock she walked ,. _ _

the restaurant. She walked •• __ West Street

~d " ___ the park. Then she walked "' __ _

the park and " West Street. She walked

" the supermarket to the bus station.

Page 46: starter motivator



I feel happy! 1 Complete the text messages with the past form of the V9fbs In the box. Malch each text with II picture .

• shout • remember • practise • phooe • miss • finish • ~ I

Ted us! Tell us how you are right now! Send us a photo of yourself, too.


my • .<am. tocIa~ ..... _mornIn:I

2 Write tile past forms from Exerci$fl1 in the grid lind find the m~8tery &dJeclive.

'w a r c h e d ,

, •

, I

• ,

'P~_". __ c "-EdIx:rioo (200II1

Page 47: starter motivator

, kif ow lit, Iflfsw,rl Choose tile correct sentence art). Write It In t ile speech bubble. Then act the conversation.

What 's the matter, Luke

Why srt! you worried? ,

Oh dear.

But I know my answer was

)) the capital of

The Un ited Slates?

R&aIIY?r·:' ~ii~~:-~-~~-':

But Luke ...

a) What d id you answer?

b) I only answered one question. c) New Yorl<, of course.

,8) There was a geography test at school .

e) The capital of the United Stales is Washington, DC.

Il What was the queshoo?

Page 48: starter motivator

90 Roundup 2

The story machine number 1 1 ChOO$e one box from each set and make a 510<y.

" " " " " "

" the garden.


don', remember


in the bedroom. ,.


he didnl remember

2 Ciloose the best title. Write the SIOl'Y in the box.

" table.

he walks

walked back to bed.

The garden at night A musica l adventure We love music

Page 49: starter motivator

lOA Get mOiling! .,-1 Comp!tol8 the o;ro$lword with type. of transport.

t-, • ,

o t-t-t-

o I l J

2 Worll out EddY'll Journey. Num"', the pictures In order.

1.)0 pm ~th ",,11

~ +0 Ma.dJsofl Htrle.J,

Ars+ Avv>t<.L ' (.05.00

--- eCe$ln!~irJjnes~ ~ ~ W~ to london Heatll"ow

'"'" 3<, 17th April

depart: 09.35

1Irl'r"'!! , 2O.4S/1ocal tnJel

Maghattan Boat To..u,

<>= 15th April 2.30 pm

I trip arou nd Manhatum liland


3 Write ... n!tnco .boul eacto part of his Journey.

, First, he I'(t{l f b~ bus 10 Heorhrow Alrl2Qrr.

2 "'""~'====================:: , "'"-

1 6 t h Apr il


New '(ark to Washington


14th Apr" central LondOn to t\ellthrOW AirpOrt

E6.95 D I

; - Ocegn:~irlines---=$:-london He8lJn!w- to.FK New Ya1: Aiglt610 14th ApiI

depart: 10.20 !WT'ive: It .Xl r~ ume)

4 The next day -==========-. 5 On 16th April _

6 The next day _ _ _

_ : , _ 0 __ EducIIIIon (200IIII


Page 50: starter motivator

I 108 A crazy holiday!

Part 1

1 Write 8 word for each description.

, Amonlh , A number

3 A type of transport , A weather adjective , A type of transport

6 Ajob , Ajob " A_, , A __

A " A furniture word

9 A food word ~, " A fam ity word

" All adjective of feeling " A holiday activity 9' n A weather adjective H A room of the house

" A_ " An adjective of op4nion

c ____________________________________________________ ... __ .. ___________ .. ___________________________________ ------

Part 2

2 Add your words to the story and read about ~Ollr cro:Q' holiday!

'" ··~~~_ I went on holiday to Paris for ·~ _ __ days.

I travelled to Pans by •• ~ _ _ ~

On the first day the weather was '.~ ___ . I went on a

• on the River Seine. I talked to a f an .~ __ _

and a I an '~ ___ . In the evening I went to a restaurant.

I had , ____ 80d •. ~ _ _ ~. It was delicious! At the

end of the day 1 was very ,.~ __ ~.

On the second day it was " ____ - In the afternoon

[ went shopping. I wenl to a "~ _ __ and I bought a

"~~ __ "_~~_ for my " '~ ___ . In the evening

I decided 10 .. '~ ___ with my new friends.

I went home on Saturday. My fami ly liked their presents.

The presents are in the " ____ now. I had II / an

· ' ____ holiday!

Page 51: starter motivator

10c • Holiday fun! Student A

1 look at the map and complete Jo's holiday activities for Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.

2 Aak Student B quettlons and complete the dla<,\, for Friday, Saturday morning. Saturday afternoon and Sunday.

k What did Jo do on Friday? k Where did he 00 wa lking?

8: He wenl walking. 8: In the forest.

3 Answer Student 8 's quettlonl.

in the moun~ins

."" hilt.

oft .. noon

}c .•• ------------------------------------ ••• -----------------.--.----------- ••• ------ -------.-- •••• - •••••••••••••• •.

Student B

1 l ook at the map.net COrfl9~t. Jo 'a holiday activities for Friday. Saturday morning, Saturday afternoon and Sunday.

2 Anawer Student A'I qua,tIon, .

S: What did Jo do on Monday? k. He went biking, B; Whe<fJ did he go biking? k. In the hills.

3 Ask Student A questions and complete the diary for Monday. Tuesday, Wednesday .nd Thursday.

P'h<-I"., 'M" 0 p...., _ (20081 49

Page 52: starter motivator

100 Roundup 1 ,"----------"

A ""illl, Aolitla, Match the prompts aH) to the numbers 1~ and write complete sentences. Use the past simple tense. Then &et the conversation.



a) 1/ not get I to the lop b) I/Iove I come f home


I climbed a mountain.

c) I f not like I the food

~) Noll/not e) But II/love f one thing I) 1/ not swim f in the sea

Page 53: starter motivator

100 Roundup 2

A celebrity wedding 1 Complete the story of Tom and Katie's wedding. Use the past simple irregular verb$ in the boxes.

It's all quiet now here in the little

of Bracdano in ttaly. But a tew hours ago rt was the scene of II very

special wedding. o I made got came I

SOc hours ago, Tom and KaU",c',::==:;;;mamed. A hundred and fifty guests '~ to the

o I found went ~ ga_e rode I wedding. Famous Hollywood names such as Will Smrth, Steven Spielberg, JennWer Lopez and Jim carrey were there. The ~atian designer Giorgio The story started 'e months ago. In November 1as\

year. A famous Hollywood actor 'mer II beautnul

HoUywood actress, He was Tom Cruise. She was

Katie Holmes. It was love at first sight

Armani O;;-___ KatlS'S wedd ing dress and Tom's suit

On their first date. they,,~;=-; by helicopter to Ihe beach. Then they' -:: a motorbike on Ihe beach. Six months ago Tom and Katie were in

e I sang drove left had cut I

Paris. Tom' to marry him.

Katie a ring and asked her

A few months ago, they • the perted

place lor their wedding. It was the Odelasch io

CIIslie in this little town. They started to plen their wedding,

There was a party after Ihe wedding, Tom and Katie , Bocelli ,. ..

a huge Yffldd ing cake and Andrea to the guests, They all

a greallime.

An hour ago Tom and Ka\.":::==;;;~to Rome In Iheir Car. The guests" . too, H was a

fantastic wedding!

2 Find the past simple forms of these verbs In lhe lext. Read the mystery word and write II In the sentence. Then discover the mystery fact!

1 find

, go,

3 ,"

4 ride

I I I 6 have

Ci rcle every ____ word.

Katie wedding 12th G~Oct~o~""~) famous film November 10th Brazil

month are Is Germany Kldman Australia Tom Holmes castle lIaly

Cruise jump Oprah child Day Canada th ird 15th in newspaper

c~ebrity angry Japan weot Nicole daughter

Page 54: starter motivator

11A Which is the best '"ptop?


1 Read about the laptop computers. Complete the paragraph with the names of the computers .

•• ••••••• Which is the best laptop? ......... '


100 (fell limes

' .5

~'s a difficult decisfon. The 'SIIlr Mini is the lightest and the smallest. The 1 _____ ""

the best extras. The " _____ is the fastest and ~ has the biggest screen. H's the best

computer, but ~ isn't cheap. The cheapest computer is the' . It's faslerlhan the

QMT 894X and has a bigger screen than the ' . It's a good buy if you don't ha~e

much money We didn 't li ke the' . because ~·s the sl~st and the heaviest!

2 Match the people with the best computer for them.

",c:.:===~ 1 want a computer lor

my musk:, and I want a fast computer.

isn't a problem.


I'm a t>eginner. I want to leam


I want a small.

light computer.

I need a fast computer

tor games. I want a b<g screen, but I can~ buy a

expensive computer.

Page 55: starter motivator

11 B what's the best sport for you? Student A

Read about the sports. Ask Student B questions and complete the table.

A: Is skateboarding moro djff icu~ than windsurling? A: Is sk ii r>g the most d ifficuH sport?


8: No. it isn '\. B: Yes, it is.

>< ........ .. _----------------_ .... . _- . -.. _------_. __ ._--------------------------_ .,. _-----------------------------Student B

Rel'd about t he spol't$. Ask Siudent A questions and complete the table.

Do Is skateboarding more dangerous than skiing? B: Is skiing the most dangerous sport?

A: No, ~ isn't. A:. Yes, it is.

Page 56: starter motivator

11 C Clothesline 1 Write the clothes words In the word chain.

d , , I ' S

IS hi ; I ' t

I t u I S

S I e S S Ie ,

, I , S I I t

I S I I s I t I I I ' I

1 ' I t

t I ' I

~ ~~

, I ""-.. ... 2 Make two clothes words from the lette~ In each box.

, boots , bell

7 J 8

3 h , h

, , 70 ,

, , , ,

Page 57: starter motivator

Roundup 1

Trod/, witlt Irlfi,.,rs

II Which trainers do you like?


a) Yes, 01 COUrM.

b) Do you li ke !hem?

"t) The blll8 ooes are the best

Excuse me.

'- - What size?

Yes, I do .

d) Can we try these OIl? el Just a minute! I) They're too small.

gl You didn't take the paper out!

h) We're identical twinsl

fl •• • - 1' 0 __ ( ... 1iot.(2OOIIII 55

Page 58: starter motivator


Roundup 2

• • The short adjective crossword Comple te the crossword with the oppOsite adjecli~,

and jts comparative and superlative lonTI .

• • •

" " Q , i I e

I" 1 - I" '-1-___ 1 1


I" 1 1 .,j:1

--,--,-+--+-' "~I=~I]t_ ::: Il-.

1 1 1 I

I) - . 1 1

r 1 ,

• 1 1 1 1 -- ,- - -- -- -

r ::Jrl,.,(

11 -

... - Com_ --opposi1e of difflc;u/l 6 across 18 down 9 across

opposite of IigIlI 8 across 15 across 8 down

oppo&ile of bad 4 down 25 across 22 across

opposite of small 1 across 25 down 2 down

opposite of good 1 down 23 across 3 down

oppos~e of big 14 across 7 down 10 down

oppos~e of cokI 12 across 20 down 17 across

oppos~e of old 16down 24 down 26 across

oppos~e of f!Hf 19 down 19 across 13 across oppos~e of cJwn 21 across 11 across 5 down

1'IKI1~ I:) __ ~duenon (2009)

Page 59: starter motivator

12A What's on? Student A

Read about the musicians and singers. Ask Student B questions about them.

Add the Imonnatlon to the poster.

A:. What kind of musk: does KiJTl(!va sing?

k How moch are the tickets? A:. When are The SHoo going to be at the Nitrogen Centre?

Bo She's an R&B singer. B: They're £25.

Bo On 30th April.

Coming soon at the Nitrogen Centre ...

Student B

=='Kim~a ~(m.ny's top R&D Oat.: 12th Jun,

Ttdm ___ _

Th~ Slid~

A ""!w heavy ~.I baod from ''''' USA 0.1" ___ _

Tide's: £35

Danny Dove Ca nada', mon popular

D.t~: 9th September TICk,,;

Chit Chat Fi~ girl pop bond f,om Austr.li.

Oat.' --:-:-__ Tie,m: (45

S3n Diego Sound The W(M'kj.limlOlJs .CC ___ orchrslJa Dot.: 19th Nov.mt..r

Tic.ets: ___ _

Orten Fields Popu l. , folk ~nge rs /'<)m Engl. nd

D.t.: --:-:-__ Tickets.[15

Read about the musicians and singers, Ask Student A questions about them.

Add the Information to the poster.

B: When is Kimeva going to be at the Nitrogen Ceme?

B; What type 01 music do The Slide play?

B: How much are tickets for The Slide?

A: On 12th June.

A: They play heavy metal music.

A: They're 1:35.

Coming soon at the Nitrogen Centre ...


G~rm~ny's lop R&B sin9~(

Dale: -' 2rh lune Titk~ts· £25

Th~ Slid~

A ~w band fr~ ~ USA

Dale 30th i\pfil Tidets· ___ _

Dannv Do~ Canada's mo5t popula, IOUI ~n9't' 0.1" _ __ _

TlCl~tS : £20

Chit Chat Rvt 9](1 band from AUW~ li a

o.l~ ; 2nd January Tlehts: ___ _

San Diego Sound Th~ wor ld-lam"'" ~ti" OI"~tr.

Date' -ccc--Titk.lS: (55

G,~n Fi elds

F'opula'.CCOC=c-si~rs from Engl~nd Date: Brd August


_<>pablo C Pearson EOOcation (2009) 57

Page 60: starter motivator

128 • The story machine number 2 Choose one box from each set and make II story. Write the story In the box.

i i

crowd was

"" .'" ._-world record!

A brilliant jump!


Page 61: starter motivator

12c Match the speech bubbles with the correct set. 01 words.. Make a senl~

or question with ea<;h seL Then act the conversation. And the neKl contestant is .. .


'I want to wi"

EI ~

011 ... Love

hurts a lot ...

8) What I yoo I goOng I sJng

II'" •

It'S amazingl

II want I win I this competition

e) )IOU I a winner

d) You' going I M I the wasp e) I j go<ng I sJng I 'Love hurls a lot'. II I I want! cry

• Luke?

Page 62: starter motivator

120 Roundup 1

Motivator quiz: music Answer tile questions. Check your answers and write your SCOfe.

I What typo 01 music does DoUy Parton sing?

Q} jozz b ) country and western C) soul

2 Who invented the saxophone?

a) Beethoven b) John Lennon c) Adolphe Sal<

3 What is the ncnne of the most Important music: awards show

in the United States?

a) The Grommys h) The Ernmys c) The Oscws

4 Which lap singer's teal ncnne is Marshal.l Mathers?

a) Fifty Cent b) Snoop Dog c) Eminem

5 Whale did reggae oome trom?

a) South Ahi= b) Brazil c) Jamai=

6 Where are the rock bond U2 born?

Q) England h) Iroland c) The United Stales

7 How many keys does a piano hove?

(I) 62 b) 74 0) 88

8 What does R&B stand 1m?

a) rhythm and blues b) rap ond t«rt 0) red and blue

9 Which instrument did jazz musX:ian Louis Armstrong ploy?

a) trumpet b) violin 0) guitar

10 Where did the class1cal COITIp:>SeI Beethoven come from?

a) Fronce b) Spain 0) Germany

Myscore: __

8-10 You'reamusicexpertl

5--7 You know a lot about music.

3-4 You know a bit oIx>ut music.

\-2 You aren't very Interested in music.

o Do you know whcrt music is?

Page 63: starter motivator

120 Roundup 2

FAmous people .•. wko Aren't fAmous! Complete the profi .... wIIh the wordeln the boxe •. Then soIYi! the code to find ................ fK'l about HCh ~

A Shigeru Miyamoto

word 4 letter 2 word 6 letter 5

8 Matt Groening

I ~ s .. ccess wor1\ing 'tathe<. .. started I

Shigerv M' /Ol.1OIo Is Ircm Jopon. People tal him 1he '~ of comp.JIef

gomes' 1n19nhe' worblgtorosmalJopal 8compo1l'f'cd!ed

iii oIe<odo. The company mode cord ganes and H wosnl war( successflA. They

$lOlled to make cornp..oler · • ond'" 1960SI"Ogen.I oeoted Donkey

Kong n was a • 01 OW!< the wOOd. AIle< 1t1a1. Shigeru CfeOIed

the fomous Morio gomes. These' the mosI popuIor compuTer

gomes in the woOd.

","J '~~ is s~1I moldng new computer gomes. Now ne is'

the Mnleodo W~. He's going to make l'TIOfe new games in the lui .......

In his free time Shigeru doesn't play computer games.

lie plays the

Mall Groening is !he men betW-od !'he ~ He aeoIed Homer, t.'o-ge,

8or1. U50 ond Maggie 'In 19M. lied him ten rri'luIe$lO' !hem!

The firsI episodes were on fo;oc TV in • in 1987, W was an

E......, week more !han 60 mAon • orOlKld the WO!Id watch 1he

Simpsoos. II's the most popuIor show in the hisIo!y of' In 2007

"'" G_., , .. """"". _____ Si'npson$' lim. There or8 PI9 to , SO:llpsons' films WIthe Mure.

I Honw and Marge are t~e names of Matt's )

_, ;,pW:>IoO __ ~ducMKwI (2(d! 61

Page 64: starter motivator


My Girl - The Temptations

The Temptat ioos SIMed as a band in the earty 19608, and have been ~nging

end dancirlg in thejr unique style for nearly fifty years. They were orig inally

from Detroit In the United States, At first, Th;e Temptations' music had the s lick Motown sound, then in the 19705 their songs bocame more pol itical.

Today, they have a more ~axed mythm and blues style.

The members of the band have changed many times, but one of the original

membe<s. Otis Wil liams, still sings w~h them.

Listen and complete the song with these lines.

a) Than the birds in Ihe trees d) I've got a1llhe riches, baby.

b) My gi~. (My g i~. my gi ~)

oj When it's cold outside,

e) What can make me feel this way?

I've got sunshine

On a cloudy day.

,,'" "to.. ",,'

I've got the month of May.

I guess you'll say

"' ","11'e' ,,"'"""_'''",''

I guess you'll say

'----My girt (My girl, my girt)

Talking about my girl. (My gi~)

Talking about my gIrl.

"' '= ",,"'OW""

What can make me fool this way?

My girl. (My girt my girt)

I've got sunshine baby on a cloudy day

Talking about my girt.

Talking about my girt (My girl)

rve got so much honey

The bees envy me.

rve got a sweeter song

o '--------------

II guess you' ll say

~ What can make me feel this way?

I ~alking about my girt. (My gi rt)

I I don't need no money.

Fortune or fame.

I ' One man can cla im.

I.. """."' .. ,,' ." 62 ~ 0 "-'00 Erucalion 12009)

• " . "" . " "

Page 65: starter motivator

Our House - Madness ;=--------.


In the late 19705 london was the

centre of 2 Tone music. The bands

often wore suits w~h very narrow

ties. sunglasses and hats. They

played a mixtult' of ska w~h punk

and reggae. Madness was the most

successful of the 2 Tone bands

Their first big hit, One Srrtp Beyond. is still a favourite at parties.

Complete the song with these words. Then listen and check.

(Clue: Look for rtlyming words!)

I keep proud shirt It'st away allowed miss say I .,

r;:ther we3lS his Sunday best I Mother's tired she needs a ' _ __ _

She's the one they're ~ng to " ___ _

The kids are playing up downstairs

Sister's s;ghing in her sleep

Brother's got a date to "~ ___ _

He can't hang around.

Our hoI.lse. in the middle of OUr street.

Our hoI.lse, in the middle of our

Our hoI.lse il has a crowd

There's always something happeoing

And it's usually quite loud.

Our mum she's so hoI.lse " ___ _

Noth ing ever slows her down

And a mess is not •• ~ _ _ _

Our hoI.lse. in the middle of OUr street,

Our hoI.lse, in the middle of our

I Our hoI.lse, in the middle of our street.

Our house in the midd le of Our

Father gets up late for WOfk

Mother has to iron his ., ___ _

Then she sends the kids to school

Sees them off w~h a small kiss

In lots of ways

Our hoI.lse. in the middle of OUr street,

Our hoI.lse, in the middle of our

I remember way back then

Everything was tl\l9 and when

We wou ld have such a very good time

Such a fine t ime

Such a happy time

And I remember how W<j'd play

Simpty waste the day ' _ __ _

Then we'd .'~ __ _

Nothing would come between us

Two dreamers

1>tJotnc<>pi_ C P..son Education 12009) 63

Page 66: starter motivator

The Sweetest Feeling - Jackie Wilson Jacl<.ie Wdson was a 51 OX! utu! bo~er In hie t~ and won severallmportanl competrtlOl'lll.

When he was eighteen he left boxing and became II singer. His best-known song. The SWHhI$t Feeling, was a Top Ten

hit 1wIce: the first time in 1972. erId II;IIln In 1987, three years after he died. Two ITIOI8 of his SOI"98 _ Ms again after his

death: Reel Petite. tirot in 1957 and then In 1986, and (your

love keeps lifting me) ~ IIDd higher, In 1967 and 1987.

Guess the COIl1ICt words and circle them_ Then lilt ... Ind c:heck.


The closer you get

The 'bigger 1 be/ter" you look baby

The better you look

The ITIOI8 I walll you

When you >tum 1 time on your smile

I leel my heart II" wid

I'm like II 'chef 1 child with a brand new toy

And I get the

Sweetest feeling

Honey Ihe Sweetest (Sweetest Feeing)

Baby the Sweetest (Sweetest FeeIi"Ig)

Loving you. yeah

The warmer your kiSS

The deeper you 'touch 1 trust me baby

The dBBpac your touch

The more you tIwiII me

11'$ rTIOIQ than I can 'start 1 stlIDd

Girl, when you hold my hand

I feet so grand

That I could 'cty 1 tty

64 PI' ,", o"-~_!2OOII

And I get Ihe (Sweetest Feeling}

Morna the sweetest (Sweetest FNing)

Baby the sweetest (Sweetest FNing)

'""'" ,00

LHl The grueter your love

The 'sln::tngei"" I /onfJfr you '""*' me baby

The stronger your hold

The more I 'need 1_ you.

With every passing "play f Oay

I love you more in rlery way

I'm in love to $lay

And I wanna "'say I ,;r

I get the (Sweetest FHling)

Baby the sweetest (SwHtesl Feeling)

Honey the sweetest (Sweetest Feeling)


aw (Sweetes1 Feeling)

Honey !he sweeles1 (S_test Feeling)


The Sweetesl Feeling

Page 67: starter motivator

Teacher's notes and Answer keys 1A Celebrity football team

Aims: To practise the verb to be (singu lar).

possess;ve adjectives (singular) alld question


Instn.Jcl ions: Ex 1 • Give ea<:h S a photocopy

at the worksheet. · Draw Ss' attention to the

example in ~em t (Cameron Diaz). and go through ~ with them . • Explain that S5 first unjumble

tile celebrity names . • They then 1001< at the inlormabon about birthdays to wor\<. oot how old

the celebrities are. ' Using this information, and

the WOI'ds In the box at the top 01 the page, Ss complete the dialogues.

Ex 2 • S5 write the first letter 01 each name from

Ex I, then unjumble the letters to f ind the team

captain'S name.

Ans_, k-r- Ex 1 1 she 2 Cameron Diaz 3 oid 4 (current age) 5 What's 6 ~ 7 How 8 (current age) 9 Who's 10 non JoOO 11 he 12(curremage) 13his 14 HarrisooFOfd IS He's 16(cumontage) 17 KylleMinogo.>e 16is j 9S1>e's 20 (current age) 21 your 22 Man Ie mar.:: 23 .... 24 (e"",,",' age) 25 name 26 My 27 ~ina JoIie 28 (e",""" "11") 29 I'm

Ell 2 (David) Beckham

1 B People puule!

Aims: To urKle(stand personal infomlation

- names, addresses, telephone numbers and ages

Instructions: • Show the Ss the iofomlation in Itle

table . • Read Itle inlonnation about Mrs K. Jones (her

adci'ess ar'£I phc;ne no.mbarj ar'£I snow the Ss how

to add this iofonnation to Itle table • The Ss read Itle rest oIlhe information ar'£I 00 I opIete the table.

Answer "r. 1 Jac~", I Meakin 1 SD6 3TO 1 07784 214830 1 161 Monday; 2 Peter 1 Roberts 1 BE21 4LO 107736 759625/25 I T...esday and Friday; 3 Karen I Jones 1 AM5 2Pt1 1 01724 239296 1 31 1 ',V(Ido iOISo:!ay 8r"Id Satun:la~ 4 John / Meakin 1 SOli 3TO 1 0 1579

8640t31 17 f T~y 8r"Id Sunday

1 C Bands around the world

Aims: To practise the ~erb 10 be pural, Where ...

from? questions, and compass points

Instructions: Ex 1 • Read the first conversation

(about the Toon Boys) to the Ss . • Show Ss the

line from the pt<:ture of the baod to Newcastfe, the

tOWfi in the north of Eng laod . • The Ss read the

other five conversations aod draw fines from the

pt<:tures to the correct towns.

Ex 2 ' Show the Ss the letters next to the correct towns . • The Ss write the letters in the boxes.

• The Ss rearrar.goe the fetters to make the name of a country They add the name to the poster.

Answer key: Ex 1 The Toon Boys - A, MobOIe Tones - B, Dieter WoftI- A. Natalia Alessi· L Marek Kopo/ski - Z , Groon Dream - I

E. 2 8ruiI

1D Roundup 1 Words, words, words!

Aims: To revise the vocabufary for countries.

national ~ies, numbers. aod days of the wee-k

Instruc tions: ex 1 • Read Ihe headings in the

table (first letter, Country, Nationality, e tc.) 10

the S5 . • Show Ihe Ss that in the first row, all the

words begin with letter t . • Ask the Ss to suggest

words lor ~ems' aod 2 in the first row (thirty,

Thursday) . • The S5 compete the rest of the

words in the table.

e.2 · Read the clue lor I across (a country) to

Ihe Ss . • Show the Ss , across in the crossword,

and pc<nt out the firslletler (A) aod the number

of leiters needed (6) . • The Ss write in the ansWfj(

(Russia) . • The Ss complete the rest of the


Ans wer ker: E. 1 1 thirty 2 Th<xsday 3 F"""'" 4 IMo 5 fony 6 Spanish 7 six 8 seven 9 si><l-. to_t~ 115ixty t2~ t 3 Saturday Sunday Ex 2 Across: t Au»ia 2 eigtrt~ 3 eleven 4 j apan

5 ninety; Down: 3 eight 6 Friday 7 BmziI a .-.!net~ 9 PortogaI t o Wednesday

1 D Roundup 2 Who are they?

Aims: To revise asking for and g iving personal

inlonnation, aod saying numbers, letters, phone

numbers. postcodes and addresses


Page 68: starter motivator


InstrudiOl1S; ' Make a photocopy 01 the WOI1<sheet

lor each pair Of 5s . • Cut the W<lr1<shoot$ in half along the dotted line . • Arrange the Ss in pairs. One

S in each pair is Student A, the other is Student

B . • Give each S a Stude!11 A section or a Student

B section . • Show the Ss thai !her\! is information

about Boy X and Git1 Y 00 the worI\sheels . • Read

the first example question for Student A (lNhal's Ili~

name?) and ask a Student B to ansWef ~ (Pietro).

Show the Ss wh6re to write the in/ormation on the

wor'Ksheel. • Read the first example question for

Student 8 (Hew old is he?) and ask a Student A

to answEIf it (17'). Show the S8 wher9 to write the information on the worksheet · The Ss take turns to ask and answer the questionS in pairs, and write

the informalkm on their worksheets.

An$W'" k~ This is F>;etro. He's 17_ He's from ItaI)I. His

address in 1M UK Is 4() Longwood StAIIIt. Tondale. His postcode is TD48 6W. H .. phone rlI..OTlbef is 01724 835196. ilia is Sandra. Shoo's 14. She', from Poland. Her

address in the UK is 96 Grer.dale Smoet. eo-ton. Her iX'StC<Xle is 0V32 BAS. Her phone nl.ll"l"lbet' is


2A Mystery objeets

Aims: To practise common objects vocabulary, and

this, that, thew. thosa

Instructions: Ex , • Point to the picture in number

1 and ask W/lal are these? (apples) . • Show the Ss

that the letters lor apples have been crossed out in

the jumbled letters . • Show the Ss the wO(d apples

under Piclure word . • Ask What exlm IeUers lIt9

there? (8. G. N . • Show the Ss the extra word (bag) wtlich is made from these jumbled letters . • The Ss wor1< out the othe<" picture words and extra words.

Ex 2 . Point to the first picture. Read the example

quest ion and answer . • Point to the second picture.

Ask the Ss to say the question (Whal's rhis?) and

answer (II's a T-shirt.) . • The Ss write the questions

and answers.

Ans_ kel" Ell t t apples, bag 2 dlar)i. book 3 can.a. watch 4 trainon. hats 5 keys. pens 6 T-shirt. bike Ell 2 t What are these? They're apples. 2 What"s this?

~'5 B T·shirt. 3 What's this? ~'5 a camera. 4 What are theSe? They're trainers. 5 What" this? n's a diary.

6 What are these? They're I<ey$.

28 What colour i. that?

Aims: To practise personal possessions and

colours vocabutary. and the possessive's

Instru<:tions: ' Read the names (Da1T8(l. NalaJifJ. etc.) to the Ss . • Follow the line from Darren to the

~evant object and ask Whal is it? (a phone).

• Point out the jumbled letters and as!<. W/lal colour

is it? (black) . • Show Ss the colour WOtU bklCk on the answer l ine next to the jumbled words . • Show

the S5 the example senttlflCe (Damm's phone is

black) . • The Ss follow the other li nes. write the

colours, and write the SIlfltences.

An_Wet" key. t Darren .. p/>one Os toacl<. 2 Natalie's Irailw's are bmwn. 3 HOs friend's ex~ book is beige. 4 He< friend's T·sI!irt is pink. 5 His bfOttlers'

hats are 9r8Y. 6 His lliston' tokes are $I"".

2C How much Is It?

Alms: To practise last food and drinks vocabulary

and asking about prices

Instructions:' Make a photocopy of the workshoot /0( each pair of Ss . • Cut the wor1<sheets in half

along the dotted line . • Arrange the Ss in pairs. One

S in each pair is Student A, the other is Student B. • Gw.. each S a Student A sectoo 0( a Student B sect;on.

E~ 1 • Show the Ss there is informat;on about

the food and the prices in both sect;ons . • Read

the example question lor" Student A (How much is a cheese sandwich?) and ask a Student B to answer~ , (11's £:2.45.) ' Show the Ss how to write

the inlofmat;on in the menu . • Read the example

quest;on for Student B (How much is a chicken sandwich?) and ask a Student A to answer it. (II's £:2.50.) • Show the Ss how to write the information

in the menu . • The Ss take turns to ask and answer

the quest;ons in pairs. They write the Inlormation in

lheir menus.

Ex 2 ' Write the first incomplete bill for Student A on the board . • Help the Ss to WO!1< out the missing

Rem. They should wor1< out the price first (1:1.95)

and then see what ~em is that price (coffee) . • The Ss wor1< out the other ~ems in the other bil ls .

Ans_ k. r: Ell t Snacks: Chicken sandwOch 1:2.50, CMesII sandwich 1:2.45. Ik-"O'l' £2.95, Hot dog £1.75. Packet of crisps SOp. k:e cream £1.10

Page 69: starter motivator

Drinks: Cola. !lOp, M ...... aI waler 6Op, 0.""9" juice £1.35. Apple juice £1.45. T .... 9Sp, Goff&& £1.95, HoI chocolate £1.85 Ex 2 StOOen1 A:. 1 Goff"" / £1 .95, 2 Hot dog / 1'1.75. 3 AwIe juice £1 .45 Sludenl B: 1 Hot chocoIale / £1.85, 2 B<.<ger / 295. 3 Packet 01 crisps / SOp

2D Roundup 1 At the cali

Aims: To revise OI'del'ing lood in a cale. and to act

()lit a story

Instruc::tions: ' Read the sentf)O(:eS a)-h) in the

box to the Ss. · Show the Ss the e.am~e answer

in 1 (Can I ha ....... cheese sandwich, etc.?) . • Ask

the Ss to tind the correct sentence for 2. using the

picture to help them . • The Ss complete the rest of

the story . • Choose three Ss and assign a character

(boy, Iriend, assistant) to each . • The three Ss read

and act out the story.

Answer kel" 1 b) Car> I Ni~ B '*-~ and a el\icl<en sandwOch, pleese? 2 a) Here)'Oll8<9 3 n lNs is your sandwich. That's my sandwic!1 . (e) How rruch I$ tNit? 5 h) £5.35. 6 e) Thank )'Oll. 1 III Where'!! my sandwictI? .. d) 011 , 00<'1)'.

2D Roundup 2 Motivator quiz! general knowledge

Aims: To revise the language 01 the unit w~h a quiz

Instruc;tions: ' Exp lain the idea of General

Knowledge to the Ss; asl< them to say, in their

OWn language. the type 01 quest ions you .find in a

General Knowledge quiz (What is the c;Jpi1a1 of ... ? / How high is ... ? I Who is ... 1) . • Read the first

question to the Ss and aslt them to suggest the

answer . • The S5 answer the rest of the questions

individually . • Go through Itle correct answer.; w ith

the Ss (see Answer key) . • The Ss work out their

score . • Congratulate S8 w~h a score 01 8-10.

__ rkey: t a) 2e) 3a) 4a) 5b) 6e) 1e) sa)

9 b) tOa)

3A In a house

Aims: To practise rooms. parts 01 a house. and

"ttings vocabulary

Instruc tions: Ex 1 • Point to numbe< 1 in the picture and ask What is It? \II window) • Show the

Ss that rlUmber 1 In the crossword is completed

w~h window . • Point to number 2 in the picture

and ask What Is it? \II sink) . • Help the Ss to find

numbe< 2 in the crosswOl'd: the Ss write sink in

the crossword . • The Ss complete the rest of the


ex 2 • Show the Ss that some squares in the

crosswOl'd are g rey . • S5 write the letters which

are in these squares into the boxes in Ex 2 . • Ss

unjumble the letter.> to form a word.

Ans_r key: Ex 1 1 window 2 ""'k 3 1oi1&I 4 walt 5 balt1 6 bedroom 1 /rid(Ie s garden 9 cfishw(t$/ler

10s/'oower 11 doco' 12kitchen 13cooker l(bathroom 15t>a11 t6washbasin Ex 2 washing macI>ine

3B Find the furniture

Aims: To pmct ise lumiture vocabutary

Instruc::tioos: Ell 1 • Ask an individual S to find tha

f irst wOl'd in the wOl'd ribbon (desk) . • Show Ss the exampie circle around desk . • The Ss then circle al l

the other wOl'ds in the wOl'd ribbon.

Ex 2 ' Explain that some of the leiters in the wOl'd

ribbon have symbols . • Show the Ss the first letter

w~h a symbol tag (e. w~h the . tag) . • Show the

Ss how to write e in a box under the . symbol.

• Repeat w~h the next ~1t8f in the wOl'd ribbon

with a symbol tag (0, with the . tag) . • Show the

Ss how to write 0 in a box under the. symbol.

• The Ss add the rest of the lette<s w~h symbols

to the boxes . • Show the Ss that the letters have

been re-arranged to make the lir.>1 wOl'd (What'sl.

• The Ss make wOl'ds from the other jumbled

lette<s and read the questk>n (What's your favourite possession7l . • The S5 write their answer to the

question. ' The Ss ask each other the question and

answer it.

_ _ key: E~ I des!<, IXIrT1PUt .... wa"!!p3pIII'!>in. armchaO', sofa. CD player, co opt>oard. DVD player. booi<case, shell, chesI-<JI~ televislon, wardrobe, table

3C Where are they?

Aims: To practise prepositklns 01 ~ace


Page 70: starter motivator

Instructions: • Make a photocopy of the WOfksheet

for each pair of Ss . • Cut the worksheets in haN

along the doned line . • Arrange the Ss in pairs. One S in each pair is Student A. the othe.- Is Studoot B .

• Give each S a Student A section or a Student B


Ex t • Show the Ss that they both have the same

pictures 01 stLJdents at Hill Road Secondary School .

They need to find out and write the names of the

stLJdents . • Read the example question fOf StLJdent

A (WI!ere's Natll8n?) and ask a Student B to ansW8f"

~. Show the Ss how to war\<. out when:! Nathan is . •

Read the example question for Student B (Wheru's

Charlene?) and ask a Student A to anSwer it. Show

the Ss how to work out where Cha~ene is . • The Ss

take turns to ask and answer the questions in pairs.

They write the names. (Note that there are d ifferent

ways of describ4ng each pos~ion; sometimes Ss

wi ll have to try different descript ions in order to

help their partner.)

Ex 2 • The Ss identity the two objects in their

section. then ask questions to fiOO where the

objects are in their pa~ner's picture.

AM_ key; E~ t back row. left to right: r"",. Ana . Mark. Tom. Emma. Darrtt<I; front row. ~ft to r'oghl:

~.K~.Ka~.C~,Na~.D~ Ex 2 The bag is ;" frootof Nathan. The _ phone

;s in the bag . The camera is on the tabkI. The (exercise) book is .....-.der the table.

3D Roundup 1 What's your style?

Aime: To revise There is .. I The16 ere .. " some

and any. and furniture and objects vocablilary

Instru<;tions: • Show the Ss the two living rooms .

• Read the two example sentences . • Say Can you find olher differences? The Ss suggest other

differences. for example There is a table in A. There Isn'l a lable in B . • Show the Ss how to write the

two sentences uOOer A and B . • The Ss fiOO eight

more differences.

AM_ key: [order may varyl A t There are two 001 .... 2 Them aren'j any armchairn. 3 Then! Is a table. 4 There isn't a bookcase. 5 Thete is a sI!eIf. 6 Thete .... ~ f two mirro<s 7 Thete is a CD pIayef. 6 Thern isn1 a television. 9 TheM isn1 a lamp. to TheM isn·t a wastepaper 00. B 1 Thete aren't any solas. 2 Thete are two arm::hairs 3 Thei'e isn1 a tablf!. 4 Thern is a bookCll$l!l. 5 There

Isn1 R shelf. 6 There ... en 'l any mi'rofs. 7 Thete isn1 a CO pia\,«. 8 Thete is a lelevision. 9 Then! Is a lamp . 10 There is It was1epape< bin.

3D Roundup 2 Phone your phone!

Alms: To l&vise making and respond ing to

requests. aOO 10 act out a stOt;'

Instructions: ' Read 1he sentences e)-I) in lhe

bo~ to the Ss . • Show the Ss the e~ample answer

in 1 (Whe16's my mobile phone?) . • Ask the Ss 10

find 1he correct sentence for 2 . • The Ss complete

the resl of lhe stOt;' . • Choose three Ss and ass;gn

a character (g irl. boy 1 and boy 2) to each . • The

three Ss read and act out too stOt;'.

Ans ..... key: t e) 'II't!ere's my _ p/>one? 2 a) No.

tt isn 't. 3 II) Can! bomI .. your mobile phone? 4 ~ Your

phone 0$ in the """"! 5 c) No. ~'s ther<o! 6 b) Soffyt

4A Jack's big blog

Alms: To p4"actise vocabulary for family members

Instructions: Ex 1 • Point to the family tree and

ask questions about it. such as WI70 a16 Jack's uncles? {Neil&nd Christophel? aOO Whal is the name of Jack's grandmother'? (Susan) . • Ask a S to

stan reading the te~t ffom Jack 's bIog. The S adds

the missing word to the second sent&nee (sistefj .

• The Ss complele the rest of the paragraph.

E~ 2 · Read the first clue for Ihe grid (Craig is

Jack's ... ) . • The Ss complete the sentence

(bralllef) and write the word in the grid. • The Ss

complete the f6St of the grid . • The Ss read 1he

mystery word and write il onlhe answer line.

Answ ... k.~: Ex 1 1 Craig 2 sister 3 uncle 4 aunt 5 wife 6 ""ught ..... I cNkIren 7 couslns 8 husbllnd 9 only chik\ to grandparents Ex 2 1 brother 2 uncle 3 rnotIIer 4 groncIfathflr 5 daughter 6 oephew 7 pamn!9 He is R bIogger.

4B Who are they?

Alms: To Pf8Ctise appearance vocabulary, and have

"" Instructions: Ex 1 • Read the first sentence in the description . • Show the Ss the table. Point to the

Page 71: starter motivator

~ in the box for Iot7g IxW .->d the ./ in the box for

beard . • The Ss add the rest 01 the inlormation in the

text 10 the table, so thllt every box lias a./ or a ~.

Ex:l • Point 10 picture A and ai!.k questions such

as Has he got curly hair? and Has he gal a beard? • The Ss work out who ~ is ~ and WTI1e the

name on the answer line . • The Ss work out lilt rest of the names.

Ex 3 • Ask individual Ss eactlto f'ead a IJet1teoce

from lhe speac:h bubble • • The Ss work out who

Torn's cousin is . • They oompIete the aenteoce with

the person's name.

__ k..,., Ell I Tem " ./ ~ ./ Mille 1 ./ ./ 1 NdrftN 11 ./ 1 l.iIde ./ 1 ./ Lil ... 1 ./ J I '/'/ ~ Ell2A~ BUz C ... OTem El.iIde FMike Ell 3 Lindo

4C Celebrity blrthd. ys

Alms: To practise months and ord inal numbers


Instructions: • Maka a phoIoeopy of the WOI"ksheet

for each pair of Ss . • CuI the worI<Si1eetll in hall along

the dotted line . • Arl"ange the Ss In pairs. One S in

each par is Studenl A, the other is Studenl B . • Give each S a Student A section 0( a Student B section.

Ex I • ExplaIn 10 Ss IlIat each section lias the same

celebrity names, but dillerent inlormation about

their birthdlIys • • Ask a Studenl A and a Student

B to read the examplll questions and answers for Student A (Vt'hen is Georpe Clooney:' biI'I~y?

etc.) . • Show the S5 the eJ(8mpie answers In the

table . • Ask a Student B and a Student A to f'ead the example questions and answers for Student B

(Vt'hen i$...wlin T~.'s birtlw»y? " e.) . • Show the Ss the examplll ____ In the table • • The 5s

take t.."s 10 asI< and .nsw ... 1Ilt questions in pairs.

They write the Information in their tables.

Ex 2 ' Show the Ss how to writa a l;at of the

b4rthdays in date order through the year. starting

w~h the example . • The Ss write the celebrity

names and add each ceIebr~y'. lett .... . Ss read the

name of the mystery celebrity.

Answer k..,., Ex I a.oro. Clooney 1 8th May I Just'"

Tmberlllke A 3tst ~I Mariatl ~ R 27th Mareh I Brlld Pitt C 18th Cec<!mbet I "..rII t..vIgne 0

27th Se¢ember I ~ Oepp 59th .......... 1l.lndNy Lohan 0 2nd July I ()anjeI RacIcme N 2311;1..1u1)' I 0rtan:I0 Sloan H t 3th.w..a.y I CamooIon Oiaz F 30th August I Scao1eIt Joohansson R nnd ~ I Bruce \WIis R 19th ~ Ell 2 I Ortando Bloom H 2.kJstin TIrnI>IIrIeQ A 3 Bruce WiIie R 4 Mariah Cony R 5 a-oe Clooney 1 8 ~ Oepp 5 7 t.ndsay Lohan 0 a_ _ N 9 Cameron Oil.> F 10 AmI L...tgr-. 0

t I Sca<tetI Johansson R 12 Brad Pitt C

4D Roundup 1 A mysteriou. blrthd.y c:.ke

Alms: To reYise conver,;.ational pt1rases and family

vocabulary, and to act out a story

Instructions: • Read the sentences a)-e) In the box

to the 5s_ • Show the 5s the example answer in 1

1/$ jl your grandmolhar's birThday?) . • Ask the Ss to

find the COITect sentence for 2, using the peture to

help them. · The 5s complete the rest of the story.

• Choose two 5s end assign e character (boy, gin)

to each . • The two 5s read and act out the story.

Answer key: I b) Is ~ your {IIWIdInDthef'S t>irthd8y1 2 c)~" my mother .. birthday. 3.)&>. .. 35. (d) Mytstlw'slW1hdaybtomorrow_Ke's37.5"1 '-"ICIInIan:I now! Ther ...... 72 candIe!I on the cake.

4D Roundup 2 Motiv.tor quiz: popul.r c:uhure

Aims: To revise the language of the unit witfl a quiz

InStructionS: • Explain !he Idea of Popu1ar CuIrIH8 to the Ss: ask them to say, in their own 1ango,Jage, the type of questioos you find in a Popular CuHunI quiz (What was the name 01 ~ 's Iit$I hit? ete).

• Read !he fW"st question to the Ss and ask them

to suggest the answer . • The Ss answer the rest of the questions individually . • Go ttvough the oorreel

ans ..... ers with the Ss (see Ans ........ key) . • The 5a

work out their scortI_ • Congratulate Ss w~h a iK:OrII

of !!-10.

Ans_ key: t a) 2b) 3c) 4 b) 58) 6c) 7b) 8a)

g.) 10a)


Page 72: starter motivator

SA Job. around the world

Alms: To practise jobs and countries vocabulary,

and present simple

Instructions : E~ 1 • Show the Ss the word secretary circled in the wordsquara, ' TIle Ss circli! nine more jobs in the wordsquare,

E~ 2 • Point to the f irst picture and ask Where is

it? {China), • The Ss then look at the other pictures

and write the name of each country . • Point to the

jumbled letter.; next to the first picture. Ask What

job i5 it? (shop assistant) • The Ss thel1 unjumble all

1M other letter.; and Wr~{! the iObs.

Ex 3 ' Point to the first picture. Ask Who is he? {Mill) . • Read the sentaoce about him {I won.: in

kitchens and bathrooms) . • Ask What is hisjob? (plumber) . • Point to Exercise 2 and ask Where

does the plumber live? (FllInce) . • Read the

el<8mple ansWe<" in 1 (Max is a plumber: He lives In

FllInc8). · The Ss read the rest of the sentences.

work out what each person does. where he I she

livEl'S. and write a sentence about it.

An_ key. Ex 1 Across: _ ...... farmer, actor.

doctor. artist. r>UrM: Down: waite<. builder. pIvmber. w~_

Ex 2 1 China. silo!> assistant 2 England, roo5Ocian 3 France. plumber 4 ~aly. waiter 5 Australia, teac/"ler 6 IhfI USA, secretary Ex 3 1 Max is a plumber. He _In F,....,.,. 2 Lorna is a !&IOCher. She IMIs In Australia. 3 Tom is a I1'oVSician. He _ In England. 4 At-dy is a waiter He IiYes In Jta/y. 5 Un is a shop assistant. She _ In China.

6 San\ar1tha is a ~. She lives in tI>e USA.

58 What do they do?

Alm s: To po-actise places 01 work and jobs

vocabulary, and present simple

Instructions: • Make a photocopy of the worksheet

for each pai' of Ss . • Cut the wor1<shoots in half

along the dotted line ' Arrange the Ss in pairs. One S in each pair is Student A. lhe othe<" is Sludoot B .

• Give each S a Student A SElction or a Student B section . • Explain to Ss that each section has the

same names, but different information about the

people's Jobs. place of work. etc . • Ask a Student A

and a Student B to read the example quesbon and

answer for Student A (What does Tom do? He's a

factory worlre<) . • Show the Ss the example amwer

in the table. ' Ask a Student B and a Student A to

read the example quest>on and answe<" for Student

B (Where does Tom worl<? He worlrs In a factOI)').

• Show the Ss the example amwer in the table.

• The Ss take turns to ask and answer the questions

in pairs. They write tne infOfTT\at>on in the1r tables.

__ key. Tom: lactoo-y worker. in ~ Iactory, Greece.

G<eek and ttal ... ; ~a: nurse. in a hospital. France. French and English; l .... : """'ltld .... , on ~ building site, China.. English and a-... : AIldy: f_. on a farm. Poland, Polish and German; Ana: hovsawife, at hon"HI. Por1uo;laI, 1'ortugtJ8S8 and Spanish; Lorna: chef. in a restaurant. Argent ...... Spanish . AussiaI1 and Turkish

sc Holiday in London!

Aims: To practi se object pronouns

Instru<::tions:' Point to each of the pictures and

texts. Ask individual Ss to read them \0 the class.

• Point to the first picture at the bottom of the

page. Ask Who is it? (Emma). Ask Who is she

thinking aboot7 (Tom). Ask What else is she thinking

aboot? (The London Eye) . • Relld the example

sentence . • Point oot the use of him . • The SS write

the other sentences. using pronouns.

Answ ... k. y: t She 111<&5 him. 2 She ' k\'l$ n. 3 She Ik&5 her. 4 SIle doesn' like him. 5 SIle lik&5 ~. 6 He likes them. 7 He dOesn't like ~.

SD Roundup 1 Who i. the mystery guest?

Aims: To revise conversational phrases, and 10 act

oot a story

Instructions: • Read the sentences aM» in the

box 10 the Ss . • Show the Ss the example amwer

in 1 (Is he a fiim star?) . • Ask the Ss to find the

correct sentence /0( 2 . • The Ss complete the rest

of the story. They guess the name of the celebrity

aod write ~ in 6. ' Choose two Ss and assign a

character (quiz show host, g irl) to each . • The two

Ss read aod act out the story.

Answ ... key: 1 b) Is he a film star? 2 e) v .... he does. 3 d) Yes. he does. That's ""' nationality. 4 c) Is his wile Spanish. too? 511) Does he ,ke Iootbai? 6 Antonio


Page 73: starter motivator

SD Roundup 2 My job i. great!

Aims: To revise ;Cbs and places of wor\<.

vocabulary. and adjectives of opin ion

IllStructions: Ex 1 • Point to the first picture and

ask Whar's her job? (a waitress) .• Show Ss the

letter.,; for waitress crossed out in the l irst set of

jumbled letter.,; . • Ask Where does she worlr? ~'n a re:staurant) . • Show the Ss the letters lor restauranl

crossed out in !he second set of jumbled letters.

• Explain to Ss that then! are some extra letters.

which they will use in Ex 2. Show the Ss these

extra letters in the circle in row 1, • The Ss cross

out the other letters for jobs and for places of worl<.

• They write the words for the Jobs and the places of work on the answer lines . • They wr~e the extra

lener in the circles,

Ex 2 • Point to row 1 in Ex 1 again . • Say Make an adjoclive with these letrers, (tem·bJe) · Point to the

picture of the wa~ress in Ex 2. Read the example

sentence (My job is tembl6) . • The Ss rearrange

the other letters from Ex 1 to make adject ives , and wrile them

""'_ key: Ex 1 1 waitress. restaur,.,1 2 doctof. I>ospi!al 3 secretary, office 4 teacher. ochooI 5 builder. buOlding s~~ 6 sI>:)p usislant.lIhop Ell 2 1 terrible 2 fantastic 3 IIrIIWant 4 great 5 awfIII ,-

SA A day out

Aims: To praclise clock times vocabulary, and

present simple with f ixed t imes

Instructions: Ex 1 • Point to the timetables and

advertisements on the page. Ask questions about

each one, Sl.'ch as Wha t lime does lhe first film

starlat the Moviezone Cinema? \At 10.20 am). What lime does the last train I68ve from Ledford /0

Dunston? \At 7,50 pm) and When can you get two hamoorge<S for the price of one al Mihe Donald's?

(From 1.30 pm /0 2.30 pm) . • Read the information

in the box at lhe top of the page to the Ss, • Point

to the missing lines in the Irain t imetable. Ask

What time does the first lrain /eave from Duns/on

10 Ledford? ' Explain how to worll out the answer:

the first train arrives at 8 ,20 am. The train jourMy is

fifteen minutes. So ~ leaves Dunston at 8.05 am.

• The Ss add the missing times to the t imetabfes

and advertisements.

Ex 2 ' Read the information in the box to the

Ss. Expla in that Jason and Mall have to go from

Dunston to Ledford by train. do all the activ~ies in

Ledford. then return to Dunston by train . • In pairs,

the Ss worll out a timetable so that they can do alt

the things. (Note that the times Ss suggest may

vary slightly,)

An_ key: Ex 1 I 12.55 212.10 34,50 48.05 59.a5 67.30 7 7.25 84.45 95.00 e. 2 1 Train to Ledfotd 8.25 - 8.40 Arcadia Computet Games 9.00 • 945 Film at Movi&zone 10,2(1 • 12,10 ExhIbition al "'" Museum 12.25· t .25 Lunch a t Mike Donald's 1,40 • 2.25 FooIbaH match a t ledlotd

Stad ....... 3.00 · 4.45 Concotrl at "'" Union Halt 5,00 -7.00 Train to D.>nslon 7.JO_7.4S

8B A boy's day

Aims: To practise daily routines vocaoolary

Inst ructions: • Read what the boy says about his

day at the bottom ot the page . • Show Ss how

to follow the line from the top of the page down

10 have breaMast. Ask What time does he have

breakfast? · Explain that it must be 8.00, because

he goes to school at 8.30 . • Ask What's the letter? (O) . • The Ss then follow the rest of the lines,

choose the COfn'K:I t imes and c ircle the letter.

• The Ss read the boy's name and write ~ on the

answer liM.

Answ..- key: 8 00 (0), 2,15 (AI. 4.00 M, 7.30 (I). 10.00 (0) 1M boy's name is Dav'<!.

8C At the gym

Aim s! To practise adverbOal phrases of frequency

Inst ructions: • Read the first clue to the Ss (Karen

goes to the gym ... etc) .• Point to the pictures of

the people at the gym and ask Which per.;on is

Karen? The Ss war\<. out which person is Karen

(she 's altha gym on Monday. but she isn't in any

of the other pictures. because she only goes once

a week) . • The Ss find Karen in pictures 1-8 at the

bottom at the page (she's number 4). ThtIy write

her name on the answet' liM, • The Ss read the rest

of the sentences and write the names under the


I An_ key: 1 Tom 2 Joe 3 Alice 4 Karen 5 Rory

. 6 NacmI 7 Chris 8 carot


Page 74: starter motivator


6D Roundup 1 A word game

Aims, To IlIvise daily routines vocabulary

InstnJctions: 0 Mak!t a photocopy of the wOfksheet for each pair of Ss. 0 Cut thE! wor1<shElets in haH

aJong th!t dotted line. 0 Arrange the Ss in pairs . One

S in each pair is Student A, thE! oth&r is Student B. o Give each S a Student A section or a Student B

sect ion

Ex t 0 Show thE! Ss that they have two tables on lheir wor\(sheet. One table is the W<>rds they alll

going to cOllect (Your words). The othel" table ;sthe words they alll going to give to their partner.

o Borrow a card from a Student A. Say lam

Student A. Say B3 to a Student B. The S replies with thE! word in B3 (wake). 0 Show the Ss the

example answer wake in the B3 box in thE! Your

words table. The Student As then ask the Student

Bs for words to complete their table.

Ex 2 0 Borrow a card from a Student 8. Say I am Siudent B. Say C4 to a Student A. The S replies with thE! words in C4 (in bedl. 0 Show the S5 the

example answer in bed in the C4 box in the Your

words table 0 The Student Bs then ask thE! Student

As for words to complete their table.

Ex 3 0 Explain to Ss that they have a mix of verbs

and IlOOns in their tables. 0 Show the Ss how

to combine the verbs and IlOOns to make daily

routines. for example. ha\16 lunch. 118"6 a shower, etc. 0 Give thE! Ss 0I'Hl minute to make as many

combinations for daily routines as thE!y can.

An. w .... ke y. E. 3 go to schoo!. go to bed. go to sIee9. pI>one II Iriend. have a &hower, ~ breakfsst. have 1unct1, wake up, mad in bed. play comP<Jlerga ...... (10 combinations - other combinations aM possible. but they are J'IOI daily rwti.-)

6D Roundup 2 Are they identical?

Alms: To revise present simple with f ixed t imes.

c lock times and daily routines vocabulary. and to act out a story

lnstru<:tion5: Ex t 0 Read the phrases for dai ly rcutines a)-h) in the box to thE! Ss . • Show the Ss

\he example answer in 1 (get up) . • Ask the Ss to Ind the correct answer lor 2 . • The Ss complete

.,. rest of the story. 0 Ask a S to read the question

in the speech bubble al lhe top of the page. 0 Ask

Ss to answer the question, using informatioo trom the story . • Choose Ihree Ss and assign a character

Qnterviewer. Tim. TOlly) to each . • The three S5 read and act out the story.

Ex 2 ' Read the sentences in 1 to the Ss. includ ing

the example answer (TOlly wakes up al twenty-

fi"6 pasr seven.). 0 Remind Ss about their answer to the question about Tim and Tony in ex 1. 0

Ss complete the rest of the sentences with the

information about Tony.

Answer key: Ell 1 1 01 get up 2 <II gets up 3 h) have a 5/Iow ... 4 III has a shower 5 b) tlave breakfast 61) haS bt-&akfast 7 e) br\>s.t> my leett> II ~ brushIIs his -Tooy .x-IIVOtyIhng ha~ an 00ur alter TIm. Ex 2 2 Tony listens to r"r\oJ$i(: at quarter to &.-e. 3 Tony pI>onM hill II'iends at ha~ past ..... 4 Tooy goes to bed at rw""ty past e leven.

7A What can you do?

Aims: To practise verbs of abO lity, and using can .

can'! and (not) very w9l1

Instructions: e~ 1 • Point 10 the first c lue (2

across) and the accompanying picturn , and ask Ss WIlaI verb goes h6ra? (play (baskelball/) . • The Ss write the word in the crossW<>rd. 0 The Ss wor!< out

the verbs thai go with the Olhel" pictures and add

them to Ihe crossword.

Ex 2 0 Read the example sentence to the Ss.

o Show the Ss how to make sentences and gi'ffl

examples about yourself and people you know

1I can sing very w9ll, My sisler can play !emis. bul

not vet)' weil, My mother can't use a computet). o The Ss make senteoces about lhemsel\les or

peopte they know.

An _ _ ker- Ell 1 A<:<oss: 2 play 3 run 5 take II """ Oowfl: 1 paint 3 ride 4 sew Ex 2 $s' own answers

7B An accident in the kitchen

Aims: To practise toad vocat>ula.y, and countabte and uncountable nouns

Instru<:tions: 0 Po<ntto the IWQ pictures. Explain

that the Ss haVEI to tind teo differf!OCf!s between

Page 75: starter motivator

!he piettflIs. using !he words from !he box . • Read lhe example sentences 10 the $s . • Say Make sentences about carrol$. \PiCture A: There 8I1W'I~ IIfIYCIItroI$. PK:rure B: n- is a canor.) · The Ss write the seotances on the answer lirl8S . • The Ss lind _ more dillerences·

""1_ key (Ofder will voryl: , A lhent .... ..,..". • '*-. a ltMnI ...,~ q '*-" 2 A lhent .... two crionI. B lhent .... three <>O'IIons. 3 A There ...,1 lIllY C<ItfO\S. a There is. cam>t. ~ A lhent ian"",y ~an-is_~. ~An-is"'''W­B There lnllWO eQOI. 8 A n-ian1q bI.ItMr. B There Is """" burt.... 1 A Thete Is ..,..,.,. miII<. an- iln1 q ..... 8 A n.. is ..,..,.,. pata. a lhent ion' q PIIS'-. 9 A Ttw8 ilt\1q boNd. B There Is ..".,.,. broad. , 0 A lhent is ..".,.,. mea'. an- iln1 ..,. ..-.

7C WheN.m 11

Alma: To practi$e VOCIIbulary !or p laces in town.

and using prepositions 01 pllCe

Instructions: • Make a pt>otOCOP')' 01 the W(l(ksheet

for each pair of Ss . • Cut !he ~ in hall along the dotted line . • Atr(ll"9l! the Ss in pairs. One S in each pait Is Student A. the other is Student B. Give each S a Student A section 01 a Siudent a

"""". Ex I • Show the Ss that It>ey both haW! pictures

which repreM<1t places on a map 01 a town.

• Explain that !hey haW! ditf..-.t places on the

mep In Ex 2 . • The Ss match the places w~h the


Ex 2 • Explain that the Ss are going to find out

about the missing ptaces on !heir maps . • Ask a

Student A 10 read the places on his map {sta tion.

boo/IShOp. etc.} . • Ask a Student B 10 read the

places on hef map ~ $hOp. cJH/mISI. alc.}.

• Read the example q uestioo lor Sludent A (E:t:cuse me. Is lhercIa musk $hOp near hef"e1) and ask a StuOen\ B to answer it. $hOW the Ss how 10 lind where the music shop ~ 00 !he map and label il.

• Read !he eJUUTlJlle question lor Student a ibcuse me. Is mere" newsagenf n8IU h<!re?) and ask a Student A 10 ans_ ~. $hOW the Ss how 10 lind !he newsagent on !he map and Label it . • The Ss take turns 10 ask and answer the queslions In pairs.

They lind the missing ptaces on !he map and writa

1I1e Labels.

_key: ExI 18 2b 3c ~d 5_ 81 19 8t1

91 10 j Ex 2 (..- ......, ...-yI Student A:. !Tdk: Ihop-on !hi comw d Farm AoIod. ctwnisI- ~ 1M High $trae\ . oppOSIte IhfI supemwl<tI. cal. - In Sou\tI Street. """I 10 !hi e.- park. C()ITIIlU1e" Ihop - on !hi comw d Nontl $IrMl, ~. the '* p8Ik; Student B: ~t -in P<o::khllm Aoed. oppOSIle!hl park. $Iaticn _ .. !hi High S-. oppuaita \tie park.

bOOUI'IOP - on 1M comw d F.", AoIod. poe! aIIIcto -In the High Slreet. next 10 the ctoernIst. apons <*11n1 _ .. Sou\I1 ~ bIIIInd !hI~.

7D Roundup 1 Motiy. tor quiz: food

Aims: To revise l he languag8 011l1e unrt with III quiz

Instructions: . Explain that lhis quiz is about /oOd. Ask $s to say. In ttte;r own language. the type 01 queslions you fold in a Food quiz (What dish with

yellow nc.1s Spain famous fot1. etc). ' Read the

firsl question to 1I1e Sa and ask them to SU\Xl8st the

answer . • Tlla Ss _wer1l1e teSt aI!he questions ind ividually . • Go through the correct answers w~h the Ss (see Answer key) . • Tlla Ss wor\l out their

score . • Congratulate Ss with a scxn 018-10.

_ key: 1 b) 2c) 3e) ~cj 5b) Ia) 1b)

ec) ia)10a)

7D Roundup 2 Categories

AI ...... : To r1!Yise!he vocabulary 01 !he unit

I n.tructionl: • Poinl 10 lhe forst p;cture. Ask What

~ 111 ~) . • Show Ss the leners for juggle

crossed out in the first set 01 jumbled letters.

• Point 10 the letters llIat are not crossed out and ask Ss what WOtd the eKlrt. letters make (dMce).

• Show Ss the example answers in the Abilities

Cfltegory in the ~: juggle In the Pieture wOfd column. and dance in the ExIra wOfd column . • The

Ss cross out the leners fOlthe rest 01 the picture

words. and write !he words In the correct category.

• They make ext ... words in the same cat"gory wi1t1

the letters IIIaI are not crossed out. They add these

words 10 the Extra word eo\Ul'V"I.

__ kay.~: ~._/PM1I.IingI

_. cook/type. s"""' Food:~. CIf.-.g8/

d'kI<en. meat I cam>t. rice I'Iaoes: blink. J>III< I fIalion. a.,oist / booI<sIoJP. <;ale


Page 76: starter motivator


SA What .. the w •• ther like?

Aims: To practise weather vocabulary, and present


Instructions: • Make. photOCOl))' of IN ~ for each pair of Ss. • CuI the WO!I<shMts In hall

along the dotted 1WIe . • Mange the Sa in pairs. One

S In each pair Is Student A. the other Is Student

8 . • G~ each S • Student A section Of a Student

B section . • Show the Se thai there is Information

about the weather in difIeo •• 1 parts oIlhe ~ on the maps . • Explain It1at Student A has some information, and Student B has othef information.

• Point \0 the symbols on the maps and ask What's

the _!her lilca? lit's ranno. It's windy. tlc.). • Say the temperatlKft (18 degrees. 20 degINs. etc.) . • Read the ex3I11p/e questions for Student A (What's tile wearher lil<e In Sydney? Whar's tile

tempIltlilul&?) and ask a Student B to answer

!hem ilt's ~ning and Ir's warm. II's 20 degree/l.). Show the Se how to add the w&ethel" symbol and the temperature 10 the map . • Read the elUllTlple

questions for Student B (What'" the w&IIther like

In An.\:Bnl1 What's tile /empeflIturen and ask a Student A 10 answer them (It'! rainjr'f/ and II 's WIIIm. II's 18 d6gr80s.). Show the Sa how 10 add the weathef symbol and the lemperat\lffl to the

map . • The Sa take turns to ask and answer the

questions in pairs. They complete the information in

their maps.

__ key: 1 Sydney....,. WMTI, 20"; 2 .w... ,.;n, warm. 18"; 3 eu.no. AWw.umy. hoi, 35":. Rio de JaneO'O cIoucIy, hoi, 37'"; 5 ""*'>w 1II1OW, ~ ~ lllIeinglltlOW, fIwzIng, -2": 1 ~ cIoucIy. cD:l, 12"; II Rem. foggy, ookI, 7"; i NIrw 'Ibrk wh:Iy, cold, 3": 10M ........ ......,..1'<Il. W

88 MI.ed up .porta

Alms: To practise sports vocabulary

Instructions: Ex 1 • Point 10 number 1. Ask

students what sports word is hidden in the / ....... bIed leners (footOOl/) . • Show the Ss the completed

example lor leo/ball in number 1 in the grid in Ex 2.

• Thto 55 un/umble the rest of the words and W1ite them In the grid.

Ex 2 • Show the 5s that SOOWI squares in the grid

am grey . • The 58 oojumble the letters from those

SQuares to make two spotts • • They complete the

two captions to the photos w~h the spotts.

"'--key: u' 1 fooIbaII 2 >oIIofbllll 3 balkelbell 4 snowbo8tding 5 5.....mn1ng II eyeing 7 IIding 8windsuo:fing 9~ 10alhlelioll u 2 a rugby b tern.

8C Home bird or party anirNIl?

Aims: To p.-actise Iika, pl8f8r .. -ilg-, lind ,,"-..-n. activities vocabulary

Instr\H;tions: Ex I • Give !he Ss time 10 read the 18K!.. • Show the Ss !he quiz lind explain wIwIl it .. about . • Explain thai ext~ alll people who ~ke

talking to people and going to parties. 1n\J'OYlo18 .... people who pn.!fer staying al home and lislening to music Of reading a book . • Read !he firsl seclioo

of the qui>: (On wookday evenings ...• ele.) and ask

What does Nathan pl8fer1 a) going /0 c/ub$. Of b)

watching TV? (b) . • Show Ss the completed first

e)(8mple in Nathan's column. ' The Ss complete the ta~e with the rest of Nathan's choices • • The

5s then count the number 01 a) snd b) answers. • They read the key to find out ~ Nathan is an

intr'O'lert Of an extr'O'lert.

e. 2 • The Ss complete the quiz with their own choices . • They read what the qui>: says about

them. ' They t~1 the class about ~ and Nathan.

Ano_ key: E>; , Nathan bI. ~ f,\. bI. bI. .0); _

'- equaI........-bers 01 • ..-.d til. 10 t.. ... bIIanoI 01 ex1roYen and illl .......

8D Roundup 1 Motivator qul.z: sport

Aims: To ruvise the language of the ooiI with I quiz

Instructions: • Ask the Ss to say. in their own

language. the type 01 questions you find in I Sports quiz (Who wen /he FotmuIa I S88SOO in 20081 How

tnIIflY people are IhenIIn • 1'oo1ba/l1&iWl11 etc.). • Read the first questioo to !he Ss and ask them to suggest lhe answer . • The $a __ the rest of

the questions individually . • Go through the CDm!CI

answers w~h the Ss (see Answer key) . • The Ss worl< out thek S(;ore . • Congratulate Ss with a 1ICOi8

01 8-10.

....... _k.y: t b) 2a)3c) 4 b) Sc) 6b) 7el 8 -,) 9b)1Ob)

Page 77: starter motivator

I 8D Roundup 2 . )( texts

Alms: To revise conversationaJ pht'ases, and to act

out a story

Instruction" • ANd the sentences a)-g} in the boK to tne Ss . • Show the Ss the example answer In 1 (WIly doI1~ ~ .. . ) . • Ask the Sa to lind the COfflICt

plvase for 2. using the picture to help them. • The Ss ~. the rest of the story . • Choose two Ss and assign • character ~ 1 , gi1 2) to eac:n. • The two Ss read and act out the story.

""'_ key. , Q Why den', .... 2 III not today 3 bllAII" go • d) How tobouI 5 ~ 1tIM'a. good idM 8 CI 'I'coJ""" 7., ..... go! 462 _ on my ~

eA you· .... de.ectlve l

Alm a: To ~ using past simple 0110 be

Instructions: Ell 1 • Read the axtracl from the

newspaper article to the Ss . • Explain that !hey are

going to be ciete<:live$. They are going \0 work out who took !he painting . • Ask individual Ss to read

one 01 the speech bubbles tor the cjfferont peOple

at the house . • Make sure the Sa understand when

the pic!UAI was stolefl: Alex Popov saw the picture

In the dining room at 4.30, but when he weot back

to the room at 4.45, ~ wasn't tt-.er.. SO it was stolen belwewo 4.30 end 4.45 iro the all_noon. • Show

Sa the plan at !he house and the example answer for Alex Popov . • The Ss read the speKh bubbles again . • They won.; out where &&Ch p&rson 5IIys

he I she was between 4.30 and 4.45 . • They draw

a circle lor each person on the map 01 the house end write the name In iI . • The Ss \II/OIIt out which pe!lIOI'I isn't telling the IMh.

Ex 2 ' Help the Sa \0 answer the ql>&Stion$ . • The Ss say who they think took the pajnting. and ~


""_ key. E. 1 ~ f'opoIr . 1M"og room; I"" Grubber -1Wirr'IrrOrIg pool: ~ Cole - oaraoe: Ana F'op<w - 1M"og room: Jarice Cole _ 1dIt:Mn: ~ PopcN -~; Lwony Rod< -In In:Im oj the _: JIn'my Cole - gwage Ex 2 1 Lwony Rod< 2' , ... ~ •• "" nobody ..... him i>e1W(IM •. 30 and '.'5.

DB Where did Kevin bilk to Amy?

Alms : To practise prepositions of motion

lnstruc:1ions: • Make a photocopy 01 the wort<shMt for each pair 01 Ss . • CltI the WOI'kshMlsln tlall

along the dotted line . • Arrange the SS In pairs. One S In each pair is Student A. the other is Student B. • Give each S a Slucient A 58Clion or a StlJdent B

""""' . e . 1 • Show lhe Ss that lhey each have a map 01

a town. There is one parson'!! route on the map: Kevin lor Siudent A and Arrrt lor Siudent B . • The

Ss trace the lOUIe of lheir person, then compIele the teXI wittllhe prepositions from the box.

Ell 2 • Studenl A reads the com~eted text about

Kevin'!! route 10 Studenl B . • Studen1 B drawslhe route on his I her map.

Ell 3 • Sludent B reads lhe completed lexl about

Amy's roole to Siudent A . • Student A draws the roota on tIlsl her map.

Ell .. . The Ss wort< out where Kevin talked to 1Vrrf.

""_ key. e:. 1 Sludenl A: I oul of 2 11110 3 IlOI'O$S

4111105 out of 6 pAS17111to 8 out 01 9 IICIOU 10 inle 11 out 01 12a/ong SIuc*tt B: 1 DUll 01 2 Into 3 across " Into 5 DUll 018 Into 7 DUll oj 8 -..g 9 Into 10 out oj 11 IIIong 12 ~

b " KeYin lind Nrrf t-"<Id ... the park: .'s Ihe only pIIICe IIW)' _ in .t lhe ....... lime

DC I f_1 hap.".!

.lIms: To practise past simple of regular verbs. and

.ldjecllves of fooling

In' !ruetlon, : Ell 1 • Read the .....ros In the box 10

me Ss . • Read Ihe first text rnrsage 10 the Sa. Show them that the ~ watch has baen added to -'Iexi in lhe paSl lense . • The Ss complete lhe other taxI. wilh the pullense fonns o f the vems in

the box . • Point 10 the fits l taxt and ask How does

ffl patSl)I"I ffW? • The Ss read Ihe ~ 1SBd). • Repeal wittlthe other I.JClS • Point to PIctunI A

and ask How does he leaf?~ . • Ask W/!ich

texl matclle3 this pictura? (7) . • The S5 malch the rest 01 the ~ with the le )(l9.


Page 78: starter motivator

e. 2 0 Show Ss the example answer for the past

tense of walch in the grid . • Ss complete the grid

with the past lorms from e. 1 and lind the mystery

adjective in the grey squares.

Ana_ kq. E. I 1 watched "phoned 3 pmctised 'rerTWnbeled 5 nm.hfId 6 mi!lMd 7 shouted: A7B6C5D4E1F2G3 Ex 2 I watched "phoned 3 practised 4 remembeted 5 IirIIsI>ed 6 mi!IStId 7 $I>ouIoo; the mystfll)' adject;.,.,

is worried

9D Roundup 1 I know the answer!

Aims: To revise co(wersationa/ phrases, and to act

out a story

Inst ructions: 0 Read the sentences a)-l) in the box

to the Ss. 0 Show the Ss the example answer in

1 (There was a geography test at scllooo'.). 0 Ask the Ss to l ind the com>c\ sentence for 2 . • The Ss complete the rest 01 the story. 0 Choose two Ss and assign a character (mother, boy) to each. 0 The

two Ss read and a<:t out the story.

Ans_ key: t d) There was a IJ8OIl'3PhY test at sc:MoI. 2 bll only answered one question. 3 ~ What was the question? 4 a) What did you answer? 5 c) New York. 01 course. 6 e) The capital of the Un;ted States is Washington. DC.

9D Roundup 2 The story machine number 1

Aims: To construct a story, and predOct how

sentooces develop

losln,Jctions: e . 1 0 Point to the pictures and esk

QUeStions such as"""""'" is htJ? and What is he doing? 0 E.pIain that the Ss are going to work OUI

the story of what happened last night. 0 Point to

nt.mbel" 1 and ask How does the SIOl)' starr? (LaSI

night my brolhet). 0 Pcint to number 2 and ask How does it continue? (was asleep in his bedi. o Show Ss the line which links 1 and 2 (Last night my brorher to was asleep in his bed.) 0 The Ss continue

the story. drawing lines from one box to the next.

o Choose Ss to read the story to the class.

Ex 2 0 Read the three possible t it les to the Ss. o The 5s decide the best one. 0 The Ss then write

the story in the box.

Ans_. key: Ex I I Last rOgI1t my brOttler 2 was as~ in hi!! bed. 3 AI twe\lt. o·clock 4 hewalked 5 downstairs 6 and inlO the oarnen 7 He climbed 8 the wall 9 and he started 10 to sing. 11 Then he stopped 12 and waik&d back to bed. 13 In the rrorl\ing 14 he diOO1 remember 15 his ooncfIr1'

Ex 2 The best title is A musicllllld¥enrure

10A Get moving!

Aim s: To ptactise transport vocabu lary

InSln,Jc tlon s: EJ; 1 • Show the Ss the first picture

c loo (1 across) ar.:;l ask What is it? (II scooter').

• The Ss write scooter in number 1 In the crossword.

o The Ss complete the resl 01 the crosswon:l.

ex 2 0 Show 5s the six pictures iA to F). Explain

that they are Eddy·s tickets and receipts. 0 Point to

each one in turn and ask quesHons such as What

type of transport is il? and When did he lravel? o Ask Which is thtJ first 1icJ<et? (D City bus) 0 Show

the Ss the example answer l in the box . • The Ss number the rest of the Hckets in date I time order.

ex 3 0 The Ss write about Eddy·s journey. They

describe each part 01 the journey in the correct

"'~ Ans_. key: ex 1 ActoM: 1 soooter 5 car 6 t>ke Down: 210ny 3 rnotOfbi!<e 4 train

Ex2 01 F2 A3 E4 85 C6 Ex 3 1 F .... t. he woot by bus to HeatlYow Airport. 2 Then he went by l>arJe to Naw Yor1<. 3 Then he woot by tall to the Madi$Ol'lllotet 4 The ne.t day he wotnl

by boa! around M!l!"lllattan I.WId. 5 On 16th Ao>riI he wotnl by train to washington. 6 The """t day he WOOl by plane to Lorxton.

10B A crazy holiday!

Aim.: To ptactise 0100"",1 vocabu lary

Instructions: EJ; 1 • Make a photocopy 01 the

worksheet 10( each 5s and cut it in ha~. 0 Gi~e

Part 1 to the Ss. 0 Show the picture of the person

to the Ss. 0 Ask What is this person doing? (Going on holiday) 0 Explain that they are going to write a

story a.bo<.lt a hc> iday. 0 Point to number 1 and say

Wnle a month. Any month. 0 The Ss write a month

on the line. 0 Continll8 w ith the other descriptions.

Page 79: starter motivator

Ex:2 . Give each S a copy of Part 2 . • The 511 copy

If)e;r words from Part! into the text · In pairs.

the Ss read the text abouttf)e;r crazy hol iday 10

each other . • Choose a few 511 10 read about their

hol idays 10 the class.

10C Holiday fun!

Alms: To practise landscape vocabufary. and

asking and answering qll8sllons about places.

days and activ~ies

Iostruc:tions: • Make a I*>otocopy of the worksheet feM" each pair of Ss. • Cut the worksheets in half along

lhe dotted 1ine. · Arrange the 511 in pairs. One S in each pair is Stl.ldeflt A. the other is StUOent B . • Give each S a Student A section eM" a StlXieot B section.

Ex 1 • Show the Ss that they both have a map. It

shows what Jo did on his holiday . • Expfain that

Student A has details of some activit ies and some pfaces on the map; Student B has details of other

activ~ies and othel" pfaces. Emphasise thaI the two

maps show diffe-reot places on the island . • The

511 complete the sentences in the diary. using the

information on lhe map.

Ex 2 • Read the exampfe qll8stions for Student A

(What did Jo do on Friday? and Where did he go walking?) and ask a Sludent B to answer them.

Show the Ss how to compfete the diary w~h the

informat ion. · The Ss ask and answer questions

in pairs. The Student As complete the missing

information in the diary.

Ex 3 · Read the example qll8stions for Student B (What did Jo do on Monday? and Where did he

go bllring?) and ask a Student A to answeI" them.

Show the 511 how to complete the diary with the

information . • The 511 ask and answeI" questions

In pairs. The Student Bs compfete the missing

information in the d iary.

....... _ key: Elc 1-3 Monday: He went biIOOg in

Ih& hiIb. Tuesday: He -.1 sailing to the isIa"ld. Wedoesday: He played volleyball on the beach. n..uday: He W<II"!I cI,"tlilog In the mountains. Friday: He went wall<.in<;l in the forest. Salurday morning: He went $winming in the riwIr. San..day aftemoon: He went windsurfing on Ih&~. Sunday He W$"II

signtseeing to lhe waterla!l.

10D Roundup 1 A terrible holiday

Aims: To revise conversational phrases. and to act

out a stOlY

Instructions: • Read lhe prompts 8)-1) in the box

to the 511 . • Show the 511 the example answer in 1

(No, I didnt~ . • Show the Ss that th is is made from

the words in prompt d) in the box (No III not) . • Ask the 511 10 find the correct set of words for 2

(c) I I oot I like I the food! . • Help the Ss 10 make

this into a sentence (I didn~ like the food.) . • The Ss compfete the rest of the SIOIY . • Choose two Ss

and assign a characler (boy. his friend) to each.

• The two 511 read and act outlhe SIOIY.

....... _ key: I II) No, j didn·t. 2 c) I didnl like !he

food. 30 I didnl swim in !he sea. 4 a) I didn1 get to the lop 5 e) But I loved one thing. 6 b) I loved COI'J'W>g -

10D Roundup 2 A celebrity wedding

Aim s: To revise the past simple of regular and irregular verbs

Instructions: Ex 1 • Read the introduction of the

wedding story to the 5s . • Read the first paragraph

from Pan A. and po;nl out the example answer for

1 (met) . • Show the 5s the past simple forms in the

box . • The 511 complete Part A . • Repeat w~h pans

Band C.

Ex 2 • PoinIto runber 1 and ask v.tIar is It1e past simple of ·find"? (foood) . • The Ss write tovnd il the

first row of SCjI..Ii;lre$. • The Ss con ipIeIe the rows of squares with the past sOmpie loons of the verbs. If they are not sure, they can met al the YeI"bs in Elc 1 . • The

511 read the mystery word and aompIeIe the sentence

with ~ . • The 511 then ciode fffl1fY fouttt word il the set

of words below (Octobet; 10th, is, etc.). · The Ss read the myslery fact alx:o.Jt Ttrn Cruise.

Ans_ key: Ex 1 1 met 2 WWlI 3 rode 4 gavoe 5 found 6 go! 7 """'" 8 made 9 cut 1 0 sang 11 r.ad 12droVi1 13 1eft Ex 2 1 found 2 go! 3 cut 4 rode 5 went 6 r.ad The myst"')' word Is fou1!I The mystery fact is; October 10th Is Tom Cruise Day In -.


Page 80: starter motivator


11A Which I. the best laptop?

Aims: TO practise undeffltanding alld working with

lechnicallnlomlation: to practise comparative and

superlative adjectives

lns tn,,;:tions : Ex 1 • Point to the table and read

the names of the computers to the students (Orion

225. Star Mini, etc_I · • Ask questi<)<lS about the

computers. sud1 as W/lat is rh& SCfgell size of

the Alta 6QN? (17 inches) and Is the QMT 894X

expensWe? (Yes, It is) . • Read the beginning of the text to the 55_ Stxlw them thai srar Mini has been added . • The Ss complete the rest 01 the text w it h

the names of the computers.

Ex 2 • Ask a S to read the speech bu~e lor pe!'SOI1 number 1 to the class . • The 5s decide which is the best computer fo< this pe!"SOIl . • The

Ss match the other people with the best computer

for them.

__ key: Ex 1 1 Slar Mini 2 Lightpro 1000 3 Alta SON 4 Orion 22S 5 Star Mini 6 QMT 894X Elc 2 1 Ma SON 21..JghtprQ 1000 3 Orion 225 4 Star Mini 5 Lightpro 1000

11 B What .. the best sport for you?

Aims: To practise adjectives of quality, and

comparativ9S ar.:j supet1atives of adjectives

Instructions: • Make a photocopy of the worksheet

for each pair 01 Ss. · Cut the WOI'ksheets In hall

along the dotted line . • Arrange the Ss in pairs . One S in each pair Is Student A, the other is Student

e .• Give each S a Student A section or a Stvdent

e section . • Show the Ss that they both ha\le an

article comparing three exciting spotts. ' Explain

that Student A has some information on their chart,

and Student e has other information .• Read the

example qoostions for Studeol A (Is skateboarding

II'II)ffl difficult than windsurfing? and Is skiing

the most difficult sport?) and ask a Student e to

answer them . • Read the example questions for

Student e (Is skafeboarding r1JOnI dangerous Ihan

skiing? and Is skiing lhe most dangerous spol1?)

and ask a Student A to answer them . • Show S8

the example answers in the l irst or second row in

their respective charts . • The Ss take turns to ask

and answer the q uest ions In pairs. They add ttle

information to their worl<sheets.

11C Clothesline

Alm s' To practise clothes vocabulary

fnstructions: Ex 1 • Point to the pictures and ask

Whal Is il? or What atl! they? The Ss name the

clothes . • Point to the first word in the chain . Show

the Sa that dress has been WTitteo In the boxes.

• Point to the next box and ask Wha t word goes

/lera? (shirT) ' The Ss com~te the rest of the


Ex .2 • Show the Ss the letters in the f irst circle.

• Show that the letters can be made Into two

words. boots and belt. • Show the Ss that the first

leller of all the words is on the line . • The Sa make

two clothes words from the other sets of letters.

An_"r. Ex 1 dress - shirt - trousen - socks I shoes - shorts - sl<irt - !ra~ I sandafs - sweatshirt - tOgllIs e:. 2 1 boots 2 belt 3 I 4 hood .. , llat 5 I 5 cardigan, coat 7 I 8 jacket, jear.s 9110 trousws, top

11 D Roundup 1 Trouble with trainers

Alms: To revise shopping for clothes, and to act oot

a story

InstnH::tions: ' Read the sentences a)-h) in the box

to the Ss . • Show the Sa the example answer in 1 (The bIve ones are the best.) . • Ask the Ss to find

the correct sentence !Of 2 . • The Ss complete the

rest of the story .• cr.oose three S5 and assign a

character (the twins, shop assistant) to each . • The

three Sa read and act out the story.

An_ • .." 1 c) The DIue ~ .... It>e best. 2 d) Can we try ~ CO"I? 3 a) Yes, 01 CO<Jr'Se.

4 b) 00 ~DU In them? 51) They'", too smal. 6 h) We'", iderrtical twins! 7 a) Just a minute! 8 oj You dK:ln't take the paper out!

Page 81: starter motivator

11 D Roundup 2 The short adjective crossword

Alms: To revise short adjectives, oppos~es, and comparative and supertaHve forms

InstnJctions: • Show the Ss the first row in the table under the crossword . • Ask Whar is

!he opposite of 'difflculf (easy) . • Show the Ss

the column headed Adjecrive and say We wrire rhar adjocrive in 6 across . • Show the Ss the

example answer in 6 across . • Show the Ss the column headed Companuive and ask Whar is rhe compararive form of 'easy'? (easietj . • Say We wrire rhat adjective in 18 down . • Show the Ss the column headed Superlarive and ask What is !he superlative form of 'easy'? (easiest). · Say We

Mite that adjective in 9 across . • Show the Ss the

example answers in t 8 down and 9 across.

• The Ss complete the crossword with adjectrves, comparatives and superlatrves.

AnI_ key: JIcoss: 1 big 6 easy 8 heavy 9 easiest II dirtier 12 hot t 3f8r'ltles114$1"1'1d 15_ I /hott""' t9 fart!le< 21 dirty 22t>est 23WOfS11 25 better 26 newesl Down: t bad 2 biggesl 3 worst 4 good 5 dirtiest /smaller 8~ 1 0sma/Jes116r.ew t8_ t9 far 20 hotter 24 r.ewer 25 biwer

12A What's on?

Alms: To practise types of music vocabula.y, and

going to lor future events

Instructlone: • Make a photOCOpy of the worksheet for each pair of Ss . • Cut the worksheets In ha~ along the dotted line . • Arrange the Ss in pairs. One S in each pair is Student A, the other is Student B. • Give each S a Student A section or a Student B

section . • Show the Ss that they both have a poster

about future music events at the Nitrogen Centro

• Explain that Student A has some information and Student B has other information about the events.

• Read the example questions for Student A (What

kind of music does Kimeva sing? How much aro

the tickets? When are The Slide going to be al tile Nitrogen centre?) and ask a Student B to answer them. Show the Ss how to add the information to

their worksheets . • Read the exampje questions

for Student B (When is Kimeva going to be al tile Nitrogen centre? What type of music do TIle Slide

play? How mucll are rickers for TIle Slide?) and

ask a Student A to answer them Show the Ss how to add the information to their wO!'ksheets . • The

Ss take turns to ask and answer the questions in pairs. They add the information to their wO!'ksheets.

(Note: rem ind Ss that we wr~e 12th Aflril. but we

say the twa/Nil of April.)

AnI_ key: Krneva R&B, 12th June, C25 The Slide heavy metal, 3OtI1 April, C35 Ooooy Dove soul, 9th Sept\!l1'lbe<. £20 Chit Chat pop, 2nd January, £45 San Diego Soood Latin, 19th November, 1:55 Green Fields, Iotk, 23n::1 August £15

12B The story maehine number 2

Alms: To practise adverbs. to conSlruc1 a story, and predict how sentences develop

Instructions: • Point to the picl,,",s on the page

and ask questions such as WIlere is 1l6? and Whar is he doing? Ex~ain that the Ss are going to work

out the story of what happened at the ski jump. • Poiflt to number I and ask How does !he sfoly start? (The skier started) . • Point to number 2 and

ask How does it continue? (slowly) . • Show Ss the

line which links I and 2 (The skier srarted to slowly).

• The Ss cootinoo the story, drawing lines from one box to the next. • Choose Ss to nlad the story to

the class · The Ss write the story in the box.

Answer key: 1 The skier started 2 slowly. 3 Then he -'t 4 very fasl 5 and he jI..onped 6 very well. 7 He landed 8 blimantly 9 The crowd $houtecll0 noisily. 11 His 12 jump 13 was 14 a r.ew 15 world recomt

12C The talent show!

Alm s: To practise want and going 10 + infin~i~e.

and 10 act out a story

Instructions: • Read the prompts 3)-1) in the box to the Ss . • Show the Ss the exampe answer in 1 (/ want to win this compatitionf) . • Show the Ss

that this is made from the words in prompt b) in the box (J I want I win I lhis compe/irion) . • Ask the

Ss to find the correct set of words for 2 (a) What f

you I going I sing) . • Help the Ss to make this into a sentence (Whar are you gojng to sing?) . • The Ss complete the rest of the story . • Choose three Ss

and assign a character (luke , interviewer, + one student for the aud ience) to each. · The three Ss

read and act out the story.


Page 82: starter motivator


__ ~ey. 1 b) I ",anI to""" this COOI~ 2 aj What .. rou going 10 ling L L.uI<II'm 3.) I'm going 10 -.g'~ hurtlllDt'. 4 d) 'I'Du're going to hi!: the wasp S I) I want 10 ay. II c) '1'00' ... wrr..I

12D Roundup 1 Motivator qul.z: music

Aim.: To revise the language of the unit with II QUIz

Instructions: • Explain thaI tlWs quiz is about music . • Ask SS to sey. in their own language. !he type 01 questions you lind in • Music: quil (WhMI

does salu IFIU$i:: come from? etc.). ' Read !he first question to the Sa and ask them 10 '!JW851 tile answer. ' The Ss answer the rest 01 the QUeStion. individually . • Go through the eoneet ansWIIflI with the Ss (see Answer key) . • The Sa wort< out th8ir

score . • Congratulate Ss w~h II score of 8-10.

Ano_k"" 1 Ilj 2el 31) 4c) Sc) 6b) 1 c) h) 911) tOe)

12D Roundup 2 Famous people .•. who .... n't famousl

Alm.: To practise uoderatandir>g II luI

Instructions: • Read the words In the Inl box to the 5$ . • Read the first part of the text. Show the

Ss the elWTlPle answer . • The Ss complete the 1M!

of !he text wittllhe words from TIle bo • . • 5t>ow the

Ss the puzzle bo • • • Ask ~11s wOld 311Qames) . • Ask What is /erte..- I of this wrxrJ'} (g) . • The Ss work out the ..st 01 the leiters ..-.d read !he word (guiIar) . • The Sa add the word to the final sentence and Il!ad the unusual lact about ~ Miyamoto . • Repeal With the second talC!.

_k."A ~ ~_o: 1,_ 2 NrtecI

3 ~ •• 5 IN II WOtting The milling WO<dit~. BManGo_."II: l in 2<hw 3~ (~5t~ ernl 7 ....... The miMIng word ilpWWIt!I.

Answ er key for song.

My girl _ The Temptations

Ie) 2 a) 3b) 4d) 5e)

0<Ir house - Madneas 1 res! 2 keep 3 proud 4 allowed 5 shirl 6 miss 7away 8uy

The SWeetllSt FNIfng - hckle W~son

1 better 2 tum 3 child 4 touch 5 stand 6 ay

7 stronger 8 need 9 day 10 say

Page 83: starter motivator


LONGMAN -- --l3Ct&i-O



'" ••• -['LARSON -Longman



Upbeat is a bright, ilYlOVative, easy-to--use four-level English course that reflects !he lives and experiences of modem t~ TalOng a mutti-strand approach, Upbeat stimulates leaming and broadens students' horizons through le5SOf1S that engage both intellectually and emotionally.

• Bring. language leaming to life w~h a rich mix of up-to-Ih&-mioute topics and 'reaI-life issues', problem-solving puzzles and raalist;c communicative activities.

• Enables everyone to succeed w~h achievabie and motivating lessons, a focus on mixed abilities in the Language Builder and Extra practice exercises in the Student$' Book.

• Offers ertetlslYe teach ... .upport with acMee on beh-aviotw and learning issues in the Teacllar's Book, a wida-fanging testing programme, and a large bank of extra classroom activities '" the Motivator.


Students' BooI< Students' Multi-ROM - with Language Suilder audio Language Builder - with Grammar Sank Teacher's 8001< Test Book Test Master Multi-ROM Motivator - photocoplable acl iYitiea and songs Class COs DVDs - with photocopiable worksheets Interactive whiteboard software

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