Starting With Strengths: The Stories We Build Canadian Association of Principals May 11-14, 2015 Chris Wejr www.chriswejr.com @chriswejr

Start With Strengths - Canadian Association of Principals 2015

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1. Starting With Strengths: The Stories We Build Canadian Association of Principals May 11-14, 2015 Chris Wejr www.chriswejr.com @chriswejr 2. What Matters 3. Learning Intentions I can share WHY we need to shift to a strength-based model in our schools I can devise methods to determine the strengths of our students I can share ideas to move to a strength- based model in my classroom and/or school I can describe some school-wide activities that embrace and build on the strengths of students 4. Our stories shape who we are 5. Stories about ourselves Video: http://vimeo.com/66058153 6. We teach who we are. Parker Palmer 7. Connection is why we are here. We are hardwired to connect with others -- Brene Brown cc licensed ( BY ND ) flickr photo by Andrew: http://flickr.com/photos/30235101@N06/3344044448/ 8. Stories Strengths Interests Confidence Meaning SEL Engagement 9. We dont know who we can be until we know what we can do -- Sir Ken Robinson 10. The Stories of our Students 11. The Story of Amy CC Image from Don Kennedy https://flic.kr/p/bn4FAs 12. Exploring who they are creating their stories CC Image by Wonderlane https://flic.kr/p/cDeCGs 13. Agassiz Centre for Educatio n New Stories From Vancouver Sun 14. Stories Strengths Interests Confidence Meaning SEL Engagement 15. Who is your ONE student? CCImagefromEtherealWorldhttps://flic.kr/p/4BDBPS 16. What are strengths? 17. CC Image: http://flic.kr/p/bhvabR Each child has a gift... We need to see and nurture these gifts so they emerge and flourish throughout an individuals life. -- Lorna Williams 18. STRENGT H S d e f i c i t s 19. What we see Depends on what we look CCImagebyRyanHaddadhttps://flic.kr/p/inZ5S 20. But the other side is unbaked. The side of strengths, the side of what we are good at, the sideof what makes life worth living. Dr. Martin Seligman Psychology is half-baked, literally half-baked. We have baked the part about mental illness. We have baked the part about repair and damage Image from Pixgood 21. The Strength of Dom 22. A School Built on Strengths My students OUR STUDENTS 23. PAIRED VERBAL FLUENCY 60s each person I think focusing on the strengths of our students is important because 24. Determining the Strengths Who are we? 25. All About Me Activities 26. Word Clouds 27. Who are the students? (Leyton Schnellert, 2011 via Pat Mirenda) Who am I? Words that describe me: My hopes and dreams for myself: My favourite books/stories: Things Id like you to know about me: Things I like to do when I am alone: Things I am good at or interested in: Things I like to do with my friends: Things I like to do with my family: The easiest way for me to show what I know is: Things I would like to get better at in this class are: THIS IS ME! 28. Make Time to Connect 2 x 10 Strategy Active listening Break Bread Observe 29. Blog: http://bit.ly/NrekwQ 30. See Our Strengths - Identity Day http://youtu.be/XRFYlbJvhbI 31. Create SPACE for Strengths to be Revealed 32. Strengths Chats Kathy Cox 33. How do we best determine the strengths of our students? Reflect Share 1-2 of your favourites and record bit.ly/cap15strengths 34. Bringing in the strengths of our students 35. When Placed in Leadership Roles Students FLOURISH 36. In meetings and phone calls Start with STRENGTHS 37. From Awarding One to Honouring ALL 38. Celebration of Learning 39. Rethink Assessment CC Image from Shannan Muskopf https://flic.kr/p/cGco5N 40. CHOICES Passion Projects Innovation Days Inquiry Project-Based Learning Genius Hour Outdoor Education Blended Learning Student Edcamp 41. Giving Students CHOICES 42. Student Edcamp Encouraging agency and leadership in areas of strength and interest. Victoria Woelders 43. Teaching Through Strengths and Interests 44. Innovation Day Photo from Josh Stumpenhorst 45. Wonder Wall via Kathy Rice 46. Project-Based Learning CC Image by Judy Baxter https://flic.kr/p/dGFj5 47. Passion Projects @_MrsBarb 48. Middle Earth 12 Glen Thielmann middleearth12.blogspot.ca CC Image from James Losey https://flic.kr/p/nhJsAA 49. Learning With Strengths Comox Valley image via BCPVPA http://bit.ly/1LFZQmi 50. IDEA FACTORY What can we DO to bring the strengths of our students into our classrooms? Brainstorm at your table Record bit.ly/cap15strengths 51. To start with the strengths of our students and change their stories, we need to: STOP doing doing START doing 52. "When there is space for kids to create, connect, explore - magic happens Neil Stephenson CC Image by Linus Bohman https://flic.kr/p/grtNE 53. Be More Random Video from Naryn Searcy http://bit.ly/1hUGOJG 54. Amy in her element Video: https://youtu.be/3nZyo-jHr8Q 55. Start with ONE 56. Thank you! 57. Connect With Me www.chriswejr.com About.me/ChrisWejr @chriswejr [email protected]