C U L T U R E D I have been fortunate enough to travel to numerous countries, this has given me a better understanding of different cultures from all parts of world and that is why I can speak in multiple languages!

STAR stories

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Page 1: STAR stories


I have been fortunate enough to travel to numerous countries, this has given me a better understanding of different cultures from all parts of

world and that is why I can speak in multiple languages!

Page 2: STAR stories

Cultured STAR Story: Customer Service/Communication

Situation:From the year 2007 till 2010 I was working as a Sales Representative for RIS convention (Reviving the Islamic spirit).Task:

In 2009 I was Volunteering as a sales Representative and a guide. A customer came up to the desk was having a bit of difficulty communicating with a coworker of mine. They were from Montreal and could only communicate in French. They were inquiring about a product from us but unfortunately could not find it on our shelves. They were speaking quite loudly as they were getting frustrated due to the communication gap, and were disturbing some of the other customers in the area.Action:

Once I finished attending to the customer that approached me first I then went to my coworker and asked if I could help as I did not want to intrude. Since my colleague seemed frustrated they asked me to take over as I knew how to speak in French. I first apologized for the inconvenience and since we no longer had a communication gap the customer was at ease. I listened to the description of item they were looking for, and then together we searched for the product. Result:We found the merchandise. The customer was happy, and thanked me for my help. My coworkers were glad to know that I was there with them and asked me step in when faced with difficult situations as I illustrated patience and good customer service skills.

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Situation: I became interested in the Montessori Method right after High school and I knew that I would like to learn the methods and become a certified teacher.

Task:For that I knew I had to work, study and do my placement at the same time. I had to manage my time wisely so that I do not fall behind in my studies nor my work. Action:I enrolled in the MACTE college and started working at a Montessori school during after care hours so I can get the experience and practice the methods in the familiar environment.

Result: I was successful in finishing my education and my attention was divided equally.

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Team Worker/Involved

Situation:A friend of mine who is an international student once was expressing his feeling about how it could be difficult familiarizing himself to the Canadian culture and how it was not easy for him at the beginning to become a part of the college as he didn’t have anyone to guide him around.

Task:After hearing this I felt responsible as a Part of Centennial College and a member of the society to find means of helping students in a similar situation. That’s when I came across the GEO group, where we get an opportunity to be a part of a team and a GEO guide to International students looking for help or just a friendly face.

Action:Took advantage of this great opportunity and became a part of the Group. Took initiative and made some great new friends from all around the world. After becoming a part of this group I knew that I would have to take time out of my normal routine to help these students commute and and experience the Canadian diversity and avail the great opportunities at Centennial College

Result:Other then making some great friends I had this chance to be apart of this group and easily blend in with people from different cultures and parts of the world. This has also opened up great new opportunities where I can travel and continue the process of growth and learning.

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Lead by Example

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Situation:Last semester (2012) I was working on a group project with 3 other classmates.

Task:Our Task was to come up with a Realistic Business Plan and to include all the details a startup business would possibly need. From the location to budget management we had to work as a Team and submit the report by the end of the month.

Action:After Creating a group we discussed an appropriate time and place to meet up for this task. Our first meeting went well but we were missing a team member, due to the time crunch I knew that we had to finalize a plausible business idea. Each member came up with suggestions but due to my personal experience I had the most realistic proposal. The team members were at a consensus that we should use my idea. After noticing my ability to work well in groups and under pressure the team members asked me to Lead them to the tasks necessary for this assignment.

Result:We were able to finish the project before our deadline and even when we were missing a team member during our meetings I was able to catch him up through other means and assigned the appropriate task, making sure each member was pleased.

Team work STAR Story: Leadership Skills

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Situation:Working as a teacher for 3 years has taught me many things especially working with children has shown me how to be much more organized.Task:

Being responsible for a classroom and creating daily routines and work for each student per their own unique growth. Action:Had to prepare my schedule before hand and submit it to the supervisor, research the theme for the class on a monthly bases and update material based on each child’s needs. Result:Smooth daily routine due to the head start and research done before hand this resulted in Happy children and parents (customers).

STAR Story: Responsible/ Organizational skills