Copyright©Statoil 2010 - ONS Canada Day 2010 Standing at a new frontier Statoil Canada @ ONS 2010 Caron Hawco, Business Services Statoil Canada August 26, 2010 Scotia Centre

Standing at a new fronter statoil canada

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Page 1: Standing at a new fronter statoil canada

Copyright©Statoil 2010 - ONS Canada Day 2010

Standing at a new frontierStatoil Canada @ ONS 2010Caron Hawco, Business ServicesStatoil Canada August 26, 2010


Page 2: Standing at a new fronter statoil canada

Copyright©Statoil 2010 - ONS Canada Day 2010

A Growing Organization

Statoil in North AmericaNewfoundland and Labrador: The Big Picture

Newfoundland and Labrador & the Barents Sea

Statoil in NewfoundlandNon-operated Joint VenturesExplorationCommunity Investments

Research and DevelopmentHarsh Environment R&DR&D in Newfoundland & Labrador


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Copyright©Statoil 2010 - ONS Canada Day 2010



Calgary (398 employees) St. Johns (14 employees)

Stamford (110 employees)

Washington, D.C. (3 employees)


Mexico City

Chukchi Exploration Leases

Heavy Oil

Exploration & Production Canada

LNG Terminal, Maryland

Shale Gas

Exploration & Production Deepwater Gulf of Mexico

Statoil in North America

A Growing Organization

(305 employees)

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Copyright©Statoil 2010 - ONS Canada Day 2010








Oil prone basin

Gas prone basin

Gas production

Oil production

Frontier exploration

The Big Picture

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Copyright©Statoil 2010 - ONS Canada Day 2010

•Harsh environment

•Remote locations

•Pristine environment

•HSE challenges

• Local fisheries

•Stakeholder engagement

•Technological challenges

Similarities: Newfoundland & Labrador and Barents Sea

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What’s the difference?

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Copyright©Statoil 2010 - ONS Canada Day 2010

Occasionally there are nice days!

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Copyright©Statoil 2010 - ONS Canada Day 2010

Partner in Hebron (9.7%) and Hibernia Southern Extension (10.5%)FIELD DEVELOPMENT

• Operator offshore NL: 2 Significant Discovery License (SDL), 3 Exploration Licenses (EL)

• Mizzen discovery announced April 2009. SDL approved February 2010


Partner in Hibernia (5%) and Terra Nova (15%) offshore fieldsPRODUCTION

Statoil in Newfoundland & Labrador

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Copyright©Statoil 2010 - ONS Canada Day 2010

Non-operated Joint Ventures

•Financial stewardship•Offering expertise and experience•Transferring knowledge and sharing best practices•Participating in negotiations and other commercial matters•Maintaining internal expertise for informed decision making

Terra Nova 15% Hibernia 5%

Hibernia 10.5%Southern Extension

Hebron 9.7%

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Copyright©Statoil 2010 - ONS Canada Day 2010

2011 Mizzen Appraisal

2011/2012 Exploration well Jeanne d’Arc Basin

Exploration• RSA #2 - Transocean

Henry Goodrich - partners Husky Energy and Suncor

• Summer 2010:- Geohazard survey

- ROV seabed survey

• 2011/2012:- Mizzen appraisal well

- Southern Jeanne d’Arc Basin exploration well

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Copyright©Statoil 2010 - ONS Canada Day 2010

Community InvestmentResource Centre of the Arts Shallaway- NL Youth in ChorusJuno Awards

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Copyright©Statoil 2010 - ONS Canada Day 2010

Arctic Conditions: Weakness or Strength?

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Copyright©Statoil 2010 - ONS Canada Day 2010

Harsh environment R&D

Strengthened fixed structure to withstand iceberg impactGlory holes for protection

of subsea equipment

Disconnectable turret for iceberg avoidance

Strengthened hull to withstandlimited ice conditionsDedicated support vessels

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Copyright©Statoil 2010 - ONS Canada Day 2010

Newfoundland & LabradorA Gateway to the Arctic

• Industry with more than 30 years of experience

• NL R&D community: experts in ice and facility management in arctic conditions

NL is a real time Arctic laboratory

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Copyright©Statoil 2010 - ONS Canada Day 2010

• Industry obligation: 0.5% of revenues = significant investment• CAPP R&D Taskforce, priority areas:

• Arctic • Subsurface

• Statoil NL R&D Project Lead starting Q4• Promoting NL Arctic R&D capabilities within Statoil• Position NL as global player in Arctic R&D through collaboration

R&D in Newfoundland & Labrador

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Copyright©Statoil 2010 - ONS Canada Day 2010

Thank youStatoil Presentation ONS 2010

Caron Hawco

Business Services Manager

Statoil Canadawww.statoil.com