Snippet Tool

Squirrly Snippet

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Snippet Tool

Use a keyword (3-4 words)eg. "hashtags on twitter"

Enter the post titleeg. "Why should i use hashtags on twitter?"

Find related blog postsTip: you can also find tweets, wikis, news

You can read the blog post and even insert it as a summary box

Find proper images for your article

Use Squirrly filter to find only Copyright Free Images

Scroll to the bottom of your article and customize the Squirrly Snippet

Add the keyword at the beginning of your title and use it

in the description too

Insert an image for social sharing. If not, Squirrly will use the featured

image by default

Save the Squirrly Snippet after you're done

After you save the snippet, your article is ready to be published

You will get a better look on social shares in Facebook,


You will rank better in google for that keyword